Is jumping a good exercise?



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »

    Yeah I sounds like that. Any body that wants any help from internet is a troll. I mean its internet, everyone (99%) lies in internet so the remaining 1% is seems like trolling.
    What I mean is, in internet everyone (99%) is a pilot, doctor, engineer, teacher or some job guy. They all are skinny and beautiful. They all enjoy sweaty sports and exercising instead of laying on the bed. Loves fruit and vegetables instead of meat and pizza and burger and etc... So the remaining 1% that are truthfull that joins forums and stuff for some help sounds trollish is very believable to me. I mean I could have said I am a doctor, 6'2", 50kg, married with 5 kids but what is the point. Just being similar to all other internet users. I am not doing that.

    She means you are a troll as you find fault or excuses not to follow the advice of the people responding to you. In other words you are trying to get people to waste their time on something you don't want help with in the first place.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member

    Seriously, wtf?
  • Ghasssan1993
    Ghasssan1993 Posts: 188 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    losing 7kg (about 15lb) would put you close to the middle of your ideal weight range.
    • Program your details into MFP, set weigth loss at about 1lb (0.5kg) per week.
    • Accurately log everything that you eat.
      Thats too hard to do, I eat traditional foods here which is not in the website
    • Incorporate (within your calories) foods that you enjoy in your diet.
      what do you mean
    • Although not essential for weight loss, many people benefit from adding exercise into their lives - If you are going to do this I would recommend strength exercise rather than jumping.
      I cant go gym

    Really losing 7kg makes that big of a difference. I remember few months ago I dieted and made into 69kg but still had belly and boobies but yes smaller than now. But a friend of mine who is my height and 70 kg have no belly and the chest is flat like a paper and another friend only an inch taller is 85kg and that guy belly and chest is as flat as a sheet.

    Then aim for 66kgs, while doing body weight exercise (push ups, pull ups, squats etc. check out convict conditioning and you are your own gym) while eating at a slight caloric deficit (set a goal to lose 0.5kgs per week).

    Exercise is too hard. Diet can be done.
    Really 69kg doesnt look good on me so how can 66 be that much of a difference. I am thinking losing 27kg so I will be 50. A friend of mine is 45 but he is an inch shorter but looks very good, I mean body. Really thin and nice. But I dont know how my other two friends are so heavy yet they dont have any boobs and belly. And some guys have big bellies but no humiliating boobs. If I was like that I would have never thinked about losing weight but eat and eat. Boobs is humiliating so cant enjoy the life (eating)

    You may lose fat without exercise, but you would reach your goal much earlier with exercise. Why do you think exercise is too hard, all you need is 45 min a day 3-4 days per week.
    Ok lets be realistic. We are not fooling any one by saying exercising is not hard.
    Let me explain it more:
    *Wake up in the morning 1.5 hours earlier
    *Get ready (15mins)
    *Going to the jogging ground 15mins + 15 mins to return home
    *45 mins of jogging (impossible even to achieve)
    Instead I could sleep that 1.5 hours so I will be more fresh and less sleepy during the day

    My suggestion of 66 was with exercising, meaning if you did strength training, most of your loss would be fat, with very little or no muscle loss. With diet alone, you will lose both fat and muscle and as such would have to get to a lower weight to get the desired body you want.

    50KGs is much much too low for a male 5'6", I cut down to 61KGs and though I was a little too thin. aim for 66, if you don't like the way you look, then aim for 62...

    But around 50 seems the only way right if I want to lose boobs. I had 69 and boobs was there. Maybe 55. I dont think even 60 would work.
    I mean a friend just an inch shorter is 45 and he is skinny = good looking right. I mean ofcourse Bieber/Effron like body is much better but thats too hard work. So am aiming like Iniesta type of skinny handsome body.
  • Ghasssan1993
    Ghasssan1993 Posts: 188 Member
    robininfl wrote: »
    What your friends look like at a given weight is irrelevant to you and if at 69kg you still had fat (boobs and belly) then you are going to have to get to a lower level of fat (not necessarily weight - since you could over time gain some muscle) to get rid of it.

    Addressing your comments one by one:
    • Incorporate (within your calories) foods that you enjoy in your diet.
      what do you mean

      I mean, as long as you are not exceeding your calories, you can eat lots of different types of foods and therefore include some of your favorite foods on a regular basis.

