any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • nurseenf
    nurseenf Posts: 26 Member
    I am 5'7" 140...that was my original goal weight. Everyone says I look great, but I would really like to be in the 135 range to feel better about myself!
  • lozf85
    lozf85 Posts: 62 Member
    Yup.....Right there with you.....Funny how people can be so unsympathetic when I talk about losing weight.....! Like because I am not overweight my weight doesn't matter!!!! At 5' 7", I am at a healthy weight, but not at the weight where I feel good about myself.
    Thanks for posting this....The many responses show me that I'm not alone here! That I'm not "crazy" for wanting to lose more weight!

    Amen sister! I’m sick of getting the “you’re crazy” looks or people telling me I don’t need to lose weight. I don’t want to be stick thin – I want to be comfortable. There are a million more important things in life to spend my time thinking about, I don’t want to have to worry about how I’m going to look in a pair of shorts or be uncomfortable at the beach. Life is too short!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    I forgot to say, I hit a milestone yesterday! I was working out in the gym and sat down to stretch. Suddenly, I looked in the mirror and realized my belly was wrinkling up the way the women on the exercise dvds do rather than pouching out! YAY!!!

    I secretly always wanted that but didn't think it would happen! :blushing:

    Ahhh congrats!! This is what I want too! Still got a bit of a roll tho :ohwell:

    The food scales really good advice... I live with my family still and didnt want them thinking Id gone a bit mad if they saw me weighing my food (which they definitely would!) but after the big differences you said I may have to suck it up and do it anyway. Maybe that's why I'm not losing anymore...
    Would regular cooking scales work ok do you think?
  • Sparklewolfie
    Ahhh congrats!! This is what I want too! Still got a bit of a roll tho :ohwell:

    The food scales really good advice... I live with my family still and didnt want them thinking Id gone a bit mad if they saw me weighing my food (which they definitely would!) but after the big differences you said I may have to suck it up and do it anyway. Maybe that's why I'm not losing anymore...
    Would regular cooking scales work ok do you think?

    I have one BIG roll :explode: that I want gone! Congrats to cutmd!

    Food scale should be the same as a cooking scale, is it not? Just make sure you can zero it so you can put your container on it first, zero it, then add your food so it is only weighing your food. I should get one too! Esp. because all the nutrition labels here print the serving size in grams, not Tbs or Cup or anything :grumble:
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Ladies I'm also struggling to lose the last 10 pounds my doc said to lose. That's why I set new challenges for November to see if I can drop them before Thanksgiving. I also have to schedule foot surgery but I want to wait until I get under 130lbs. That way while I'm recuperating, if I can a few, I know I'll still be under 140lbs. So 10lbs here I come.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    wow, lots of activity on our thread! welcome new folks.
    cutmd, your abs look awesome. That is good advice on the food scale, I know I would benefit from that. Pasta is what I struggle with, what is 2 oz?!
    fitnewlise, good luck, 10 lbs by Thanksgiving is ambitious. I hope your surgery goes well!
  • Kristi26
    Kristi26 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm in the healthy weight range for my height as well, but would prefer to be closer to the middle of the healthy weight range rather than the edge where I am now. I want to lose around 10 pounds to get me there. Plus, my clothes will fit better and I will feel better about me.
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I know but I won't be upset if I don't make it. If I make it to 6 lbs by Thanksgiving I'll be more than happy. That would just leave me with 5 more by the end of the year.
    wow, lots of activity on our thread! welcome new folks.
    cutmd, your abs look awesome. That is good advice on the food scale, I know I would benefit from that. Pasta is what I struggle with, what is 2 oz?!
    fitnewlise, good luck, 10 lbs by Thanksgiving is ambitious. I hope your surgery goes well!
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I know but I won't be upset if I don't make it. If I make it to 6 lbs by Thanksgiving I'll be more than happy. That would just leave me with 5 more by the end of the year.
    wow, lots of activity on our thread! welcome new folks.
    cutmd, your abs look awesome. That is good advice on the food scale, I know I would benefit from that. Pasta is what I struggle with, what is 2 oz?!
    fitnewlise, good luck, 10 lbs by Thanksgiving is ambitious. I hope your surgery goes well!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    wow, lots of activity on our thread! welcome new folks.
    cutmd, your abs look awesome. That is good advice on the food scale, I know I would benefit from that. Pasta is what I struggle with, what is 2 oz?!
    fitnewlise, good luck, 10 lbs by Thanksgiving is ambitious. I hope your surgery goes well!

    Thanks for saying that about my abs. In most lights I can see the line in the middle, some of them I can see lines on the side as well. Yet, I can't seem to capture that on a picture. That is pic is one hubby took of me to "show off my pretty wife on Facebook" :smooched:

    2 oz of pasta is nothing. No point in even trying to quantify it :laugh: Im gluten intolerant but have been afraid to eat the brown rice pasta for that reason. Sticking with the tofu shirataki noodles until I hit goal.

