

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    morning ladies~
    well didn't get to sleep until almost 9(late for us lol) and woke up at 5.. Tom wants me to go with him to see DFIL so I will have to go grocery shopping after.. I like to get in and get out and I get a bit of anxiety when the stores are real busy.. have to Wally world... then home for a quick shower and to pick my dad up at 11:30 to be at the restaurant at noon, it will be wonderful to see everyone....
    I am picking up a combo lock for the gym and leave blow dryer and shampoo etc... there so I dont have to lug that every day...
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    CSSJ09 wrote: »
    Penny I just saw this article about the miner's choir in Longyearbyen, Svalbard and thought of you. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/coal-mining-choir-norway_us_56d9fa0de4b0000de404a38c
    CSSJ, thanks for the link. It's all mainly true and accurate. We ARE a small community where political differences don't stand in the way of friendships. Or of singing together in choirs. I was a bit tickled that the article mentions two men (the world's northernmost architect and the town pastor) as examples that the "miner's choir" isn't exclusively composed of miners. Precisely those two are the tenor and the bass in my quartet. :p Yep, small, small town. Still, the article hurt a little bit because the man at the top left in the first picture is the one who was killed in the avalanche. :'(
    I'm only checking in briefly now. We're with our son and his family. Grandson unfortunately woke up with a high fever, sore throat and upset tummy at 4 this morning. :'( I hope Grampa and I don't get it, or son and daughter-in-law, who have busy schedules next week.
    Heading home this evening. Tomorrow I'll try to post some pics.
    /Penny, going back to the North Pole in a few hours.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,362 Member
    edited March 2016
    Janetr - Thank you for calling me a fitness guru. That really made me LOL. If I am, I learnt from my wonderful DH who has been a demon all his life and can beat most 35 year olds at the age of 70. :love: The best thing is how patient he was and how encouraging when I was taking my first baby steps and thought I would explode! :laugh:

    Carol - when I was doing online dating I would always put them out of their misery really quickly by saying "I don't think this is going to be a great romance, do you?" I tried not to arrange a comittment like dinner for a first date, rather a coffee or something. Only one date didn't understand the situation after the second date. I ended up letting the phone go to ansaphone. ( before I had a mobile phone) I sometimes saw three or four guys in the same week, just to check them off the list quickly. A few got a second date, one or two became a relationship. Finally I met my DH. :bigsmile:
    It sounds as if you might be on to something with this latest one! Have you checked him out, family wise etc?

    Today I got the HUGEST surprise! While I was exercising a white van drew up and a man came down the drive with a long, flat parcel that he posted through the letter box! It was flowers from DS#2 ! That is a card and flowers, thanking me for all my help recently. It said, "You are the best!" Aaaaawwwwwww! :blushing:
    I have to say, I was not the best of mothers and certainly did not fulfill the conventional image. :noway: Much too selfish. :ohwell: But I am trying to be a good Granny (partly because my mother was rubbish and my ex's mother was terrific ). I have wonderful help from DH who really should be sharing the flowers with me.
    Of course, I know it is DDIL who is behind it; he would never have managed it all by himself, but it makes me happy. :D
    Might get a text from DS#1 if I'm lucky. :laugh:

    DS#2 has his big job interview tomorrow. (Gulp)

    Fillet steak and red wine tonight. :D

    CJ - I will be following your link. <3 I do feel I know Penny! Hi Penny! I've just ordered two more films Insomnia and King of Devils Island. They have subtitles. :laugh:
    I'm doing the time next on Duolingo. How are other people getting on?

    PS Just read the article. Thank you. The film Orion's Belte has the protagonist climbing into a coal bin in the mine to escape from pursuit and travelling in it down the valley. So sorry about the avalanche. I will be thinking of it when I visit in June.

    Heather UK and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the UK people! ! :flowerforyou:
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy sunday everyone. My weight is stablized, the last 5lbs are the hardest! Trying not to be too rigid about it, the most important thing is bp is healthy and my joints dont hurt as much.
    Despite a stomach bug, dd and i checked an item off her "bucket list" ( imagine a 17 year old with a bucket list!!!!) She wanted to hear an opera at.the met :o. We had a lovely time at Madama Butterfly, felt very grand, went very late for me, didnt get home til 1a.m. but was worth it. Now back to the gym, make lots of soup for the week and get ready for a big work week.
    Karen from ny
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Kim, my feet stayed looking great for a long time, but the cracks are starting to come back on my heels. I confess I am not very consistent (like hardly ever) with putting lotion on my heels. If I would moisturizer them daily, they would probably still look good. Now that I know I can order Baby Foot from Amazon for less than I paid at the dermatologist, I may give myself another treatment before sandal weather gets here. It is cheaper than a pedicure and lasts a lot longer. It was last June or July when I did it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    MightyLolo wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Larisa in Seattle - Yay you for sure!! Famous weight lifter, huh? :)

    Janetr OKC

    HA no just at my gym here. And only for not giving up. :blush:

    Larisa in Seattle

    Not giving up is very important. What we do every day is more important than what we do once in awhile :smiley:
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Happy Sunday Morning! o:)
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Godmomkim I haven't been measuring so I'm pretty sure it's portion sizes causing the problem. Plus I don't think my love of salt is helping.

