

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Heather, we have a similar problem with dental health here. Medicaid, the government insurance for elderly folks, does not cover dental care at all. Medicaid, the government insurance for extremely poor families, covers dental BUT the reimbursement rates are so low that the American Dental Association dentists boycott Medicaid clients. So folks like me that are taking in children, or like me that are disabled, have to go to the state university dental college and be guinea pigs for the students. It isn't bad for me since it is a half hour drive, but for folks in northwest Iowa it is a 6 hour drive each way! That is why there are so many poor children with awful teeth.

    Sylvia, my thoughts are with you. Remember the kids will get in to a routine so life will get easier for you.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Miriam -
    I can't remember who said they should show up at my door with swimsuit in hand to use my hot tub, but I don't think anyone would want to in the winter. It is in my drafty, missing windows, old barn so it is COLD getting in and out. I use it even when it is only 5 degrees out, but I am a hardy soul. Since it is in my barn where no one can see without coming in to my yard and peering through the windows, I don't bother with a suit, either. A suit was just one more obstacle to working out; it had to be rinsed out and dried each time.

    When our hot tub was working my favorite time to use it was in the Winter when it was snowing. The hot tub is outdoors on our deck and sitting in the tub with steam rising and snowflakes floating down was magical. Yes, it was bleeping cold getting out, but so well worth it. I really should push DH to repair it this Spring/Summer so that we can use it again.

    Once upon a time when we first got the hot tub my dad was visiting our house. He looked out the back door and saw we had a privacy fence all around our cement slab with the hot tub on it. He turned to me and asked "Why the fence around the slab? Do you use the hot tub in the nude?" I paused briefly and then asked "Dad, do you really want me to answer that?" He thought about it and said "No, I really don't want you to answer but I think you just did."

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Betty in WNY -
    Does anybody here do Tai Chi? I am wondering if yoga or Tai Chi is preferred for flexibility. I need to do some good stretching exercises.

    I used to do both yoga and Tai Chi. Sadly, the classes are held at a time that interferes with work so I don't do either any more. I think yoga is better for flexibility. Tai Chi really helped my balance.

    Mia in MI

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Barbiecat – Poor Brandy – that’s beyond a ‘cone of shame’. Looks like just her nose is sticking out; does she have a problem eating? Hope the leg heals ok and that the pathologist’s report if good one, too.

    When Cracker had to wear her cone of shame, she was so funny – she’d hold her head up high and she prissed. She had to wear it about 10 days to 2 weeks. I took her to 'my' vet for a 'get to know you visit' while she still had it on. Sutures were healing fine, gave her a couple of shots and something else. Now she is up on all her shots. She and Tux (our outside cat) have made friends with one another. Tux does not understand why she gets to come in, and he doesn't. But, he just sits and watches her. She's made friends with the 2 dawgs down the street and they don't go up the driveway to the road. It's dirt anyway so there is very little traffic.

    Sue – My DDnL#1 is probably, at least 140lbs+ overweight. She drinks 2 colas a day and then eats fast food for lunch and a lot of starchy foods for supper (if she eats). Going to a ‘doctor’ (and I use that term loosely) who has her on 5 or 6 shots a week (or however many times she goes - vitamins and appetite suppressants) and some kind of cabbage soup – she makes a big pot and eats it daily now. Supposedly, she has lost 10lbs already; but, honestly can’t tell it – still a big woman. DOS says that ‘this’ is the very last diet she has to pay for to lose weight; he doesn't care if she tops 300lbs - she's very close as it is. She’s not about to go on MFP – too much trouble; but, a diet quickly gets to be too much trouble for her. She can’t afford to go on the diet that I’m on. Her biggest issue is that she does not have the discipline to stick to anything and wants a magic pill and to wake up in a week and be her pre-pregnancy weight. She's been putting on weight since her oldest child was born (15 years ago). The only thing she has said about my weight loss is ‘it has found her’. DOGD says she did not gain it overnight; and, she won’t lose it overnight either. She does not want to hear that. She sets her goals too high to obtain them as well. We’ve been told NOT to say anything about her being on a ‘diet’. So, we don’t.

