Can't lose anything thanks to Depo Provera!!!



  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    take care of your body and it will take care of you. That stuff didn't agree with me either. I think maybe you should find alternate solutions. Sorry didn't bother reading the thread. I know a lot of people will blame you. The only blame you have is that if it isn't agreeing with you, then choose some other form of protection. I got off of it as quickly as I could because hormones do not do well with me. The non hormonal IUD is what I stuck with the longest. I bled a little more but it didn't cause those horrible side effects other than bleeding for longer every month.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member

    As you may have noticed, quite a few women have LOST a significant amount of weight while on Depo or other hormonal birth control. Just because YOU didn't...or your girlfriend....or your cousin's aunt sally's daughter.....doesn't mean that other people won't. Depo Provera is a great, highly effective form of birth control for MILLIONS of women around the world. Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it so.

    Um, that's exactly what I've been saying through this entire thread.

    Right, but you've also been discrediting almost everyone who commented that eating correctly, and exercising, could prevent the weight gain...which is absolutely TRUE. You've also ignored almost everyone saying that they've LOST weight while on Depo or other hormonal BC. You completely discounted a man (more than one? I didn't read every page) as having no clue.

    You've been very vocal in your displeasure, and that's your prerogative but, respectfully, you are not very well educated on the "whole picture" of birth control. That is why it's supposed to be a conversation between a woman and her DOCTOR.

    BTW, I implore you to apply to, get accepted, and survive 4 years of medical school and another 4-6 years of residency before you call another doctor an "idiot"..... :wink:
  • laurawilfong
    Ok, I've been trying to stay out of this because I *AM* an expert, and try to not let my scientific and medical training in my field influence people whom I do not have a personal / professional relationship, but I HAVE to stop this ridiculousness.

    rml_16 you have a very, VERY biased opinion based on personal experiences pertaining to yourself and people you know...and you are discrediting everyone on this tread who doesn't side with you...including men. Just because someone has not taken birth control does NOT mean they can't have an opinion or educated comment about it.

    Depo Provera can and does cause MINOR weight gain in clinical trails. Bear in mind that in the clinical trials, the patients were NOT on a specific diet and no other parameters were studied. They got a shot, they came back in a set amount of time, and they were weighed (among other parameters).. Some of them gained weight....some gained a LOT. Some even got PREGNANT! Gasp!!!! Some had other complications. Also, most of the clinical trials for ALL birth controls were performed on women who weighed less than 200lbs. Now, with the "obesity epidemic", the trials need to be revisited.So, yes, there were many different outcomes and the bottom line is that ....


    As you may have noticed, quite a few women have LOST a significant amount of weight while on Depo or other hormonal birth control. Just because YOU didn't...or your girlfriend....or your cousin's aunt sally's daughter.....doesn't mean that other people won't. Depo Provera is a great, highly effective form of birth control for MILLIONS of women around the world. Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it so.

    And it makes MOST women gain much less weight (and KILLS them much less frequently!) than PREGNANCY.

    Big picture, ladies. Big picture.

    The bottom line is that birth control needs to be individualized. Personally, I didn't do well with Depo made me "gain weight"....however, I now acknowledge that it just increased my appetite and I just had no self control. I now have my second Mirena IUD. Same hormone, with little to no systemic absorption. GREAT birth control / bleeding control.

    BTW, for those saying your IUD made you bleed for 4-5 months, etc....that was a lack of education on the part of your provider. That bleeding is NORMAL, EXPECTED, and exactly how the device works! It makes you shed your endometrial lining until your body quits trying to grow it in. MOST (not all!) women actually quit having regular periods after 6-12 months on the Mirena. If you took it out prior to that, you cheated yourself out of, arguably, the best birth control out there (it's protects from endometrial cancer as well).

