The February 2016 Running Challenge



  • edptanner
    edptanner Posts: 52 Member
    Goal for February (according to my 1/2 marathon training plan) is 63 miles.
    2/1 = 3 miles treadmill
    2/2 = off
    3/3 = 3 miles outside
  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ haha!! The only one who has said anything like that to me about running outside is my husband :disappointed:

    You guys on the other hand are wonderfully supportive!

    @7lenny7 love your winter warrior running stories! So glad you and your partner are ok. Running in snow and its many challenges eh!
  • pippishortstockings
    Thank you for the encouragement, and welcome!! I am excited to be on this journey :):p

    @7lenny7 That snow sounds intense! Our winters (Michigan) can be quite similar, can I ask if you use a certain type of shoe for running, or a type of sock? I have been using my same old gear but with a shell coat, wool gloves, double docks, and a beanie. I find that I'm getting rashes on my calves, and don't know if I should go to Target and buy some cold weather gear, or invest in something potentially better from UnderArmor or a place like that. Would you (or anyone else) have any advice for me?

    I appreciate it!!!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I am currently trying to train for a marathon in June but running into a lot of issues, mostly around overtraining. I'm having a hard time getting in enough mileage to properly train without overtraining, so I'm really not sure how to progress from here. I'm at the point where I'm training so much my weight loss has stalled and I really need that weight loss to help me improve my speed. Long story short, I need to rethink my approach to maximize results and minimize injury.

    My January goal was 69 miles. I got 39 done.

    For February, my goal is 45 miles. This allows me to get in a weekly long run and get in some shorter workouts too while allowing lots of space for cross training and weights.


    @punkrockgoth How far is your current long run? How many miles in a week are you up to and how many runs per week are you at right now? You have plenty of time till June (about 4 or 5 months) to slowly build up the mileage. Are you doing anything other than running (like any other cross-training)?

    As far as losing weight, MFP is a great place and looking at your diary it looks you are doing a great job tracking. So it's a matter of cleaning up what is going in.

    We are all here to help.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    2/1: 6 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/2: 5 miles
    2/3: 7.5 miles

    I had 10 on the calendar for today, but when I woke up I knew that wasn't going to happen. Today is the awful, dreaded Day of Severe Lady Cramps, which meant my legs could barely move a 9:30 pace this morning, whereas a couple days ago 7:40s were easy peasy. I was planning to do 5 miles, but when I got to the turn to go home, I figured I had time to add 2-3 more and added on another little loop. I sort of regretted it because I was slow and I felt awful and it was raining a cold rain, but now I won't feel like I have to go do any more tonight. I can take a 2.5 mile loss on the week better than a 5 mile loss. Here's to hoping I don't feel like total poo tomorrow!


    Upcoming races:
    4/3: Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon

    I'm sorry. Hope you feel better soon.

  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    @pippishortstockings Go online to Dick's Sporting Goods. They are having a really good sale on winter stuff. I got two pairs of Reebok running pants for $25 each and most of the time shipping is free. Check out nearby running stores, find what you like, and if it's too expensive there, look online. You can find some phenomenal deals if you look. Amazon is a great place to find things. If you stalk the running stores you'll find some awesome deals as they start the transition to a new season. I found that for me, investing in seasons that hadn't arrived yet or had just passed, helped me stay motivated.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    snha wrote: »
    I love this one. It's a bit sexist, but still the spirit behind it is what matters :)

    It's only sexist if you don't think women have balls... :)
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement, and welcome!! I am excited to be on this journey :):p

    @7lenny7 That snow sounds intense! Our winters (Michigan) can be quite similar, can I ask if you use a certain type of shoe for running, or a type of sock? I have been using my same old gear but with a shell coat, wool gloves, double docks, and a beanie. I find that I'm getting rashes on my calves, and don't know if I should go to Target and buy some cold weather gear, or invest in something potentially better from UnderArmor or a place like that. Would you (or anyone else) have any advice for me?

    I appreciate it!!!

    @pippishortstockings, Last night, because of the deep snow, I wore my trail running shoes which are Merrell All Out Charge. They worked well. One guy in our group had put screws in his shoes and I'm sure that worked well too. For most of my winter road running I wear the same road shoes I do in the summer, though I put duct tape on the toe if it's really cold to stop the cold air from getting through the mesh. For deep snow I'll use my trail shoes. The upper, while not waterproof, is thicker and lets less air and moisture through, plus has better tread. I have a pair of screw shoes I made last weekend that I've used just one time on a really ice trail. They worked great for that, but I'd only wear those if I felt I really needed to.

    For socks, I use a Fitsok ISW Isowool with a trail cuff. The cuff is just long enough to fit under my running tights. I really like these! When it gets really cold...single digits or less, I wear a pair of DryMax cold weather socks. I'm very happy with these too.

