any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    I am almost afraid to post my weekly weight because I am afraid it will fluctuate back up

    This is how I feel too! I haven't adjusted my weigh-in since 10/13 because I saw it dip down to 124 and then haven't seen it there since...until last week when it went down to 121 because I was sick. I am weighing in tomorrow and hope to see it below 124... if it is, i know it's true :)

    Some good news, though - I lost another inch of my waist! wooohoo!!! And my thighs are slowly but surely shrinking, too...
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm within "healthy" range, but I'd like to be at the "lower end" of the healthy spectrum (if you know what i mean). I'm 5'10 and I currently weigh 169lbs.
  • Sparklewolfie
    This is how I feel too! I haven't adjusted my weigh-in since 10/13 because I saw it dip down to 124 and then haven't seen it there since...until last week when it went down to 121 because I was sick. I am weighing in tomorrow and hope to see it below 124... if it is, i know it's true :)

    Some good news, though - I lost another inch of my waist! wooohoo!!! And my thighs are slowly but surely shrinking, too...

    OMG if the cms would come off I'd be elated!! Good job to you!! Losing inches/cms is harder than losing weight I think :angry: but in the end that is what counts more!!

    @Paige: thanks :smile: I'm going to try this for a couple weeks and then remeasure... *cross fingers*
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I'm with you ladies - I hate the bouncing scale weight. One moment I'm 117, the next day or so 122!!! I got exposed to gluten again the other day and I feel like I'm covered in bloat. Then I feel like I need to lose it all over again :sad:

    Off to drink more water
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    hey everyone! i *think* i joined this thread but its been awhile so i am saying hi again! i am 5'3" and my sw was 134. my first goal is to get to 124 and i am so close, just another pound. my 2nd goal is to get to 120. not sure what after that, maybe maintain. i really love this site, it has helped me so much!
  • Sparklewolfie
    I'm with you ladies - I hate the bouncing scale weight. One moment I'm 117, the next day or so 122!!! I got exposed to gluten again the other day and I feel like I'm covered in bloat. Then I feel like I need to lose it all over again :sad:

    Off to drink more water

    Oh gluten... I am way too heavy on the gluten and starch and carbs every day, but I really don't know what else to eat because I don't eat meat :grumble: and that is all my grandparents eat! I eat seafood, but my grandma hates the smell :sad:

    I think the lack of balance in my diet is what caused my insane binge eating recently :sick: Any tips/help/advice?? It is so frustrating to be SO CLOSE to your goal, yet you keep bouncing up away from it :explode:
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    ok, i'm stuck.

    i need to get back on the wagon. i'm at a point where I'm finally really seeing results and usually when that happens, I stop and end up reversing all my hard work. I do not want to go back up to 130. I'm at 122 now and need to keep going down.

    I was sick last week and still have not gotten back up to exercising... ugh... I need to. I did great in October and need to get busy for November! I need to be 120 by Thanksgiving! I have 3 weeks and that's enough time to show off even better results!

    No excuses! I have none!
  • PussyKat
    PussyKat Posts: 69 Member
    I feel proud to feel like I can post in the not-so-heavy girls thread :tongue: I'm 5"4, currently about 122lb which is a massive victory for me (down from 177lb).
    But I would definitely like to go that bit further...I still don't feel 'thin' exactly, so my goal now is 112. Only 10lb away...but weight loss is definitely slowing down as I get lighter, which can be frustrating when I'm trying so hard.

    One of the most annoying things is probably when people don't get why you're still trying to lose's none of their business anyway, and it's not about being anorexic, it's about being happy with yourself for the first time in your life. It can be demotivating, especially when your flatmates/boyfriend/friends are junk food junkies...but it IS doable, so very good luck to everyone who is close to reaching their goal. :drinker:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    congrats, *****Kat, on your impressive weightloss, and welcome!
  • sslin2535
    Bump for later when I need inspiration again.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    i'm going to try out the Eat Stop Eat plan... 24 hrs of fasting twice a week... I'll just plan to do it for the month of November and see what happens... it makes sense. I'm doing it today... Have 6 more hours to go before I can eat anything. My tummy is growling but I don't feel weak or nauseous like I would've expected. Other days when I eat and then go too long before eating again, I get sick feeling... I just keep drinking water...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    hey, Jen, do you fast breakfast to breakfast? that would be a challenge for me-I can't think of a day that I wouldn't mind not eating!
    It does make you wonder about all the weightloss/dieting claims, like not eating breakfast slows your metabolism but fasting for a day speeds it up? doesn't that seem contradictory? I am not criticizing your tactic at all, I am just saying, it makes me wonder what is really true. Probably what is true for some is not true for others...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, and Kat, the site added those asterisks like I was being obcene! it didn't occur to me to censor your screen name!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    asjerven, yeah, i don't know what's true and what's not - i just thought I'd give this one a shot as it seems to have really good reviews by people who have done it and it seems to have real scientific logic behind it. i am fasthing from dinner to dinner. i don't think i could do breakfast to breakfast. the one thing i have going for me today is knowing that i get to eat dinner in about 6 hours. i will go to bed happy :D supposedly the reving up your metabolism things is kind of a myth, also according to experts your body doesn't go into starvation mode until after 72 hrs of fasting, so even that whole thing about not eating your calories is kinda bologna... maybe if you were very far under your calories on a regular basis. the cool thing i'm seeing about this is it is making me learn the whole mind over matter thing when it comes to food. a lot of the "hunger" we experience is mental. i'm also drinking butt loads of water!!! also, you no longer have to count calories - you eat reasonably and make wise food choices. i may still count calories because i still need to make sure i'm getting the 3500 cal/wk deficit. but now that i've been dieting for a couple months, i feel like i know how i'm supposed to eat w/ out counting cals (a good thing for when i maintain, as i do not want to count cals for life).
  • PussyKat
    PussyKat Posts: 69 Member
    Lol don't worry about the asterisks, it's my own fault for picking a silly username.