    • Although not essential for weight loss, many people benefit from adding exercise into their lives - If you are going to do this I would recommend strength exercise rather than jumping.
      I cant go gym

      You do not need to go to the gym to exercise. There are lots of different ways to exercise that do not require a gym. Jumping up and down on the spot is one such exercise but for you I do not think that that is the best exercise. Think that you would benefit from a routine aimed at improving your strength. Consider calisthenics work outs or something like "Convict Conditioning" or "You Are Your Own Gym"

    • Program your details into MFP, set weigth loss at about 1lb (0.5kg) per week.
    • Accurately log everything that you eat.
      Thats too hard to do, I eat traditional foods here which is not in the website

      You can input new foods into the MFP website or you can make recipes which incorporate the ingredients. If you find that you can't do that, or something similar, you are going to struggle.

    Hi Ghassan,

    In regular words:

    You are probably too physically idle, and that's how you got fat.

    Try these exercises instead of, or in addition to just jumping up and down, so that you work your whole body and can build some muscle:

    Squats and Lunges
    Running, jogging, walking - if you live where there are hills, walk up and down the hills!

    And just eat less of whatever you are eating, you don't really have to count or measure. Take smaller portions, and do physical activity, and your body will improve.

    No hills in my country.
    Push ups can be done. Just have to wake up 15 mins earlier. But wouldnt push ups makes boobs bigger instead of smaller.
  • Ghasssan1993
    Ghasssan1993 Posts: 188 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »

    Yeah I sounds like that. Any body that wants any help from internet is a troll. I mean its internet, everyone (99%) lies in internet so the remaining 1% is seems like trolling.
    What I mean is, in internet everyone (99%) is a pilot, doctor, engineer, teacher or some job guy. They all are skinny and beautiful. They all enjoy sweaty sports and exercising instead of laying on the bed. Loves fruit and vegetables instead of meat and pizza and burger and etc... So the remaining 1% that are truthfull that joins forums and stuff for some help sounds trollish is very believable to me. I mean I could have said I am a doctor, 6'2", 50kg, married with 5 kids but what is the point. Just being similar to all other internet users. I am not doing that.

    She means you are a troll as you find fault or excuses not to follow the advice of the people responding to you. In other words you are trying to get people to waste their time on something you don't want help with in the first place.

    No I got the help
    *I wanted to know is jumping makes any difference because its something I can achieve by waking 15 mins earlier but found out it gets things worse by jumping. (Thats the main purpose of me joining the forum too, to find out if jumping is good to lose boobs and found its the opposite) I tried google searching and found nothing so joined a fitness forum and found the answer.
    *Secondly I learned if I goes to around 55kg or less than I wouldnt have boobs and I will hopefully do it in about 2 years. Right now I will just enjoy the life.
    Finally I will say Thanks to all that helps. Eventhough most of the answers I got are extra to my question and eventhough it wouldnt help me I REALLY APPRECIATE it.
  • Ghasssan1993
    Ghasssan1993 Posts: 188 Member

    Seriously, wtf?

    You know your joke is on to you. If that is your picture top of your name than you arnt that * to make fun of others. You look like a *.
    Women much more beautiful are more nice than you. Few days ago I went to the doctor to see if I had gyno, he said to do a scan test. Went to the scan room. There was a very beautiful girl around my age to help the scan doctor in the room. At first I thought this is going to be really embarrasing. But she was so nice, her being there made things much more easier and comfortable. Thats what an amazing personality is like so learn from it.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member

    Hi Ghassan,

    In regular words:

    You are probably too physically idle, and that's how you got fat.

    Try these exercises instead of, or in addition to just jumping up and down, so that you work your whole body and can build some muscle:

    Squats and Lunges
    Running, jogging, walking - if you live where there are hills, walk up and down the hills!

    And just eat less of whatever you are eating, you don't really have to count or measure. Take smaller portions, and do physical activity, and your body will improve.

    No hills in my country.
    Push ups can be done. Just have to wake up 15 mins earlier. But wouldnt push ups makes boobs bigger instead of smaller.

    No. The man-boobs are from fat, all the exercise helps build muscle and limiting your diet helps your body lose fat. Yes start with just getting up 15 minutes earlier, it gets easier, do the 15 minutes daily for 6 weeks, you may feel so much better that you will want to grow that time to 30 minutes and do more exercises. I do yoga, that doesn't take much equipment, just your body and a mat or rug to work on helps. You can look up yoga exercises on YouTube.

