Is it safe to run outside when it's dark?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I do it all the time -- either run home from work after dark or run in the morning before it's light (it usually gets light while I'm running, which is cool). It depends on where you live, though -- only you can make that judgment.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I do it all the time. I wear this:
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Tried it. Tripped over uneven pavement.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Only if you have a gun. I assume in another year you can get a concealed carry permit?

    Why not pepper spray?

    That's actually a great idea until she gets old enough to carry some real firepower.
  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    I'm 20 years old and I want to start running, and early in the morning is the most convenient time for me. I live in a relatively safe area, and would be sticking to roads with street lights. The idea of running alone in the dark makes me feel a little bit nervous though. I'm guessing listening to music would probably be a bit of a no-no?

    Thoughts? :)

    I'm a guy but totally comfortable with it. Grab a light, maybe some reflective/visible clothing, make sure you run on the side of the road that would be the wrong side of the road if you were driving.

    I listen to music all the time even if I do run at night. I can see all traffic coming at me, and I guess I've just acceptable the very low probability that if a car were to drift all the way from the right lane, into the left lane and off the road into me I'd be taken largely by surprise.

    Of course with a light you can just go on trails and not have cars to worry about whatsoever.
  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    Only if you have a gun. I assume in another year you can get a concealed carry permit?

    WTF. Carry a gun with you while you run? My god would that ever be obnoxious to worry about. Be almost as aggravating as wearing some sort of fuel belt while running...
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I'm 20 years old and I want to start running, and early in the morning is the most convenient time for me. I live in a relatively safe area, and would be sticking to roads with street lights. The idea of running alone in the dark makes me feel a little bit nervous though. I'm guessing listening to music would probably be a bit of a no-no?

    You have to do your own assessment based on the locale.

    The biggest risk to me would generally be some cage dweller sitting in their air conditioned box, listening to the radio and not paying attention to what's going on outside. The answer to that is avoiding running in a situation where they might actually hit me, and using high viz and lights to draw attention to myself.

    If I'm trail running the biggest risk is tripping over a tree root or something - So a head torch

    I have had a situation where a pedestrian startled over me running behind and then past them, and had a go at me with something they were carrying for self defence. The threat there was their own fear.

    Take a look at the stats, make your own judgement
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Depends on how fast you can run
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    totally depends on how you feel about your surroundings and the vibe you get. I live in Johannesburg and go to the gym at 4:30am when its still dark, feel safer than I did back in Manchester, UK that's for sure..
  • Boxing987
    Boxing987 Posts: 143 Member
    women prob wouldnt feel as safe running at night
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Boxing987 wrote: »
    women prob wouldnt feel as safe running at night

    Feel unsafe <> are unsafe
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    edited January 2016
    totally depends on how you feel about your surroundings and the vibe you get. I live in Johannesburg and cycle to the gym at 4:30am when its still dark, feel safer than I did back in Manchester, UK that's for sure..

    wooops was supposed to edit original post and ended up quoting and posting again :smile:
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    It's not safe around here, for various reasons. If the road itself didn't attract antisocial *kitten**&^%$ from elsewhere using it as a shortcut to the highway, it wouldn't be so bad, but they are really bad. And they drink and drive and do other crazy driving stuff, so no. Pedestrians get hit in broad daylight on the roads around me :( A kid got killed in a hit and run just the other day. It's insane.

    Then we do have drunks and druggies who walk long ways up to the convenience store late (for alcohol), too. I think my big dog would work for that, but it's still scary (and that dog doesn't like running, lol).

    Scope out the area slowly in a car and check what it's like at the time you are talking about. Check out the lighting, the drivers, and any stores, etc, that are there and see who comes in. It'll give a better idea than what you know from daylight.
  • SchweddyGirl
    SchweddyGirl Posts: 244 Member
    edited January 2016
    I run in Memphis at night, one of the top 10 most dangerous cities in the country, and I still feel comfortable running at night. Carry some runner's mace (yes they have a running version), don't use headphones, and pay attention to where you are and don't go in places you shouldn't. Wear reflective gear even if you plan on being on sidewalks, you have to cross streets at some point. The biggest thing is being vigilant. Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited January 2016
    I wouldn't

    I live in a safe area in a city but still no

    women have to take educated risk assessments, for me it comes out as too risky .. and we are talking stranger danger not cars
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    I live in UK poor street lighting here so i do running weekends when dark but I run in evenings. Not long til it will brighten up
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    I wouldn't but I live in the middle of nowhere no lights. I will however walk the dogs at night no problems, with a headlamp and reflective clothes and harness.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited January 2016
    I run in the city at 4am with my collie mix.
    i have a flashing light attached to my reflective vest, a hat with LEDs on the brim, reflective leg and arm bands. and my running clothes and belts usually have some sort of reflective aspects to it.
    If i didn't have a dog i would run with pepper spray and maybe a stun gun just in case.
  • 321BooM
    321BooM Posts: 25 Member
    I think it just depends on the area. I used to run in the dark in my village and felt safe. Always in hivis.
    I wouldn't wear headphones to run on the road as you are less aware of what is around you eg cars
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    I run in the dark early morning most days, around a local park. Maybe I live in a town with an unusually high number of runners, but there are always other people out running when I go, which makes me feel pretty safe. I live in a very low-crime area anyway knowing there are other people around walking dogs, running etc is pretty reassuring.