    I kind of gave up yesterday although it wasn't a complete surrender. It was one of those mindsets of I'm going to just eat what I want and I'll start fresh again tomorrow. It's hard to get away from the frustration of doing what appears to be the right things and having not movement. BUT, as we all know, there are always places where, if tightened up, will make the difference (such as measuring and logging). I know I don't have any metabolic disorder that prevents me from losing weight. There really is no mystery here. However, it requires more vigilance than when I was younger and it's going to be slow progress.

    Hoping that I have convinced myself! I can do this -- I have the tools and the knowledge.

    I will set myself up for success today with fresh veggies and fruits in the house, and planning out the dinner menus for the week for myself (and then just throw some meat and potatoes on the table for the boys!).

    OK...my pep talk to me is complete.

    Kimses in MA

  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Happy sunday everyone. My weight is stablized, the last 5lbs are the hardest! Trying not to be too rigid about it, the most important thing is bp is healthy and my joints dont hurt as much.
    Despite a stomach bug, dd and i checked an item off her "bucket list" ( imagine a 17 year old with a bucket list!!!!) She wanted to hear an opera at.the met :o. We had a lovely time at Madama Butterfly, felt very grand, went very late for me, didnt get home til 1a.m. but was worth it. Now back to the gym, make lots of soup for the week and get ready for a big work week.
    Karen from ny

    KarenThis brings back wonderful memories. For graduation from uni my mother asked what I wanted as the 3 months traveling overseas was now out of the question due to father's death a few months before. I said - a night at the Metropolitan Opera in grand style or a g [d bike. My mom introduced me to opera at age 4 and I have all her old librettos. I still listen to Saturday live broadcasts from time to time. Of course, she agreed. So a very good girlfriend and I got all dressed up (I wore a colorful long dress and she wore a shimmery gold cocktail dress) then to the Opera in a Grand Parterre box. Afterwards, we went to dinner across the street and heard Marian McPartland. As you can tell, I remember every detail umpteen years later. So will your DD. she is lucky to have you.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Wondering how Terri and her family are doing on their vacation/bowling tournament bowling-kid-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Me too. I miss all of her hugs. :/
  • BestWishesForYou
    BestWishesForYou Posts: 34 Member
    Barb – – thank you so much for making this thread. I just discovered community posting this week and this thread today. I desperately need support and motivation, and everyone on this specific thread seems so generous with that.

    quote="sewicanquilt;35638689"]Just turned 50 (Feb 28) and pretty new to MFP (20 days). Hoping this group will motivate me on my journey. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis so moving is painfully and something I have tried to avoid in the past, but the weight must go, so not moving is not an option. My goal (as simple as it may sound) is to walk 25 more steps each day. Wish me luck![/quote]

    SewIcanquilt, may I add my name to your post? ;-) My situation is much like yours. I count myself lucky at not having fibromyalgia, but I do have worsening arthritis.

    I have had some success in weight loss since New Year's Eve and I credit my physical therapist with most of that. I started a program a few weeks ago. In addition to teaching me movements and stretches that will strengthen my affected joints, my therapist has been so encouraging to me.

    I also started logging my food with MFP in January. This helped me become aware of food values and choices. Instead of eating fast food every day – – which I did during a very stressful 2015 – – I have gradually changed my habits to the point where I am making all of my foods at home. Considering that I have never learned how to cook and never used to enjoy fresh veggies and the like, this is a monumental change. :-)

    I sent a very modest goal to begin with and felt so good in reaching that several weeks ago. I continue to add small goals and have been amazed as I've met each one. I have lost 20 pounds since January. That might not impress very many people but it impresses the heck out of me! I never thought I could do it.

    The trick will be maintaining/continuing in this direction. My insurance coverage for physical therapy will cap out soon.
    Finding motivation and support elsewhere will be vital.

