
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited February 2016
    Great to hear, Pip. No, we don't want you trying to run on a treadmill at the same time as you're watching Kirby! Too easy to fall.
    Takk! Penny.
    Bare hyggelig, Heather B)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :) It does seem that dogs sleep a lot, but it's the best time to snap a photo. When I bring my dogs home from a long walk, they go right to the bed or the couch and close their eyes, but the minute I open the closet, put on shoes, or do anything that looks like preparation for a walk, they jump right up and let me know that they are ready to go out again.

    :) I eat breakfast every morning because I am hungry---when I eat, I have already walked about 1500 steps taking dogs out in the back to "do business". I plan my meals and snacks for the day at certain times and stick to the schedule, the same way one would stick to a schedule of prescribed medications from a doctor.

    :'( there's no dance class today and tomorrow because the facility we rent from is refinishing the floor in the big room where we dance. It feels funny to not be dancing, but I'll spend about 30 minutes practicing dances along with getting other chores done.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2016
    Pip- yeah for Kirby!

    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Goblet squat-3X7X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-12 X9X 30, 10 X 10 X 30

    I have raised five more sets of the kettle bell swing to 10 reps today. I am amazed at how only one more swing for five of the sets can really be felt in my body!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Gloria, I hope you got your coffee fix! Even though I’m down to one cup each morning, I need it when I first get up! I know how disappointed you are with your son but his children are so lucky to have you. I know it is not how you pictured your retirement but know what a blessing you are to them!!!! (((Hugs)))

    Heather, do some of the dentist there subsidized by the NHS? By there, I mean in England, not just where you live. I was thinking, if so, it might be worth finding one in/near London if they are that expensive paying on your own. Just a thought.

    Vicki,NE, that is so sad that your DGS has to have surgery again. I hope this might be the last one.

    Mia, I’m giggling about your Dad asking you if you used the hot tub in the nude. smiley-laughing009.gif

    Rhoda, welcome. You will find this a great place for support and information. MFP is the first thing I have found that really works during and after weight loss. It’s not always fun but totally worth it if you want to get healthy. Just log everything that goes in your mouth and never give up. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Mary, your workouts are so impressive!!! How much time do you spend each day doing them?

    Anne, don’t wake that girl up. She looks exhausted! lol

    Barbie, you talking about purging your books just reminded me that we are having a book sale as a charity fund raiser at the Women of the Moose. I need to go through my books.

    Janetr, you are too sweet but I haven’t been a “babe” in more years than I can remember. But I’ll admit, it’s still nice to hear. (((Hugs)))

    Katla, I’m so glad to hear you say that you are liking your sixties better than any time you can remember. I think I feel the same way. There is just something so liberating about this age and I think part of mine is that I have become so accepting of people and things. I heard the same news about acid reflux meds. Luckily I have been able to stop taking mine since I’ve lost weight but I fear the harm may have already been done. wallbash.gif

    Joyce, good news on the labs. Keep up the good work. I hope you can get rid of that sore throat soon!! ill.gif

    Nancy, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Most of us have found that we need to forget about diets and adopt a new lifestyle of healthy eating to maintain what we lose. Logging what we eat is one way to stay focused and keep up with what we eat while adding exercise. Come often and join right in.

    Karen, so glad you are enjoying your alone time at home. As much as I love my DH, I like my time alone. How long will they be gone?

    Margaret, sending prayers for your DS. I know it is hard on you as well. (((Hugs)))

    Cheri, such a cute pic of your pup. Did you wake her up for that? Ours sleep much of the time, too. I remind myself of that when we have to board them. Also when we crate trained our dogs, I tried to remember that they sleep their lives away whether in a crate or on the sofa. Lol

    Pip, I am so proud of Kirby! I knew he would keep making progress. I don’t blame you for not watching.

    Pat, I never used to eat breakfast but have slowly gotten to where I eat a bran muffin as soon as I get up each morning. When I don’t have a muffin I have a Fiber One bar. I sometimes have eggs and a piece of toast for lunch.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I have a board meeting this afternoon so need to get busy. I’ve lost some of the weight I gained on the cruise but have a couple of pounds to go. I was a bad girl. Last year I would excuse myself after the entrée’ and not stay while everyone ate dessert. This year I stayed and joined them. Oh well. We have booked our next cruise for Dec. 2nd of this year. It is just a 5 day and we might do another 5 day next March or April. The 7 day cruises have gotten so expensive that we can almost do 2 Five day cruises for the same money. At least that is how we are looking at it. lol

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Do all dogs just sleep?

