

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies –
    I started my day with my protein breakfast of 2 eggs, .20 oz ground pork, .02 oz ground turkey and some raspberries and blackberries. The Paleo diet has opened my eyes to how much sugar is added to our food. I thought I would add some salsa to spice up my breakfast, but read the ingredients and saw sugar was in there, so no salsa for me.  Think when I have time I’ll research some recipes for home made salsa.

    Last night was a tough work out at Cross Fit, we did 20 minutes, AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of 20 push press, 60 jump ropes, 20 Russian kettleballs and 20 burpees. I got through 3 rounds and I was spent!

    Mary – I was curious about your Kettlebell challenge, what is the weight you use?
    KJLaMore – my boss is selling GS Cookies, I was thinking of ordering a few boxes and see if she can ship them overseas to support our troops.
    Michelle – I am in Bear, DE. If you are familiar with the area about 15 minutes from I95 or University of Delaware.

    Nice Thursday everyone,
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    I read in so many health and fitness blogs that "cheat days" are not a good idea. All you end up doing is erasing all your hard work that you've done all week. So, I don't do them. I allow myself a gooey dessert every day instead.

    I do not allow myself cheat days. To me its back-pedaling. I am in a support group (TOPS) and every Wednesday after our meeting alot of the ladies go out to eat. I think its kind of hypocritical to preach great eating habits, then have fattening lunches. So, you can imagine they don't really invite me to lunch ever. I equate it to having a pristine checking account, always balanced, then every once in awhile bouncing a check. All it really does is stress you out, and worry about if you are going to balance the account for the rest of the week. For some it works great, but for me it doesn't work.

    I agree, if we have to call it a "cheat day" right there it is sending guilt feelings. This is not a diet, not a destination, it is a life long healthy eating journey. That's not to say I don't have a dessert or something with more carbs once in a while, I do. I do figure it in to my calories, etc. But as you say, Becca, in an entire day you can blow your entire good work for the week. If you feel you are "cheating", you are probably not enjoying it. When I do allow myself a treat, I eat it slowly and absolutely enjoy every bite. :) Just my opinion.

    Janetr OKC

    I have to disagree on this one. Life is about balance and for me, that means eating healthy most of the time and indulging in something "sinful" occasionally. I don't consume 5,000 calories on a cheat day, but I do have one yummy meal or one drink or one dessert. This does not in any way derail my progress. Instead, it allows me to continue with a healthy lifestyle that meets my physical and emotional needs. I am able to spend valuable time with friends or family without guilt, doing something that culturally (as humans) is bonding. In addition, the trainer that I admire and follow cheats occasionally on her own plan (as do every single one I've known) and she looks amazing. Were I not to cheat (and yes, I like that word because I never wish to be rigid in any aspect of my life) I would not - repeat NOT - be able to sustain a healthy diet.

    so on this day that you eat the "yummy mean or one drink or one dessert" are you logging that in mfp? if not, why, if you are then go on wid yo bad self. do u gurl
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    morning peeps and new peep-e's

    ginalove1960 - good idea for adding whatever it is to your calorie count.

    barbiecat - have fun, do some body shots!!

    good job janetr !!!!

    cute poocher pic drcrisos

    today it's supposed to be nice. if it is by the time I get off of work, i'll ride home. Kirby says that the roof will be started tomorrow I think, they will be delivering the shingles today and he said they will be done in 4 days. I feel so broke (I'm not but I feel it)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,352 Member
    I have yummy meals every day, and an alcoholic drink or two, and dessert every night. And cheese. I never cheat. That is the way I eat. I lost 57 lbs eating like that and have maintained for over 2 years. It's not cheating it's normal, healthy eating. To say you are cheating means you are depriving yourself the rest of the time. I don't feel deprived, so I don't have to cheat. I just love my food every day. :D

    I think I'm on a roll with clothes. Today I bought a navy "ruched" pencil skirt, above the knee. If I don't like it I will send it back. B) Free returns.

