Is giving up diet soda really worth it?



  • BlackBeltInTraining
    BlackBeltInTraining Posts: 30 Member
    I personally allow myself to have ONE serving of diet soda every day. I cut back from three per day down to one and I don't plan to change that anytime soon. If I do not exercise, though, then I admit that I do not drink that diet soda for that day. I guess it is my incentive to get up and run or practice martial arts :) Really, one can is much different than four or five cans. I guess it depends on moderation and the like. If you're going to quit then replace it with something for sure.
  • kensomebody
    kensomebody Posts: 5 Member
    I quit drinking diet soda about a month ago, I had started my diet and just felt like I should stop drinking the soda too. the biggest thing I've noticed is that if I "relapse" and have a diet soda I get really strong hunger pangs and crave sweets for the rest of the day. I did a little research and turns out aspartame causes a big ole insulin surge, which explains the feelings I noticed.

    It should be noted that I don't get these hunger pangs or sweet craving if I have a regular soda. So if I really really want a soda I just have a regular one, for me it's better than the extra food or sweets I'd end up eating with the diet soda. I rarely even give in any more and have maybe 1 every wk
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I cut out diet soda (was a Diet coke/diet Pepsi FIEND) for 15 months. Recently, I've discovered low-carb root beer floats and have one (or a red pop float or an orange pop float or a creme soda float) several times a week
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    Giving up Diet sodas was one of the best decisions I've made in a while. I didn't write down when I quit cold turkey but it was at least 6 weeks ago. For years - probably 30 or so - I had been a 4-6 diet soda (or in my younger days, regular soda) per day drinker. I had tried and failed a few times before.

    I replaced the caffeine with iced tea. I have slowly been decreasing my tea intake and increasing water.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Nope. I enjoy diet soda often(Pepsi max and Canada dry 10) and have no intention of stopping. It has very little impact on my calories (10 out of 1800 is minuscule. 0 out of 1800 is literally nothing) and it doesn't make me "binge" or whatever. So why not? :drinker:
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I cut out soda completely after a lifelong addiction about a year ago, but I'll still have one about once a month when I get a craving. It doesn't really quench my thirst anymore; I prefer water now.
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    I gave up caffeine six months ago and I don't regret it at all. I sleep better and have less fibro flares. Now I drink decaf coffee and iced tea. Soda is an occasional treat and if I drink it, I'll get myself a cream soda or root beer.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    if you have adverse reactions to excessive artificial sweeteners then you should give it up.

    Or if you are a rat and you don't want to get cancer.

    I still highly recommend that the majority of fluid intake is water.
  • ShaneMac4u
    ShaneMac4u Posts: 15
    Years ago I gave up I have been freed from Diet Dr. Pepper for about a year.

    Bottled water is the way to go. Keep some chilled and some at room temp in case I want to chug one down.

    You migth also give unsweet tea a try. Use a lemon wedge if need be for flavor but like black coffee it can be an acquired taste.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    No it's not worth it. I gave up diet soda for the most part and not a single good thing happened except I am saving some money.
  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    I doubt you'll read this (from all the replies), but quitting things cold turkey is very stressful. Need to work in steps...

    For example:
    Week 1: 4 a day
    week 2: 3 a day
    week 3: 2 a day
    week 4: 1 a day
    week 5: 5 days of 1 soda
    week 6: 4 days of 1 soda

    Another thing you should do is every time you drop a soda amount, increase your water intake.

    Do you perhaps smoke? It's just speculation but I know a lot of smokers tend to drink soda pop, and usually get very irritable if they do not have either.... it's addiction :o

    Maybe try a soda that's made with Splenda. I know Sprite 0 is good, so is Diet 7up
  • Peachy1962
    Peachy1962 Posts: 269 Member
    I am limiting myself to 1 a day!! and so far I have been being good!! :wink:
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Didn't read all responses... if you love diet coke, drink it. Personally,I just love black coffee as my caffeine kick. I'm never giving that up. I do drink a ton of water, too. Because only water counts as water.... :tongue:
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I only really drink Diet coke if Im drinking rum or Im on a fast day and drink one small can in the afternoon,. Rest of the time its water.
  • MMulder68
    MMulder68 Posts: 139 Member
    Yes! Just based on what is in soda is what made me quit. Breast cancer changed my life and now I eat to live. My new motto is exercise to eat, eat to live. I do have a diet soda if I am craving one but very limited like once a month. Read about sodas.....really!
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    I've been diet soda free for about 15 minutes now, and I've never felt better!

  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    Ive experimented with and without diet pop and notice no chance. i am happy to say because I love it. My weight loss has been steady for months, with the diet pop and without it maintained exactly the same with no other changes to my diet and exercise routine.
  • Zummythrace
    Zummythrace Posts: 6 Member
    I think that people tend to think if something is good then it must be bad. They then create stories to support their beliefs. If there were quality scientific studies saying that diet drinks have negative consequences, then I would give diet drinks up. Otherwise, I am not. Also know, we all have been wrong in our lives and I may be wrong. If so, then studies will let us know.
  • Cheetahgirl88
    Cheetahgirl88 Posts: 15 Member
    I know exactly what you are going through! I gave up diet soda in January and I literally never felt better. I won't lie to you, the first month is HELL!!!! But after that it is a walk in the park. You are almost half way there, don't give up! I have tried it since and it tastes disgusting now and I never want it anymore! It is hard, but you can do it! Drink lots of water!!!
  • lillie02
    lillie02 Posts: 6 Member
    I LOVE my diet coke. I drink 1 or 2 a day, but I drink over 128oz a day of water as well. It's definitely my one thing I have to have. It's really terrible for your teeth (I work in dentistry), but I feel I probably take care of my teeth better than most.