The February 2016 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Just popping in to catch up (68 posts!) and to say that I came thru the surgery well (according to the doc). The hernia was indeed pretty bad, but he's happy with the repair. I'm obviously feeling a bit sore thru the belly now (staying on the pain meds for at least the first day or so), but I'm happy it's over, and looking forward to completing my recuperation so I'm not a not-running-bear.

    THANKS for all the good thoughts from the folks here - I really do appreciate the family that we've grown here!

    Glad things we good!! Hope you have a quick recovery.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @9voice9 I am so happy your surgery was successful. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Feb 02      4.4T     4.4
    Feb 20      3.7      8.1
    Feb 21      3.7     11.8
    Feb 23      3.7T    15.5
    Feb 24      3.9T    19.4

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @juliet3455 I enjoyed your race report. You had me feeling bad for you until I read about all the beer the night before! Sounds like you persevered well, all things considered.
    @ddmom0811 Kody is thrilled to be famous!
    @Virkati Glad the run was, at some level, fulfilling!!
    @WhatMeRunning you may be modest, but you've been one of my three biggest inspirations here since I started running. The other two are @Stoshew71 and @mwyvr. Since we seem to have started our fitness journey at similar ages and in similar situations, the three of you have led the way and have shown me that what I wanted to do can, indeed, be done! BTW, you're race list is EPIC!
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Most ultra people I heard don't actually do a 30 mile training run (tho I could be wrong). Instead they do back to back long runs. So Saturday they would do a 20 miler and then Sunday do an 16 or 18 miler for example.

    A met a new trail running friend in January. The first time I met him on the trails, he was running 20 miles on Saturday, 20 on Sunday. Then tells me he's had to cut back because of injury. Normally he does 30 miles Saturday, and another 30 miles on Sunday. For the month of January he ran over 350 miles. He tells me that he runs so much he never trains for any particular race. He's just always ready. I think he said his longest race has been 100 miles. Just one person, but an interesting anecdote, I thought.

    Regarding the long run and a limit of 2.5 hours due to injury prevention...I've read about doing a simulated 20 mile run by running long (but shorter than 20 miles) two days back to back but what about using cross training? Say biking for an hour or more followed by 2.5 hours of running? Would there be benefit to that?

    I can't wait to get back to the long, long distance run! My distance PR of 18 miles seems so long again (a little over 4 months ago).

    @MorningGhost14, there's less weekly mileage in that plan that I would have guessed. Good to know for future reference...
    @9voice9 glad to hear you came through surgery well! Best thing I did after I had my hernia surgery was to take a laxative.

    @WhatMeRunning, I remember you disappearing for a while. We have a orthopedic center nearby that specializes in sports injury and even has a running program that I've thought about checking out. I think they'd be perfect for me. Fall marathon would be an option, but the reason I specifically picked a May marathon is that we bought a sailboat over the winter so I want to spend my summer and fall weekends on the water, not training for a marathon. I still plan on running a lot, but want to be more flexible with the amount of running.
    @shanaber, what makes work worse this week is I have 3 solid days of training, which means even more sitting than normal. During our breaks I'm walking laps around the building. That and the extra hours at work doing my actual job are probably making the knee worse. you know, that might explain why my knee felt better after my 8 mile run last night...

  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    2/01: 3 miles, easy, 8:36 pace + 45 min x-training + core
    2/02: 5 miles, tempo, 8:22 pace + 40 min x-training
    2/03: 5 miles, speedwork (4x800m at 5K pace) + 45 min strength training + core
    2/04: Off, 45 min x-training
    2/05: 4 miles, easy, 8:40 pace
    2/06: 5 miles, 3 miles at race pace (averaged 7:43) with warm up/cool down + 55 min strength training + core
    2/07: 8 miles, long and easy, 8:39 pace
    2/08: 3 miles, easy, 8:40 pace + 45 min x-training + core
    2/09: 5 miles, speedwork, (6x2 minutes at 5K pace with 2 minutes recovery jog between)
    2/10: 4 miles, easy, 8:54 pace + 45 min strength training + core
    2/11: 1 mile, quick, 6:52 pace + 45 min x-training
    2/12: 5 miles, easy, 8:45 pace
    2/13: 5 miles, speedwork (1 mile/800m/2x400m at 5K pace) + 55 min strength training
    2/14: 9 miles, long and easy, 8:34 pace
    2/15: 3.5 miles, easy, 8:46 pace + 25 min x-training
    2/16: 5 miles, tempo, 8:11 pace
    2/17: 6 miles, super easy, 8:57 pace + 45 min x-training + core
    2/18: 5.5 miles, speedwork (5x800m at 5K pace) + 50 min strength training + core
    2/19: Rest day - preparing for my 5K race tomorrow :3
    2/20: 2.5 mile warm up + 5K race (22:05 - new PR!)
    2/21: 11 miles, long and easy + core
    2/22: 6 miles, easy + 50 min strength training + core
    2/23: 5 miles, tempo (2 miles at LTP)
    2/24: 6 miles, easy + 30 min x-training + core (am)
    2/24: 3 miles, easy (pm)
    Total: 120.58 miles