    We are going up to London next Monday to have a quick pizza lunch with DH's DD#2. Just in her office lunch hour. I always have the 500 calorie pizza which has a hole in the middle with arugula and watercress salad in it. :D We thought we would combine the trip with a gallery visit and fancied the garden paintings (including Monet) at the Royal Academy. It was booked out. :'( Then I had the brainwave of joining as a "Friend" when you can just walk in any time. :drinker: It will encourage us to go to their other exhibitions in the year and there are a few coming up we fancy. :D

    Going to pay for our cruise this afternoon.

    I've also booked a night in Stratford upon Avon for July, when it's DH's aunt's 90th birthday. They are organising a big birthday tea for her and the hotel is within walking distance of the venue, along the canal. DH 's sister, partner, nephew and niece will be there.
    The nephew 's pregnant fiancée was attacked by his ex wife at a nurses' party recently (they are both nurses) and pushed over. The ex called the police and reported it to the nursing council, but there she is on CCTV comitting the dastardly crime. :noway: She is the same one who used to hit her husband and abducted their child to the Philippines. :ohwell:
    My DSIL is going to Florida next Monday. :D

    I am a bit under the weather today. Some virus or other. DH had it earlier in the week. :(:* We went shopping though for food. My children do not do anything for me for Mother's Day, which is this Sunday, apart from a text. :ohwell: DH says I am not his mother, so he doesn't do anything either. :'( So I bought us some fillet steak to have for dinner. :drinker: I can treat myself. I am worth it. :laugh:

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    I have yummy meals every day, and an alcoholic drink or two, and dessert every night. And cheese. I never cheat. That is the way I eat. I lost 57 lbs eating like that and have maintained for over 2 years. It's not cheating it's normal, healthy eating. To say you are cheating means you are depriving yourself the rest of the time. I don't feel deprived, so I don't have to cheat. I just love my food every day. :D

    Love to all, Heather UK

    I totally agree. If you look at my food diary (don't know why anyone would tho) you can see I eat the same stuff over and over again. HOWEVER, I LOVE what I eat, I'm not depriving myself cuz I don't want other stuff. if I wanted something else, i'll have it, log it and move on, but there are some things that I won't remove from my diet cuz I don't want to, I like it and one of the crappy things I LOVE is Best Foods mayonnaise, not the low fat one either. I have a tablespoon of it with my dinner mixed in or 1/2 tablespoon but I have it. another is booze, I don't drink that much anymore BUT if I want something, I'm gonna have it and I will log it all and I trust me, there is no guilt that I feel about it.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    KJ--so far today I have made to it now without checking FB. I will give in later but only for a bit. You are right about the family members--so much politics! Sometimes I give in and fight back subtly, but honestly what's the use?

    Whoever mentioned Duolingo last mont? I am now trying it. Does anybody know how to put diacritics in on an IPod on that app? They don't mark me down but say I have a typo. Polish has heaps of diacritical marks, too. Lubię owoce = I like fruit. MPF puts them in the preview but not when I am typing, weird..

    Heather, in America it is perfectly acceptable for women to say "Happy Mother's Day" to each other, so "Happy Mother's Day". I saw a clip with Benedict Cumberbatch on something called the Graham Norton Show. Is this a very popular show over there? This one clip was hilarious.

    Welcome to the new ladies!!! This is a really great group!!!


  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Lost a gold crown last night. Went to the dentist and after x-rays was told it would be best to pull the remaining tooth. So, will have that done on Friday. This is a crown that has had to be reglued twice and she was finding some decay on the part of the root canal that was left. No dental insurance....Ugh!

    Was listening to The Dr's today and they were talking about the idea that using BMI to figure out what you should weigh is almost never correct because of differences in muscle mass and body types.

    Barbie ~ Enjoy your trip.

    Joyce ~ Happy Birthday

    Penny ~ I admire you for getting in the exercise in all weather conditions. Being a GA gal all my life, I hate cold damp weather.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Linda in CA: I hope you'll let us know what the doctor has to say about your "enlarged" heart. :flowerforyou:

    Becca & Janet: I agree with you both about cheat days. You're only cheating yourself. In my mind a cheat day is different than a day when you've gone over a little bit, or a day off due to social circumstances like Thanksgiving or.... I guess it is a semantic thing for me. I object to cheating myself but I'm not perfect. I do agree with Michele, though. You can go along and order wisely so you stay within your goals. One of my tricks is to order appetizers instead of a main meal. Another is to have a takeout box delivered with my meal and put half of the food into it before I begin eating. Number three is to go home and exercise until I've burned the calories off. :heart:

    Barbie: Thanks for celebrating the healed wrist with me. Enjoy your travels. :flowerforyou:

    CSSJ09: I wear a layer of thermal underwear to my riding lessons on cold days. It helps to layer up. I hope you enjoy your lesson. :bigsmile:.