    Spinderella95, MD

    I think you summed it up well, that we're all different. I haven't gained much weight (maybe 15 pounds) so reading that some women gained 40-60, I do feel thankful! And we don't know, maybe if I discontinued diet and exercise, I would be a lot heavier. Thank you for your input!
  • laurawilfong
    take care of your body and it will take care of you. That stuff didn't agree with me either. I think maybe you should find alternate solutions. Sorry didn't bother reading the thread. I know a lot of people will blame you. The only blame you have is that if it isn't agreeing with you, then choose some other form of protection. I got off of it as quickly as I could because hormones do not do well with me. The non hormonal IUD is what I stuck with the longest. I bled a little more but it didn't cause those horrible side effects other than bleeding for longer every month.

    Thank you for your thoughts and encouragement! Right now I'm not worried about protection (I am not ovulating so until I am, no worries!) Thanks a million! Bless you!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Right, but you've also been discrediting almost everyone who commented that eating correctly, and exercising, could prevent the weight gain...which is absolutely TRUE. You've also ignored almost everyone saying that they've LOST weight while on Depo or other hormonal BC.

    I haven't ignored them. I acknowledged that their experiences are true for them while pointing out that others have different experiences.

    My best friend dropped from a size 12 to a size 2 on Depo. She sat on her rear end and ate cookies by the box-full and pizza and drank like a fish and didn't gain an ounce for 10 years. She went off of the shot and regained what she'd lost and had to start exercising and watching what she ate.

    Another friend who ate very healthy and worked out daily got the shot once and ballooned up 15 pounds in three months. She lost it once the hormone wore off.

    If it doesn't affect metabolic rate, how do you explain just those two cases?

    My own GYN told me that Mirena diidn't cause weight gain, which is untrue. The company's website lists it as a side effect and I tracked (weighed and measured) my food and worked out daily while on it. I gained 25 pounds, 10 of them the month before I had it out. I lost 8 pounds almost immediately after while being sedentary and eating junk for two weeks straight.

    My point in all of this is I find it rude to tell women on hormonal BC that in all cases the gains and difficulty losing are due specifically to their own faults and nothing to do with the drugs simply because other people have the opposite experience. You do your patients a disservice if this is the information you give them.

    I respect that you're a doctor, but other doctors (more than one) have stated to me that BC can and does cause weight gain in some women.

    And, yes, when a man who has never dealt with being on BC comes into a BC thread to tell women they're making excuses, I'll happily tell him where to stick it.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Ok, I've been trying to stay out of this because I *AM* an expert, and try to not let my scientific and medical training in my field influence people whom I do not have a personal / professional relationship, but I HAVE to stop this ridiculousness.

    rml_16 you have a very, VERY biased opinion based on personal experiences pertaining to yourself and people you know...and you are discrediting everyone on this tread who doesn't side with you...including men. Just because someone has not taken birth control does NOT mean they can't have an opinion or educated comment about it.

    Depo Provera can and does cause MINOR weight gain in clinical trails. Bear in mind that in the clinical trials, the patients were NOT on a specific diet and no other parameters were studied. They got a shot, they came back in a set amount of time, and they were weighed (among other parameters).. Some of them gained weight....some gained a LOT. Some even got PREGNANT! Gasp!!!! Some had other complications. Also, most of the clinical trials for ALL birth controls were performed on women who weighed less than 200lbs. Now, with the "obesity epidemic", the trials need to be revisited.So, yes, there were many different outcomes and the bottom line is that ....


    As you may have noticed, quite a few women have LOST a significant amount of weight while on Depo or other hormonal birth control. Just because YOU didn't...or your girlfriend....or your cousin's aunt sally's daughter.....doesn't mean that other people won't. Depo Provera is a great, highly effective form of birth control for MILLIONS of women around the world. Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it so.

    And it makes MOST women gain much less weight (and KILLS them much less frequently!) than PREGNANCY.

    Big picture, ladies. Big picture.

