

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lisa, glad it's a good and fun busy. :)

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    morning peeps -

    sorry your poocher is hurting barbiecat
  • pam_spears
    pam_spears Posts: 11 Member
    Just joining this thread, I need the accountability and motivation. I'm turning 61 this week and really struggling to lose weight this time. Between my age and issues which stem from injuries and my weight, I'm limited in what I can do for exercise. Live too far out of town to use a gym, but I walk 3+ miles daily. Once I get my weight down more I will incorporate some jogging into the walking, but man, the pounds are coming off so slowly, about a half pound a week average. At least I'm not gaining, lol.

    February goals: Walk at least 20 miles per week, and find a way to show someone appreciation at least once each day.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I'm SO SLEEPY! Woke up at 4:00 and couldn't get back to sleep. Finally got up at 5:20 and got my shower done, then made lunches before the kids woke up, then made breakfast. That helped a lot in the frantic rush to get ready for school. In fact, we were a little early today.

    Now I'm sitting at my desk. Too tired to stand up. Maybe I can manage to make a little tea.

    I tried to call my son this morning, but he didn't answer. I can see by facebook messenger that he was "active" an hour ago, so I guess he's not dead. The kids are asking when they can go home and I don't know what to tell them except that their daddy still is not feeling good and he will let us know when he's ready. I'm hoping we can go for a visit this afternoon and at least pick up some more clothes.

    Bye bye! Have a great day.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member

    how to figure out your target heart rate, max heart rate. gotta figure out your resting heart rate first, easy if you have a hrm to do that one.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    so this is what I did~
    I called and am moving to a different Kidney Dr, I like Dr Blanco alot, but I am going to another one at a different Hospital affiliation,Yale New Haven is one of the best in the country and the Dr is affiliated with them.. so made an appt in August..
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Pat - that looks amazing. I'm not wild about zucchini, and shredding it seems like it would make it more palatable.

    I'm trying bok choy tonight for the first time as part of my clean eating challenge. Should be interesting...
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good Wednesday morning!

    For a while my DH joined MFP and lost about 13 pounds. Now, he has gained that back plus some. Monday, he went to Walmart and the Valentine's candy was 75% off. Came home with about 10 bags/boxes of the stuff. I think he realizes how silly and destructive that was so is taking a bunch to the son's family (do they really need it?). He had been string bean thin all his life until he had a heart attack 3 yrs ago and quit smoking. I know that he has to decide to watch his diet by himself and I cannot control. But, I do worry and try not to nag. He was mad at me this morning and said for me to remember that he is a heart patient. I quickly came back with a comment on all that candy for a heart patient. Oh well!!!!

    Do any of you take Celexa (sp?) for depression? I have noticed that at night I seem to sweat a lot even though I sleep under an overhead fan and usually on top of the covers. I am wondering if I need to get my Dr to change to something else.

    Lisa ~ Glad you are having fun cooking with your son and his wife.

    Sylvia ~ Continued good thoughts for what you are going through with son and grands.

    Michelle ~ Was this the first time you have had a seizure? Hope you will enjoy your Florida visit.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Rosi, it sounds like you have all the schedules figured out. Someone will be busy at your house every month if not more than one, someone. Hang in there and I hope your trip to Italy works out.

    Karen, I think it is so hard for Dads to think of their little girls growing up and being a boy’s girlfriend. They remember what they were like at that age, I think.

    Allie, I know you are happy to get home. You are such an angel to do all that for Faith. (((Hugs)))

    Sylvia, it will be an adjustment for you and the kids. Hopefully you can get them on a schedule and they will settle down. I worry about Molly and what you will do with her. I’ll keep you in my prayers that all will work out. (((Hugs))) [later] It sounds like things are getting a bit better. I know this is a huge adjustment for you and DH and I’m sure you will be repaid for your kindness. My DH always says, “What goes around comes around” and I especially believe that for good deeds.

    Katla, sending the best thoughts for your DH and his surgery. (((Hugs))) to you.

