spouse/significant other changes attitude with weight loss?



  • arw4
    arw4 Posts: 51 Member
    My boyfriend is supportive but not overly so. He always tells me that I look great and gets mad when I say I need to lose weight. He's a bit bigger himself and doesn't want to do much to change it... but that's fine with me. I want to get myself into better shape and lose the weight, and my boyfriend says that as long as I don't get ridiculously skinny that's fine with him (he has a thing for curvy girls, but I told him I'll still be curvy after I lose a few pounds, it's in my build).

    I wish I could motivate him to lose some weight. He's probably close to 300 pounds, and while he is 5'10", it's clear that he is overweight. I love him either way but I think it would be great if he wanted to get in better shape (for his health, as we are both still young). Is anyone in a similar situation here?
  • VixenArgentum
    VixenArgentum Posts: 91 Member
    I'm truly confused about the people with unsupportive partners. If you cannot support each other, why are you together?

    Maybe it's because I'm Aspie and don't grasp a lot of social nuances...but if my husband refused to support my new healthy habits, there would be two options--he can get couples counseling with me to get to the root of why he's unsupportive and fix it or he can get the hell out of my house because I got married to be in a true partnership.

    My husband actually was the one who bought me my Fitbit flex and he got one as well (his is black and mine is blue). We've both joined MFP--we were originally on Livestrong but the Fitbit interfaces with MFP. He has about 30 to lose whereas I have about 90. Our approaches to weightloss are different, as he eats worse than I do and works more with diet (donuts at work, candy, snackfoods--I have no sweet tooth) , and I suffer from inactivity so I've worked more with becoming more active and exercising.

    On weekends we go on long walks together. We plan out our meals together and eat all 3 meals a day together. I do wish that he would exercise a bit himself, since he would benefit greatly from weight training. But, I know that focusing on diet for now is a big step and a lot for him to work on right now. We are trying very hard to create the healthy lifestyle we will live for the rest of our lives together.