Husband keeping junk in house



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Since you are only 12 days in the two of you need to figure out how to meet in the middle and make this work long term for the both of you. Part of that might be him not bringing in certain things. Part of that might be you finding lower calorie alternatives that you can fit into your calories. You need to sit down and work out how each of you are going to compromise.


    Find a compromise and find your (personal) priorities. I won't be eating zero "junk" food when I get to goal. So for maintenance, I need to figure out what the "price" of junk is.

    I love chocolate and save room for a small portion everyday. But there are other foods that just aren't worth it (to me).
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    bwaits07 wrote: »
    I am on day 12 of my healthy eating streak. No sodas, no fast food, no fried foods. Only eating veggies, fruit, and chicken while only drinking water. It's so hard when my husband brings home these junk foods and makes me feel like caving into eating these foods he brings home. I try encouraging him to eat healthy with me but he just won't budge. So far I have been doing good about avoiding and ignoring this but some days are just harder than others. It's hard when your the only one in the house trying to eat right.

    That sounds like an extremely restricted diet. Why? You can still eat normal foods. How about expanding your variety, and cutting yourself some slack so that it is more sustainable and less prone to make you binge or quit?

    I would at least add in some variety like fish, pork, yogurt, cheese, and there's nothing wrong with a square of high quality dark chocolate per day. Most people find that it's not sweet enough to trigger cravings, but satisfies that urge...
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    My husband works a very physical job, so eats very high calorie foods just to maintain his muscular build. I don't mind it in the house at all, if I want some, I make sure it fits in my calorie total for the day or work out extra to compensate, other than that it's shear willpower. You have to make a choice, stay the way you are, or change, temptation will be everywhere.
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    edited January 2016
    I can say my wife asks me not to keep "junk" in the house so I keep it at work. Maybe ask him to keep the "junk" at work. I do keep some foods I enjoy at home, most of it she cant eat because of wheat so we compromise on that. Out of sight out of mind. Tell him to keep it in the car or something to that effect.

    No foods are really junk. I found it easier to eat these foods when I told myself that and fit them in my daily calories or macros. If I cant fit these foods in my goals for the day, I don't eat it. But if I really want something, I sacrifice a little to fit it in. Maybe that is salad with lots of protein and fat free dressing. Question is what happens after the streak ends.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    so? My boyfriend keeps junk at my house, his house, AND my mom's house. I like to bake as a hobby and he requests things FREQUENTLY. He bought me a kitchenaid stand mixer so he likes to make sure I use it at least once a week). I buy it for him and don't eat it. I bake it for him and don't eat it. I don't force (or even ask) him to eat the way I eat). When I do want "junk" food I make it fit into my calories. It's not easy but it's definitely worth learning to control what you eat.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    My husband keeps cardboard boxes

    Empty boxes ...not flattened, not filled...just there will be a great box shortage and he will be able to go "aha"

    I will swap you for one who just keeps food
  • heldavi
    heldavi Posts: 25 Member
    I make seperate meals - He gets the usual and I will have soup and a roll which is surprisingly filling, or a smaller portion of the same thing.
    He doesnt have to diet because you are, but healthy eating can benefit everyone.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    My husband keeps cardboard boxes

    Empty boxes ...not flattened, not filled...just there will be a great box shortage and he will be able to go "aha"

    I will swap you for one who just keeps food

    hahahahaha. I'd keep the food :smiley:
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    edited January 2016
    okay... two things I've learned because this frustrated me too
    1. YOU decided to change your lifestyle. Not him. I know we all want our significant other to be healthy with us, too but you can't decide that for them. I know in a perfect world they would agree to do it with us to make it easier on ourselves but we all know we do not live in a perfect world. My best advice is to just do whatever you have to do but don't make him change his ways. Hopefully, he will see how awesome you are looking and feeling and will want to follow in your footsteps.
    2. You cannot be successful if you restrict you diet too much. I shouldn't say you can't but it's very very unlikely. Give in to things you crave but do it in moderation. I could not have come this far if I didn't eat anything but veggies and chicken and I don't think you expect to change your lifestyle to only eating those things the rest of your life and nothing else. I eat ice cream, fries, burgers, etc on occasion but I moderate how much of them I eat and they always fit in my calorie range. it will get rid of the craving and make it just that much easier on you. As crazy as it may seem, you will find it will make it easier to say no more times than not
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    My husband keeps cardboard boxes

    Empty boxes ...not flattened, not filled...just there will be a great box shortage and he will be able to go "aha"

    I will swap you for one who just keeps food

    my OCD would not be okay with this. The clutter would seriously make me anxious! least I have the option of eating the food! :D
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    bwaits07 wrote: »
    I am on day 12 of my healthy eating streak. No sodas, no fast food, no fried foods. Only eating veggies, fruit, and chicken while only drinking water. It's so hard when my husband brings home these junk foods and makes me feel like caving into eating these foods he brings home. I try encouraging him to eat healthy with me but he just won't budge. So far I have been doing good about avoiding and ignoring this but some days are just harder than others. It's hard when your the only one in the house trying to eat right.

