Ate all my calories and more before 10Am!



  • Alexonesevenzero
    Alexonesevenzero Posts: 1 Member
    Got to experiment with new and delicious low cal foods in order to change eating habbits.
  • beeconeofhope
    beeconeofhope Posts: 26 Member

    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    What's wrong with me? I guess I don't want this bad enough because I can't get back into the mindset. I know what I need to do but I'm just not able to apply it.
    I literally ate like 2100 calories between 6AM & 930AM.

    Eat a light lunch and dinner, get a little extra exercise in today, and move on to tomorrow.

    You can't undo the past. Just make better choices in the future.[/quote]

    Love it ! Nice advice

  • WrenTheCoffeeAddict
    WrenTheCoffeeAddict Posts: 148 Member
    This has happened to me after a fast day. I went into the supermarket to get breakfast, on the way to work, with the idea that I would just grab 'something'. Foolish foolish Lauren.. That 'something' was two pain au raisin and a pain au chocolate. Bam, only 200 calories left for the day! Haven't made that mistake again, and I always prep my breakfast the day or two days before, especially for the mornings after a fast day.
  • hanspatz
    hanspatz Posts: 1 Member
    Don't let yourself get hungry, otherwise you have zero willpower to resist such urges. Graze on fruit and veg snacks throughout the day and you won't be hungry! Prepare fruit + veg snacks in advance to keep at it :smile:

    I'm stick to 1200 calories 6 days a well and cheat on Saturday, which is going pretty well. I have oats for breakfast, and something like quinoa + feta + veg for lunch and e.g. chicken + veg for dinner, plus lots of fruit and veg snacks during the day, and i still have space for a little treat each day, like low fat yoghurt or homemade flapjack.

    Hunger pangs are worst in the beginning, so really important to drink lots of water and eat those fruit + veg snacks!

    Good luck!
  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    If this is a recurring issue for you I'd suggest journalling your feelings as they happen, either in the note section of your food diary or somewhere else. If you're ever tempted to do this again you'll be able to look back and see exactly how it made you feel when you did it previously, and may make it easier to resist. Journal feelings on days where you feel great because of what you ate too, so you have something to compare it to.
  • clockworksailing
    clockworksailing Posts: 15 Member
    edited January 2016
  • tiny_clanger
    tiny_clanger Posts: 301 Member
    Just to throw in there, the first symptom of my (medically diagnosed) lactose intolerance - several months before any of the really icky stuff happened, was a craving for dairy products, including milk and butter. I could spoon butter out of the bowl and drink pints and pints of milk without being satisfied. Apparently it's very common, something to do with the way the body processes the mal-digested sugars.

    If you think butter is a particular problem, I would suggest cutting dairy out of your diet for 2-3 months. If it makes no difference, you've not lost anything.
  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    One day will not set you back. Just don't get discouraged. Plan more in the future and take this day as a lesson. Always log everything and don't give up :)
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    maybe if you log as you cook? So you know how much you are going to be eating, then if youre not happy with the number, half it - or dont eat it at all. I know we arent supposed to waste food but its better in the bin than in your stomach.

    I understand that logging your food really isnt the issue here, its your motivation. I honestly dont know how to get it back. i lost mine, gained 30lbs, eventually decided to weigh myself and measure myself and know that I wasnt happy with what I had done -so my motivation came from there and now im back on track. But Its different for everyone. I hope you find it
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I have a couple questions, OP. What were the planned and prelogged breakfast and lunch for yesterday (and possibly today)? What's your calorie target set to currently?
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 657 Member
    Just to throw in there, the first symptom of my (medically diagnosed) lactose intolerance - several months before any of the really icky stuff happened, was a craving for dairy products, including milk and butter. I could spoon butter out of the bowl and drink pints and pints of milk without being satisfied. Apparently it's very common, something to do with the way the body processes the mal-digested sugars.

    If you think butter is a particular problem, I would suggest cutting dairy out of your diet for 2-3 months. If it makes no difference, you've not lost anything.

    I'm lactose intolerant and LOVE ice cream, milk (I only really drink it in coffee and cereal)... can't say I'd eat butter by itself, but I have no problems eating a pint of ben and jerry's.

    Oh the delicious, delicious pain! It hurts so much, but it sure doesn't stop me.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    Hey OP, the good thing is that even if you overate one day, you could still create enough of a deficit eating fine the rest of the week and still lose weight. All is not lost.

    Also I have a 15 month old so I know how boring and tedious because a SAHM can be.
  • madalaine85
    madalaine85 Posts: 5 Member
    I agree with someone else who said eat light the rest of the day and get some exercise in. You aren't ruined for the day, just set back a bit.

    I try to eat a small breakfast. Then 2 hours later a small snack. And then two hours lunch. Then another light snack and then dinner so if I think I'm hungry (and I'm probably not) I know I'm eating in just a couple hours anyways.

    I also try to look for super low calorie munchies.
  • shadows2424
    shadows2424 Posts: 179 Member
    Dont feel bad its ten and i only have six hundred calories left for the day.
  • talialinn
    talialinn Posts: 30 Member
    First of all, you need some daily mantras you say to yourself to keep you positive. You are worth being taken care of. You deserve to be loved by you and others. You're here, so you want this cycle to stop, but why? Maybe you can make a vision board? Get a piece of posterboard or a corkboard and put up motivating phrase or pictures and keep it in a place you will see it multiple times per day. Your board doesn't all have to be about weight loss and eating. Add other goals to it as well. Don't focus on weight loss, try to focus on being a healthier you.