    Think about it - you get fat with a series of small bad habits, right? Just eating a little too much and sitting around too much. So to reverse it just eat less and move around more. It really doesn't matter how you accomplish that, walk to work instead of taking the bus, and eat less, or do intentional exercises and eat less, whatever. Just more physical activity and less food.
    ROWDYRIDER99 Posts: 10 Member
    What about walking? Listening to music at 100 beats/minute is a great pace to walk.

    Exercise can be fun. Do you like to dance? Dancing to upbeat music can burn lots of calories and you can do it in your room, by yourself, if you choose, or with a partner or group.

    It sounds as though you really like your food and it is a big part of your life.

    ***You are going to have to make some changes if you want your body to change.*** You cannot be passive. Your friends apparently have higher metabolism and may be more active than you.

    Eating less is one way......choose smaller portions, chew more slowly, really take the time to taste and enjoy the whole experience....flavor, aroma, texture.....use all the senses.

    Log your food intake so you can see from where your calories come.

    Enter recipes on the food tab. When you do this accurately, it figures calories per serving.

    Good luck in your journey..... :)

  • Ghasssan1993
    Ghasssan1993 Posts: 188 Member
    robininfl wrote: »

    Hi Ghassan,

    In regular words:

    You are probably too physically idle, and that's how you got fat.

    Try these exercises instead of, or in addition to just jumping up and down, so that you work your whole body and can build some muscle:

    Squats and Lunges
    Running, jogging, walking - if you live where there are hills, walk up and down the hills!

    And just eat less of whatever you are eating, you don't really have to count or measure. Take smaller portions, and do physical activity, and your body will improve.

    No hills in my country.
    Push ups can be done. Just have to wake up 15 mins earlier. But wouldnt push ups makes boobs bigger instead of smaller.

    No. The man-boobs are from fat, all the exercise helps build muscle and limiting your diet helps your body lose fat. Yes start with just getting up 15 minutes earlier, it gets easier, do the 15 minutes daily for 6 weeks, you may feel so much better that you will want to grow that time to 30 minutes and do more exercises. I do yoga, that doesn't take much equipment, just your body and a mat or rug to work on helps. You can look up yoga exercises on YouTube.
    I allready lacks sleep but can wake 15mins earlier and do pushups if that really changes anything. But I dont want muscle either. Just a flat chest. I think pushups makes things worse.

    Think about it - you get fat with a series of small bad habits, right? Just eating a little too much and sitting around too much. So to reverse it just eat less and move around more. It really doesn't matter how you accomplish that, walk to work instead of taking the bus, and eat less, or do intentional exercises and eat less, whatever. Just more physical activity and less food.

    No I am fat because I enjoys the life. Eating whatever I want whenever I want. In other words enjoyment of this world.
    I always walks. Its a small island.
    Less food = Less happy = I am not ready for it now
  • Ghasssan1993
    Ghasssan1993 Posts: 188 Member
    What about walking? Listening to music at 100 beats/minute is a great pace to walk.
    I always walks, I dont drive
    Exercise can be fun. Do you like to dance? Dancing to upbeat music can burn lots of calories and you can do it in your room, by yourself, if you choose, or with a partner or group.
    I like dancing but I live with others in the room so its embarrasing to do. And my friends are too manly, even if they found I like dancing I will be made lots of fun so how could I dance with a group.
    It sounds as though you really like your food and it is a big part of your life.
    Offcourse thats the enjoyment of life. Eating.
    ***You are going to have to make some changes if you want your body to change.*** You cannot be passive. Your friends apparently have higher metabolism and may be more active than you.
    They are very active. Swim 2,3 hours a day. Goes to jogging. Have a pathetic life but body looks great
    Eating less is one way......choose smaller portions, chew more slowly, really take the time to taste and enjoy the whole experience....flavor, aroma, texture.....use all the senses.
    Thats how I eat
    Log your food intake so you can see from where your calories come.

    Enter recipes on the food tab. When you do this accurately, it figures calories per serving.
    Too hard
    Good luck in your journey..... :)

    Thanks very much. Appreciate the help.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    robininfl wrote: »

    Hi Ghassan,

    In regular words:

    You are probably too physically idle, and that's how you got fat.

    Try these exercises instead of, or in addition to just jumping up and down, so that you work your whole body and can build some muscle:

    Squats and Lunges
    Running, jogging, walking - if you live where there are hills, walk up and down the hills!

    And just eat less of whatever you are eating, you don't really have to count or measure. Take smaller portions, and do physical activity, and your body will improve.

    No hills in my country.
    Push ups can be done. Just have to wake up 15 mins earlier. But wouldnt push ups makes boobs bigger instead of smaller.