    Ok, everyone reading my post drink a cup of water right now :drinker:
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    Love all the activity on the thread. I'm glad everyone seems to be hitting goals and milestones. Just thought I would say hi and bump the thread up a bit.
  • lozf85
    lozf85 Posts: 62 Member
    wow, lots of activity on our thread! welcome new folks.
    cutmd, your abs look awesome. That is good advice on the food scale, I know I would benefit from that. Pasta is what I struggle with, what is 2 oz?!
    fitnewlise, good luck, 10 lbs by Thanksgiving is ambitious. I hope your surgery goes well!

    Thanks for saying that about my abs. In most lights I can see the line in the middle, some of them I can see lines on the side as well. Yet, I can't seem to capture that on a picture. That is pic is one hubby took of me to "show off my pretty wife on Facebook" :smooched:

    2 oz of pasta is nothing. No point in even trying to quantify it :laugh: Im gluten intolerant but have been afraid to eat the brown rice pasta for that reason. Sticking with the tofu shirataki noodles until I hit goal.

    Ok, everyone reading my post drink a cup of water right now :drinker:

    Im now going in search of tofu shirataki noodles! They sound amazing!
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Well today is November 1. I'm starting Insanity again today with my coworkers. I'm also going back to doing my morning workouts so I'll be doing 2 a days for the whole month of November. That's what helped me drop and keep off 30lbs this year.

    Oops I'm behind on my water so I've got to go and fill up my water bottle.

    Good Luck everyone on your goals.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    The shirataki noodles can be found at Asian markets or whole foods. They are tasteless but soak up the taste of any sauce you use. Maybe try half and half with your normal asta till you get used to the lighter texture

    Fitnewlife, no idea how you can couple insanity with another workout, it's rough! I do it like once a week now, I don't think I would do the whole program again. :ohwell:

    Paige, glad to hear you're doing well.

    I gotta come up with a game plan for November. Should I maintain for a while or go hard? Just 2 lbs to go, I think...
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Hey everyone,
    I kind of fit in with you ladies. I am 5'5 and weigh 142, so I am just needing to lose 15-20 pounds. I'd love to get down to 128, which is my wedding weight 8 years ago. After 2 kids in the past 2.5 years, I've kept on these few pounds and I'm not liking the pudge.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    hi, all! Nov. 1 and I am ready to start a new week, on track with diet and exercise. I am plotting out my whole week-meals and exercise...
    Last week for running outside, I think. Once daylight savings is kicks in I will leaving work in the dark:(
    welcome think48-you only have 14 pounds to your goal weight, so that is really close-good luck!
  • stephijames
    stephijames Posts: 7 Member
    Yay! I am so excited that I found this thread :bigsmile: I just joined in October and am still navigating my way through everything, so I am happy to find some like minded peeps on here. I am 5'4" and hovering around 118, so I know that losing the last 10 pounds is going to be a slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww process... and I'm ok with that. All my clothes fit now, which is such a huge relief.

    MFP has been great --- and I love that I can input my food and then all the calories are calculated for me. Visually seeing what is going on is such a big help for me, and a wake up call. eek! :noway: This site came along at the right time for me, over the past year I have been easing my way towards eating healthy (cutting out processed foods, getting rid of sugar, etc) and now I am ready to take the next step.

    I am really concentrating on eating clean, working on getting my out-of-whack digestive system on the move (green juice and colonics, anyone?), and easing into a healthy workout plan (toning and tightening) that gets rid of the stubborn fat.

    Reading this thread and seeing all the successful milestones is such an inspiration. Thank you to everyone for sharing your story! Looking forward to the journey :drinker:
  • newfielover
    newfielover Posts: 104 Member
    yes! i am 5' 7.5" and i weigh currently 128. I am trying to get to 116-120 and be a size 2-4. Doing it for me and no one else! i hope you acheive your goal! :)
  • Sparklewolfie
    Just posting to say, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH the last few lbs/kg are killer!" I am almost afraid to post my weekly weight because I am afraid it will fluctuate back up :( Only lost 0.3 kg this week. :grumble:

    I have started interval walking like somebody suggested in a different thread, so I hope that helps with the belly fat. I know there were a couple other girls with the same problem I have!

    Basically just walk at a normal, conversational pace for about 3 minutes, and then speed walk for about 2 minutes, then slow down, etc. Also make sure to stretch out your lower back to prevent a tilted pelvis (which is what I have) from uneven tension in your front abs and back muscles :wink: I really hope that this works!

    Now everybody reading this thread, go drink 8oz. or more of water :drinker:
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    Just posting to say, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH the last few lbs/kg are killer!" I am almost afraid to post my weekly weight because I am afraid it will fluctuate back up :( Only lost 0.3 kg this week. :grumble:

    I have started interval walking like somebody suggested in a different thread, so I hope that helps with the belly fat. I know there were a couple other girls with the same problem I have!...

    Great job with the .3 every little bit counts towards the ultimate goal, so congrats. And good luck with the interval walking, I hope you get the results your looking for. Off to drink water as commanded,:drinker: