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When I see this in the GYM it ticks me off ??? lol



  • tsalagirose
    tsalagirose Posts: 97 Member
    You know I could care less what the guy next to me is doing, I'm there for one purpose to train my butt off. So what if someone drops a weight, makes a huff, whatever the case is. We all started at some point in time, who are we to judge? Someone was probably thinking the same thing about you and I in the beginning, "annoying newbie with really awful form."Seriously, I think people waste too much time thinking about what is wrong with what other people are doing, just go do what you have to do, mind your own business and get out of there it's pretty simple I do it all the time.
  • Dez11B
    Dez11B Posts: 1,542 Member
    Not wiping down the bench after someone sweats all over it.
  • _m0lly
    _m0lly Posts: 900 Member
    Girls that take selfies on the equipment and don't actually do anything. "Gym Seshhhhhh" - No, you have not had a gym sesh. :wink:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    People who scream out like they are dying when they lift. It's not that serious...

    I dated a few girls like this though. Maybe it's just a character trait.

    No way man. You are lying? :D


    Ohhhhh, *lift*. I totally misread that the first time.

    Well, this is embarrassing.

  • KD454
    KD454 Posts: 1,548 Member
    This may have been said, but I didn't read the whole thread....

    How about the idiot who just plays their music out loud? Dude buy some ear buds, I don't want to hear your Richard Simmons workout music!!
  • drew87d
    drew87d Posts: 21 Member
    When its -30° outside and people leave the windows open!!
  • texxaskid77
    texxaskid77 Posts: 96 Member
    Lol that's a good one ^^*
  • texxaskid77
    texxaskid77 Posts: 96 Member
    Hey ----add me ---- when you get a sec !
  • jbuzzed
    jbuzzed Posts: 10,172 Member
    Really just when people don't wipe off their equipment.
  • MelkaBielka
    MelkaBielka Posts: 36 Member
    Judging others. Everyone starts somewhere, and we all are trying to get somewhere. Let people do what they do and feel good about their choice to do something healthy for themselves. There is no reason to butt into anyone else's workout unless you are giving them pointers to stay safe and injury free. Homie is grunting real loud when he's lifting, so what? Turn up your headphones or find another place to get your pump on till he's done. Chicka has on her fake lashes and a full face, who cares? She's there, doing what she's gotta do to feel good. We all do it differently, and for different reasons.
  • jbuzzed
    jbuzzed Posts: 10,172 Member
    Judging others. Everyone starts somewhere, and we all are trying to get somewhere. Let people do what they do and feel good about their choice to do something healthy for themselves. There is no reason to butt into anyone else's workout unless you are giving them pointers to stay safe and injury free. Homie is grunting real loud when he's lifting, so what? Turn up your headphones or find another place to get your pump on till he's done. Chicka has on her fake lashes and a full face, who cares? She's there, doing what she's gotta do to feel good. We all do it differently, and for different reasons.

    This ^^^ all day long.

    But I'll side-eye if you don't wipe your equipment.
  • barkleyjeffl
    barkleyjeffl Posts: 21 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I have a question for all the people who don't like people taking selfies or sitting on the machines not doing anything. What do you all suggest one does when they are resting?

    Well if I'm being honest, sitting on machines is fine if the gym is not busy - but if the gym is busy, then in our gym we have actual rest areas for work outs - which is nice and I'm sure a lot of places don't have that... Now the selfie thing... I think it's ok.. I mean people want to see results of their hard work right? lol Just my 2 cents.. or 1 whatever the cost is these days.. hehehe I go to the gym do my thing and leave - but that is me. I guess to each their own as long as it is not jacking up my workout ..
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    jlc102980 wrote: »
    Basically poor gym etiquette. A lot of them have been covered but there's a few I didn't see yet. People who try to save/reserve treadmills by leaving their stuff on them while they are off taking a class or lifting. Also, there is one lady at my gym who uses the time to catch up on personal calls. I could care less what she does with her time on the machines, but her personal calls are very distracting to me for some reason. I can only listen to my headphones to loud.