    The bottom line is that birth control needs to be individualized. Personally, I didn't do well with Depo made me "gain weight"....however, I now acknowledge that it just increased my appetite and I just had no self control. I now have my second Mirena IUD. Same hormone, with little to no systemic absorption. GREAT birth control / bleeding control.

    BTW, for those saying your IUD made you bleed for 4-5 months, etc....that was a lack of education on the part of your provider. That bleeding is NORMAL, EXPECTED, and exactly how the device works! It makes you shed your endometrial lining until your body quits trying to grow it in. MOST (not all!) women actually quit having regular periods after 6-12 months on the Mirena. If you took it out prior to that, you cheated yourself out of, arguably, the best birth control out there (it's protects from endometrial cancer as well).

    Spinderella95, MD

    You're my new hero.

    Also I agree x100 about mirena. I love it.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If it doesn't affect metabolic rate, how do you explain just those two cases?

    Please link me to their MFP diaries so I can see precisely what their activity levels and food intake were for the entire time periods listed.

    Since we're talking anecdotes and all, let's carefully examine your anecdotes.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Ok, I've been trying to stay out of this because I *AM* an expert, and try to not let my scientific and medical training in my field influence people whom I do not have a personal / professional relationship, but I HAVE to stop this ridiculousness.

    rml_16 you have a very, VERY biased opinion based on personal experiences pertaining to yourself and people you know...and you are discrediting everyone on this tread who doesn't side with you...including men. Just because someone has not taken birth control does NOT mean they can't have an opinion or educated comment about it.

    Depo Provera can and does cause MINOR weight gain in clinical trails. Bear in mind that in the clinical trials, the patients were NOT on a specific diet and no other parameters were studied. They got a shot, they came back in a set amount of time, and they were weighed (among other parameters).. Some of them gained weight....some gained a LOT. Some even got PREGNANT! Gasp!!!! Some had other complications. Also, most of the clinical trials for ALL birth controls were performed on women who weighed less than 200lbs. Now, with the "obesity epidemic", the trials need to be revisited.So, yes, there were many different outcomes and the bottom line is that ....


    As you may have noticed, quite a few women have LOST a significant amount of weight while on Depo or other hormonal birth control. Just because YOU didn't...or your girlfriend....or your cousin's aunt sally's daughter.....doesn't mean that other people won't. Depo Provera is a great, highly effective form of birth control for MILLIONS of women around the world. Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it so.

    And it makes MOST women gain much less weight (and KILLS them much less frequently!) than PREGNANCY.

    Big picture, ladies. Big picture.

    The bottom line is that birth control needs to be individualized. Personally, I didn't do well with Depo made me "gain weight"....however, I now acknowledge that it just increased my appetite and I just had no self control. I now have my second Mirena IUD. Same hormone, with little to no systemic absorption. GREAT birth control / bleeding control.

    BTW, for those saying your IUD made you bleed for 4-5 months, etc....that was a lack of education on the part of your provider. That bleeding is NORMAL, EXPECTED, and exactly how the device works! It makes you shed your endometrial lining until your body quits trying to grow it in. MOST (not all!) women actually quit having regular periods after 6-12 months on the Mirena. If you took it out prior to that, you cheated yourself out of, arguably, the best birth control out there (it's protects from endometrial cancer as well).

    Spinderella95, MD

    You're my new hero.

    Also I agree x100 about mirena. I love it.

    Agreed! Hi-freaking-five!!!!!
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    You're still arguing anecdotal.

    And it's very closed-minded to think that just because someone hasn't done something themselves, that they couldn't possibly have a clue. I'm an Ob/Gyn but I don't have any kids. I guess I don't know a THING about childbirth?? No, I have no personal experience of passing a grapefruit sized baby head through my loins but, after a few thousand deliveries, I think I have "clue" as to what it must feel like.........and I'm pretty sure I know what's going on.

