

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited March 2016
    Pip, I think I can even see the kindness in his eyes just like Kirby's. Yes, You are one lucky lady. Your story of the guitar, case, letter, even your snot made me cry!

    Vickie, I sure hope your friend and family can get some kind of home care. But sometimes people are private enough they don't want to ask for help, yet she has reached out to you. She must think a lot of you.

    Have felt a little better today. Charlie keeps on asking me where I want to go for my birthday meal. I think the main reason is that he wants to go somewhere special. So today I was thinking that Red Lobster's cheddar biscuits must have some kind of medicinal effect.And i had no trouble convincing Michelle that they did. So that's where we went. Charlie's appetite still isn't up to par and tonight he said that he will never go there again. He really puts limits when he says to anyone that they can choose where they want to go for their birthday. Now I can't say Red Lobster or Olive Garden, Michelle can't say Chili's, etc. He doesn't understand that if he is saying that person is to choose, that it is their choice and not his. He says he can't stand hypocrites but yet can't understand what his actions are at times.

    I am going to have to call my doctor's office tomorrow. I know I may have to see one of his nurse practitioners but that is OK. My constant sore throat, I have this blister like thing above a tooth on my left upper side and the tooth right below is sore. Been that way for many months. Then today I was rubbing my face because I was tired and I found that I have an extremely tender spot on my left lower jaw.So I need sinus xrays and mandible xrays. Michelle says I need to see if I have mono. I don't think that is it at all. But I agree that it is time to stop ignoring this.

    I also need to call Charlie's surgeon for his carpal tunnel surgery. He has to stop his blood thinner 4 days before. Surgery is tuesday the 15th. I am saying 4 days before is the morning of surgery and the 3 previous days. Charlie says it is 4 days before and he takes the blood thinner on Tuesday after he gets home. Also he thinks his cardiologist should answer this question and I say it's the surgeon. It's the cardiologist who we had to get permission to stop it for 4 days.

    My sis and I are going to get together Tuesday for a little bit so we can celebrate my birthday. She always gives me $30. Our health insurance insurance offers different things to encourage wellness. So they give $15 gift cards when you have your physical. I will get them for Kohl's and a Walmart gift card when they do a home visit. So since each of us will get a gift card fro those things, that $60 in gift cards. I will use the Walmart ones for grocery shopping and then put the money that would have come of our budget into a special envelope to use with Kohl's cards. I still haven't used mine for his physical last year. Then I will have my sister's $30. Then I will go to Kohl's with $120!!!! And I got it all for free. What fun.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Well I'm home. No more Mexican food (of the New Mexican variety that I so love). It was a long day of travel but we did sneak in one last meal of enchiladas. lol I've been sneezing like mad all night so the pollen count must be way high here at home.

    Physical therapy tomorrow morning bright and early at 7 am for my rotator cuff issues. It's getting better already with the stretches they gave me to do. Our visit with the in-laws reminded me of the importance of taking care of my body as health issues are major stresses for them.

    Looks like rain for us this week. Yea! We need rain.

    Marcelyn in Houston
  • Mardill
    Mardill Posts: 141 Member
    I went shopping today & bought walking shoes and a FitBit Charge Activity Wristband so I will be ready to start Mall Walking tomorrow! I have charged the FitBit but I still have to figure out how to use it. No instructions in the box. :|
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Pip you got me with the trunk story - then Diana Krall started singing Alone Again Naturally and I had to have a good cry for love lost.