    Upcoming races:
    3/12 - Leprechaun Leap (5K)
    3/20 - Excalibur 10 Miler
    3/26 - Chicago Quarter Marathon
    4/09 - Chi Town Half Marathon
    5/28 - Soldier Field Run (10 miles)
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited February 2016
    Just got in 8 miles yesterday and another 7 today as my neighbor has been good for doing daily shorter runs, and with some pre/post miles I've been reaching more reasonable daily totals. I'm planning to hold off on speedwork until 9 days after my 15K (going by the 1 day/mile of racing rule of thumb), but I'll try a long 18 mile run on Sunday night to see how my body reacts to the longer than usual distance.

    2/1 - 4 miles (up/down part of Park City mountain through 2 feet of powder)
    2/2 - 5.5 miles
    2/3 - 1 miles (pre lifting warmup)
    2/4 - 10 miles (7 mile tempo run + 3 recovery)
    2/5 - 5 miles
    2/6 - 10 miles
    2/8 - 9 miles
    2/9 - 12 miles (w. 3x15 min @ 7:15/mile pace w. 90 sec recovery)
    2/10 - 5 miles
    2/11 - 12 miles (8 miles speedwork + 4 mile late recovery run)
    2/12 - 1 mile (pre lifting warmup)
    2/13 - 10 miles
    2/15 - 4 miles
    2/16 - 5 miles (threshold run w. 3 @ 7 pace in middle)
    2/17 - 10 miles
    2/18 - 5.5 miles (w. 10x0.25 repeats @ 5:30/mile w. 30 sec recovery)
    2/20 - 15k race (6:39 pace, 89/5500)
    2/22 - 7 miles
    2/23 - 8 miles
    2/24 - 7 miles

    Total: 140 miles
    Goal: 180 miles
    Remaining: 40 miles

    Upcoming Races:
    Half Ironman - Florida 70.3 - Apr 10
    Marathon - Pittsburgh - May 1
    Half Ironman - Augusta 70.3 - Sep 25
    Marathon - Chicago - Oct 9 (if accepted)
    Ironman - Florida - Nov 5

    @5BeautifulDays - Glad you survived your HM! Good luck with the family emergency.
    @9voice9 - Speedy recovery!
    @7lenny7 - I've heard lots of stories from more hardcore friends about having surprisingly good race performances after taking off a full week mid-training cycle to fully recuperate from an injury. Taking 2 weeks off will only set you back by about 2-3%, so don't hesitate to step away and fully heal. Not the end of the world if you miss a monthly goal from time to time so you get back to 100%, and although speedwork has helped me make more recent gains, save it for when you are fully healed.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    February goal 40 miles.
    3.36 miles on February 3rd, 3.42 miles on February 4th. Trying to run 10 miles per week,unfortunately on the treadmill this month. Total is 6.78 miles so far.
    HM on 5/7.

    2/8 3.9 miles. Total is 10.68 miles

    2/9 3.84 miles. Total is 14.52----1/3 of the way to goal.

    2/11 4.39 miles. Total is 15.08. Getting more fit. 2.5 minutes to recover after pushing myself to 93% max heart rate.

    2/15 4.52 miles. Total is 19.6. All on the treadmill with 1% incline.

    2/20 8 miles, running outdoors on a local trail. 27.6 miles total.
    Very sore hips, esp the right after the 4th miles.

    2/22 4.1 miles on the treadmill, needed to work out the soreness after Saturday. 31.7 miles for the month; only need 8.3 miles for my goal of 40 miles.

    2/24 3.98 miles on the treadmill. Noted that my fitness has improved in 3 weeks time. Improved to 13:02 miles/minute at 85% or less max heart rate, improved from 15:00 on February 3rd. Total for the month is 35.68 miles, goal is 40 miles. Need to run 4.32 miles tomorrow night to finish this out and reach goal.

    Ultimate goal is the mini-marathon in Indy on May 7th, 100th anniversary of Indy 500. Going to try to run 4 HM this year and maybe a couple of 10 K's. Trying to fit them into my schedule.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @shanaber, what makes work worse this week is I have 3 solid days of training, which means even more sitting than normal. During our breaks I'm walking laps around the building. That and the extra hours at work doing my actual job are probably making the knee worse. you know, that might explain why my knee felt better after my 8 mile run last night...
    @7lenny7 - yep, that is why when I had my training for that week in Dallas I sat in the back and as much as possible I stood up rather than sitting. The chairs were uncomfortable and I really can't sit like that anymore. I also did the walk around too - we were in a conference center at a hotel so I would walk all the way around and back to the hotel and then back to the conference center - just to move a bit.

