Dedication Vs Gluttony.



  • Cutting4life
    Cutting4life Posts: 505 Member
    I like both pictures, but not pitted against each other. That's not going to turn out well for anyone. The girl below is smiling and gorgeous, yet her title says "lazy". I'm sorry, but who are we to know she hasn't made the decision to change her life and that was her before picture? Or current picture? Why judge her or assume she's lazy from a picture?

    You obviously didn't/couldn't read the content of the post.
    (Photo lost quality upon upload)

    I wasn't referring to you as the OP or the comments, even. I was speaking directly to the pictures used in general. Her picture has the title "laziness/gluttony" on it. So, in response to the pictures themselves, I said I did not like that they were pitted against each other. That to me, encourages body shaming on one or both parties.


    I don't see your point, I never said this was a politically correct thread.
    The content was generated before any edits were done, none of those comments were generated after. they were simply a comparison of 100% positive comments for an obese female on Facebook and 100% negative comments for a healthy/fit couple.

    Let me try again.... I wasn't basing my response on any comments made, as stated before. Nor was I saying anything against you for posting it. You posted it and said discuss..... I was giving my opinion purely based on the pictures and nothing more. The pictures state "hard work/dedication" for the obviously fit people and "laziness/gluttony" for the other woman. My response was directly related to the labels on the pictures themselves. Nothing more.