    Anne – I agree with Barbiecat about a ‘gratitude’ journal. I’d open up the Book of Proverbs and randomly pick a verse and write it down in my book every day. The Book of Proverbs are little lessons we all need to learn daily. Write positive things down, even if you can only think of 2 or 3; don’t write down negative things in your gratitude journal. If you are ‘angry’ and have nobody to talk to about it; pull up a Word Processing program on your computer and type in it until you feel better. Cry, type, cry, type, laugh and then stop. After being in the hospital to get my medications all straightened out; I wrote to the ‘counselor’ a 35-page letter about what had bothered me and how he had helped me see that my anger was not being channeled to something that was positive for me. He sent a copy of it to my PsycheMD – I did not care – it’s probably good that he did. When we talked about it … I realized just how far I have come. I used to write ‘books’ about my feelings when I was just going to a psychologist (until I found that he was using some of it to write a book); I stopped going to them after one of them told my Mother something that I had told her, in confidence. It made a huge hole in an already difficult relationship. Writing it down and keeping it … and maybe reading it you’ll find that you have come a lot further than you think you have. I don’t send it to anybody; I rarely print it out; it is just on my computer and nobody can see it. It is password protected. But the gratitude journal is the best one to keep. I have, at least, 6 journals I have filled up over the past few years. Some days I go back and read them. It’s harder to think of the ‘positive’ things in your life; but, negativity is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think of only bad things, then bad things will happen to you; if you think of positive things … things will start looking up for you. HANG TIGHT!

    Rori – yesterday I pulled out an exercise disc that my sister had made for both my oldest sister and me; and, we had tried it down at her house several years ago. A cross between ballet and yoga; I could not do ½ of it. I don’t have very good balance on a good day because of a broken toe, a broken and crushed ankle – I had to hang on to something. But, now I am looking for something that will tighten up my abs. I know hula hooping will help and as soon as the weather gets nicer I will be doing that. Soon the pool will be opened – I can hardly wait!

    Drkatiebug – I need to get some lighter weights; the one my husband have are way too heavy for me; in the meantime I will use cans of vegetables. I got a pulley over my door and that will help, too, with my arms.

    Michelle – I hope that we will find some answers for DH, too. At least the Urologist is going to be a bit more aggressive than just writing a Rx for another expensive medication that won’t work. At least he gives him samples for a while before writing the Rx for it. I am praying that it is only some scar tissue and that they can fix it. We’ve both had bladder issues; I’ve got to get the same test he is having; but, they are putting him to sleep and I’m not! But, I guess they have a lot further to go through his penis to get to the bladder. It took about 2 weeks to get the feeling back in my urethra after putting a catheter inside to empty my bladder. I’ve not have any problems with urination since, thankfully.

    I think you were wise to get Vince involved in the Skype sessions. Where does your son live that when you google his counselor, it is all in French? I think I would print it out and take it to a HS where they teach French; most teach French and/or Latin and get it translated. I just can’t imagine a “Skype” session unless y’all live far away from one another.

    I feel for you not being able to drive … but, it is the ‘law’ and you’ll find it will go quicker than you think (if you don't have another seizure); also will give Vince time to find out just how much you do that he normally does not have to do. Going to the grocery store taught DH how to find everything quickly and also he started giving me more $$$ to do so. I told him that he could count the items in his buggy and multiply it by $4 and he’d be pretty close to the total that he would be spending. Add in about another $5 to cover any overages. It works for me.

    My BF told me today that her grandson, that she raised since he was a toddler, hocked her computer and DVD. Our tax return is on it; but, he can’t do anything because he (supposedly) does not have her password. She can’t ours, or do her sisters’, nor hers. I asked her why she did not report it as stolen; her excuse was that his Dad (her son) was already trying to get charges pressed for the things that he stole from him (and his job – tools). He is the biggest, worthless piece of $#*T. I asked her why she let him come back to live with her. Her excuse was that her sisters won’t take him in. Weeeeeellllllllllllll, could it be that he needs to be ‘in jail’. He's already been there twice; once for breaking his probation; and he could not understand why they had picked him up. He had his truck stolen; and, then the rental they got, got stolen. Once, maybe might be understood; but, 2 vehicles? I think he took them to a chop shop or something. Alabama used to have a 'no title' rule; that is where a lot fo FL cars showed up. When I worked for MIC/GMAC - Alabama was the first place the adjusters checked for 'stolen' vehicles. She said that she is going to report them as stolen this afternoon. Yeah Right! She’s put all her good jewelry and old coins in a safety deposit box (hopefully, at the bank and not one at home). For someone who is so smart (CPA) she sure is dumb when it comes to ‘enabling her grandson by not doing something about it’.

    Linda – the scales that my nurse/MD uses figures out BMI from your weight and how much % of fat and water weight you have, and muscle and how it is distributed on your body. Fancy, fancy type of scales. Puts in you height and age as well – figures out how many calories it would take for you to lose weight or maintain it, too.