    I don't know what to tell you about your calf rash. Does the rash appear on the same place a particular piece of clothing touches your skin? I would try different materials covering that area. Perhaps a very thin "over-the-calf" liner sock?
  • TheMobileMom
    TheMobileMom Posts: 66 Member
    I'm recovering from a sinus infection, and late posting this. My goal is 50 miles this month.
  • Alex729
    Alex729 Posts: 103 Member
    Goal: 70 miles
    2/1:7 miles
    2/2: 2 miles
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for February

    2/1 7.55 miles - 7.55
    2/2 7.4 miles - 14.95
    2/3 4.5 miles - 19.45


    Upcoming races:
    UAH Spring Road Race 8K - 3/6
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler - 6/25

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @7lenny7 - glad Kody is okay. Those Winter Warriors are amazing!
    What a great group.

    Feb 1 - 4.27
    Feb 2- repairing/recovery day.
    Feb 3 - Strength training


    2/7 Daytona Beach HM
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Just dropping by quickly because someone sent me this, and I had to share B)


    I think the ones running inside are the crazy ones. We had a storm this weekend and the roads were really bad (even the ones that are normally runnable most of the winter). I had several friends run 20-22 milers on a treadmill. That is the definition of insanity to me. Much respect. I could never do it.
    Well, I can't run 20 miles anyway, but if I could...
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    Hydeel6582 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I'm new here. My story: I started running when I turned 50. I ran for about 3 years doing 5K's and 10K's. My Dad found himself with brain cancer and he needed my care and support, it was a tough road and he died in less then a year. It's now been almost 2 years since his death and I decided I needed to take care of me. So I have signed up for a free half marathon to help my home town recover. I have about 60 lbs to lose and I need to be fit to run my first ever Half Marathon by December of this year. I am currently doing 2-3 Miles in a walk jog combo... I need your support as I begin a new journey, I need to be methodical, plan well, eat right, stay injury free! I'm really happy to be running again and I love goal setting. I've set a goal of 35 Miles for February and a 10lb weight loss

    I am so very sorry to hear about your father. My mother passed away about four months ago at the age of 58 from a very short battle with pancreatic cancer. It is so very hard to pick up and keep going after something like that happens. I completely understand where you're coming from.

    Best of luck with your goals. You can do it! I'm doing my first ever half marathon in a few weeks, though it's the third one I've trained for. Turns out I'm injury prone. I just joined this challenge thing last month, but everyone is super supportive and encouraging. You are in good company.
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    02/02 8.00 mi
    TOTAL 8.00 mi
    GOAL 50.00 mi

    Upcoming Races:
    02/21 - Disney Princess Half Marathon
    04/02 - Philadelphia Hot Chocolate 15K
    04/09 - Yuengling Light Lager Jogger 5K
    05/01 - Blue Cross Broad Street Run (10 miler)
    09/18 - Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon

    (I decided to join the "cool kids" and list all the upcoming races I'm currently registered for. :smile:)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @7lenny7 I can not believe you screwed your shoes. Have you tried it out yet?
  • Becky_44
    Becky_44 Posts: 227 Member
    Feb 1 - Run/ .9 miles, Walk/ 1.21 miles - Week 2 Day 1
    Feb 3 - Run/ .9 miles, Walk/ 1.21 miles -Week 2 Day 2
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @7lenny7 I can not believe you screwed your shoes. Have you tried it out yet?

    @elise4270, I joined a group of trail runners last weekend and one of them warned that because of a recent thaw and refreeze, it could be slippery. Screwing shoes was suggested. So, the night before the run I took my retired pair of Brooks, and screwed them repeatedly, in the bottom, until they looked like they had been screwed enough.

    The next morning I woke up, rolled over and saw them still where I had left them, and we got going. They worked quite well. I ran 11 miles that day and in places some folks who didn't screw their shoes were sliding. Those of us who did, and one guy with YakTrax had no problem.

    That said, after about 8 miles the ball of my left foot started giving me minor issues. I can't say for certain it was the screwed shoes, but the next did I used my trail shoes and ran nearly 7 miles with no issues, though i did slip around more. I may take out some of the screws and see if I can get by with less, or experiment with different locations.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Oh @7lenny7 ! You had me laughing so hard! I'm almost jealous of the shoes :blush: ha-ha! Thanks!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @karllundy thanks! I've always wanted to go to Hawaii so I can't wait.
    @_nikkiwolf_ love the meme
    @kristinegift ugh sorry for your cramps, but awesome job getting out there when you are feeling like that
    @pippishortstockings I'm a big fan of layering and wool socks in the winter. I don't really wear anything heavy when I run. If it's like 10 out I'll a baselayer, long sleeve dri fit and a hoodie that's not too heavy.
    @7lenny7 so glad you and Kody are both okay. My poor Macy is down and out right now with a staph infection on her stomach. It's awful when our furbabies get hurt or are so close to being hurt. I call my "screw shoes" "hooker heels" but screw shoes can work. :wink: :blush:
    @hydeel6582 I'm sorry about your Dad. Having lost my Dad after a long illness I can say it takes a long time to recover from the loss. Welcome to our happy family.
    @9voice9 UGH - I'm so sorry about the redo you need on your surgery. Stupid driver!!

    Had PT today, he's happy with the way things are coming along and says keep doing what you are doing. Okay I can do that.