What changes have you noticed as you've lost weight?

What changes have you noticed since you've began shedding the pounds? Loose clothes? More energy? People looking at you and treating you differently? Increased confidence?

I have lost 43 pounds so far and have about another 50 to go, but for me, the changes seem to happen overnight and then overwhelm me...

One morning, I woke up and my wedding ring was halfway sliding up my finger.
Another day, I walked by a glass door and realized I looked pretty good in my reflection.
It seems that people are more perceptive to me and more friendly to me, which may be due to my new found confidence.
Underwear don't roll down and look all crazy like they used to, they stay where they are supposed to.
When I put my seatbelt on in the car, I don't notice my stomach looking bulgy under the line of the seatbelt, it looks pretty flat.
When I am driving in the car, I can see all of my thighs.
I can sit in all different kind of comfortable positions, inclusing putting both legs in a chair and sitting Indian-Style.
I can bend in ways that I couldn't bend a short time ago.
My face looks younger and happier, and my eyes look big and round, probably because they're not being eaten by my cheeks!

What about all of you? All of these things mentioned about feel better than junk food could ever taste! :D


  • droppinlbslikeangels
    saving this for later.

    I lost 50 lbs at one point, and the biggest difference by far was how well i could move. I could paint my toenails without contorting myself in all different positions! :']
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    My face is sooooo much smaller and you can barely see my double chin now! LOL

    That's probably the biggest difference in appearance that I see. Obviously I've shrunk everywhere, but that's the one I see the most.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    My knees don't ache all the time anymore.... I can run for 30-45min without dying.
    I have a waist.... i've gone down 3 belt holes..... down 1 bra hook.
    I can paint my toenails without getting winded (bending down all that way, you know).
    I'm in a better mood more often.
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I have dropped 4 sizes in my clothes, so that's a plus. I have gained so much self confidence and I am more happy and excited about life. I have more energy than I use to. Ring sizes are smaller. I can't wait to see what happens when I loose more weight.
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    All that you have noticed, I have too.. And most of all I have gained some confidence, I feel better about myself out in public. I'm at 56 lbs lose right now and have about 30 lbs to go....
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    All that you have noticed, I have too.. And most of all I have gained some confidence, I feel better about myself out in public. I'm at 56 lbs lose right now and have about 30 lbs to go....
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    :wink: Lost 15 kg and 10 more togo ... Skirts are longer ... as my hips shrink :bigsmile:
    I am no longer pre / diabetic ..
    Blood pressure is stable ..
    Wedding ring slips up and down ... :wink:
    Have dropped two dress sizes .. :smile:
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    I can go for longer than 10 minutes on the elliptical now

    I can walk and not get winded

    I can see my toes and the scale when I'm standing on it.

    I walk out of my shoes

    I purged at least 4 bags full of clothes

    my stomach doesn't hit my steering wheel

    I'm not sore all the time

    I could go on all day.........
  • Antria1214
    I have noticed my clothes fit better. I acutually put a pair of jeans that were in the back of my clothes thinking that they had worked there way in the back mysteriously but I forgot they were too tight and I put them on and now they are baggy. I was like whoa! I went to buy a dress for a special occassion and I have vowed not really buy anything new except workout clothes and shoes. I was down at least 2 sizes. I got a very basic black sheath dress. I could never wear a sheath.

    I have also noticed my face is slimmer and my waist has definitely slimmed down considerablely. I have such huge gaps in the waistline of my clothes. I have started wearing belts and get this, I am tucking in my shirts vs. letting them hang outside of my clothes.

    This is a very encouraging topic. Everyone keep up the great work!
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    My rings being looser.
    Loose shorts.
    Cravings for healthier foods.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    haha look at this thread I started today - similar things and some lovely replies: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1030955-things-that-feel-wonderful-and-keep-you-going

    I think I look and feel younger. I was 50 in April, dreading it, and felt nearer 60 before then, till I lost this weight. The first thing I noticed was my face - I saw a photo someone took of me, and my face is a totally different shape, and it knocked 10 - 20 years off me!

    I am much fitter and more energetic and lots of aches and pains from various injuries (falling off my bike and smashing my hip a couple of times) that made me feel like I was heading for a motability scooter, have just disappeared! I can stand up from sitting on the floor without crawling up furniture. That makes me feel younger!

    I used to sort of stumble when I stood up after sitting for a while - I'd stiffen up and when I stood my back and legs sort of crumpled and it took a few seconds to straighten up. Now that doesn't happen! I've gone from feeling like a pensioner to feeling young again!

    But I feel the cold more too - I always felt the cold more than other people but since the weight loss I notice it even more. Still, at least I can put on layers without looking like the Michelin man now!

    My confidence is sky high now! I used to dread going out, knowing I'd look horrible, and had nothing flattering to wear, because I couldn't find things that fitted properly, and feeling like I wanted to be swallowed up by the ground. When I dropped a dress size, I went out and bought a pair of red high heels - not me at all, very sexy and glam. I wore them to a party last week and felt fantastic instead of stupid!