    Personally, I DO tell my patients about weight gain. Matter of fact, I'm the mean ol' doctor in the office that makes women cry by telling them they need to lose weight (something my male partners won't touch with a ten foot pole...). I also tailor my recommendations (on EVERYTHING) based on a patient's education, comprehension level, weight, general health status, ability to follow directions, likelihood to follow up, family history, other medications they are taking, etc. I provide nutritional counseling. And I am CONSTANTLY learning (which is one of the reasons I'm on MFP, just like everyone else).

    One of the tenets of medicine is that there is always more to learn. The human body is an amazing creation, and we will never know all of its secrets. In the meantime, science will try to give the best answers it can....but a lot of it is still "we don't know".
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    Personally, I use the Nuva Ring. When I was on pills, my appetite was way up, I had insane mood swings, I had "morning sickness" constantly, and I was always irritable. Nuva Ring has none of those side effects for me, due to the fact it has less estrogen. Maybe try that out?
  • j724mecham
    j724mecham Posts: 102 Member
    I am actually getting off Depo. TERRIBLE withdraw symptoms by the way. It feels like you're pregnant without being pregnant, which is not fun. Anyways, it still causes the same issues of food cravings and increased appetite. I've been doing MFP for about 6 weeks and the scale has not moved for me either. I am hoping once my hormones get back to normal and my period comes back then my body can get on board already. It truly sucks. And I REALLY miss Pepsi too especially since my husband and I are addicts.
  • manders376
    manders376 Posts: 53 Member
    One of the tenets of medicine is that there is always more to learn. The human body is an amazing creation, and we will never know all of its secrets. In the meantime, science will try to give the best answers it can....but a lot of it is still "we don't know".

    I like this and everything else you said :)

    I am a medical student and also sometimes wonder about getting involved in some of these threads where people are going crazy, lol. Glad a doctor put their two cents in this time.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You're still arguing anecdotal.

    And it's very closed-minded to think that just because someone hasn't done something themselves, that they couldn't possibly have a clue. I'm an Ob/Gyn but I don't have any kids. I guess I don't know a THING about childbirth?? No, I have no personal experience of passing a grapefruit sized baby head through my loins but, after a few thousand deliveries, I think I have "clue" as to what it must feel like.........and I'm pretty sure I know what's going on.

    Personally, I DO tell my patients about weight gain. Matter of fact, I'm the mean ol' doctor in the office that makes women cry by telling them they need to lose weight (something my male partners won't touch with a ten foot pole...). I also tailor my recommendations (on EVERYTHING) based on a patient's education, comprehension level, weight, general health status, ability to follow directions, likelihood to follow up, family history, other medications they are taking, etc. I provide nutritional counseling. And I am CONSTANTLY learning (which is one of the reasons I'm on MFP, just like everyone else).

    One of the tenets of medicine is that there is always more to learn. The human body is an amazing creation, and we will never know all of its secrets. In the meantime, science will try to give the best answers it can....but a lot of it is still "we don't know".
    So you're telling me that hormonal birth control, absent of increased calorie consumption and lack of activity, never, ever, under any circumstances, causes weight gain?

    Is that what you're saying?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This thread is entering its golden years.
    The fighting.
    The repeating itself.
    Eventually it will have a major cardiac infarction and flatline.

    OP if you want to lose fat send me a PM.
    I'll be more than happy to run numbers and get you in a training frequency that will help you get rid of the fat.

    QFT! Also, not spam. He knows his stuff. I'm willing to bet the OP loses by following his advice.


    However, I'm beginning to wonder if the OP is even interested in losing weight, or rather, is just looking for something to blame as to why she's not, since she's ignored everyone asking her if she's checked her TDEE and won't open her diary.

    Some OPs like to talk to the wind just to hear it answer.

    My wife who suffers from endometriosis and has been on a host of BC only lost fat when doing things that effect insulin sensitivity/resistance.
    Cardio didn't work.
    Cutting carbs didn't work.
    Cutting calories into the lower end, like OP didn't work.