    Joannesteven – Up your water intake, that should help make the pounds drop off. Consider lowering your caloric intake. Most of the time when you seen a scale of weight in calories; that is to ‘maintain’ not lose. Consider dropping them. I’d also suggest checking with you MD to find out how many calories you should stay under in order to lose weight. 1100-1300 for women is about what it takes to ‘maintain’ their weight, not to lose it.

    Patceoh – I’ve had floaters for years; they come and go … not sure what sets them off; the only time they bother me is when they are in my direct line of vision or they move over my line of vision. I think mine are caused by stress more than anything … that’s when they are most noticeable to me. Very noticeable if I have a 'migraine'.

    Welcome to all the "newbies"; tell us something about yourself: name you prefer to be called, marital status, children, hobbies, and where you live, general or specific.

  • rhodadendra
    rhodadendra Posts: 4 Member
    New to the whole "community" blogging thing through MFP. My husband is going on a bear hunt this August. He is really trying to loose about 40lbs. beforehand as he'll be doing a lot of hiking. I need to loose almost 100lb. for my own health! As many others,just can't seem to stick to anything! So....here we go,once again! Just ordered(and received) Nutrisystem. For some,this might be the answer. But for us/me,it's quite the joke! There's still a lot of food prep and cost involved above and beyond the initial purchasing of their food. So,here I am.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squats-1X5X 65/75/85/95/105/115, 5X5X 125
    Sumo squats-5X5X 110
    BP-1X5X 65/70/75, 5X5X 80
    OHP-1X5X 45/50/55/60, 5X5X 50
    BR-5X5X 85

    Now that I am doing full body workouts every other day I have decided to deload workout B on workout A days and the opposite. I do not want to over train and develop issues. So today I did a deload on the OHP of 10lbs and 15lbs on the DL.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Brandy is doing better with her Zen cone and collar....they are soft so she can lie down OK. She can eat and drink with them on and even with the big bandage on her leg, she can jump onto the bed or the couch easily.....Jake and I are probably suffering more than she is.....she thanks all of you and your dogs for the kind word and hugs. The vet says that she can't go on her usual long walks, but she really wants to, so yesterday afternoon and this morning I had to bring her home a lot sooner than she wanted to come. We're taking this one day at a time.

    :)Gloria, we recently did a big purge of cookbooks and craft books and posted our books on Paperback Swap....many people were very happy to get the books....one woman wrote me a note saying that she had been looking for that crochet book for years (it had been in my cupboard, unused, since 2009).

    <3 Barbie
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
    hello ladies: Barn chores done and horses fed. They are very spoiled. We got hay from a new supplier and they have decided they don't like it as well as what we had before so they have dumped a lot of it on the floor and peed and pooped on it. Well they will have to learn to eat it or eat less. Need to go to the fairgrounds to get consignment supplies for the 4H tack sale coming up this Saturday, then DD and I will mark our things and I will take them in tomorrow. I am really thirsty today, must have been the bacon in last night's dinner.

    Michele - Glad this Skype session went better with Vince there. Hope you have fun in FL even without being able to drive.

    Sylvia - Is your son on steroids for his lung disease? My DD was on them for a long time for her sarcoidosis and had a not often seen but documented side effect called "roid rage". She would get excessively angry and could not control it. She is normally a sweet, kind, compassionate, easy-going person but at the time she could not get behind the wheel of her car without road rage and afterwards a couple of her good friends told her they avoided talking to, texting or e-mailing her because she was always so angry. She is now on Humira and back to her normal self. I wonder if part of your son's anger could be from this. Steroids are so often used to reduce lung inflammation.

    DJ - Glad to have you back, nice picture.

    Lisa - Glad you were able to pop in. Sounds like you are having fun.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Oh DJ, what a beautiful picture. You are quite a "babe". You look terrific, you should be very proud of yourself. Thanks for sharing.

