still hungry after 1500 calorie breakfast, what am i doing wrong?



  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    edited January 2016
    It really sounds like at root here are some issues that a therapist would be helpful with. Having minor fluctuations in weight cause distress/change your behavior and self-esteem and responding to them with a cycle of bingeing and restricting is not a problem that will resolve by restricting your calories further.

    You are well within normal range for your height and desire to go lower than normal. This is not a realistic or sustainable goal, even if it's a weight you had as a teenager. Very few people are the exact size and shape at 30 that they were at 16. In your teen years you are still growing and your metabolism is at a lifetime peak- that you will not remain in a teenage body for your entire life is a function of normal human biology.

    Further restricting calories and increasing cardio will give you temporary weight loss, but it will be followed by the extreme hunger and binges you've already experienced. It will also damage your body and metabolism and there is ample evidence that this cycle of rapid weight loss and gain ends in a gradual net gain over time.

    Lots of people have already given you solid advice on changes to your nutrition and exercise plan that might be effective, but you've ignored the core of their explanations, which is that you are simple eating too little to sustain your body most of the time. Everything else flows from that.

    I hope you will follow the link an earlier commenter provided to the eating disorder help page. The physical and emotional problems you you are experiencing will not be solved with slim fast or cutting down to sub-survival levels of eating. They aren't insurmountable, though, and the sooner you address them, the happier and healthier you will be.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Nicolery9 wrote: »
    cebreisch wrote: »
    I remember having a similar discussion with my dietician once. She suggested I increase my fiber intake. Once I did that, that helped A LOT. I get Chocolite protein bars from They have about 100 calories, about 10g protein and 10g fiber, sugar free, gluten free. I usually have a total of 1 or two a day as a snack.

    Well most of my life I was in the 90 range and everything was normal. Middle school high school etc. I might have even been at 88 and did not lose my period, also I looked normal and no one said I was "too skinny" or anything that's why I thought it was my natural weight. I don't have much muscle and the 20 pounds shows up a lot on a small frame. I rarely go to the doctor and didn't get sick much, I tend to have low blood pressure (I think 70/110) and get light headed rather than the other end.

    Now I'm almost 30 and over 5 years out of school and over the years had gained some weight due to not excercising eat out a lot etc and not really caring to do anything about it. I lost some weight since 2014 but then in October 2015 was too aggressive and thats probably why I started having the issues.

    I want to get to a more natural weight in a healthy way but I feel a bit upset about the weight gain recently and in my mind I am having some mental battle and I keep thinking I should have controlled myself to not let that binges happen and eat so much. At work I have been wearing kind sleeves and trying to hide my weight gain because I didn't want people to think or see I was getting "fat". There isn't difference in my face like on the corner of my cheeks it's a little puffy and when I gained the weight so fast I could feel a difference in my face and some tightness in my legs since I gained most of the 5 pounds in a week with the massive binges. I've been feeling kind of upset about it and I've been a little withdrawn lately at work and not talking to people because I feel fat and I know I won't feel normal again until I drop back down. The other day we went out to eat and I tried to get a group photo but I couldn't get myself to smile because I just didn't feel confident. I thought I put in a lot of effort for those 5 pounds and then I gained it all in a week. And there is a fear that I'll put in a lot of effort and it won't stay. So yeah a lot of battle in my mind I guess part of this is a mental thing for me.

    Today I started slim fast I drank a shake at 9 am and right now I feel good and not hungry. I think they are decently filling. I'm going to try to workout today. Since I don't have any outside events planned my day isn't really structured and it's hard to get myself to go workout at a specific time I usually aim for after a meal with carbs, for a 200 calorie breakfast probably within an hour or I don't have enough carbs to have the energy to workout. I am tempted to restrict my calories today if I don't feel hungry to maybe just another meal even though maybe I shouldn't but I am thinking the slim fast is ok nutritionally (probably better than what I was eating before anyways since I used to eat cake) and maybe it's ok if I do 800 calories-1000 today, but then I think I should probably do 1200. I always want to do a run longer than 5 miles but usually give up at that point so I probably won't be able to do more than 5 today.

