I'm sooooo hungry



  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    Drink more water. Eat More Veggies and Cheese and Protein. You do not need more sugar or youll never lose the weight.

    Cheese is not good for you.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Drink more water. Eat More Veggies and Cheese and Protein. You do not need more sugar or youll never lose the weight.

    Cheese is not good for you.

    Why is that?
  • getsweaty123go
    getsweaty123go Posts: 53 Member
    I find it easier on days where I eat less often but then have a larger meal where I can actually get full. For me I find it easier to either not have breakfast and then have more cals for later meals or have a light cal breakfast like a protein shake. Sometimes just a salad for lunch, and then a nice biggish dinner. I don't sleep well when I'm hungry. I know it's supposedly backwards but I cope better that way and it does the trick :-)
  • wordyroo
    wordyroo Posts: 98 Member
    When was the last time you had your thyroid levels checked? I get insanely hungry and feel lightheaded when my levels swing toward hyper and require a med adjustment.
  • HG93022
    HG93022 Posts: 80 Member
    This is very discouraging and confusing to see the possibility of feeling more hungry during maintenance than while losing. I am inspired by all of the supportive people helping out the OP!
  • katerinabowler
    katerinabowler Posts: 32 Member
    Wordyroo I just had blood taken yesterday. It's interesting that you say that, because I was wondering if I was get hyper (for reasons unrelated to eating). I get the results in a couple of days.
    Thank you everyone for your words of wisdom and support. X
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Thank you burnwithbarn I shall read up on it. Is there a way of increasing leptin? Maybe a holiday in the sun! I do definitely feel more hungry when it's cold... And it's really cold here in the uk at the moment!


    Yes your doctor can first of all test you for it if you want. And there are some medications
    But you can get Leptin also in the stores ( health sections)
    And foods with Zinc, Omega3, Carbs and Protein do the job too.

    On which level i dont know. I only know that there are several studies about it. And the leptin ( hunger) hormone seems to be low by people who lost and losing weight. Which can cause a more hunger feeling.
    I am not a scientist but it is interesting, because i had the same.

    Losing weight np at all and a couple weeks into maintaining i suddenly was sooooo hungry. So after @CyberTone pointed me in the right direction i started to read up on it. And solved my hunger issues, so now i am fine again :)


  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member
    edited February 2016

    Cheese is not good for you.

    Bologna...and cheese...are delicious together...
  • _SandShoveller_
    _SandShoveller_ Posts: 197 Member
    Drink more water. Eat More Veggies and Cheese and Protein. You do not need more sugar or youll never lose the weight.

    AAAAARRRRGGGHHH - Sugar doesn't make you FAT - too many calories makes you fat!
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member

    Cheese is not good for you.

    LOL! Are you a vegan?
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 779 Member
    you have to eat snacks every 4 hours for your metabolism to continue kicking and to prevent your body to go on starvation mode. oatmeal, fruits (apple, banana,orange,strawberries, blueberries,grapefruit, cantaloupe and more), almonds, carrots, celery, yogurt, almond butter, peanut butter are some of the healthy snacks you can try.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited February 2016
    you have to eat snacks every 4 hours for your metabolism to continue kicking and to prevent your body to go on starvation mode. oatmeal, fruits (apple, banana,orange,strawberries, blueberries,grapefruit, cantaloupe and more), almonds, carrots, celery, yogurt, almond butter, peanut butter are some of the healthy snacks you can try.

    Nope. Total broscience.

    Losing weight np at all and a couple weeks into maintaining i suddenly was sooooo hungry. So after @CyberTone pointed me in the right direction i started to read up on it. And solved my hunger issues, so now i am fine again :)

    What did you change to help your hunger issues? I see on your other post that you balance your calories from day to day, which is pretty much what I'm doing, but I'm still hungry more often than not.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    So I haven't read all the other responses; just don't have that kind of time. Read your initial post and looked at your profile. If you are for real and you really wish to have others assist you then you need to completely fill out your profile i.e. fill out the three Q's ("About Me, Why I want to get in shape, and My Inspirations,") that come up on the left hand side of the page when you are on your profile. Also, open up your diary, this will assist people in making informed decisions.
    With that being said, drink more water, and consume more protein. I have no idea what you are doing so that's the best I can do.
    If you are consuming 1800 cals you are most likely eating at a deficit already, then if you are exercising that deficit becomes bigger if you don't eat back the calories that you burn during your work out. Again, I am making assumptions since your profile is empty.
    Good luck with this, losing weight can be extremely frustrating and getting it right is not always easy or straight forward.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    Starvation mode does not exist, people need to stop peddling that myth. There are people in 3rd world countries who would love to be in 'starvation mode' as opposed to skin and bones.