    Beth you are so right - grief has no time limit.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    morning ladies~
    Pip~ Jeff is handsome..... and so sorry for your loss, Grief shows no bounds...
    I am having a cup of tea and am dressed for the gym, have something cooking for dinner, and then I am off
  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    Just chiming in to say good morning. It will actually be good night for me soon. I could not sleep last night. I hate insomnia. I have tried advil p.m.'s to no avail, they put me to sleep for maybe 3 hours and I am up again. Errr... so I will probably sleep through working out. If I don't do it in the morning...it doesn't get done, and my honey is asleep, I know it would wake him up to do it now. I hope everyone else slept well. :)

    Wendy from TN.
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Kim - forgot to answer you - my birthday is in the 8th but the "soiree" is on the 9th.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning! Happy Monday! In reading the posts, I have realized that it is March 7 and the 23rd anniversary of my mother's death (March 4th) has come and gone! I was so wrapped up in ending my work week, getting over this cold, my FIL in hospital for open heart surgery, DH with pneumonia; that remembering her on that day when right out of my head. I am okay with that though. I think of her daily, still.

    Becca-I love the pictures of you and your family! Are you the one in the pink stripe? Also, of course your neighbor is so kind to you; kindness breeds kindness. I am sure she feels the love and kindness you give her!

    Pip-Sending big hugs to you! Hard to let go of people and things. Thank you for sharing your memory of Lenny and the guitar-tree!

    Penny- LOL! Your family sounds like my DH's family! Although, after 27 years of marriage and getting to know them better, I have found out that his family has the proverbial elephant in the room, they just choose to ignore it or put a doily on it and call it a coffee table. In my family, we acknowledge the elephant and give it a plate at the table. And Oooooooh! The NOrthern Lights. I have seen them quite a few times, always seen best when we have been further up north and out of the city lights! This one never made my bucket list probably bc I grew up seeing them. But still a wonder everyone should see!

    Mardill-If you can't figure out your fitbit, you should be able to find instructions online. If you type in your fitbit type and the word instructions in the search bar, it will probably pull up instructions for you to look at!

    Gotta get busy with my day! Kids arriving! Love and hugs to all!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    Got to 10,000 steps yesterday just at bedtime. This has been a great trip with many blessings and great friends but I am eager to get home to my regular life and my pets :smiley:
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Did a yoga DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to hold my plank, do some of a yoga DVD (I think it's about 20 minutes of yoga) and then Vince said he'd take me to the extremepump class.

    Kim - How horrible how your bro talked to you. Now you know that he isn't worth 1,200 calories. Heck, he isn't even worth 100 calories. when that happens, perhaps you can buy some fruit at TJ's or something healthier than those cookies? How I understand stress eating!

    Becca - your neighbor is right, you ARE beautiful, inside and out. How I wish Vince would eat something different, he just eats white potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes (not cooked except on pizza). Very little variety in his diet. Do you ever get beet greens? How do you prepare them. Really, how does anyone else prepare them (healthfully, that is) I'm so sorry about your parents passing. I still miss my father every day and he's been gone 12 years

    Carol - I don't really care for kale by itself, but I do like it in soups, kind of like spinach

    pip - thanks so much for sharing about your "christmas tree". What a lovely thought! You are one awesome lady, that's for sure

    Beth and Betty - one thing I can say for sure, Polish food is some of the best. I make pierogi every year at Christmas time, and those punczki (?SP) you get right before Lent (the donuts) -- to die for! And then the cruzckiki, babka. I don't want to get started thinking about how wonderful the food is.

    miriam - great NSV

    Karen - great job at those parties!

    Yikes, I forgot to post yesterday.

    Anyway, it's now Monday. I did 20 minutes of yoga, held my plan for 2 min 48 sec, and then an hour of extremepump. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Cardio Core DVD

    You know what irks me? When I go to the store and see a mother giving her chid something like french fries just so they keep quiet while she shops. It's just too bad that french fries are easier to give than, say, blueberries.

    CarolNC - I'd probably say the same thing "thanks, but I can't make it". I'd say that each time he called, eventually he'll get the message.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Marcelyn - welcome home!

    barbie - glad you had such a good trip.

    Michele in NC
  • LadyChar150
    LadyChar150 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm starting the 10,000 steps a day challenge. Wish me luck.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited March 2016
    I had a great NSV yesterday. Jack's daughter had stopped by Thursday while I was on the treadmill and Jack brought her out to the garage to say Hi to me. So yesterday her and the youngest son came by for a while. She said you really look good, what are you doing, so I gave her info on the weight training. She also asked if I'd like to start walking with her. Of course I would. She is 5'11" and pretty heavy right now. Jack's boys are 6'4" and 6'6". Makes my 5'2" look really short. Lol.