    Restricting on the days when you aren't hungry is probably contributing to the problem. Underfeeding yourself is going to lead to excessive hunger on subsequent days.
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Nicolery9 wrote: »
    cebreisch wrote: »
    I remember having a similar discussion with my dietician once. She suggested I increase my fiber intake. Once I did that, that helped A LOT. I get Chocolite protein bars from They have about 100 calories, about 10g protein and 10g fiber, sugar free, gluten free. I usually have a total of 1 or two a day as a snack.

    Well most of my life I was in the 90 range and everything was normal. Middle school high school etc. I might have even been at 88 and did not lose my period, also I looked normal and no one said I was "too skinny" or anything that's why I thought it was my natural weight. I don't have much muscle and the 20 pounds shows up a lot on a small frame. I rarely go to the doctor and didn't get sick much, I tend to have low blood pressure (I think 70/110) and get light headed rather than the other end.

    Now I'm almost 30 and over 5 years out of school and over the years had gained some weight due to not excercising eat out a lot etc and not really caring to do anything about it. I lost some weight since 2014 but then in October 2015 was too aggressive and thats probably why I started having the issues.

    I want to get to a more natural weight in a healthy way but I feel a bit upset about the weight gain recently and in my mind I am having some mental battle and I keep thinking I should have controlled myself to not let that binges happen and eat so much. At work I have been wearing kind sleeves and trying to hide my weight gain because I didn't want people to think or see I was getting "fat". There isn't difference in my face like on the corner of my cheeks it's a little puffy and when I gained the weight so fast I could feel a difference in my face and some tightness in my legs since I gained most of the 5 pounds in a week with the massive binges. I've been feeling kind of upset about it and I've been a little withdrawn lately at work and not talking to people because I feel fat and I know I won't feel normal again until I drop back down. The other day we went out to eat and I tried to get a group photo but I couldn't get myself to smile because I just didn't feel confident. I thought I put in a lot of effort for those 5 pounds and then I gained it all in a week. And there is a fear that I'll put in a lot of effort and it won't stay. So yeah a lot of battle in my mind I guess part of this is a mental thing for me.

    Today I started slim fast I drank a shake at 9 am and right now I feel good and not hungry. I think they are decently filling. I'm going to try to workout today. Since I don't have any outside events planned my day isn't really structured and it's hard to get myself to go workout at a specific time I usually aim for after a meal with carbs, for a 200 calorie breakfast probably within an hour or I don't have enough carbs to have the energy to workout. I am tempted to restrict my calories today if I don't feel hungry to maybe just another meal even though maybe I shouldn't but I am thinking the slim fast is ok nutritionally (probably better than what I was eating before anyways since I used to eat cake) and maybe it's ok if I do 800 calories-1000 today, but then I think I should probably do 1200. I always want to do a run longer than 5 miles but usually give up at that point so I probably won't be able to do more than 5 today.

    Please eat more. 1200 is what doctors give coma patients to keep them alive; I daresay you are more active than a coma patient.

    With 800 to 1000 calories, you are starving yourself. Got that? You are starving yourself. Say it to yourself a few times so it sinks in.

    Please, please, talk to a doctor about being seen for an eating disorder. Your so-called natural weight is technically underweight as far as BMI is concerned. Some of your wording about "control" is really worrisome.

    Now, if you want to drop body fat and build muscle (while keeping the same weight, which is healthy for your height), you're going to need to eat even more. You cannot starve yourself and build muscle at the same time.

    But first, talk to your doctor. Please.
  • Nicolery9
    Nicolery9 Posts: 37 Member
    edited March 2016
    People who are average or large frames go on 1200 calories/day to lose weight (e.g., that is how many calories slimfast is) and it is considered safe right? So for a smaller person wouldn't it be safe to go even less than that?

    Anyways to give you an idea of what 108 pounds on my frame looks like:
    Current weight: 108 (a few days ago with some bloating it was 118)
    Goal: to look fit with no stomach fat (and from experience this means less than 95 pounds)

  • littlelegsfurniture
    I am in my first week of a ketogenic diet - 3 key concepts that have stopped me feeling any hunger at all:

    1. There are foods that make you gain
    2. There are foods that make you lose
    3. There are foods that PREVENT you from losing

    Most women who are not naturally thin seem to have insulin resistance. To force your body to relearn how to burn fat (and release ketones that suppress hunger) it takes about 2-3 days of no sugar and very low carbs while eating lean proteins and UNLIMITED vegetables.