    Meal timing is entirely down to personal preference, your metabolism will not suddenly stop because you haven't eaten for four hours.
    I hit my goal last October, I lost around 50 pounds in just under a year. At Christmas I put on 5lbs and since then I've been trying to lose them again. I feel so much hungrier than I did before, and I'm not sure why. I try to eat lots of protein, and a reasonable amount of fat. I've been getting that lightheaded low blood sugar feeling, even though I am eating more than before. Even maintenance calories (about 1800 for me), doesn't seem like enough food.

    Congratulations on your net loss of 45 lbs since last October. I sometimes get light headed, a banana usually solves that instantly.
  • BikeTourer
    BikeTourer Posts: 191 Member
    However there is something about eating throughout the day to keep blood glucose steady. That helps many people keep hunger at bay. I tend to eat breakfast snack, lunch, snack, dinner, sometimes evening snack on hard workout days. I personally am hungrier on days I do large breakfast, large dinner even when the calorie and activity are equivalent.

    And the there is emotional eating, people with that issue need to focus on recognizing their trigger and retraining themselves to recognize the difference and only eat when truly hungry. Which is easier said than done.
  • _Figgzie_
    _Figgzie_ Posts: 3,506 Member
    edited February 2016
    gramarye wrote: »
    mankars wrote: »
    Not trying to scare you, but same happened with me.. twice!! After which I gained all the weight I had lost and few more pounds. Try to 'front-load' your calories, i.e. eat a larger breakfast and taper off your calorie intake by dinner. Also, try to eat some protein dense snacks between main meals to curb off hunger pangs. All the best.

    See, I'd recommend the opposite; I erase my deficit if I front-load my calories, because I get hungry later in the day regardless of how much I eat in the morning, and don't do well with low calories in the evenings.

    I think the better advice for the OP is to experiment with meal timing and the variety of foods you're eating. Keep a variety of small snacks on hand, and experiment with if you respond better to higher protein or fiber or fat or what-have-you. Eventually you'll adapt, and have an arsenal for tackling the problem. :)

    +1, I think it is better to hold off on eating until mid day so your eating window is much smaller and you can eat satisfying amounts of food.........definitely a key for me............nothing worse than eating the majority of your calories in the morning / mid day and having to stave it out the rest of the day
  • _Figgzie_
    _Figgzie_ Posts: 3,506 Member
    you have to eat snacks every 4 hours for your metabolism to continue kicking and to prevent your body to go on starvation mode. oatmeal, fruits (apple, banana,orange,strawberries, blueberries,grapefruit, cantaloupe and more), almonds, carrots, celery, yogurt, almond butter, peanut butter are some of the healthy snacks you can try.

    "starvation mode" is not real
  • louise294
    louise294 Posts: 27 Member
    You need to focus on high fibre low fat foods: i.e whole foods like grains and vegetables, these are really satiating as they fill your stomach up without as many calories. For example 200 calories translates to only 50g of cheese, but 250g of plain potato or 600g broccolli. Soups are extra filling as they are also full of liquid which makes your stomach feel extra full, so a nice big bowl of home made vegetable soup will provide a lot more volume and therefore satiation (and nutrients) than a small serving or high fat food
  • matureduchess
    matureduchess Posts: 3 Member

    I hit my goal last October, I lost around 50 pounds in just under a year. At Christmas I put on 5lbs and since then I've been trying to lose them again. I feel so much hungrier than I did before, and I'm not sure why. I try to eat lots of protein, and a reasonable amount of fat. I've been getting that lightheaded low blood sugar feeling, even though I am eating more than before. Even maintenance calories (about 1800 for me), doesn't seem like enough food.

    To curb hunger drink a glass of water with a tsp of apple cider vinegar before each meal it help control blood sugar; also add a tsp of of psyllium fiber to your diet each day and some flax meal as fiber helps your body feel satisfied longer.
  • matureduchess
    matureduchess Posts: 3 Member
    Drink more water. Eat More Veggies and Cheese and Protein. You do not need more sugar or youll never lose the weight.

    AAAAARRRRGGGHHH - Sugar doesn't make you FAT - too many calories makes you fat!

    Sugar does not make you fat but it does tell your body to release insulin which tells your body to be hungry. Look up the sugar and insulin cycle.