can you eat what you want and lose weight?



  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I've been working at this since March 23rd, 2012 and have lost around 96-97 lbs so far eating what I want. I have just learned, over time, that I have to watch my portion sizes. If I want it, have the calories for it, I eat it. If I don't have the calories for it and I still want it I either go over for the day, exercise to get a few extra calories, or have it the next day if I still want it.

    I'd never have made it this far if I had to give up meals out, sweets, etc. I just have to find a way to fit them in.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I've lost almost 40 in 18 pounds months eating anything and everything I love.
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    I can loose weight eating junk....but it is slower, and junk food makes me crazy CRAZY hungry, I get massive highs and lows as the sugar crash kicks in so I tend to cheat on my diet then.

    I'm aiming for 80/20 80% healthy whole foods, 20% kid in a candy store free for all.

    But regardless of what the calories still count...and I can eat allot more healthy whole foods vs junk
  • lenamae23
    lenamae23 Posts: 60 Member
    There's a saying around here "if it fits in your macros"' Yes eat what you want in smaller, appropriate portions.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Eff yes you can. I am still finding the amount I can eat (I eat more on the weekends and hell if I am giving that up). But this is a lifestyle to me and dammit, some days you just need to eat, drink and be merry. I will not have a life of salads, chicken breast and no carbs. Ish.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I don't completely forbid myself anything. I do find that I can do better on my workouts if I make healthy choices most of the time.
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    Yes u can
  • Archaedis
    Archaedis Posts: 2
    Do you just want to lose weight? Or would you like to be healthy too? The majority of your diet should be nutritious whole foods. Give your body the nutrition it needs you will feel much better. That being said an occasional treat is fine if the majority of your diet is good.
  • taidasrictar
    taidasrictar Posts: 100 Member
    i believe in everything in moderation

    i have lost 50+ pounds eating what ever i want

    as long as you don't eat junk food every day and try to keep everything balanced it works
  • Christina8585
    Christina8585 Posts: 73 Member
    I mean yes and no. Can you still have a night out once in a while and have a couple slices of pizza without becoming a fatasorisrex? Yeah.

    Can you have cake for breakfast every day as long as it's under your calories? Maybe for the first couple of weeks or month if your extra overweight but long term, hellsss no!
    Diet nutrition effects how your body burns, works and effects your ability to perform physical activity. If you eat a muffin for breakfast and other crap, your still gonna end up with sugar crashes, feeling foggy. You won't get the proper energy you need. And you'll void out the healthy foods you do eat...
  • touchafaith
    touchafaith Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, I eat what I want when I want just as long as it stays within my allocated calories. I think that's why this is working for me so far. Its so much easier to follow than a 'diet' because you dont HAVE to cut foods out so you don't particularly crave them as your not deprived of them.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I do ... Chocolate and ice cream daily for me on top of my red wine.

    A couple of those I moderate ;)
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    If you eat healthy ( no junk food) and keep within your calorie goal, it's ok
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    you can but make sure you are putting in work at that gym
  • Lulla_dxb
    Lulla_dxb Posts: 22
    I eat what I want and I'm managing to lose weight. I exercise a lot too though!
    As long as you stay within your calorie limits then it's fine. HOWEVER I wouldn't go crazy and eat really unhealthy food all the time as it's bound to have some bad effects on your insides!
    I do treat myself a lot though :ohwell:
  • buggings
    buggings Posts: 18
    You can, per se, eat whatever you want, yes.

    However, I think you'll come to realize, as I did, that these bad foods we were once so used to consuming are not nearly as satisfying as the healthier options that we can have much more of. Sure, Pizza/icecream/chocolate is wonderful, but when the smallest portion possibly eats up a good 1/4 or more of your budget, you'll start to think twice.

    But, to each their own and I hope you are able to find what works for you!
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    Before I began dieting using MFP, I had a vigorous appetite. I ate (and craved) lots of carb-rich foods and sweets. Since beginning this diet, I eliminated many of those foods from my diet simply because I couldn't eat enough of them to fill me up and stay within my 1200 calorie a day requirement. So I replaced them with a lot more salads, fresh fruit, yogurt and nuts. To my surprise, after the first week, I no longer found myself craving them or even wanting them. I think if I had not eliminated most of those carb-rich foods and sweets, I would not have been so successful in this first month. I am down 11.5 lbs and am closing in on the 130s for the first time in 12 years.

    I think maybe it all boils down to how strong your will-power is. Is it strong enough for you to sit down to a plate with a scant covering of your favorite foods and walk away when they're gone? Or would you be more satisfied with larger portions of healthier meal options?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I eat what I want, when I want, just not as much as I used to want.
    Pretty much this, although the amount I "used to want" is still sometimes the same. That's where I sacrifice though: I simply cannot eat unlimited amounts of food. I'm quite active, so I get to eat plenty. Most days, it feels like I get to eat a lot. Sometimes, I do want more, and that's when I have to exercise self-control (or else go over my goals, but be aware of the consequences).
    it seems that people are eating what they want e.g chocolate,chips,cakes etc and they seem to have lost weight.
    I lost my weight (and am maintaining it) by including all those kinds of foods. Chocolate is something I eat nearly every day for example, just not huge amounts. Nothing is off limits. My diet has changed over time, and I do focus more on nutrition, but that is something that has happened gradually, because I care more about nutrition now, not because I made huge, arbitrary changes all at once.

    There's also a lot of food that I hardly ever eat now because the enjoyment of it just isn't worth the calories. You have to work that part out for yourself. For me, chocolate, red wine, homemade brownies & cookies, hot buttered toast and cheddar cheese are all worth "spending" calories on. Pizza, cake, ice cream, beer and Chinese takeaways are worth it sometimes, but less often, and mostly if I've got a lot of calories to work with. Crisps (chips), coke, McDonalds etc are things I hardly ever eat because even though I like the taste of them, I don't enjoy them that much to waste calories on. If you look at it like a budget, it makes sense to spend most of your calories on foods that support your health, and then spend whatever is left on things you really enjoy. If you are a millionaire and have a huge budget, you have more to "waste". If you're on a very tight budget, you have to make every penny/calorie count.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I think maybe it all boils down to how strong your will-power is. Is it strong enough for you to sit down to a plate with a scant covering of your favorite foods and walk away when they're gone? Or would you be more satisfied with larger portions of healthier meal options?
    I don't think it's about will-power so much as choices. Some people choose to eat only for nutrition/weight loss, and some choose to eat for enjoyment too. There is also an in-between option: moderate portions of a balanced variety of nutritious foods that can include your favourites. It doesn't have to be "all or nothing", although I know that's the way some people choose to go.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I have chocolate or ice cream pretty much every day! As long as it fits my macros I eat anything I want!!