    Yesterday I had an omelet with 2 cups of raw spinach, mushrooms and green onion, cucumber/fennel/celery snack, huge salad with bbq soy nuts and hard-boiled egg whites with olive oil and apple cider vinegar dressing for lunch, a gluten free protein lemon bar and cup of coffee with 1 oz cream and Splenda for another snack, grilled chicken breast with huge bunch of asparagus for dinner and for the first time I can remember could not imagine eating anything else before bed.

    Ideal Protein
    Ketogenic Diet
    Ketone strips (to know you are still fat-burning anytime)

    It is only for weight LOSS, and after you are at goal weight the new habits make maintaining it pretty doable if the women who are helping me with this program are evidence.

    Good luck!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited March 2016
    Nicolery9 wrote: »
    People who are average or large frames go on 1200 calories/day to lose weight (e.g., that is how many calories slimfast is) and it is considered safe right? So for a smaller person wouldn't it be safe to go even less than that?

    Anyways to give you an idea of what 108 pounds on my frame looks like:
    Current weight: 108 (a few days ago with some bloating it was 118)
    Goal: to look fit with no stomach fat (and from experience this means less than 95 pounds)

    But the amount of exercise you do is also key. Running five miles is a lot of exercise. In order to control your hunger and maintain your wellbeing, you don't want to eat like someone who isn't doing much exercise.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited March 2016
    Nicolery9 wrote: »
    People who are average or large frames go on 1200 calories/day to lose weight (e.g., that is how many calories slimfast is) and it is considered safe right? So for a smaller person wouldn't it be safe to go even less than that?

    Anyways to give you an idea of what 108 pounds on my frame looks like:
    Current weight: 108 (a few days ago with some bloating it was 118)
    Goal: to look fit with no stomach fat (and from experience this means less than 95 pounds)

    I don't want to offend you, but you might want to look into building muscle more than trying to lose more weight at this point... just doesn't look like you have a lot of muscles, looking at your arms.

    And 1200 can be too low regarding on your size, it 100% depends on your activity level.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited March 2016
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Nicolery9 wrote: »
    People who are average or large frames go on 1200 calories/day to lose weight (e.g., that is how many calories slimfast is) and it is considered safe right? So for a smaller person wouldn't it be safe to go even less than that?

    Anyways to give you an idea of what 108 pounds on my frame looks like:
    Current weight: 108 (a few days ago with some bloating it was 118)
    Goal: to look fit with no stomach fat (and from experience this means less than 95 pounds)

    I don't want to offend you, but you might want to look into building muscle more than trying to lose more weight at this point... just doesn't look like you have a lot of muscles, looking at your arms.

    And 1200 can be too low regarding on your size, it 100% depends on your activity level.

    I have to agree.

    I think this thread may be helpful for you. Rather than tons of running and low calories...focus on body composition. I see you have goals. But you have to eat and train the proper way in order to attain them.
  • Nicolery9
    Nicolery9 Posts: 37 Member
    Is it better for weight loss to eat more and workout more? (e.g., eat 1600 calories a day, run 5 miles)
    Or eat less and work out less (eat 1200 calories, dont work out)
    If my base metabolic rate is about 1200 (maybe 1250), how much can I expect to lose in a week?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Nicolery9 wrote: »
    Is it better for weight loss to eat more and workout more? (e.g., eat 1600 calories a day, run 5 miles)
    Or eat less and work out less (eat 1200 calories, dont work out)
    If my base metabolic rate is about 1200 (maybe 1250), how much can I expect to lose in a week?

    Weight loss is based on your calories in versus your calories out. Exercise, however, can be really beneficial for your health, mood, and fitness (assuming, of course, that you're eating adequately).