    MicheleNC, I’m glad Vince is feeling better. I’d be afraid the apple sauce would encourage more diarrhea.

    Joyce, so sorry Charlie is still going through such a hard time. I know it has to be frustrating for you as well. Just glad they finally got the infusion done.

    Joanne, welcome. You will find this a very supportive and informative group of ladies. Come often and join right in.

    Gloria, keep dancing, my friend. (((Hugs))

    Karen, did I hear you say you need a boot? Your wish is my command! But I can’t find my boot. 

    The snow pictures are beautiful but I’m glad it’s not me taking them.

    Pip, I’m glad both you and Kirby are making progress, slowly but surely. I hope his procedure helps.

    Mary, you just keep getting stronger with those strong lifts. Way to go, girl!

    Kay, I understand where you are coming from but a change in exercise can never hurt. Who knows, the core concentration may help something you least expect? If it’s just for two weeks, I’d say, go with the flow.

    Linda, congrats on the 12 week program. It sounds great. Best wishes for your dad. Back surgery is no fun.

    KJ, good girl for not eating the bread on that yummy sounding sandwich!! Some things are just so tempting, aren’t they?

    Lisa, thank for the “drive by”, cause you know how we worry. (((Hugs)))
    Kimses, all I could think of when you said, “they probably will stop showing up and put the berries into their smoothies instead.” Was, do you know where those berries have been??? smiley-laughing024.gif

    IrishTerri, sorry to hear about your Godmother. I hope you had a good trip.

    Yvonne, sorry you got the cold but good for you on making a plan for the future. I have been on an antidepressant for years. I never really get/got depressed but would cry if someone looked at me cross-eyed. I have found that many, many of my friends and acquaintances are on them and I’m thinking, “thank goodness”.  (((Hugs)))

    Barbie, “poor Brandy” is right. I hope she’s not in too much pain but she sure looks pitiful in that get up. Give her a gentle (((Hug))) from Aunt Janet and Pepper.

    Sue, way to go on getting all those appointments set. I’m getting better about walking when I have the chance, even though I don’t hit the streets walking.

    Rori, I missed the dog show and always enjoy watching it. I did think the winner was beautiful!

    Jo, glad to hear you won’t give up just because the scale isn’t moving. Sometimes it just takes a while. Hang in there and maybe add a little different exercise in addition to the walking. You can do this.

    Heather, I’m surprised that such a smart women is putting off getting that tooth taken care of. I think a tooth ache is one of the worst pains. Yuch! Some things we just have to spend the money on even though we don’t want to. Ok now I have to ask, What is NHS? (((Hugs)))

    Penny, glad to hear you have made progress on that “to do” list. Sometimes those things can be overwhelming. Keep up the good work.

    Pat, I would rant too if that happened to me. What a bummer!!!

    Terri, I hope you are feeling better real soon. (((Hugs)))

    Karen, beautiful Henna! I hope it does last that long.

    Pam, welcome. You will find this a great place for support and information. Please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I seem to be staying busy since I got home from the cruise. I’m struggling to keep up with the posts but at least I’m caught up before noon today. I’m going to try to post a picture of my cruise buddy and myself. She has a hard time walking because of needing a knee replacement and being overweight. I urge her to do something about it but know from experience that she has to be ready. I just worry about her health and it is so sad watching her try to put on her shoes when she can’t reach her feet.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Good morning everyone. Kids are off to school after a 4 day weekend. Today I am going to tackle my bookcase. It's time to purge some books so I'll be doing that as I unpack them. I have a lot of cookbooks that I rarely use because whenever I'm looking for a recipe I go to the internet - but it's soooooo hard to let go of them! Once I get the books taken care of I can get my computer desk/sewing desk set up. Then put the linens away and I'll be finished in my bedroom except for hanging pictures etc. I put up a flyer by the mailboxes and in the laundry room saying that if someone was moving I had boxes. Yay! Someone came and took all the boxes I had unpacked and will come again next weekend for the rest.