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2016
    Beth: The snowy view from your living room is gorgeous and reminds me of my ill-fated walk in the snow and broken wrist. Enjoy the view, but be careful if you decide to take a walk. :flowerforyou:

    Kimses in MA: I love both of your quotations today. The ageless one could become my new mantra. :heart:

    Pip: You and Kirby are amazing. I admire you both. :bigsmile:

    Mindy: We ride adult trikes and they are amazingly fun. Ours have two wheels in front. The ones with two wheels in back can be a bit tippy in turns. DH had some rollovers turning a corner on hilly locations riding his so it isn't immune. Enjoy your ride! :smiley:

    Donna in WV: So 55 is the new 45? I'm more than a decade beyond that. I'd rather choose a different time zone than my mid forties. Talk about stress and self-esteem issues. Yikes! I'm actually liking my sixties better than any time I can remember other than college years through about 32. This is a HUGE surprise that I didn't expect but am very grateful for it. It is mostly better confidence and attitude on my part that is such an improvement. It all points toward my happiness goal as a game-changer. I pay better attention to good things now. :bigsmile:

    Mindy: Love the photos. You look happy. :flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: Your exercise class leader reminds me of my least favorite yoga instructor. She was a cheerleader in High School and still has that pov. I am laughing about picking up a blueberry with your nether region. As if that was EVER possible. :laugh: Can you find a class geared for the 50+ crowd? My yoga group is mostly 50+ folks with a few as young as 30 something because of the time period midmorning. The younger crowd is there after 5 pm. :smiley:

    Heather: Great job with the Norwegian! I'm learning Spanish but haven't practiced aloud because DH is irritable about noise. I really enjoy Duolingo. I'll need to scout out a time and place where I can practice speaking. I hope your DS and DDIL find just the right place to live. :flowerforyou:

    Leonora: It is frustrating when you know you could help a person if they would just listen. My DD is quite over weight. She knows about MFP but doesn't use it as far as I know. Readiness is so individual. :ohwell:

    Sylvia: It sounds like you are making the best of a tough situation. You and your family are in my prayers. If I could send you an energy boost I would, but I seem to use up all of mine. :wink: Your son's decision to leave the hospital is worrying, but the good news is the kids will stay with you. :heart: Congrats on the weight loss! :bigsmile:

    Becca: Give your DH a thump for his ladies of the evening comment. :embarassed: Perhaps you could make a snarky comment regarding the male of the species. :devil:

    Barbie: I hope Brandy leaves things alone long enough to heal. :flowerforyou:

    Rori: We watched the dog show & enjoyed it. I wanted to see the agility competition, too, but haven't found it so far. I really like the agility competition better than the beauty contest but just about any program centered on dogs or horses makes me happy. :smiley:

    Michele: I am so glad Vince was with you for the Skype session. I'll bet that made a difference in Bryan's behavior. I hope Vince will be there for every session from now until things improve. :heart: I hope you're feeling better and your tummy is behaving. :flowerforyou:

    DJ: You look lovely in the cruise picture. Your friend looks nice and like she'd be a lot of fun. :flowerforyou:

    Gloria: You are amazing and I admire you for taking on the children when they needed you. :floweforyou:

    Sue: Good luck at the tack sale. I hope it goes well for you. Would feed nets keep your horses from fouling the hay they don't like? A woman who boards her hose where I ride has a mare that has become Miss Piggy and feed nets were recommended to her to slow the eating process down to a better level, but it sems like they might be helpful in your situation. :smiley:

    I had my first appointment with my new doctor today. I really, REALLY like her. She's a person who listens well, communicates well, and takes prompt action. Yesterday I learned that the medication I have taken for years to combat acid reflux has been linked to an increased Alzheimers risk, so it is now in the garbage never to be taken by me again. She has recommended Ranitidine, which is an over the counter medicine that needs to be taken two times a day. I'm willing and able, and have had my first dose. I have a bottle in the kitchen and a smaller bottle in each car so I'll have it along when I travel. I plan to take the second dose about 45 minutes before bed to keep me safe from tummy acid while sleeping. I'm supposed to be getting bone density medicine, fosamax 10 mg, but this morning the pharmacy said I needed to come back for that. Does anyone have comments about it, one way or another. I've been told it will increase my bone density.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

    1. Find a place I can learn to fall without getting hurt once my doctor says it is ok to try. NOTE: Doctor says I need to grow bone instead.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

    1. Find a place I can learn to fall without getting hurt once my doctor says it is ok to try. NOTE: Doctor says I need to grow bone instead.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited February 2016
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Mornin' I am experimenting with attaching a photo of DD hands after she had henna applied on her trip to india. she has to wait one hour before peeling of the treatment (like clay) and then left with only color which she says will last 2-3 weeks!