    Behnybaby: It took me about two years to reach my goal and I've been here ever since to help ensure the excess weight stays off. Be stubborn and patient. :heart:

    MS Wolf: In my mind, enjoying special treats is not cheating if I plan for them and keep my calorie total in balance with my goals. Cheating reminds me of old lyrics- "Who am I cheating? I'm cheating myself." I agree with Pip. If I eat it, I log it. This might just be a matter of semantics, but self-talk is very powerful, IMHO. We are all different. :flowerforyou:

    Suzy: We tried the paleo diet and it shaped our eating. I won't call us paleo now, but we've maintained many of the habits. :smiley:

    DH goes in to the surgeon's office this morning for a check up. His wounds look great to me & I think he is healing well. I wonder whether the doctor will make changes in the stitches or the glue he put in there to hold the wounds closed. That surgery did wonders for me because I saw the news report on Nexium & Alzheimers. I haven't taken any since then, and I feel BETTER! I'm getting big chunks of my brain back. YAY!!!!!!!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    I have yummy meals every day, and an alcoholic drink or two, and dessert every night. And cheese. I never cheat. That is the way I eat. I lost 57 lbs eating like that and have maintained for over 2 years. It's not cheating it's normal, healthy eating. To say you are cheating means you are depriving yourself the rest of the time. I don't feel deprived, so I don't have to cheat. I just love my food every day. :D

    Love to all, Heather UK

    I totally agree. If you look at my food diary (don't know why anyone would tho) you can see I eat the same stuff over and over again. HOWEVER, I LOVE what I eat, I'm not depriving myself cuz I don't want other stuff. if I wanted something else, i'll have it, log it and move on, but there are some things that I won't remove from my diet cuz I don't want to, I like it and one of the crappy things I LOVE is Best Foods mayonnaise, not the low fat one either. I have a tablespoon of it with my dinner mixed in or 1/2 tablespoon but I have it. another is booze, I don't drink that much anymore BUT if I want something, I'm gonna have it and I will log it all and I trust me, there is no guilt that I feel about it.

    Totally agree. One thing I knew about myself this time around was that if you told me I couldn't eat it I would fail. I eat anything I want, measuring a serving size, and enjoy it. Looking at my diary you will see that I eat the same things over and over and over again. That's how I like it. My taste buds are messed up and it is easy and simple and doable for me to have the same few things each day. Fortunately I don't have cravings so that helps...I am however a binge eater when it comes to certain things...I know this about myself and I proceed accordingly. I don't feel guilty and I definitely won't let anyone else make me feel that way about what I eat either.

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    HI -- regarding "cheating"...I think it's subjective. If I weigh in and do okay, I'll have whole wheat pancakes with banana and real syrup. That's not a bad food combo. It's just a calorie dense food I don't have every day. And it makes me happy. So rather than cheating, maybe there is a different word. Maybe "allowance". Or Happy Day.

    Today I did 30 min P90x3 Yoga
    Swam 50 laps / 45 minutes

    Kimses in MA

  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    I read in so many health and fitness blogs that "cheat days" are not a good idea. All you end up doing is erasing all your hard work that you've done all week. So, I don't do them. I allow myself a gooey dessert every day instead.

    I do not allow myself cheat days. To me its back-pedaling. I am in a support group (TOPS) and every Wednesday after our meeting alot of the ladies go out to eat. I think its kind of hypocritical to preach great eating habits, then have fattening lunches. So, you can imagine they don't really invite me to lunch ever. I equate it to having a pristine checking account, always balanced, then every once in awhile bouncing a check. All it really does is stress you out, and worry about if you are going to balance the account for the rest of the week. For some it works great, but for me it doesn't work.