    Have a great day all,
    Janetr okc
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Carol ... With a smile on your face, tell the boring guy the truth. You don't see a future with him, you don't want to waste his or your time, there will be no more dates!

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Good Monday Morning –

    So far, so good on March’s goals. I’m on day 12 of my Paleo Challenge. The only thing I’m missing and looking forward to is a nice glass of wine. Got a work out in on Saturday, but otherwise a lot of sitting this weekend as I was in a 2-day needlepoint class in Maryland.

    This morning’s Cross Fit was a fun mini obstacle course: 200 meter run, over/under burpees, box jumps, bear crawl, 20lb ball run. I did 3 rounds in 15 minutes.

    This week is supposed to get in the 70’s, so with the coming of Spring I am thinking of gardening. I read an article recently about straw bale gardening, has anyone tried it? If so recommendations?

    Penny – sorry for the confusion on the Hot Tamales. If you ever get a hankering let me know.
    Kimses – I feel your frustration. I was working out an hour each day and it seemed like the scale never went in the right direction. One of the reasons I’m back on MFP, to log everything, my downfall is portion sizes.

    Be well,
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Lordie, I think we need to start a 5'2" tall club! I am, as well. OK, I'm actually 5'1 and 3/4" tall. So, I round up. Sue me. >:)

    Pip, I don't think your grief over your loss is any bad thing to Kirby--your love for Lenny is part of who you are, and Kirby obviously adores you. And, by the way, considering what you've said about your upbringing (and Kim in No Cal, this applies to you as well), the fact that you CAN love someone is a tribute to your strength of heart, mind and soul.

    Marcelyn, welcome back to the right side of that particular border... You probably went right by me on the way back to Houston - the nearest town, the one where the warehouse is that my husband and I are working over, is in Fort Stockton, halfway between El Paso and San Antonio.

    And that's where I am this morning - the interview is at 11 a.m. over web conferencing software, and decided being here was better than being home on the ranch. Here, we have broadband, and the ranch is all satellite-based and a little iffy on occasion.

    To keep from sweating over all the possibilities for the next three hours, I'm going to go to the gym and literally sweat, with my usual loud music pounding in my ears, and the only thought being what weight to lift, what machine to get on next and/or, can I keep going for five more minutes! Spare a thought at 11 a.m. Texas Time that, whatever is supposed to happen, will. No matter what, my husband and I will be fine, and we both know that...

    There are a lot of reasons why this would be a good thing, and just as many why it wouldn't be a bad thing if it doesn't work out. If they choose to offer, then it will be in my court, and whether the interviewers know it or not, will overrule anything they have to say. I swear to Baby Jesus I'm not tooting my own horn, but if I get to the interview stage, I've almost always gotten the job offer.

    OK, time to go stop thinking about this for a couple hours.

    Have I told you guys lately how much I love you? Thanks so much for the amazing support.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member
    Yay! Women my own age with the same struggles! I have been on a plateau for about a year. If I could count the same 5 lbs I lost and gained. I would have lost at least 100lbs. It's starting to move, a little bit.. Getting ready to start conditioning for some backpacking trips this summer. I have 15lbs left to lose. Time to get moving!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Yay! Women my own age with the same struggles! I have been on a plateau for about a year. If I could count the same 5 lbs I lost and gained. I would have lost at least 100lbs. It's starting to move, a little bit.. Getting ready to start conditioning for some backpacking trips this summer. I have 15lbs left to lose. Time to get moving!

    Welcome, you'll love it here. A great group of supportive ladies. I understand you totally. I always tell everone I've lost 1500 pounds in my lifetime. :) Tell us a little about yourself and your location. Glad you found us.

    Janetr okc