    Oooh nice Mendi! I am a henna-holic, which when I have a tube of the stuff in my hands, I can just go nuts. During the summer my kids would laugh because I would get a tube of the heavenly scented stuff and mix it up at the nudist resort, and doodle. I even followed a vein on my wrist once and was up to my elbow before I ran out of henna!!
    (at an Reniassance re-enactment event)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, I don't know why but you are on my mind an awful lot lately. Maybe it's because of my good friend that has a son with the same disease. Has anyone sat down with the kids and told them that adults can do some really bad things as times but it doesn't mean they have stopped loving them. I also wonder if your son is intentionally acting out like he is so he can start the process of having his kids consider you the parents? He could be distancing himself from the for a reason. Also as they stay with you they need to get used to the idea of routine chores. Chores include helping you fix meals. This is a strength they need to have when they are living with their Dad. They need to have some kind of control in their lives and chores can be one of those.

    I had my labs done yesterday These were ordered when I had my physical. I was supposed to get my every six month labs for my neurologist in March so the lab lets me get his a month late and hers a month early so they let me do a compromise and get them like this. So everything is pretty much normal. My blood sugar and A1c is even normal. As far as my sore throat, muscle soreness and malaise, I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon with a nurse practitioner.

    I will have to go back and check out this picture of Barlie's dog. I guess I missed it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    edited February 2016
    Awww thx katla
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    wooooohooo I get to thump my husband, Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon said I could!!! He does say alot of snarky comments, but I tell him often that not many women would put up with him, (and he agrees!)

    My mind has been pondering on a friend from California who's marriage is exploding in front of our eyes on the pages of Facebook. As a recovering addict of that site, I know and recognize the power of validation and 'ego strokes" it gives you. But I also know (now) the liberation of feeling happy or sad or whatever, and not feeling the need to splash it across Facebook. Your feelings are all that matter, not the connection of telling someone about it to make it seem more important. I told my husband I am afraid she hasn't gotten to her lowest point yet, and hopefully she will figure out the world doesn't revolve around her. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion.... She has threatened her friends that either we have to make a decision to either keep her as a friend or unfriend her husband. We feel that is plain ridiculous because we are friends with both. Anyway, its a soap opera, and plain sad. I used to look at their relationship and idolize them, and yet here we are making it work while theirs involve police intervention, and the like.

    So today at my TOPS meeting I was up .4 lbs. I should have pee'd just a bit more, or worn something lighter. Usually I wear my yoga pants, but they were in the wash, so I did spend a couple of minutes before getting dressed picking my clothing up like a loon (weighing them with my brain). I know I am still on "track" so I am just being silly. My weight buddy has a birthday this week so I bought a cute container of those Cherry tomatoes. She loved my cherry tomatoes when I was growing them last summer. She has been a gem since I moved here, paying for months dues if I was short on cash ($3 a month, but when you need money to do laundry it was such a help). Once when I told her that my teenagers birthday was that weekend, she slipped me a twenty and said, buy him something from me. I mean who does that? Well my friends in Warrenton Oregon do... and I love them. When I joined in 2012 I think all I did was cry when I attended the meetings. My safe haven to do so. I don't cry anymore, but I know these ladies mentally adopted me from the start, and being from "cautious California" it was a refreshing thing.

    Listening to "big band" music presently.
    Blues Machine
    by The Jazz Ambassadors
    on The Legacy Of Sammy Nestico

    I need to grow my hair out and do "victory rolls", and wear my saddle shoes!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    edited February 2016
    aww thx[ b][/b]katla[/b]
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    aww thx[ b][/b]katla[/b]

    Aw Pip dropped her Bold tip pen. Hands Pip another..
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    flees and giggles....bwah ha ha ha HA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Katla - I go to the bedroom, shut the door and lie on the bed with my tablet to practise out loud. My DH would be the same. At the moment he is annoyed because I am speaking Spanish and Norwegian to him and he doesn't understand me. For some reason the Spanish seems to annoy him more than the Norwegian, which he thinks is just funny and sounds a bit like Anglo Saxon, which is his speciality. :bigsmile:
    I can now say - The elephants love ice cream and the women do not like the bears who eat the meat. The cooks drink beer and love horses. A bird is an animal. Birds like turtles. The village has several sheep. They do not like wolves. The boys love pasta, cheese and eggs. The teachers drink wine, read many books and love women. The girls read newspapers and do not like some men who eat moose. I am drinking juice and loving the cats. I do not like the elephant. He eats the cat.

    Heather, going bonkers in her bedroom.UK :D
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    aww thx[ b][/b]katla[/b]

    Aw Pip dropped her Bold tip pen. Hands Pip another..