    Your BMR is less important to your weight loss than your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). If your BMR is 1,200, you will want to consider this number along with the calories you're burning from exercise and other activity to determine how much you should eat. You should create a deficit based on your TDEE -- not your BMR. The BMR is what you burn just from being alive.

    There isn't a "better" for weight loss. If you enjoy working out and enjoy the benefits, then you should eat to fuel your activity.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Nicolery9 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the responses I will try to lose weight more slowly maybe around a pound a week or less.

    If my base metabolic rate is 1200 and I eat 1700 calories a day without excercising won't I gain weight?

    Your BMR is not really relevant except as a tool for calculating other numbers. It's the amount of calories you'd burn in a coma. Unless you are actually comatose, you burn more than your BMR just by things like standing up, moving around, etc. At least 20% more even if you're absolutely sedentary with no exercise.

    For a point of reference, 1200 calories is the average amount that a typical three year old girl needs to eat.
  • carmkizzle
    carmkizzle Posts: 211 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    synacious wrote: »
    Hmm, how long have you been counting calories? The reason why I ask is because you said you're 5'1" and have a petite frame which I take to mean as you possibly being within a normal weight range but trying to lose a few vanity pounds. Is your weight loss goal too aggressive? If so, that could be a reason for the hunger also.

    I'm 5'3.5" and 114 and you sound like me in mid-December. There was one week where no matter what I did I could not stop feeling hungry. I normally did fine on my daily allowance of 1600 to 2200 calories depending on my activity level, but that week hunger was just at the forefront of my life. I was eating 3000 to 3500 calories per day easily. I figured my body was telling me something so I went with it and ended up maintaining my weight for a week or two instead of gaining. Then the insatiable appetite just stopped. It went back to normal and now I'm losing weight at a slow and steady pace again.

    This is what I get every month before my period. I'm very active too though, so who knows.

    The week leading up to my period, I'm definitely hungrier. I recognized that awhile ago so I still eat within my calorie allotment, but I try to keep my belly filled with water (and I fit in an extra Fiber One brownie :# ).

    I refuse to give in to these hormones that try to wreak havoc in my life for a week.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Okay, first of all thank you to everyone that supported my previous post to the OP. I appreciate that.

    OP, I'm going to be honest with you. I'm not trying to offend you or hurt you in any way, I'm just trying to be straight with you so that you understand. You're not going to get the body you want with your current plan. I see your photos and the reason why you look that way is because you've spent so many years running and restricting that you have very little muscle tone. You look heavier than 108 pounds because of your lack of muscle tone. No amount of calorie restriction is going to help your body composition. You need to eat more and start resistance training to get the look that you want. Running will not define you and you will not build muscles by eating 800 to 1000 calories per day. Sorry, but you wont. Several people, including myself, have told you how bad that is for you and you still refuse to understand. I think you're at the point where you need professional help because you can't refocus your mind away from 800 calories and Slimfast. In trying to "fix" your body, you've actually done a lot of damage mentally, internally, and aesthetically. I'm not even close to perfect, but the reason I have any sort of muscle tone whatsoever is because I lift weights and I EAT. I'm not special, my genetics aren't some God-tier outlier; I just get the results I want because I'm doing this the smart way. Eating 800 to 1000 calories and running so that you only net around 500 for the day is the polar opposite of the "smart" way. I'm sorry if any of this makes you feel bad because, again, that is not my intention. I just need you to understand just how much harm you are doing to yourself.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    synacious wrote: »
    Okay, first of all thank you to everyone that supported my previous post to the OP. I appreciate that.

    OP, I'm going to be honest with you. I'm not trying to offend you or hurt you in any way, I'm just trying to be straight with you so that you understand. You're not going to get the body you want with your current plan. I see your photos and the reason why you look that way is because you've spent so many years running and restricting that you have very little muscle tone. You look heavier than 108 pounds because of your lack of muscle tone. No amount of calorie restriction is going to help your body composition. You need to eat more and start resistance training to get the look that you want. Running will not define you and you will not build muscles by eating 800 to 1000 calories per day. Sorry, but you wont. Several people, including myself, have told you how bad that is for you and you still refuse to understand. I think you're at the point where you need professional help because you can't refocus your mind away from 800 calories and Slimfast. In trying to "fix" your body, you've actually done a lot of damage mentally, internally, and aesthetically. I'm not even close to perfect, but the reason I have any sort of muscle tone whatsoever is because I lift weights and I EAT. I'm not special, my genetics aren't some God-tier outlier; I just get the results I want because I'm doing this the smart way. Eating 800 to 1000 calories and running so that you only net around 500 for the day is the polar opposite of the "smart" way. I'm sorry if any of this makes you feel bad because, again, that is not my intention. I just need you to understand just how much harm you are doing to yourself.