    Resistance training, eating the correct calories and sleep worked.
    She also IFs 12-14 hours a day.

    The human body adapts quickly to caloric intake, so cyclical dieting of some sort will help.
    The body quickly adapts to resistance training reps/sets so periodizing your programs will work.

    All else is white noise.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    You're still arguing anecdotal.

    And it's very closed-minded to think that just because someone hasn't done something themselves, that they couldn't possibly have a clue. I'm an Ob/Gyn but I don't have any kids. I guess I don't know a THING about childbirth?? No, I have no personal experience of passing a grapefruit sized baby head through my loins but, after a few thousand deliveries, I think I have "clue" as to what it must feel like.........and I'm pretty sure I know what's going on.

    Personally, I DO tell my patients about weight gain. Matter of fact, I'm the mean ol' doctor in the office that makes women cry by telling them they need to lose weight (something my male partners won't touch with a ten foot pole...). I also tailor my recommendations (on EVERYTHING) based on a patient's education, comprehension level, weight, general health status, ability to follow directions, likelihood to follow up, family history, other medications they are taking, etc. I provide nutritional counseling. And I am CONSTANTLY learning (which is one of the reasons I'm on MFP, just like everyone else).

    One of the tenets of medicine is that there is always more to learn. The human body is an amazing creation, and we will never know all of its secrets. In the meantime, science will try to give the best answers it can....but a lot of it is still "we don't know".
    So you're telling me that hormonal birth control, absent of increased calorie consumption and lack of activity, never, ever, under any circumstances, causes weight gain?

    Is that what you're saying?

    You are clearly hearing what you do and don't want to hear.

    I have stated, across the board, that everyone reacts differently to any number of medications, including hormonal birth control. It is a discussion between an individual and his/her doc. You do understand that women gain weight when NOT on birth control as well, right? And that they can gain / lose weight on NON-hormonal birth control? Even endogenous hormones can cause weight gain....via water retention.

    Birth control itself has NO CALORIES, so technically, NO it does not cause weight gain.

    The influences of birth control on a body's hormones, appetite, mood, exercise endurance, fatigue, pre-existing anemia, etc CAN influence your weight....for better or worse.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I couldn't gain anything thanks to Depo Provera!!

    When I got off I gained it all.

    She also had lumps in her breasts, severe osteoporosis and early onset menopause all due to the shot.

    This is 100% ridiculous. There is absolutely no way whatsoever anyone could ever identify those three things as the result of a single cause in a single human being.

    You have some irrational hatred for depo, probably because you blame it for your weight gain, and that is severely clouding your judgment.

    (Cue "you're a man, you don't know!")

    I've considered putting my Autistic daughter on the Depo shot due to her sensory issues. The Dr. informed me that they require her to take Calcium supplementation due to the high incidence of Osteoporosis that is documented with long term usage ;)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You're still arguing anecdotal.

    And it's very closed-minded to think that just because someone hasn't done something themselves, that they couldn't possibly have a clue. I'm an Ob/Gyn but I don't have any kids. I guess I don't know a THING about childbirth?? No, I have no personal experience of passing a grapefruit sized baby head through my loins but, after a few thousand deliveries, I think I have "clue" as to what it must feel like.........and I'm pretty sure I know what's going on.

    Personally, I DO tell my patients about weight gain. Matter of fact, I'm the mean ol' doctor in the office that makes women cry by telling them they need to lose weight (something my male partners won't touch with a ten foot pole...). I also tailor my recommendations (on EVERYTHING) based on a patient's education, comprehension level, weight, general health status, ability to follow directions, likelihood to follow up, family history, other medications they are taking, etc. I provide nutritional counseling. And I am CONSTANTLY learning (which is one of the reasons I'm on MFP, just like everyone else).