    @9voice9 - so glad the surgery went well! Hope you will be back up and about soon!

    No run for me today - rest day with many (too many) hours of work. Early meetings in the morning with hopefully a run fit in between.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @9voice9 You'll be fine before long! At least to us... ;)

    It seems like the other day a FB running friend hurt his hamstring, but it's been 4 weeks and he's back on track.

    Amazing how frustrating it is to an injured runner how slow time seems to pass.

    But it passes the same for everyone.

    My sympathies to all our injured Challengers.
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,137 Member
    edited February 2016
    02/09 3.25miles - found it hard after the break
    02/10 3.25miles - same route, much better 30 sec faster
    02/15 3 miles
    02/23 3.5 miles
    02/24 3.5miles

    16.5 done of 30miles


  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited February 2016
    @ereck44 - Congrats on the fitness gains! Love the running goals!

    Looks like an unplanned rest day. My oblique muscle is a LOT better but I still feel it on certain movements. After doing a little bit of Dr. Google and coming to the clear concensus that I am going to die, I am also going to keep my planned rest day tomorrow to heal for 2 days before attempting a run on Saturday. Saturday is supposed to be a long run but I will cut that down and skip the long run this week. Hopefully I will be able to run each day as scheduled next week without it feeling any worse.

    Damn oblique muscles...why you no work right?!?!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm afraid this looks like a stress fracture. Anyone know better? If it is, can I lay off the next 4 weeks (upcoming half), swim, elliptical and such and porentially make the race? Can I manage it on my own or should I see a doc?

    My mileage had been 80-100 since ~September. I'm working harder or could it be a gait issue with my bum left? Maybe just dumb luck.

    Thanks everyone. @WhatMeRunning I'm willing it better.

    Think I can run today?

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Oh crap, @Elise4270 you need to get that checked out so you can get a plan going. Hopefully it is not a fracture, but with swelling and discoloration like that I suspect you are going to need some downtime. We runners always need to think long next season.

    Where the f**k is March already?!?!? February is really pi$$ing me off with this injury crapola!!!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited February 2016
    2/1: 6 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/2: 5 miles
    2/3: 7.5 miles
    2/4: 8.2 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/5: Rest day (hallelujah!)
    2/6: 9.5 miles with the Saturday crew
    2/7: 18 miles LR
    2/8: 6.1 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/9: Rest day
    2/10: 7 miles speedwork (am), 10 miles (pm)
    2/11: 6 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/12: Rest day!
    2/13: 14 miles with Saturday crew
    2/14: 7 miles
    2/15: Rest/lazy day
    2/16: 5 miles
    2/17: 5 miles (am), 12 miles (pm)
    2/18: 8 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/19: Rest day!
    2/20: 8.5 miles
    2/21: 16 miles
    2/22: 6 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/23: XT: 12 miles stationary bike
    2/24: 10 miles
    2/25: No AM run

    No morning run for me today! Storms kept me up til about 1 am, so when my alarm went off at 6 I just muttered "nope" at my phone and turned it off. Plus while I was NOT sleeping last night, I was reviewing some training stuff, and looking at this week's numbers I realized that 6 + 10 + 8 + 6 + 10 + 20...... doesn't equal 50. It equals 60. Because I'm a dumb-dumb who can't do math (hey, I'm in a humanities MA program for a reason!). So I reasoned that 60 miles does not a cutback week make, since it was all the 60 mile weeks that prompted the cutback, so skipping this morning's 8 miler -- though I was missing out on a 50 degree morning! :( -- was the best choice if I wanted this cutback to actually be a thing. Though hopefully this doesn't mean I lose in the mileage Jedi war against @Stoshew71 ;)

    So bummed to read about all these injuries, you guys! Hopefully you're all good to go again in March and we can all get some happy training on the thread!