    As they get older - usually yes. Older is a relative term though. My dog is 5 years old and should have calmed down by now. She'll sleep if we are sitting with her, but if I get up to walk around the house she jumps up and follows me bouncing all around me. "Walk" is not a word that is in her vocabulary. She is all terrier and bounces. Of course, it doesn't help that only one of the 2 footers in the house tries to enforce the "4 feet on the floor" rule. DH spoils her rotten and does not insist upon good behavior.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm sorry to be such a broken record, but my life has hit the fence at the moment. My son refused to even talk to his kids yesterday, (he actually said he hated them) and today he says he wants them to come home tonight to stay. I don't know what to do! I'm so tense and stressed beyond belief. The kids were so happy this morning. I just got into a groove, and now he's going to tear things up again. I could hear the evil stepmother in the background telling him what to say. Today he says he's feeling better and yesterday he said he was going to die. I'm just at wits end! And I'm physically exhausted. Haven't slept much in three days or more. My stomach is in knots and my angina has reared it's ugly head. I have drafting emergencies to get done and can't think straight. I don't think I've ever been this physically and emotionally exhausted in my whole life. One of the ladies from the co-op is after me to do some layouts for the new gallery. I gave DGD#1 permission to do an after-school activity starting next Wednesday, an I'm just sure her dad will refuse to let her do it. But I know for a fact that they want to live with him, even if it means living with Julie. I asked them. I need to talk to hubby but he's in class. Tonight I'm taking them to a party at school and he wants me to bring them home right after. I finally got them used to bathing, brushing their teeth, and wearing clean clothes, and now they are going back to squallor.

    I'm worried about how things are going to go.

    I hope everyone else is having a great day. Bye for now.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Happy Thursday, It is 4:30am and I have been at work since 1am. The night person's father in law coded in ER and so she just left. We are a 24\7 dept. So my boss calls me since I live the closest. I had only been in bed maybe 2 hours at the most, now I work until 3 this afternoon. Gotta love life.

    News about my mom was not good, they are pretty sure she has blood cancer of some kind. So when my sister gets the appointment with the oncolist I will go with them and see what the next step is. I don't care how old we are or how old are parents are we are never ready to lose them.

    I had a NSV last evening. DH and I were at Sam's club and they have the swimsuits out. I saw a pretty one and got one two sizes smaller then the one I have and when I got home it fit. Happy dance.

    Katla--Glad that you really like your new doctor. That is always a plus.

    Not a lot to say today. So take care and type to you later.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »

    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Goblet squat-3X7X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-12 X9X 30, 10 X 10 X 30

    I have raised five more sets of the kettle bell swing to 10 reps today. I am amazed at how only one more swing for five of the sets can really be felt in my body!


    Mary from Minnesota

    :) not only are you doing amazing on both strong lifts and kettle bells, but you have been consistent in doing your regular routine..no excuses or loopholes for you :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    DJ- thank you! I spend 25 minutes on the kettle bell and an hour and 15 minutes when I do my StrongLifts. That's a lot less time than I used to spend when I did cardio. I used to spend three hours every day or more. I love hearing about your adventure on the cruise. It is nice that you were able to enjoy yourself and have dessert. With your commitment to this lifestyle you will not have any trouble using the extra pounds. I am hoping to go on one someday.

    Barbie - thank you, you are one of my inspirations on here for being consistent. The only thing I need to do now is be a little better at resisting sweets.

    I just got back from a mile walk with my puppy. It is in the mid-20s. So we are having a heatwave! I love seeing all the pictures of the furbabies.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Becca - Ooh, I really feel for your friend, and for you! It's uncomfortable to see two people duke it out in a public venue like Facebook. I'm also reminded of my divorce. There were a couple of very close friends who voluntarily stepped to my side and never left it, but we never asked for that and most of our friends managed to stay neutral. I treasure the friends who were willing to go to bat for me - everyone needs that now and then (and I'll admit it was nice to have somebody tell me what a jerk my ex was, even though I knew it wasn't entirely true). But I also respect the grace and diplomacy it took for the rest of our friends to stay out of it. I hope your friend and her partner manage to find peace.