    I agree, if we have to call it a "cheat day" right there it is sending guilt feelings. This is not a diet, not a destination, it is a life long healthy eating journey. That's not to say I don't have a dessert or something with more carbs once in a while, I do. I do figure it in to my calories, etc. But as you say, Becca, in an entire day you can blow your entire good work for the week. If you feel you are "cheating", you are probably not enjoying it. When I do allow myself a treat, I eat it slowly and absolutely enjoy every bite. :) Just my opinion.

    Janetr OKC

    I have to disagree on this one. Life is about balance and for me, that means eating healthy most of the time and indulging in something "sinful" occasionally. I don't consume 5,000 calories on a cheat day, but I do have one yummy meal or one drink or one dessert. This does not in any way derail my progress. Instead, it allows me to continue with a healthy lifestyle that meets my physical and emotional needs. I am able to spend valuable time with friends or family without guilt, doing something that culturally (as humans) is bonding. In addition, the trainer that I admire and follow cheats occasionally on her own plan (as do every single one I've known) and she looks amazing. Were I not to cheat (and yes, I like that word because I never wish to be rigid in any aspect of my life) I would not - repeat NOT - be able to sustain a healthy diet.

    so on this day that you eat the "yummy mean or one drink or one dessert" are you logging that in mfp? if not, why, if you are then go on wid yo bad self. do u gurl

    Of course I log it. Cheating is not something to be ashamed of - as long as we are talking about food.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    I read in so many health and fitness blogs that "cheat days" are not a good idea. All you end up doing is erasing all your hard work that you've done all week. So, I don't do them. I allow myself a gooey dessert every day instead.

    I do not allow myself cheat days. To me its back-pedaling. I am in a support group (TOPS) and every Wednesday after our meeting alot of the ladies go out to eat. I think its kind of hypocritical to preach great eating habits, then have fattening lunches. So, you can imagine they don't really invite me to lunch ever. I equate it to having a pristine checking account, always balanced, then every once in awhile bouncing a check. All it really does is stress you out, and worry about if you are going to balance the account for the rest of the week. For some it works great, but for me it doesn't work.

    I agree, if we have to call it a "cheat day" right there it is sending guilt feelings. This is not a diet, not a destination, it is a life long healthy eating journey. That's not to say I don't have a dessert or something with more carbs once in a while, I do. I do figure it in to my calories, etc. But as you say, Becca, in an entire day you can blow your entire good work for the week. If you feel you are "cheating", you are probably not enjoying it. When I do allow myself a treat, I eat it slowly and absolutely enjoy every bite. :) Just my opinion.

    Janetr OKC

    I have to disagree on this one. Life is about balance and for me, that means eating healthy most of the time and indulging in something "sinful" occasionally. I don't consume 5,000 calories on a cheat day, but I do have one yummy meal or one drink or one dessert. This does not in any way derail my progress. Instead, it allows me to continue with a healthy lifestyle that meets my physical and emotional needs. I am able to spend valuable time with friends or family without guilt, doing something that culturally (as humans) is bonding. In addition, the trainer that I admire and follow cheats occasionally on her own plan (as do every single one I've known) and she looks amazing. Were I not to cheat (and yes, I like that word because I never wish to be rigid in any aspect of my life) I would not - repeat NOT - be able to sustain a healthy diet.

    TheRealMsWolf - I think we are saying the same thing, just using different words. I too have a dessert or indulge in a high calorie dinner occasionally and I know I will continue to do so for the rest of my life. I just don't use the word "cheat" because it makes me get down on myself. So we both really are doing the same thing but using different terms. And what it comes down to, is whatever works for us as individuals. We are all different, the important thing is that we persevere and it certainly sounds as if you are doing that. Congrats!!