    How many calories are you eating per day and how tall are you?
  • MlleKelly
    MlleKelly Posts: 356 Member
    My husband is the same way with alcohol. He usually has no problem eating whatever I'm eating and doesn't really want the junk food in the house anyway, but I'm trying a dry January - No booze all month! He did it with me for about a week then called it stupid, and he's been drinking...Not a lot because I've explained that it's hard for me and when I see him having a drink I want one, too, but still...we've got a cabinet full of booze and I've got an itch!!!
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    edited January 2016
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    My husband keeps cardboard boxes

    Empty boxes ...not flattened, not filled...just there will be a great box shortage and he will be able to go "aha"

    I will swap you for one who just keeps food

    Maybe put food in the boxes?

  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    Now that I really think about wife and I treat our food in the house like stuff. She always is touching my stuff. I thought this video would lighten things up. lol

  • missyw007
    missyw007 Posts: 49 Member
    Be strong. Trust me when ur looking all sexy and healthy he won't be keeping an eye on junk food....he will just be looking at u xx
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Get rid of all the junk and maybe the husband.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    bwaits07 wrote: »
    I am on day 12 of my healthy eating streak. No sodas, no fast food, no fried foods. Only eating veggies, fruit, and chicken while only drinking water. It's so hard when my husband brings home these junk foods and makes me feel like caving into eating these foods he brings home. I try encouraging him to eat healthy with me but he just won't budge. So far I have been doing good about avoiding and ignoring this but some days are just harder than others. It's hard when your the only one in the house trying to eat right.

    The thing is you are doing a very restrictive diet that you likely won't be able to sustain for life. You are responsible for what you put in your body and there will always be food around that doesn't fit your restrictive diet plan at home, work, school, or parties. If you are determined to stick with a limited diet you are going to have to learn to deal with just not eating that stuff ever again. Can you do that? If not rethink your diet plan.
    Explain your goals to your dh and discuss compromises. Be specific about why these foods are not okay for you and why instead of just calling them junk or unhealthy. Do you have a medical problem?
    Maybe bring up cost and point out that these foods are more costly per serving than eating homemade foods or drinking mostly water. Discuss limiting these kinds of foods to one shared meal a week or something.
    Put food away out of sight. Stock the house with foods you feel okay eating that you do like. Try making your own version of the problem foods at home so you can control the ingredients. Ask your dh to buy the food in smaller quantities. Ask your dh to have these things at work or outside of the house. Designate a shelf or box for your dh's treats and one for your treats and don't eat food that belongs to your dh.
    Alternatively, allow yourself small portions of these foods and fit it into your overall diet plan regularly. A healthy diet can incorporate lots of different foods and drinks even "junk food".
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Ask him to hide it if you really don't want to see it, but there's no reason he shouldn't be allowed to enjoy the foods he loves. It's his house too.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Great job with a solid beginning! :smiley: I would talk with him and make sure you emphasize it's what you need to do for yourself, for your own health. Not about him at all. Tell him it's really hard for you to see that stuff. Does he have a "man cave" where he can stash it? Maybe he gets his own cupboard in the kitchen and drawer in the fridge that you just don't open.

    Sometimes, when you try to get him to join in, he can think it's because he's not good enough anymore. Or, you'll lose weight and find someone else.

    Is there something you can do together which can foster your healthy lifestyle of which he can be a part? Join a bowling league, go on walks, take dancing lessons, take a healthy cooking class? You need to make changes and want to provide a place where he can take part with you if he wants.
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    My husband keeps cardboard boxes

    Empty boxes ...not flattened, not filled...just there will be a great box shortage and he will be able to go "aha"

    I will swap you for one who just keeps food
    My husband keeps all of his computer component boxes and old computer parts. They're just sitting in the guest room closet, not flattened, like he is actually going to use old computer parts again and not just buy more.

    Oh, well.