    This is completely right on.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    synacious wrote: »
    Okay, first of all thank you to everyone that supported my previous post to the OP. I appreciate that.

    OP, I'm going to be honest with you. I'm not trying to offend you or hurt you in any way, I'm just trying to be straight with you so that you understand. You're not going to get the body you want with your current plan. I see your photos and the reason why you look that way is because you've spent so many years running and restricting that you have very little muscle tone. You look heavier than 108 pounds because of your lack of muscle tone. No amount of calorie restriction is going to help your body composition. You need to eat more and start resistance training to get the look that you want. Running will not define you and you will not build muscles by eating 800 to 1000 calories per day. Sorry, but you wont. Several people, including myself, have told you how bad that is for you and you still refuse to understand. I think you're at the point where you need professional help because you can't refocus your mind away from 800 calories and Slimfast. In trying to "fix" your body, you've actually done a lot of damage mentally, internally, and aesthetically. I'm not even close to perfect, but the reason I have any sort of muscle tone whatsoever is because I lift weights and I EAT. I'm not special, my genetics aren't some God-tier outlier; I just get the results I want because I'm doing this the smart way. Eating 800 to 1000 calories and running so that you only net around 500 for the day is the polar opposite of the "smart" way. I'm sorry if any of this makes you feel bad because, again, that is not my intention. I just need you to understand just how much harm you are doing to yourself.

    Again. Amazing and correct advice.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    synacious wrote: »
    Okay, first of all thank you to everyone that supported my previous post to the OP. I appreciate that.

    OP, I'm going to be honest with you. I'm not trying to offend you or hurt you in any way, I'm just trying to be straight with you so that you understand. You're not going to get the body you want with your current plan. I see your photos and the reason why you look that way is because you've spent so many years running and restricting that you have very little muscle tone. You look heavier than 108 pounds because of your lack of muscle tone. No amount of calorie restriction is going to help your body composition. You need to eat more and start resistance training to get the look that you want. Running will not define you and you will not build muscles by eating 800 to 1000 calories per day. Sorry, but you wont. Several people, including myself, have told you how bad that is for you and you still refuse to understand. I think you're at the point where you need professional help because you can't refocus your mind away from 800 calories and Slimfast. In trying to "fix" your body, you've actually done a lot of damage mentally, internally, and aesthetically. I'm not even close to perfect, but the reason I have any sort of muscle tone whatsoever is because I lift weights and I EAT. I'm not special, my genetics aren't some God-tier outlier; I just get the results I want because I'm doing this the smart way. Eating 800 to 1000 calories and running so that you only net around 500 for the day is the polar opposite of the "smart" way. I'm sorry if any of this makes you feel bad because, again, that is not my intention. I just need you to understand just how much harm you are doing to yourself.

    ^^ What she said.
  • boorivers
    boorivers Posts: 1 Member
    Anything much under 1200 is considered very low calorie diet which is only really recommended for very obese people where the health risks of obesity are worse than the risks of a VLCD.

    If you google basal metabolic rate calculator you will find the minimum amount of calories you need each day. If you add on your exercise and take maybe 100 calories a day off that you will loose the weight slowly but without all the problems you have been having. Some studies have recently shown this is far more effective than putting the body into starvation mode.

    You say your goal is to lose belly fat - instead of weighing yourself have you tried measuring your waist and/or measuring your % body fat. This will give you a better idea of progress as you are probably gaining lean muscle which is far heavier than fat. If you also Google "girls gone strong". You will see pictures of women at far heavier body weight with amazing abs. Don't forget with the running you are doing you may be gaining muscle on your legs so just because you don't drop weight doesn't mean you haven't lost fat.