    And I can wear heels more comfortably - before it would be no time at all before the balls of my feet were on fire and I could hardly stand, now I can stand in those red heels all night long and my feet feel fine!
  • merryberry99
    merryberry99 Posts: 350 Member
    I don't have the obvious back fat that shows up when wearing a bra (that stuff that puckers out under it).

    My favorite pair of summer capris are too big now.

    I can fit into shorts that I considered giving away last summer because they didn't fit.
  • bonniejfellows
    Your article made me chuckle a ton! I too have noticed a lot of the things you have. One additional thing for me has been when I lay on my side to sleep, my arm/boob fat doesn't touch my neck as much which was freaking me out lately :-)
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I'm cold, and I'm less funny. Let me 'splain .... No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

    Here's where being cold is a problem: Most nights my wife and I head up to bed at the same time. She'll generally spend a few minutes in the lav - removing makeup, whatever it is you ladies do in there. Now, she hates a cold bed, and I like cool sheets. So I'll occupy her side of the bed while she's doing her thing. She comes to bed, and I roll over onto nice cool sheets, and she gets a pre-warmed spot. Everyone wins. Well I'm generally a lot colder nowadays, so I can't effectively warm her side of the bed .. without farting. Nobody is happy with this. Everyone loses.

    Less Funny: At 300+lbs, I made a lot of self-deprecating wisecracks. For example, I'd wear shorts into work, and get a comment like "shorts toady, huh?" and reply with something like "yeah I'm just doing it to drive the ladies wild." and everyone would have a good chuckle. Hahaha fat guy made a funny. NOW, sometimes I forget I'm not still 300+, and in the same exact situation, I end up sounding like an arrogant *kitten*.

    Anyone else here still turn sideways in order to get through a tight space, when they no longer have to?
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    I still have more to go but I definately notice some differences...

    People are so much nicer
    Clothes actually look pretty good on me
    I don't have to wear my leg brace anymore
    I have balance now
    My face is smaller too, which apparently makes my hair look longer :p
  • krouse83
    krouse83 Posts: 182 Member
    I have noticed that my steering wheel feels further away from me although my seat has been moved. I now have more room between me and the wheel!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    Taking control of my weight I felt so much Happier!
    I did not expect the joy that I feel.
    HOWEVER there is a down side
    when I eat the "wrong" foods the guilt I feel was also unexpected.
    Now if I am going to indulge I know the cost.
    It is a new awareness
    But so worth it!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I've lost just 12 (I know 12 is an accomplishment) of the 63 pounds I've set as a target but have already noticed my clothes are looser especially in the legs. Like those above and am feeling more confident and happier. Not so much because I'm losing but because I'm placing one foot in front of the other to DO something about it. Daily.

    I really like this site because it is not only about food. There are so many here who are really focusing on activity/moving/exercise.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    I'm cold, and I'm less funny. Let me 'splain .... No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

    Here's where being cold is a problem: Most nights my wife and I head up to bed at the same time. She'll generally spend a few minutes in the lav - removing makeup, whatever it is you ladies do in there. Now, she hates a cold bed, and I like cool sheets. So I'll occupy her side of the bed while she's doing her thing. She comes to bed, and I roll over onto nice cool sheets, and she gets a pre-warmed spot. Everyone wins. Well I'm generally a lot colder nowadays, so I can't effectively warm her side of the bed .. without farting. Nobody is happy with this. Everyone loses.

    Less Funny: At 300+lbs, I made a lot of self-deprecating wisecracks. For example, I'd wear shorts into work, and get a comment like "shorts toady, huh?" and reply with something like "yeah I'm just doing it to drive the ladies wild." and everyone would have a good chuckle. Hahaha fat guy made a funny. NOW, sometimes I forget I'm not still 300+, and in the same exact situation, I end up sounding like an arrogant *kitten*.

    Anyone else here still turn sideways in order to get through a tight space, when they no longer have to?

    You ARE funny! That turn sideways when you don't have to made me laugh! :laugh:
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    55 lbs gone, 80 to go, maybe a few more. Feeling a lot healthier since the first 20 or 30 went, walking faster, no breathlessness, sleeping better, snoring according to my wife more like a rabbit than my previous hippo (!), my watch got loose and I had to take a link out of the band, shoes don't fit so well any more, clothes dropping off me after two or three weeks of being tight, then right, then loose, being able to wear clothes I haven't worn in 5 or more years, realising my belly no longer rubs agains the steering wheel in my car, being able to get in and out of the shower cubicle without scraping my belly and bum and no longer feeling claustrophobic in self same cubicle, finding it easier to get out of the car in a tight parking spot, able to cut my toe nails and put my socks on without contortions. All this in five months, reckon I have another 7 or 8 to go, Why didn't I do this years ago, it's wonderful!!
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