I'm sooooo hungry

I hit my goal last October, I lost around 50 pounds in just under a year. At Christmas I put on 5lbs and since then I've been trying to lose them again. I feel so much hungrier than I did before, and I'm not sure why. I try to eat lots of protein, and a reasonable amount of fat. I've been getting that lightheaded low blood sugar feeling, even though I am eating more than before. Even maintenance calories (about 1800 for me), doesn't seem like enough food.


  • KelpyG
    KelpyG Posts: 9 Member
    What is a typical day like for you? (Food & activities?)
  • 1517jackie
    1517jackie Posts: 3 Member
    hi im mad on cakes i still eat them and keep under my calories
    too help i drink fruit tea no sugar no calories in it i use two bags as i like it strong.
    eat little and often make sure you eat breakfast and try not to eat after 7 when i feel hungry i eat almonds
    do you have the app on your phone, its great i scan the pack and if to high in calories i have half or less and keep the rest for another day
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Possibly the types of foods you are eating. Filling foods tend to either be lower calorie fiber filled foods like veggies, or protein and fat filled foods that satisfy longer. Mix those together and usually it will help. It would really help if you made your food diary public as it is difficult to give anything more without seeing what you are eating. Also, are you drinking enough? Sometimes some more water will help.
  • subversive99
    subversive99 Posts: 273 Member
    Open your diary and the community can probably give you some solid advice.
  • OldManOne
    OldManOne Posts: 67 Member
    Kat - "I've been getting that lightheaded low blood sugar feeling" I get that also, right in the middle of a work-out. I'll stop and eat an energy bar and it seems to help.
  • mankars
    mankars Posts: 115 Member
    Not trying to scare you, but same happened with me.. twice!! After which I gained all the weight I had lost and few more pounds. Try to 'front-load' your calories, i.e. eat a larger breakfast and taper off your calorie intake by dinner. Also, try to eat some protein dense snacks between main meals to curb off hunger pangs. All the best.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    mankars wrote: »
    Not trying to scare you, but same happened with me.. twice!! After which I gained all the weight I had lost and few more pounds. Try to 'front-load' your calories, i.e. eat a larger breakfast and taper off your calorie intake by dinner. Also, try to eat some protein dense snacks between main meals to curb off hunger pangs. All the best.

    See, I'd recommend the opposite; I erase my deficit if I front-load my calories, because I get hungry later in the day regardless of how much I eat in the morning, and don't do well with low calories in the evenings.

    I think the better advice for the OP is to experiment with meal timing and the variety of foods you're eating. Keep a variety of small snacks on hand, and experiment with if you respond better to higher protein or fiber or fat or what-have-you. Eventually you'll adapt, and have an arsenal for tackling the problem. :)
  • Katevinnai
    Katevinnai Posts: 1 Member
    I find I am hungry as well. I have been doing the calorie watch for a month coming off of a low carb diet. I find I have to evaluate if I am actually hungry or bird. Some people tend to be an emotional eater which I am, so I find that I think I am hungry when I am bored, stressed or just pissy. I curb that with a tea....
  • Ggmaccer2015
    Ggmaccer2015 Posts: 6 Member
    It could be some emotional hunger too... Now you have reached your goal what's next?
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Do you know that about the research on leptin and ghrelin? Less adipose tissue produces less leptin and more physical exercise reduces leptin (the satiety hormone) even further. Empty stomachs stimulate production of ghrelin (the hunger hormone). Both hormones bind to the same receptors in the brain, signaling hunger.

    ( credits to @CyberTone )

    I was dealing with suddenly more hunger too while i ate and eat up on a storm ( 2000 calories and over) since maintenance level.
    I am doing fin and very slowly losing weight still. But it got my by surprise that while i was losing weight i was not hungry except for some days were i didn't eat enough protein and fiber.
    But while i had more calories to eat in maintenance level i had more hungry days. So do some research there is some interesting reads about this. Weight loss is not easy ( the system is simple but you have your hard days) But maintaining is has its own problems too.

    For now i have seem to solved it by sitting it out and stick to my counting and logging and yes some uncomfortable days of being more hungry. I didnt give in most of the time. The days that i did go over i cut back in other days.
    So when i ate 2500 i ate 1500 the next day. etc. Just to keep the weekly balance.

  • VitaSh
    VitaSh Posts: 113 Member
    Try to distinguish between physical hunger (you many need to eat more now!) or emotional hunger or just the munchies (God I hate that word! lol).
  • bruhaha007
    bruhaha007 Posts: 333 Member
    How many grams of protein and fiber are you taking in? And are you drinking water all day?
  • katerinabowler
    katerinabowler Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you all for your help. It's not munchies... It's proper hunger. I think that I maybe need to drop my carbs a bit, and eat even more protein. Carbs in the morning seems to make me even more hungry, so I shall try some high protein breakfast.
  • VitaSh
    VitaSh Posts: 113 Member
    yes, that's what I do :) Eat about 1 gram per lb of body weight protein, see how you feel
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    edited February 2016
    maybe you unintentionally aren't getting enough of a certain nutrient. I'm always low on iron and if I forget to take a supplement I feel like I'm starving. It also gives me that dizzy feeling.
  • katerinabowler
    katerinabowler Posts: 32 Member
    Oh! Yes, that's a good point. I wonder if it's that. I'm a bit lazy about getting a variety of food, I regularly eat the same things. I'll try and vary it, and get some supplements too. I have hypothyroidism, which doesn't help, but I managed to lose weight ok with it, so I should be able to maintain too.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm in the same boat honestly! I'm much hungrier than I was while losing even though I eat more calories. It totally sucks. It started after I went on vacation 1.5 year ago and started running. Never reached my goal (I was 2 pounds away), I'm actually 4 pounds heavier now, but my waist and hips have got smaller at least...

    And yeah I have to avoid refined flours or sugar at breakfast too or it's typically a disaster (but steel cut oats are fine).

    My bloodwork is perfect too and taking a multi vitamin hasn't made any difference. Very frustrating. I really envy people who can maintain easily, it's a struggle every day for me (there's maybe 7 days a month when I'm not very hungry).

  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited February 2016
    Oh! Yes, that's a good point. I wonder if it's that. I'm a bit lazy about getting a variety of food, I regularly eat the same things. I'll try and vary it, and get some supplements too. I have hypothyroidism, which doesn't help, but I managed to lose weight ok with it, so I should be able to maintain too.

    And ones again...

    Look into your leptin ....
    Now that you said you have hyothyroidism too i guess ( just a guess) you are doing low carb?
    A shortness of the leptin hormon ( that causes hunger) requires carbs to help it level out.
    But being short on leptin dont have to be caused by low carb of course.

    The doctor can test your if you a short of leptin

    A couple things that help
    lots of protein
    and food with zinc in it.

    Just read up on it. It is a more and more known issue for people who lose weight and do maintenance
    The University of Columbia does some research about it too. And atm there are two ( experimental) medications on the market. ( your doctor will know)
    This is also one of the causes the yo-yo effect. Because people start/want and need to eat more.

    Or just fight it:)

  • summersun512
    summersun512 Posts: 8 Member
    Drink more water. Eat More Veggies and Cheese and Protein. You do not need more sugar or youll never lose the weight.
  • katerinabowler
    katerinabowler Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you burnwithbarn I shall read up on it. Is there a way of increasing leptin? Maybe a holiday in the sun! I do definitely feel more hungry when it's cold... And it's really cold here in the uk at the moment!