    Heather - I love your Norwegian phrases! And if your vacation involves a need for any of those phrases, we want to hear about it! I picked up a little (VERY little) bit of Norwegian before my trip to Bergen several years ago, and liked the sound of the language. Skål!

    Sylvia - My heart goes out to you over the situation with your son and his children.

    Yesterday I managed 20 minutes on the exercise bike. Would like to have done more, but I'm at the "clean-up" stage of this cold and I didn't want to go so hard I started the coughing up again. I've just been approached about taking in a new greyhound foster dog. If we do it, this will be the 50th greyhound to pass through our home! I need to call them back and find out more about the situation. I love to foster but I don't think I'm up for a neurotic and/or long-term foster dog at this point. But it would be nice to have another pointy dog around the place, and Luna would probably enjoy having someone to run with.

    Well, I have a conference call in a couple of hours and the coughing fits have started, so I'd better go take something for it in hopes of getting through that call. Have a great day, everybody!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Sylvia ... Breathe! Don't make any decisions until you've talked to your husband. You need to be united on this one 100%! Decide whether you want permanent custody ... And the likely fallout you will suffer from your son. Then move forward... I'm praying for you!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Margaret ... Your son is in my prayers ...
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Sylvia~ my oh my I wish there was something we could do or say... is there something social services could do to help. If he is the primary parent they are not in a good situation physically or legally.. If I am not overstepping my bounds, could you speak with the school counselor and have her point you in the right direction? If you son has signed papers giving you guardianship I would work with that.. The kids need a stable enviorment to thrive.. I know your husband you you love them to pieces.. do what you need to do for your health and theirs.. My Love to you always..
    went and visited a friend of mine, and we laughed for a good hour, then went to see my dad, came home swept and washed the floors.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Katla ... Here is a photo of today's front yard view. This is how I wish winter looked all the time! The snow has stopped falling ... The roads are clear and the sun is shining!

    I don't walk on our road, by the way ... County road with fast drivers, no sidewalks, poorly constructed berms ... Several neighbors over the past 15 years or so have fatally been struck by cars.


    Beth near Buffalo
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Joyce ... Our lab, 11 years old sleeps most of the day but has bursts of activity. In regards to your question ... Do you have a dog whose activity levels has suddenly changed? I would be concerned then.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited February 2016
    Think I m finally caught up,meaning skim & read a bit.

    Margaret,prayers for your son & you.The same for Heather. They never get to old for us to worry about.Will your son & family be closer to you when they move?

    Sylvia,wishing there was help to offer.Since your son is being a brat......seems all you can do is to be there when they need you. Can you find a therapist? Someone to be there for you?Your job,your son acting out.....all puts a heavy load on you....where is your help? What would son do for child care,pick up/drop off,if you end up in the hospital ? Can your husband talk to him,make him understand this has to stop? So sorry & hope things calm down.

    DJ,nice pic....love your hair It really suits your coloring.We will be sticking with cruises that leave from Fl.....as we have DD on Merritt Is & Grdau near Fort Lauderdale.That way,we can visit a bit & fly home in just 2 hrs.

    Carol in NC..you ok? Haven't seen you on lately.

    We had a sandwich for lunch.....after I swiftered kitchen & hall,did laundry,used sweeper & made chili.

    If you use the Fitbit that rates your sleep...one question. If you see you need more sleep,then what? How do you change that?
    Just curious.......trying to talk myself out of needing the Fitbit. The one I have just counts steps.

    Gonna check the chili,put clean dishes away,then done for sure. Thanks for the breakfast info. I do the early lunch,but have a fiber bar if going out. Otherwise I get the shakes :s Pat
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Margaret, praying hard for your son, and for you. I know it must be stressful.

    Vicki, I'm so sorry about your mother's condition. Hugs for you, too.

    Sylvia, my heart breaks for you and the stress under which you are living.

    Barbie, Mary, and Pip, you continue to inspire me.