    It seems you like cooking, as you mentioned you baked hashbrowns, etc. Why don't you start a clean eating board on Pinterest? You can search for low-carb recipes that you might love! Turn your new lifestyle into a fun project. Please don't be too discouraged. It's winter time, the sun hide a lot. Maybe you lack of motivation is due to a chemical imbalance. You don't need to be too hard on yourself. If you aren't taking a vitamin d supplement, I suggest you do. 5,000 IU is a good dose per day in the winter. (I used to work at a natural supplement store. I am currently doing sales and training at a boxing club).

    Have you tried putting little post-it notes on your bathroom mirror with your favorite quotes, or maybe pics of people (real family/friends/kids or celebrities) to keep you motivated?

    Also, peer pressure and family pressure to eat unhealthy is huge. Just remember, this is a lifestyle change for YOU so that YOU can be healthy. All you owe anyone is a simple no thank you if they offer you something you're going to regret eating. They are not the ones who have to deal with the emotions that come from eating, YOU are. If they don't understand why you are doing what you are doing, then you need to stand your ground and gather the strength from inside to tell them how good it makes you feel to live this way and that you're not trying to push your lifestyle onto anyone else. People will push unhealthy food onto someone they deem to be "healthier" than they are so they have someone to commiserate with. Don't let this happen! I believe in you. You need to believe in you.

    All my best. :)
  • angella_jacobs93
    angella_jacobs93 Posts: 54 Member
    Do not give up! From a person who has started over probably 50 times and am now down by almost 80 lbs... you just have to continue to be aware and do your best in the future to make better choices. I am sure you want it bad enough. If you did not you would not recognize the mistake. You can do this!!!
  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    I am in danger of this every day that I eat a breakfast. Since I stopped eating breakfast and just have coffee until lunch it has made it much easier for me.

    This, too. Anything more than a piece of fruit for breakfast throws my whole day off track. I go as long as possible in the morning before I eat anything at all. I know it goes against received wisdom about breakfast-eating and doesn't work for everybody, but I do so much better if I save my calories for the middle and end of the day.

    Exactly, I like knowing that I have the whole evening at home to snack or have a huge meal if I want. Then I don't feel deprived.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    One day doesn't matter in the bigger picture. You can still create enough of a deficit through the week so you come out ahead. I don't fret over daily goals as much as I do over weekly goals.
  • bvff35
    bvff35 Posts: 74 Member
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    What's wrong with me? I guess I don't want this bad enough because I can't get back into the mindset. I know what I need to do but I'm just not able to apply it.
    I literally ate like 2100 calories between 6AM & 930AM.

    You will be just fact this may be a good thing, you cannot learn without making mistakes,

    In order to fix a problem 1st you have to know what caused it. And one more good thing, if you are going to binge, 1st thing in the morning is better than late at night, you still have all day to try to burn some of it off..

    Ask yourself what made you eat this way so early in the day? was it true HUNGER or something else? Boredom, feeling deprived from a diet that seems too restrictive, depression (not clinical, just the blues).. once you figure out your triggers you can take measures to correct them..

    If the problem was Hunger, find a food that you actually like, something full of fiber to keep you feeling full but still within a reasonable calorie count. Eat AS SOON AS POSSIBLE when you 1st get out of bed.

    If the problem is feeling deprived, eat just a small portion of a forbidden food at least once per week, and on that day add a little more exercise, this will keep your mouth happy without totally blowing an entire day.

    And finally if the problem is boredom or slight depression, just find something to keep your mind off of your food cravings. If you are already having a food craving the worst thing you can do is watch TV where every other commercial is about some food that you love and cannot have.

    Believe it or not exercise is a great appetite suppressant, Get up and get busy, get on the treadmill, do a few sit ups or leg lifts, something about exercise just seems to make food cravings go away, if you just can't motivate yourself to exercise, there is always housework to be done, laundry to get caught up, you can take a walk, call a friend on the phone, jump on an internet chat room, read a book,,, anything that takes your mind out of that "I JUST WANT TO EAT" mode

    I say this because I have the same struggle, Mine is at night though (much worse) cause if I give in i gorge myself then go to bed. I know I am not really hungry i just WANT TO EAT... I am learning to fight it though, it is a process.. just take it 1 step at a time

    Night is my worst too. SOOO bad at night. Even if i do good all day! :-( On the flip side, if i start my day starving and then binge, I just end up saying 'screw tbis whole day' and eat bad the rest of it. Lately, I've been doing ok but night is so much harder that I will have a small snack and then go to bed early just so I don't eat any more for the day. I can't go to bed hungry because then I wont sleep and will get back up and eat my entire kitchen! So far, knowing myself and planning ahead has helped. Thank you for sharing and good luck! ... wish me luck too. Haha
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    bvff35 wrote: »

    Night is my worst too. SOOO bad at night. Even if i do good all day! :-( On the flip side, if i start my day starving and then binge, I just end up saying 'screw tbis whole day' and eat bad the rest of it. Lately, I've been doing ok but night is so much harder that I will have a small snack and then go to bed early just so I don't eat any more for the day. I can't go to bed hungry because then I wont sleep and will get back up and eat my entire kitchen! So far, knowing myself and planning ahead has helped. Thank you for sharing and good luck! ... wish me luck too. Haha

    I had this problem. Upped my protein during the day and also made room for treats during the day and my night eating stopped. It might not work for you but it's worth trying.

    Also if you feel like you can't go to sleep without eating, you could try portioning out some cheese or eat a piece of fruit or veg.