    Good luck to you and everyone here. Wish me luck as well. :-)
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    arbeej 20 pounds since January certainly impresses me. And this group celebrates remaining at the same weight and not gaining. We support all our success -NSV and weight loss.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Haha Heather! The concert described in the Huffington Post was held in the place where the protagonist of Orions Belte jumped out of the coal bucket at the last minute. When you're in Longyearbyen we'll have to go take a look at it: Taubanesentralen the switching station of the aerial cableway. I'm assuming you are up to a stroll... :wink:

    My husband and I are starting to make our summer plans, and this morning I vetoed an early departure from Longyearbyen. He was talking about soon after the half-marathon and I postponed it to 12-13 June at the earliest. :wink:
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Kimses in MAI kind of gave up yesterday although it wasn't a complete surrender. It was one of those mindsets of I'm going to just eat what I want and I'll start fresh again tomorrow. It's hard to get away from the frustration of doing what appears to be the right things and having not movement. BUT, as we all know, there are always places where, if tightened up, will make the difference (such as measuring and logging). I know I don't have any metabolic disorder that prevents me from losing weight. There really is no mystery here. However, it requires more vigilance than when I was younger and it's going to be slow progress.

    This statement so resonates with me so thank you for putting into words how it goes sometimes!

    Today is my 365th day on MFP. smiley-happy110.gif I am beyond proud of myself that I have logged every meal for an entire year. smiley-happy096.gif Have not lost the weight I had expected in this year but have gained a much healthier way of eating. In the past any bump in the road would have derailed me from this course of action. "Wow, now that is commitment!" my husband's words to me this morning!

    Enjoy my morning cup of coffee and watching CBS Sunday Morning. Slow day planned and not sure we will go out...which means....I might just stay in my lounging cloths aka pjs!

    Take care,

    Fairlawn, oHIo
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cheri in Fairlawn,OH: Happy Anniversary! WTG!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,362 Member
    Katla - How did your afternoon on the boat go? :flowerforyou:

    Cheri - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! :drinker: (That's your favourite healthy beverage!) :D

    I've got papaya for a starter tonight. With squeezed lime. In London I used to eat this a lot, but not much down here in the countryside. I do love it though, especially the lime. :laugh:
    Will have the blood orange sorbet I've got left for dessert. (Do you detect a citrus theme going on here?)
    In fact, the best bit of the steak for me is the garlic butter with lemon juice in it. :laugh: (Just a small amount of butter)

    I had a small lunch 180 cals and I'm going to have an afternoon snack of hard boiled egg and tiny avocado. 180 cals.
    I will be over for the day, because of the wine, but not over maintenance calories. No carbs tonight apart from the sugar in the sorbet. I clocked up my normal 600 cals of exercise this morning. :D

    I find it easy to weigh and measure because I have my pretty mechanical scales out on the counter so everything gets popped on there. If I had to go searching in cupboards for them I'm sure I couldn't be bothered. Then I often just do Quick Add Calories as I know the calorie values of almost everything in ounces. (I started dieting when I was 18) I don't track carbs, proteins, fats etc as I'm more interested in a healthy balanced diet, (mostly Mediterranean ), so it works for me. If I had a medical problem I would be more vigilant. The weighing is key. The maths really do work. And yes, it does get harder the nearer you are to goal, because you weigh less, so you require less fuel just to live. It's really hard for short people.

    Love to all and keep on trucking!

    Heather UK

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Hello ladies! Happy Sunday! I fell asleep last night right after dinner (about 6:30) and slept until 9 this morning! Wowsa! Must've needed it. CAtching up with reading the posts! Sending love and hugs to all that need them today! <3
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Still in the land of Enchantment. Headed home today. I've gotten in at least 3 miles walking each day but this 6,000 ft of extra elevation is killing me! Lol. I will miss the Mexican food but look forward to getting back to some humidity. 10% humidity makes my nose miserable. For once I am actually looking forward to our humidity.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,362 Member
    Just wanted to share something with you. This is especially useful for people who have trouble asserting themselves with other people, or in difficult social situations.
    Alison, Anne, Kim, and others.
    I've been reading a book by Amy Cuddy called "Presence". I bought it for my Kindle.
    It's about how our body language can affect, not only how others feel about us, but also how we feel about ourselves. She recommends Power Poses before we go into difficult situations. According to her research it affects hormones, such as cortisol and testosterone.
    I also watched on U tube her TED talk on the same issue. Easy to find.

    I know this stuff works as I used to teach Drama as Therapy and worked a lot with the body. I also managed to help my son who was being bullied at school by teaching him how to change his body language as he walked into the playground. I actually witnessed the results. I didn't do the Power Poses as preparation though and wondered if it might help some of you.
    Worth giving it a try! :D I often do the smiling thing. :D

    May we all find the power within us!

    Love Heather UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Heather, that looks really interesting. I don't think I need more testosterone (being a more masculine female in some ways) but I definitely need to lower my cortisol levels! That is why my stomach carries so much of my fat!