    You may want to include some core work like planks into your routine which can take inches of your waist without any weight loss at all and again in some cases a gain.

    You could also focus on the quality of the food you are putting in your body: carrot sticks, sugar snap peas, baby corn, grapes and bell peppers are sweet but low in calories. Low fat natural yoghurt with frozen berries etc They will help with the sugar cravings.

    Watch your caffeine intake too I've just switched from coffee to tea and I'm finding I am much less hungry.

    Sleep is important too if you are tired you will be hungry and additionally less able to resist your cravings.

    Hope this helps.

  • Nicolery9
    Nicolery9 Posts: 37 Member
    synacious wrote: »
    Okay, first of all thank you to everyone that supported my previous post to the OP. I appreciate that.

    OP, I'm going to be honest with you. I'm not trying to offend you or hurt you in any way, I'm just trying to be straight with you so that you understand. You're not going to get the body you want with your current plan. I see your photos and the reason why you look that way is because you've spent so many years running and restricting that you have very little muscle tone. You look heavier than 108 pounds because of your lack of muscle tone. No amount of calorie restriction is going to help your body composition. You need to eat more and start resistance training to get the look that you want. Running will not define you and you will not build muscles by eating 800 to 1000 calories per day. Sorry, but you wont. Several people, including myself, have told you how bad that is for you and you still refuse to understand. I think you're at the point where you need professional help because you can't refocus your mind away from 800 calories and Slimfast. In trying to "fix" your body, you've actually done a lot of damage mentally, internally, and aesthetically. I'm not even close to perfect, but the reason I have any sort of muscle tone whatsoever is because I lift weights and I EAT. I'm not special, my genetics aren't some God-tier outlier; I just get the results I want because I'm doing this the smart way. Eating 800 to 1000 calories and running so that you only net around 500 for the day is the polar opposite of the "smart" way. I'm sorry if any of this makes you feel bad because, again, that is not my intention. I just need you to understand just how much harm you are doing to yourself.

    Thanks so much for your response, I am not offended at all and I am trying to incorporate what you wrote into my eating habits.

    I think for me it's a mental battle, like I know you are right but internally it's hard for me to break out of my old thinking, but I will try to do it gradually. I will try to eat more and not restrict so much and hopefully I can recover slowly. I can see that I am going through what you went through already and I am trying to avoid going through the binge/restrict cycle again. Thanks for everything you pointed out, I have it in the back of my mind and just need to find a way to start applying it to my life.

  • Nicolery9
    Nicolery9 Posts: 37 Member
    edited January 2016
    And by the way I am not ignoring the good advice, it's just that part of this is a mental internal struggle for me and I can't help but think a certain way. Or sometimes I just wonder about something and can't stop thinking it until it gets out of my mind for good. I think it's just something I need to work on myself.

    This is how my day looks so far but I need more calories to get it above 1500 because right now it's too low only at 1000, is there anything I am missing nutritionally?
    The H: are hunger levels before and after eating

    One idea I have some trouble getting outof my mind even though I realize the calories is low is that nutritionally is it that bad? Since I have almost 50 g of protein, 150 g of carbs, and over 80% of fiber (and that's based on 2000 calories, for a lower calorie diet it may be enough fiber?). But it's only 1000 calories. Is it better that I eat 200 of a nutritionally empty snack (like cookies) to get it up to over 1500 or so or not eat any more and leave it at 1000?

    Item Cals Protein Carbs Fiber Time
    Breakfast (H: 5-6.7)
    slimfast (took 15 mins to feel full) 190 10 24 20.00% 09:00:00 AM
    coffee (frvanilla, medium blend) 0 0 0

    Lunch: (hungry at 11:30, H: 3.5 – 7)
    Fit Kitchen meal: steak fajita 370 26 48 20.00% 12:00:00 PM

    pear 100 0 27 24.00%

    slimfast 190 10 24 20.00%

    snack (maybe banana) 100 0 27 12.00%
    Vitamins 2 15
    calcium chew 15

    TOTAL: 980 46 150 96.00%