    I have been reading and trying to catch up but at some point I may have to just jump ahead as I would like to start next month having finished February!

    To all who are suffering with adult child problems I feel for you. I have not been able to overcome my total disappointment in my son or forgive him for leaving his children behind to go live with girlfriend in CA. Yes he is bipolar and has problems but it is no excuse for his total abandonment of his children. Of course everything is my fault but I refuse to accept responsibility for what he's done with his life.

    To all who are suffering from physical problems I hope you find answers and relief of pain.

    Need to run to Costco for a few things including COFFEE - ran out and it's worse than running out of a prescription because the effect is more immediate!!!

    Hope you all have a happy and healthy day!

    Gloria sipping-smiley-emoticon.gif
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie - I hope everything goes well for your furbaby!

    DJ- great picture of you and your friend! You look amazing!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi gals,

    Katiebug – I would be disappointed too, and would think that 2 weeks of nothing will mean you would lose some muscle tone that you had… but I sure am no expert!!!!!!!!!! Heck I’m not even a beginner when it comes to lifting weights…

    Cheri – beautiful - we never have snow where I live – last time it came and stayed (for about 3 hours) was in 1976, and we had a snow day for 1 inch of snow that melted in 3 hours!

    Heather - I love the collection of words in Norwegian! You had me giggling!

    Sylvia – first glad the grands are happy at your house and I am sure you will get in a routine, but awful news that DS left the hospital, it doesn’t sound like he is thinking right at all.

    Terri – sorry to hear about your GodMom - sending (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))0

    Yvonne – sounds like a great plan, and sometimes knowing you have a plan makes things so much better.

    Barbie – Levi says bark bark woof to brandy

    Anne – did you tell the Doc that the exercise was a stress buster for you?

    Michele - I am so glad Vince was there, to me the fact that Bryan did not want him there was that he and the therapist were bulling you, and he knew he could not get away with being a bully with his dad there. And so glad you made him stop and think when you talked about the gifted program. While this is so so hard on you, it sounds like he might have to look at himself a little bit. As for the all French web page, I think there are ways to have a page translated… if it is worth it.

    Gloria, Miriam, and Sylvia and Sylvia’s DH and all saints for taking care of the kids – the parents all made questionable decisions and thank goodness for all of you picking up the pieces for the children affected.

    Kim from N. California
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    Gloria~ Honest to goodness I really think it is this generation.. I have been getting blamed for everything that has gone wrong in my daughter's life.. really take a good look and dont pawn it off on a parent.
    going to work in a few minutes just took the boys for a walk around the block.. they enjoyed that.. Toms lunch,dinner all set and laundry done and fresh sheets on the bed.. sometimes that is the best feeling getting into bed with fresh sheets on it
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    edited February 2016
    barbiecat - Oh, poor doggy! She looks very avant garde in her gear, though. Hope she's better soon!

    pip - What a beautiful dog. She looks so sweet dozing there.

    klanders - Your daughter's henna is really lovely. I love henna tattoos and have had a lot of them, but never on the hands. How in the world could she go without using her hands for so long?

    DJ - Thanks for the encouragement! The first time I went on an antidepressant I was reluctant, and my doctor said "It just puts a floor under your feet." I know a lot of people have trouble finding the right med and dosage but I was one of the lucky ones - no problems at all with Effexor. Depression is never easy, but I think it gets easier to cope once you've been there a few times and you know it's not permanent.

    I think I turned a corner with this cold yesterday. I'm still getting a heavy ab workout from coughing (please don't cough, please don't HACK HACK HACK!) but at the moment I feel like I'll be up for a short walk or bike ride this afternoon. Being more active is paying off - even though I'm not weighing or counting calories yet, I'm already feeling a little more energetic.

    Good thoughts to all who need them.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    edited February 2016
    DJ - You are looking GOOOOOOOOOD! Sorry for your friend, but you are right, they are ready when they are ready. :flowerforyou:

    Gloria - You are another wonderful granny. <3

    My sorbet has been churning away in my KitchenAid and is now in the freezer. Just as delicious as last time. :love:

    Tonight is Italian sausages with mushy peas and asparagus. I count 125 each for the sausages we normally have, but the packet says 175 each. :sad: Got to add another 100 to my calculations. Luckily I have plenty in hand.