    Janetr OKC
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    I have yummy meals every day, and an alcoholic drink or two, and dessert every night. And cheese. I never cheat. That is the way I eat. I lost 57 lbs eating like that and have maintained for over 2 years. It's not cheating it's normal, healthy eating. To say you are cheating means you are depriving yourself the rest of the time. I don't feel deprived, so I don't have to cheat. I just love my food every day. :D

    Love to all, Heather UK

    I'm getting a little resentful of other people telling me what something means to me! If that eating plan works for you, great, but please do not presume to tell me how I should be doing things. Suggest all you want. I came here for support, not to be told that I'm doing things wrong.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Pip - thanks for the encouragement. I told my daughters this morning that just over two years ago, at almost 300 lbs. I would have never believed this was possible for me to do. I feel so good :)

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,352 Member
    edited March 2016
    Janetr - Big hugs for you! It just goes to show that with the right attitude you can do anything! :flowerforyou:

    Paid for my cruise. Ouch! :laugh:

    Just about to cook my chunky breaded cod, asparagus and tsatsiki. Followed by stewed apples and blackberries with half fat creme fraiche. Followed by a piece of extra mature cheddar. Followed by a piece of dark chocolate with hazelnuts. Accompanied by a glass of Pernod. :bigsmile:

    Heather UK

    PS - Betty - I don't bother with those typos. I'd be faffing about all over the place if I was trying to type Norwegian correctly. They don't seem to matter, they're just reminding you. I'm now on families. Loving it. :D
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    I have yummy meals every day, and an alcoholic drink or two, and dessert every night. And cheese. I never cheat. That is the way I eat. I lost 57 lbs eating like that and have maintained for over 2 years. It's not cheating it's normal, healthy eating. To say you are cheating means you are depriving yourself the rest of the time. I don't feel deprived, so I don't have to cheat. I just love my food every day. :D

    Love to all, Heather UK

    I'm getting a little resentful of other people telling me what something means to me! If that eating plan works for you, great, but please do not presume to tell me how I should be doing things. Suggest all you want. I came here for support, not to be told that I'm doing things wrong.

    sorry, we don't mean to come off that way... we are a bunch of hi spirited ol farts here. you do what feels good to you., like I said, if you log what you eat, then to me you're not cheating, you're just eating.,. HA I rhymed ! you are seeing the calorie intake that you are putting in your body and. I support you girlfriend!! you go!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    10,000 steps before noon~ that hasn't happened in a dogs age...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    Driving through Tacoma and thinking of Pip:)
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Ladies
    Just poking my head in to say hi. Haven't been able to read since about the 25th bc I'm working extra to make up for lost hours when I was in the Keys and it has left me to tired to read or on some days to even eat much. I am down 7 lbs for Feb. to bring me to 210 which is 44lbs since Aug. Ii am thrilled with my progress and attribute it mostly to MFP and you group of ladies. Thank you.
    I have begun to seriously address my financial difficulties by calling my mortgage company. My hey told me to call back today when I would have a "deposit" to pay aka my usual payment just a month late..to see if I qualify for a spreading out of the late month over a year...I'm actually hoping for one of their other forms of help which would be a forebearance of the late month they would just tack it on to the end or an expedited refinance which I didn't qualify for in the fall but they may be more lenient to me and possibly count my part time income. I have also taken a HUGE personal step..I have decided to confront myself about my tv addiction and cancel it. Fios is coming for all the equipment tomorrow leaving me w just Internet. This has reduced my bill by $100 a month.
    I have also decided to not renew my pet insurance w Embrace. Whereas they were a great company and expediently processed all my claims satisfactorily they still were paid about $700 more than I got in return for the second year in a row. This will reduce my monthly bills by another $130.
    I have also taken in a new boarder which nets me another $240 per month.
    With these changes I can just squeak by but have no extra for vet bills, heating oil or car or home repair.
    So tonight I am putting sentimentality aside and posting some of my mother's things on eBay.
    Anybody interested in some very old Spode or Franciscan China? Let me know.

    Lastly albeit I am horribly late I wanted to make a couple of comments..






    Love you all
    I promise to try and catch up

    Boston Mindy
  • Marley2591
    Marley2591 Posts: 39 Member
    edited March 2016
    Lenora - Thanks for directing me to this new site for March. Much appreciated!

    I experienced a major personal crisis these past two days - have come out of it - thank goodness - however, totally void of any energy - emotional bad food choices - negative results on this weight loss journey - glad that I have this space to release some of my feelings.

    Move onward - today is a new day.

    March goals:
    Track every day
    Drink 4 glasses of water each day
    Use the Fitbit that my son gave me
    Improve my sleep habits
    Read more
    Have the faith in me that my brother has in me -
    to ensure that my heart condition improves
    Be kind
    Change the things that I can
