Things I have learned from weighing my food



  • elv1ra
    elv1ra Posts: 146 Member
    Hahahaha you guys are right on with the nuts, cereal and peanut butter being depressing.

    Cheese is a tricky one! Grated cheese is like a jackpot and a chunk of cheese looks like a joke. The packages of pre-grated cheese were on sale cheaper than the blocks this week and the other day I was weighing out an ounce for my salad and my mind was blown. It was like a full cup or more while a solid ounce is like 3 legos.
  • Beaner63
    Beaner63 Posts: 69 Member
    haviegirl wrote: »
    Wait--pasta should be weighed before boiling and not after? If that's true, I'm about to jump for joy.

    Jump away! The serving is for dry weight (before cooking)

    Learning that makes me seriously happy.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    My scale has .1 grams. Probably more detail than I need.