    No. The man-boobs are from fat, all the exercise helps build muscle and limiting your diet helps your body lose fat. Yes start with just getting up 15 minutes earlier, it gets easier, do the 15 minutes daily for 6 weeks, you may feel so much better that you will want to grow that time to 30 minutes and do more exercises. I do yoga, that doesn't take much equipment, just your body and a mat or rug to work on helps. You can look up yoga exercises on YouTube.
    I allready lacks sleep but can wake 15mins earlier and do pushups if that really changes anything. But I dont want muscle either. Just a flat chest. I think pushups makes things worse.

    Think about it - you get fat with a series of small bad habits, right? Just eating a little too much and sitting around too much. So to reverse it just eat less and move around more. It really doesn't matter how you accomplish that, walk to work instead of taking the bus, and eat less, or do intentional exercises and eat less, whatever. Just more physical activity and less food.

    No I am fat because I enjoys the life. Eating whatever I want whenever I want. In other words enjoyment of this world.
    I always walks. Its a small island.
    Less food = Less happy = I am not ready for it now

    I'm calling you a troll because you are asking ridiculous questions and merely wasting peoples time.

    Also this little bit
    Less food = Less happy = I am not ready for it now
    is a lie.

    and the truth.
    less food =/= less happy. You have to be happy as you are in your moment- if you think food truly makes you happy- you have a psychological problem.

    secondly- you're correct- everything you said says "I'M NOT READY"

    you want to make a change- then you will- when you'r ready to put aside a temporary pleasure for a long term goal.

    Which brings us full circle to TROLL.

    You're not ready- and you admit it- so literally you're wasting our time. - i.e. troll.
  • Ghasssan1993
    Ghasssan1993 Posts: 188 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    robininfl wrote: »

    Hi Ghassan,

    In regular words:

    You are probably too physically idle, and that's how you got fat.

    Try these exercises instead of, or in addition to just jumping up and down, so that you work your whole body and can build some muscle:

    Squats and Lunges
    Running, jogging, walking - if you live where there are hills, walk up and down the hills!

    And just eat less of whatever you are eating, you don't really have to count or measure. Take smaller portions, and do physical activity, and your body will improve.

    No hills in my country.
    Push ups can be done. Just have to wake up 15 mins earlier. But wouldnt push ups makes boobs bigger instead of smaller.

    No. The man-boobs are from fat, all the exercise helps build muscle and limiting your diet helps your body lose fat. Yes start with just getting up 15 minutes earlier, it gets easier, do the 15 minutes daily for 6 weeks, you may feel so much better that you will want to grow that time to 30 minutes and do more exercises. I do yoga, that doesn't take much equipment, just your body and a mat or rug to work on helps. You can look up yoga exercises on YouTube.
    I allready lacks sleep but can wake 15mins earlier and do pushups if that really changes anything. But I dont want muscle either. Just a flat chest. I think pushups makes things worse.

    Think about it - you get fat with a series of small bad habits, right? Just eating a little too much and sitting around too much. So to reverse it just eat less and move around more. It really doesn't matter how you accomplish that, walk to work instead of taking the bus, and eat less, or do intentional exercises and eat less, whatever. Just more physical activity and less food.

    No I am fat because I enjoys the life. Eating whatever I want whenever I want. In other words enjoyment of this world.
    I always walks. Its a small island.
    Less food = Less happy = I am not ready for it now

    I'm calling you a troll because you are asking ridiculous questions and merely wasting peoples time.
    I am sorry. I apologize. :(
    I just wanted to know if jumping is good to lose boobs so joined a forum to get the answer and I got it but I didnt know it would end up like this and the question would be that ridiculous.
    So I am really sorry for all of your time. I apologize ok :(

    Also this little bit
    Less food = Less happy = I am not ready for it now
    is a lie.
    ok, I am sorry
    and the truth.
    less food =/= less happy. You have to be happy as you are in your moment- if you think food truly makes you happy- you have a psychological problem.
    secondly- you're correct- everything you said says "I'M NOT READY"
    you want to make a change- then you will- when you'r ready to put aside a temporary pleasure for a long term goal.

    Which brings us full circle to TROLL.
    You're not ready- and you admit it- so literally you're wasting our time. - i.e. troll.