    Upcoming races:
    3/12: Run o' the Mill 5K
    4/3: Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member

    1-personal training episode. so sore
    2-nothing, not feeling well
    3-slept in. still not feeling great
    4-see above, and then transmission cracked
    5-car hunting
    6-car hunting
    7-4.75 miles. I added hills to my treadmill work out. oh the suck
    9-i was on the way to the gym. because it was icy i didn't want to run outside. so icy, i hit a parked jeep with my 2 day all new to me car. :frowning: no gym for me
    10-yoga tonight. a little sore from the accident, but i'm really concerned about the race this weekend. I've not been able to train like I'd like to due to flares and accidents. I'm not sure how I'll do
    11-no run. fell asleep by 7pm
    12-slept like a rock thru my alarms
    13-8k race day. freezing 1F. but i did get a PB and after not finding any particularly friendly people, i did find a few to chat and run with.
    15-went to the gym and did a 10k virtual run. it was hard physically but I was proud I did it
    17-yoga tonight
    18-wayward ice chunk took out rental's bumper, went back to insurance and got another car and filed a claim. sigh, no time for run today.
    19-planned rest day.
    20-7.04mi felt good. i missed the distance. the first few miles are always a struggle. it was my fastest 6-8 miles
    21-video game day (borderlands pre-sequel)
    23-lazy did not run. cannot get motivated
    24-yoga tonight

    totally not making my goal but I think i needed a rest. i was literally falling asleep at my desk this week


    Jan 16-Frosty 5k-33:43:123 (gun time-don't have chip time)
    Feb 13-Steve Cullen Run 8k chip time: 53:37
    Feb 15 Puppy Love Virtual Run 10k runkeeper time: 1:13:20
    ?Mar 14-Great Pi Run?
    ?Jun 11-Rock n Sole 5 or 8k? honeymoon might interfere
    June 19th through Sunday, July 10th SHE Power Virtual Half

  • Ron_Dco
    Ron_Dco Posts: 51 Member
    Hi All,
    Excited ... completed my first 5K just am hour back. My calves caught fire around half way and started getting cramps so switched to walk after that and regained running only at last 500 to 600 meters. Completed 5K in 00:31:51 my PR. Will definitely want to improve this and do something to those calves, they really didn't co-operate today... :(

    2/7...................1.19.................1.19 (Run)
    2/10..................1.85.................3.04 (Walk)
    2/11..................1.88.................4.92 (Walk)
    2/12..................8.8.................13.72 (Bird Count Exercise)
    2/13..................4.20................17.92 (Walk)
    2/15..................5.27................23.19 (Run)
    2/17..................5.32................28.51 (Walk)
    2/18..................2.28................30.79 (Walk)
    2/19..................3.20................33.99 (Run)
    2/21..................2.40................36.39 (Walk)
    2/25..................5.00................41.39 (5 K run)

    First 5 K.................. 25th Feb (00:31:51)


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2016
    Oh crap,
    Where the f**k is March already?!?!? February is really pi$$ing me off with this injury crapola!!!

    Amen! I am beginning to think it's contagious. Maybe I'll get super lucky and get a few weeks off work. I can focus on cross training.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Feb 1 - 4.27
    Feb 2- repairing/recovery day.
    Feb 3 - Strength training 4.5 miles
    Feb 4 - rest
    Feb 5 - Strength training
    Feb 6 - 34 mile bike ride
    Feb 7 - 13.1 HM - New PR 2:18:57!!!
    Feb 8 - 3.05 mile recovery run.
    Feb 9 - 1 hour spinning class
    Feb 10 - Strength training
    Feb 11 - 6 miles
    Feb 12 - recovery day
    Feb 13 - 34 mile bike ride
    Feb 14 - 36 mile bike ride
    Feb 15 - 7.5 miles
    Feb 16 - 3.6 miles
    Feb 17 - strength training
    Feb 18 - 5.04 miles + 1 hour spinning class
    Feb 19 - strength training
    Feb 20 - 34 mile bike ride
    Feb 21 - 35 mile bike ride
    Feb 22 - 4.5 miles
    Feb 23 - 4.5 miles
    Feb 24 - strength training
    Feb 25 - 4.5 miles - tried doing intervals using Endomondo as the guide. It was fun.


    3/3 Orlando City Soccer 5K
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    February goal—None first 1/2 on February 7…just going to try for as many miles as possible in February

    2/2—5.2 ish km—the groundhog wouldn’t see his shadow if he existed here
    2/4–3.2 km
    2/7—21.09 km—Condura skyway marathon. Didn’t get the time I wanted as I had to walk a lot due to the heat and humidity and hills. Gee…I thought I was trained and ready.
    2/17—4.78 km
    2/18—4.87 km
    2/21—14.12 km
    2/23—5.02 km
    2/25–6.4 km evening run
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    rohanivan wrote: »
    Hi All,
    Excited ... completed my first 5K just am hour back. My calves caught fire around half way and started getting cramps so switched to walk after that and regained running only at last 500 to 600 meters. Completed 5K in 00:31:51 my PR. Will definitely want to improve this and do something to those calves, they really didn't co-operate today... :(

    Congratulations on the PR! It might not have been your issue, but make sure you're well hydrated before your run - that might have been part of your calf problem.