    I went to the gym this morning. The other Trim and Tone class was meeting. The gal who has lost 80 lbs joined them today. Said she was done with the core stuff. The rest of us worked on cardio until they were finished, then did our ball marches, glute bridges, clams, and leg lifts, picking up blueberries the whole time (had to throw that in for y'all). I'm continuing to be a team player since it is only two weeks. When I got home I walked the old 2.65 mile circle with DH, so got in 5 miles today.

    Kroger had artisan lettuce on sale yesterday, so am going to make a huge salad for supper.
  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    My goal was to keep my weight low to fit into my clothes and I was able to do it this year. It got cold out and I tried on my winter pants and this time they fit. I did it by experimenting what would work for me and I first did an elliptical trainer last Spring. Then Summer came and my husband had an accident so pretty much life stopped. I had learned that by cutting calories (thanks to myfitnesspal) I could maintain my weight and that's what I did. Fish, salads, fruit, veggies, nuts etc instead of my old diet of pasta, pizza etc. Since my husband and I eat out at night, I put most of the calories for my goals in the evening and ate very lightly during the day. I also came to the sad realization I'm 50 and I'm not a spring chicken anymore so I won't look like a 29 year old even by taking the weight off. I'm trying to learn to be where I am now as an older lady yet keep up the fight to keep the weight where I want it.. that's my story.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Katla,Lenora – My DD was here last week to audition for The Voice, and I was unfortunately surprised by her size, and I just saw her over Christmas. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make her dedicated to her health, but since I’m still far from perfect, I will just pray from the sidelines, and offer her healthy choices and conversations whenever possible.

    Sylvia – The point Joyce makes is very enlightened, albeit painful to consider. And even if that is what your son is doing, there is a good chance he is completely unaware that he is doing it. I’d be willing to bet that his fear, grieving, emotions, etc are all over the page every day, and it gives him comfort to know that you will step up in this time of need, but he doesn’t have the proper words to express. It is VERY difficult to be the strong one, but it is you, and your grands will be better people for it. I admire you ! ! ! // Update: I’m so sorry that things have turned toward the worst. I hope you can stay strong for the sake of those grandkids ! ! ! Don’t give up hope, and try not to worry about what could be, but take care of you, so you can handle what ever comes to be ! ! ! My gut is leaning toward contacting someone in the County Foster Care system, to make sure your house is prepared properly, to prevent any snags that could erupt when it becomes time for custody decisions. I also agree with Allison about talking to someone at the school.

    Gloria – I take whatever generic Prilosec-type medication that is cheapest the day I am shopping. But I take it as much to lessen the problems with “sludge” in my gall bladder as the acid reflux. I still eat spicy food, so it’s mostly my own fault.

    Pat – enjoy your sunshine and warm temperatures. I wish I labeled all the little “bits and pieces” that I put in the freezer, because maybe that way I would use the stuff, instead of tossing it in the garbage when I need more space.

    Margaret – Hugs and Prayers ! ! !

    Pip – Hooray for Kirby !

    Vicki – Hooray for the swimsuit NSV. I’m so happy for you – dancing ! ! ! Hugs for the situation with your Mom !

    Becca – Hugs for the divorcing friends situation and Facebook problems. When I was going through my “unmarriage”, I specifically told certain friends that I hope they don’t choose sides, and I meant it. I must admit that there were a few others that I had hoped would choose sides, and I was willing to give them up. A messy divorce helps no one, and I hope you are able to stay neutral. You are wise; I’m certain you can handle it.

    Yvonne – Hugs and fast healing for your cough/cold ! ! !

    I eat breakfast everyday, since as far back as I can remember. I wake up hungry. But I start with a little milk in my coffee, then have a “regular” breakfast a few hours later at work. If I could make the time, I would eat at home before leaving for work.

    I’m a little sad right now. I put my fitness tracker on before leaving for work, and now it is gone. I checked the parking lot and my car.

    I probably won’t be able to read or post tomorrow, because I am training a new receptionist for one of the clinics we will be opening in a different state (Oklahoma maybe?).

    Today is my yearly review, so I have to stay busy today, too. And just for the record, cleaning and organizing my house is counter-productive for my weight. Last night I was organizing my dining room table and I found a Godiva dark chocolate bar, and I ate several pieces. If I had left the mess I wouldn't have found the chocolate, and I wouldn't have known what I was missing. lol ! ! !

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member