    I am really sorry for what I did. I am wrong to think about only myself and asks others questions and waste their time. I cant undo what I did. I can only apologise now.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jumping is a good exercise, especially when you only jump 1 inch, but you can't out jump a bad diet as they say.
  • Ghasssan1993
    Ghasssan1993 Posts: 188 Member
    Jumping is a good exercise, especially when you only jump 1 inch, but you can't out jump a bad diet as they say.

    Now I am confused.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    They are very active. Swim 2,3 hours a day. Goes to jogging. Have a pathetic life but body looks great.
    This struck me as quite funny. An active lifestyle seems pathetic to you? I'm going to assume you meant "not much fun" versus "pitiable". I love exercise. Love the way my body feels during and after. But you have to set the bar at the right level. Choose activities that are doable (failure is no fun), but push enough that you can become progressively more fit.

    And if you ARE a troll, and just playing with us, thanks for the entertainment.

  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Jumping is a good exercise, especially when you only jump 1 inch, but you can't out jump a bad diet as they say.

    Now I am confused.

    I'm reading all your posts now with Borat's accent. Very nice. And just in case, he meant "you can't out exercise a bad diet" meaning you have to watch the calories you consume first and foremost.

  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, assuming this is even a real question, here are your options:
    1. Eat less, and hope that losing more fat will decrease the areas you are unhappy with. No one can tell you if this will work or not, every body is different.
    2. Exercise more. Pretty much any body will look better if you exercise more. You don't need to exercise for hours to see improvement, but sure it does require effort.
    3. Accept the way you look right now

    There are plenty of people here who have fun and enjoy their lives who ALSO watch their diet and fit in exercise. Saying that people who diet or exercise have boring lives is an insult to everyone here trying to help you, because that's what we all are doing. It really isn't difficult. But if you aren't willing to change, there's no advice that will work.

    You can do body weight exercises (push ups, pull ups, planks, squats, lunges) for 20-30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week and see improvement over time. You can eat the same foods you currently eat, just a little less. Or accept how you look and carry on.
  • Ghasssan1993
    Ghasssan1993 Posts: 188 Member
    They are very active. Swim 2,3 hours a day. Goes to jogging. Have a pathetic life but body looks great.
    This struck me as quite funny. An active lifestyle seems pathetic to you? I'm going to assume you meant "not much fun" versus "pitiable". I love exercise. Love the way my body feels during and after. But you have to set the bar at the right level. Choose activities that are doable (failure is no fun), but push enough that you can become progressively more fit.

    And if you ARE a troll, and just playing with us, thanks for the entertainment.

    Different people really have different opinions. For me its pathetic. For few reasons.
    *How to find that much time
    *I am still 3 times stronger than any of them. Ok they have more durability but I can lift things thrice as heavy as they can.
    *They are trying that hard to get women and I am not looking to find any relationship with a women yet the women they wants are more in to me.
  • Ghasssan1993
    Ghasssan1993 Posts: 188 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    OP, assuming this is even a real question, here are your options:
    1. Eat less, and hope that losing more fat will decrease the areas you are unhappy with. No one can tell you if this will work or not, every body is different.
    2. Exercise more. Pretty much any body will look better if you exercise more. You don't need to exercise for hours to see improvement, but sure it does require effort.
    3. Accept the way you look right now

    There are plenty of people here who have fun and enjoy their lives who ALSO watch their diet and fit in exercise. Saying that people who diet or exercise have boring lives is an insult to everyone here trying to help you, because that's what we all are doing. It really isn't difficult. But if you aren't willing to change, there's no advice that will work.

    You can do body weight exercises (push ups, pull ups, planks, squats, lunges) for 20-30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week and see improvement over time. You can eat the same foods you currently eat, just a little less. Or accept how you look and carry on.

    I have made my mind.
    Two years of fun and then I will lose weight.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    They are very active. Swim 2,3 hours a day. Goes to jogging. Have a pathetic life but body looks great.
    This struck me as quite funny. An active lifestyle seems pathetic to you? I'm going to assume you meant "not much fun" versus "pitiable". I love exercise. Love the way my body feels during and after. But you have to set the bar at the right level. Choose activities that are doable (failure is no fun), but push enough that you can become progressively more fit.

    And if you ARE a troll, and just playing with us, thanks for the entertainment.

    Different people really have different opinions. For me its pathetic. For few reasons.
    *How to find that much time
    *I am still 3 times stronger than any of them. Ok they have more durability but I can lift things thrice as heavy as they can.
    *They are trying that hard to get women and I am not looking to find any relationship with a women yet the women they wants are more in to me.

    Def Troll
This discussion has been closed.