    The fasting thing sounds very brave! I don't think I'd feel comfortable giving up calorie counting altogether though. Doesn't it make you feel tired and brain-dead throughout the day though?
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member

    The fasting thing sounds very brave! I don't think I'd feel comfortable giving up calorie counting altogether though. Doesn't it make you feel tired and brain-dead throughout the day though?

    No, I thought I might have issues, but so far I feel really good!!! We'll see how I feel as I get closer to the end. I've got 5 hours left... I think the hardest time will be between now and when I get off work because I like my mid-afternoon munchies. Once I leave work, I will be really busy and time will fly!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    hey, Jen, do you fast breakfast to breakfast? that would be a challenge for me-I can't think of a day that I wouldn't mind not eating!
    It does make you wonder about all the weightloss/dieting claims, like not eating breakfast slows your metabolism but fasting for a day speeds it up? doesn't that seem contradictory? I am not criticizing your tactic at all, I am just saying, it makes me wonder what is really true. Probably what is true for some is not true for others...

    Yeah, the data actually shows that much of what we are taught about metabolism and fasting isn't true :laugh: I have a couple articles based on research and a lot of people's experience posted in the ESE thread

    I have been doing ESE for a while now, I consistently lose weight with it when I commit to it, it's how I finally broke into the one teens. I was trying to get rid of this water retention before I do it again, but maybe I will just to jump start the flush.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    hey, Jen, do you fast breakfast to breakfast? that would be a challenge for me-I can't think of a day that I wouldn't mind not eating!
    It does make you wonder about all the weightloss/dieting claims, like not eating breakfast slows your metabolism but fasting for a day speeds it up? doesn't that seem contradictory? I am not criticizing your tactic at all, I am just saying, it makes me wonder what is really true. Probably what is true for some is not true for others...

    Yeah, the data actually shows that much of what we are taught about metabolism and fasting isn't true :laugh: I have a couple articles based on research and a lot of people's experience posted in the ESE thread

    I have been doing ESE for a while now, I consistently lose weight with it when I commit to it, it's how I finally broke into the one teens. I was trying to get rid of this water retention before I do it again, but maybe I will just to jump start the flush.

    yeah, i was a little scared going into it, but now i'm 3 hrs away from my first fast and feel just fine! i'm excited to cook up a healthy meal when i get home.

    would you wanna partner up on this? i still am wondering what is the best approach for exercising... i typically do the JM DVDs or walking/running/eliptical/biking... today i walked on my lunch break and i'll work out tonight to a JM DVD (after i've ended my fast). does the timing of workouts vs. fasting/non-fasting days make a difference?
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    so hubby and i talked about my weight goals and we both agree that 115 will probably be a good stopping point - of course, we'll reassess once I get there, but more than likely 115 and continued toning will be just right for me :D that means, if i stay on track i'll be at my weight goal by the end of this year! but realistically, i will stop losing weight..err, fat, when I can fit into all the jeans in my bottom drawer. I know when I was 115 before I could, so hopefully it's the same now. I am loving how my clothes are fitting me - loving that my pants are fitting loser and even some of my tops that were too tight before are fitting better :) I feel better about my physique than I have in a long time!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did 30DS for the first time in months. I picked level 2 just because I thought I liked the exercises better! it kicked my butt. I am going to try and work it in with the Gateway to 8k, I keep saying that, but I haven't done it. this is the week, I think, I can do 30DS today and wednesday and Friday while I do G28k Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. We'll see...