CLA and even C4 pre work out



  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    Oh, ZMA (or the individual components of it).

    Performance enhancing? Probably not. But dreaming in HD? Yes, and totally worth it. So upgrade your sleep with some ZMA!

    I'm jealous. ZMA doesn't affect my dreams. :'(

    Even if you took a full dose?

    This is a very sad story. My ZMA dreams are incredible...and complex...and detailed...and vivid.

    What are you taking as a dose?

    I was taking this:

    Perhaps it's the type/dosage that I'm lacking?

    This is what I take three capsules of every night:

    (I'll probably try the Now Foods brand of GABA too.)

    Thanks for the recommendation. I'll add it to my replacement list so when my current supply runs out, I'll give that a go.
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    Oh, ZMA (or the individual components of it).

    Performance enhancing? Probably not. But dreaming in HD? Yes, and totally worth it. So upgrade your sleep with some ZMA!

    I'm jealous. ZMA doesn't affect my dreams. :'(

    It's not necessarily a great thing. I've avoided taking ZMA just before bed because it makes my dreams so vivid that when I wake up it leaves a lasting impact. And nightmares become the worst thing ever. THE WORST.

    True... but my nightmares (when I rarely have them because I rarely dream) are usually fun in that scary movie along for the ride kind of way.

    We'll see how it goes.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    If you already have low test, it would be a doctor's call to prescribe you something.
    If you testosterone is normal, there's scant evidence that anything less than doubling normal testosterone and going into supranormal levels will impact performance to a statistically significant amount.

    Can you repeat this I don't understand what you wrote. My tear level is fine, I want something for more of a pump for weight lifting

    I'm saying test boosters won't do anything. Illegal steroids work because they involve elevating testosterone by 2X normal or more (or for test similar molecules, they react equivalent to raising test that much). Nothing that will stay legal is going to do that kind of change in test, so a test booster is worthless.

    If you want to feel more of the "pump" during lifting, anecdotal some people feel more blood flow from things like beta alanine and nitric oxide precursers (like arginine) but it isn't going to replace proper technique and properly functioning shoulder joints.

    I know weight lifting and training is a skill and should be taken with caution. I work out 4xs a week and have been doing so since last February. I love working out, I just hate when I'm on set 3 or 4 and at rep 5/6 I struggle and can't finish. I Always here people taking about what there on or how pumped they feel. I know there's no magic pill, it's me and working out. I go light enough not to hurt myself but heavy enough to build up my muscle. I just want to take something to help keep my pump up and want to finish my sets.

    So you've been working out 4x a week since last February with some time off for shoulder surgery and are call people out for not having any lifting experience?

    I'm pretty sure most people commenting have lifted longer than 8 months.