    One of the tenets of medicine is that there is always more to learn. The human body is an amazing creation, and we will never know all of its secrets. In the meantime, science will try to give the best answers it can....but a lot of it is still "we don't know".
    So you're telling me that hormonal birth control, absent of increased calorie consumption and lack of activity, never, ever, under any circumstances, causes weight gain?

    Is that what you're saying?

    You are clearly hearing what you do and don't want to hear.

    I have stated, across the board, that everyone reacts differently to any number of medications, including hormonal birth control. It is a discussion between an individual and his/her doc. You do understand that women gain weight when NOT on birth control as well, right? And that they can gain / lose weight on NON-hormonal birth control? Even endogenous hormones can cause weight gain....via water retention.

    Birth control itself has NO CALORIES, so technically, NO it does not cause weight gain.

    The influences of birth control on a body's hormones, appetite, mood, exercise endurance, fatigue, pre-existing anemia, etc CAN influence your weight....for better or worse.
    So you went on a long diatribe against what I've been saying in this thread, defending women basically being told, "You're just eating too much. Stop blaming the BC," when you, in fact, agree with me.

    Yes, I know women gain and lose when not on BC. However, when you're so fed up with not being able to lose and eat 500 calories a day for three weeks AND exercise and STILL GAIN WEIGHT, something is off. And when the only change you make immediately prior to being able to suddenly lose again is to go off said BC, it's pretty clear the issue was not eating too much. Or perhaps we gluttons should not eat at all. Because that is the message we get when told (by many in this thread) that BC is not a factor.

    All I've been saying all along is that it can in fact be the only reason for a weight issue. And once you've tried everything else (things that worked fine before), what other conclusion is there? Change your BC.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Right, but you've also been discrediting almost everyone who commented that eating correctly, and exercising, could prevent the weight gain...which is absolutely TRUE. You've also ignored almost everyone saying that they've LOST weight while on Depo or other hormonal BC.


    Take it up with the team of doctors who told her that was what caused it.

    She went off of Depo and hasn't had another lump, her menopause reversed and her bone loss stopped.

    I have not ignored that people lost weight on it. I have pointed out that just because they lost weight does not mean that everyone can.
  • KelJohnson
    KelJohnson Posts: 10
    Isn't it fascinating how BC affects women SO differently? I gained 50 lbs on Depo, and it was odd, squishy, pregnancy like weight. NuvaRing made me a tad psycho, and I have tried at least 15 different BC pills, had terrible migraines on all of them.

    Currently have a mirena and so far so good.....I don't notice mood swings or weight gain (I've been at the same weight for 5 years now so at least no gains). Then again, I think age plays a factor. I'm hitting peri-menopause and that is bringing a whole new set of *kitten* to deal with lol.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    So you went on a long diatribe against what I've been saying in this thread, defending women basically being told, "You're just eating too much. Stop blaming the BC," when you, in fact, agree with me.

    Yes, I know women gain and lose when not on BC. However, when you're so fed up with not being able to lose and eat 500 calories a day for three weeks AND exercise and STILL GAIN WEIGHT, something is off. And when the only change you make immediately prior to being able to suddenly lose again is to go off said BC, it's pretty clear the issue was not eating too much. Or perhaps we gluttons should not eat at all. Because that is the message we get when told (by many in this thread) that BC is not a factor.

    All I've been saying all along is that it can in fact be the only reason for a weight issue. And once you've tried everything else (things that worked fine before), what other conclusion is there? Change your BC.

    I have no idea how you think she agrees with you. Here's a couple of things you've said in this thread:

    "Your doctors are either liars or idiots [for saying "it in and of itself won't make you gain weight, at least not any more than any other birth control. It actually just increases your appetite which leads to over-eating and that's what causes the gain."]

    "A known side effect of Depo Provera... is weight gain due DIRECTLY to the shot itself and not tied to overeating or a bigger appetite."

    Maybe you didn't mean what you actually said. That happens.