What's with daily weigh-ins?



  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I weigh myself daily and log it on my happy scale app. I like to go back and see the fluctuations and look at what I ate that day and see the differences and what not. I only track my actual weight on Mondays each week though. That's my "official" weigh-in day.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I have weighed daily since I started, takes the power away from the scale for me. In the last month I've finally started tracking with Happy Scale because I'll be closing in on goal in a few months and the nuances will become more important to me.

    I love happy scale! I use it along with my food diary here to see how I eat vs the changes in my weight. :)
  • poteatkd
    poteatkd Posts: 113 Member
    I weigh daily for the metrics. I want to record as much data about my journey as possible. =)
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    I have noticed a lot of people doing daily weigh-ins. Does your weight really fluctuate that much in a 24 hour period?

    +/- 5 lbs in a single day.

    But, I weigh daily for two reasons:
    * To track caloric burn more accurately in GarminConnect.
    * To better track trending in the HappyScale app.

    I only pay attention to the "Average Weight" in Happy Scale, really.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    Daily weigh ins help keep me on track. If I knew I had a week til weigh in I fully believe I would eat more and rationalize that I could make it up later in the week. Also, if I see a higher number I think back to what did I eat yesterday and can understand how different things effect my body:)
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    edited April 2016
    Ive just started weighing daily from years of Monday only. Downloaded happy scale and unsynced my Aria from MFP.
    Monday will still be the day that goes into MFP- but I want more data. I want more x=y in my life. LOL.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I weigh several times a week but only record it once a week. I have so many fluctuations, I view it as confirming the accuracy of my weekly number (though I log it regardless). However, I sometimes hear people comment that daily weigh-ins keep them on track or allow them to make adjustments and I've seen that practiced as "I'm up .2 lb today so I'm reducing my calories today to make up for it", and that makes no sense to me. Fluctuations are just that- not necessarily body fat- and trying to adjust for them seems pointless. Now if I were consistently high for a couple of weeks, then I would want to make an adjustment.
  • sssgilbe
    sssgilbe Posts: 89 Member

    For me it's more about not letting the weekly weigh-in confuse and scare me. One problem with weekly weigh-ins, and this has been stated repeatedly, is that weekly weigh-ins will only by coincidence be representative for your current "real" weight. You could be 2 pounds heavier or lighter the next day. No single day is more correct or important than another. Weighing daily makes me more aware that my effort today counts, so I will make an effort, but I can't undo all my effort in one day either. (A week of not caring could do a lot of damage.) Knowing all this, calms me. It takes much less time to just weigh myself than to fear that I have gained weight. [/quote]

    I'm with you. Weighing weekly gave way too much importance to that number and I'd let it affect the next 7 days. "Yay, I lost a pound, I'm going to eat" or "Rats, I gained a pound, I'm going to eat" Weighing daily lets me put the numbers into perspective and stay focused one day at a time.

    It's a personal choice. Daily isn't right for everyone, weekly isn't wrong for everyone. Daily might stop working for me and I'll change.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited April 2016
    I weigh myself daily (or sometimes every other day) and log it on my computer (not MFP). I used to write it in a notebook, but now I keep my journal on my computer and that's something I log. Takes seconds -- not really sure why anyone would think it takes a bunch of time. Also, I don't think the number is significant -- the point is to desensitize myself to it (which I have, it's like brushing my teeth and I know it can't be a real difference from the day before) so I don't start going a long time without weighing, like I have in the past (which is trouble).

    Weighly weekly is fine, but I'm more likely to be bothered by fluctuations if I only have weekly numbers, and -- more significant -- while in maintenance I'm more likely to forget or blow it off if only doing it weekly.

    Really, there's only something obsessive about weighing daily if you make it so. I'd say that thinking it would have some big mental drawback is more likely to be indicative of putting too much significance in the number.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Yep, I weigh daily and use TrendWeight. I skip some days, though, and other times I'll even weigh more than once per day. Once, I was 9 lbs. different in 3-4 hours.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,882 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    I weigh myself daily and log it on my happy scale app. I like to go back and see the fluctuations and look at what I ate that day and see the differences and what not. I only track my actual weight on Mondays each week though. That's my "official" weigh-in day.

    Side note here for Android users: Happy Scale is only available for IOS, but Libra is a free app that does similar weight-trending things, and is available for Android. (There are others, too.)

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled forum thread . . . .
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    perkymommy wrote: »
    I weigh myself daily and log it on my happy scale app. I like to go back and see the fluctuations and look at what I ate that day and see the differences and what not. I only track my actual weight on Mondays each week though. That's my "official" weigh-in day.

    Side note here for Android users: Happy Scale is only available for IOS, but Libra is a free app that does similar weight-trending things, and is available for Android. (There are others, too.)

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled forum thread . . . .

    I have Libra on my phone and Trendweight on my pc. Trendweight is so much easier to read and much more comprehensive. Libra is just a red and and blue line across my screen with a red dot here and there.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,882 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    perkymommy wrote: »
    I weigh myself daily and log it on my happy scale app. I like to go back and see the fluctuations and look at what I ate that day and see the differences and what not. I only track my actual weight on Mondays each week though. That's my "official" weigh-in day.

    Side note here for Android users: Happy Scale is only available for IOS, but Libra is a free app that does similar weight-trending things, and is available for Android. (There are others, too.)

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled forum thread . . . .

    I have Libra on my phone and Trendweight on my pc. Trendweight is so much easier to read and much more comprehensive. Libra is just a red and and blue line across my screen with a red dot here and there.


    Perhaps it works better for daily weigh/log folks like me, since my graph looks materially different. The detail screens behind the graph have a lot of good info about effective calorie deficit, for example, and I understand enough about the underlying statistics to get some good out of varying the settings to answer questions for myself. Trendweight (I believe) requires you to have a Fitbit account (though not necessarily a Fitbit, as I understand it), or a compatible scale.

    Different options will work better for different people - so I think it's useful that you've said why you prefer Trendweight, even though my preference is different.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    I weigh several times a week but only record it once a week. I have so many fluctuations, I view it as confirming the accuracy of my weekly number (though I log it regardless). However, I sometimes hear people comment that daily weigh-ins keep them on track or allow them to make adjustments and I've seen that practiced as "I'm up .2 lb today so I'm reducing my calories today to make up for it", and that makes no sense to me. Fluctuations are just that- not necessarily body fat- and trying to adjust for them seems pointless. Now if I were consistently high for a couple of weeks, then I would want to make an adjustment.

    No, that doesn't make sense - it shows a total lack of understanding of what water weight is, and those who can't stop that practice, even after being educated about water weight fluctuations... shouldn't weigh every day. I don't change my eating until I see a consistent trend (but I need daily weighings to see that trend).