    The gutter men had to abandon proceedings after lunch as it started raining. They will be back tomorrow to finish off and I hope they are gone when DDIL arrives at 3.15. The guttering and downpipes look very smart and have a 20 year guarantee. Poor DH is lamenting the cost I know, but the house was suffering because the old cheap, plastic ones couldn't cope with our rain.

    DJ - my tooth is not exactly painful right now, but it is bothering me. I know it is there. Last time it went away by itself, but I have a feeling I may be rooting in the cupboard for the antibiotics soon, as I did when I came back from France. I am a bit mean about spending money on my health as we normally get it for free. Unfortunately, round here, there are next to no National Health Service dentists who are subsidised by the state and therefore much cheaper. Mine is private (no subsidy) as are the majority. This annoys me no end as I feel it isn't any different to our general health. However, I have got to decide what to do about this tooth. Most options, apart from just having a gap, will be expensive.

    All systems go tomorrow. :D

    Heather UK

    PS - My Norwegian film Troll Hunter is arriving tomorrow. Thank you whoever suggested it. Was it CSS?
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Well it is Wednesday and I have been trying to deicde if I should post or just lurk. Yesterday was my day off and I did get a lot done. I spent time with my friend in the hospital and they did a CT scan to see where the pain is coming from and sounds like maybe there is another blockage, which means more surgery. Then DDIL called to let us know our 5 year old grandson has to have hip surgey. He had some problems when he was born and they did surgery and said that he should be fine until in his 20's, but he is having pain and the leg is growing funny. So he will be in part of a body cast for awhile. So little to have to deal with this. Then last evening my sister calls and tells me she is taking mom to the hospital in North Platte this morning for a bone morrow bx. Her blood count is down and all she wants to do is sleep. I am really worried about that. So I did not get much sleep and feeling really funky today.

    Ok, I just went upstairs to visit my friend and an old boyfriend is there and they are talking and laughing. I asked if she got the results back and what they are going to do, she laughs and says everything is normal and they are talking about moving her to rehab tomorrow. Amazing what a little adavan will do. I feel like I am the one that needs some at this point. Thanks again for letting me vent.

    Becca--thanks for the wise words I really needed them today.

    Beth--You are so right that giving up is not an opition.

    Joanne--Welcome, you have come to a great place for friendship and support.

    Kimses--Thanks for the wise words.

    Mindy--Sounds like your trip is going well, Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    Sylvia--Sending prayers and hugs for all of you. One day at a time.

    terri--Sorry to hear about your Godmother.

    Barbie--Poor Brandy, I do hope she feels better soon.

    Michele--So glad Vince was with you this time with talking to Bryan.

    Lisa--Sounds like you are having good family time.

    Well ladies I am going to sign off as all caught up and having a terrible time staying awake. Have my ladies Bible class this evening and then to bed. Will go up and visit my friend before I go home. Take care ladies and Thank you for always being here.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    KJ -
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    First chemo/radiation treatment went well for my sister. Tears were minimal during the time at the office. She slept most of last night. I know the worst of it is coming, but we will put our capes on and use our super powers and fly through this together! Super sisters!

    I love winter; but this winter in Michigan, the weather has been so wishy-washy and not a lot of snow coverage; it has been disappointing and I am finding I am ready for warmer weather!

    So glad to read the first chemo went well for your sister. Go Super Sisters!!!

    I really resonated with your thoughts on this MI winter. I don't really like winter but this one has felt worse than usual. I think you have a good point about the wishy-washy making it harder. I just get to thinking it's a warm winter and it turns bitter cold but we don't have the beauty of snow coverage. Then it gets warm and all muddy gray. Blech. I'm ready for a lovely green Spring.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    DJ ~ You look great!