    The only time I've ever felt really annoyed at the gym I was on the elliptical and the lady next to me got a phone call. Directly in front of us there is a sign that says NO CELL ZONE! Now, it probably wouldn't bother me still, except she kept going


    for 20 minutes until I wanted to reach over and smack her on the mouth. If the phone call was important, take it and go off. IF you're not even working hard enough to be winded while gossiping about your dear friend, then you're really not multi-tasking anyway. Though I did use my irritation to work a little harder. *shrug*

    Mostly, when I see girls who look like it took them an hour to get ready for the gym and they seem like they're lollygagging around, I just assume that they would like to get fit, but are too insecure to jump in and possibly look bad in any way and are trying to get over it. Grunters just make me laugh. My gym is pretty decent and I love going. I usually wipe machines down before and after I use them anyway.

    Note to self: Don't go to the gym, unless I sweat an ocean, need an oxygen tank, have an ambulance waiting & the hospital is next door because otherwise I obviously don't work hard enough, since my intensity level matters; to some other gym goers!

    But don't work so hard that you actually grunt, or anything, because then someone will want to laugh at you. So you have to hit that sweet spot where you work with enough intensity to sweat, but not so much that you make "unpleasant" sounds.
  • time2cutnow
    time2cutnow Posts: 150 Member
    edited January 2016
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Threads like this are not at all helpful to newcomers.

    Actually it can be helpful in teaching them not to be that person at the gym. I was glad to have run into one of these threads on bodybuilding.com before my first visit to the gym. If someone as a newcomer were to ask advice for their first gym visit, my advice would be similar to many peoples complaints on here.

    - Get your form correct before lifting heavy
    - Unrack your weights
    - Don't hit on anyone
    - Don't wear perfume
    - etc. etc.

  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    What's funny about these threads (because this is like the 1000th one I've seen in the few years I've been here) is that 90% of the ones bitching have literally been a member of a gym for like 2 weeks.

    But please, continue to tell us about ALL of your experiences in the past 14 days *Willy Wonka Meme*

  • barkleyjeffl
    barkleyjeffl Posts: 21 Member
    jsummd wrote: »
    Really just when people don't wipe off their equipment.

    OMG - yes! This really ticks me off! Before I get on a machine, I'll wipe it off ... just in case some person "forgot" to clean up after themselves. It is a wonder the machine works after I'm done.. cause I'll spray the hell out of that bottle to ensure it's clean before I leave... everyone should do that... it's just right! lol

  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    jenmar22 wrote: »
    What's funny about these threads (because this is like the 1000th one I've seen in the few years I've been here) is that 90% of the ones bitching have literally been a member of a gym for like 2 weeks.

    But please, continue to tell us about ALL of your experiences in the past 14 days *Willy Wonka Meme*

    Feckin slacker. At least take the time to find the damn meme. Can't stand these lazy mofos who complain but then don't meme properly :P <3


    Internally judging others is not something you can stop your brain from doing. Externally sharing these internal judgments on a message board is entertaining for all...
  • barkleyjeffl
    barkleyjeffl Posts: 21 Member
    KD454 wrote: »
    This may have been said, but I didn't read the whole thread....

    How about the idiot who just plays their music out loud? Dude buy some ear buds, I don't want to hear your Richard Simmons workout music!!

    LMFAO! I had a lady get on the treadmill next to me last week... she did just that... it was some country artist (nothing wrong with country music) but she had no ear buds... The song... "On The Road Again" started playing so loud.. Thankfully I had only 5 minutes left!
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Threads like this are not at all helpful to newcomers.

    Actually it can be helpful in teaching them not to be that person at the gym. I was glad to have run into one of these threads on bodybuilding.com before my first visit to the gym. If someone as a newcomer were to ask advice for their first gym visit, my advice would be similar to many peoples complaints on here.

    - Get your form correct before lifting heavy
    - Unrack your weights
    - Don't hit on anyone
    - Don't wear perfume
    - etc. etc.

    Don't sweat too much
    Don't just stand around and not sweat
    Sweat, but don't let it be smelly
    Don't wear make up
    Don't wear matching clothes
    Don't take rest breaks
    Everyone is giving you side eye waiting for you to mess up
    Don't make noises
    Don't look like you're not working hard
    Don't look like you might want to hit on someone
    Don't look in the mirror at any point in time
    Don't go slower than the person next to you on the treadmill/elliptical/bike etc no matter your physical limitations, medical issues or handicaps

    Yes, all of these are very helpful. I can see where new people at the gym can find the information in these sorts of threads useful.