Share your Go-to food or technique when you want to eat the whole kitchen...:)



  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    I keep a tub of roasted red peppers (or orange or yellow) in the fridge for times when I get a craving. I roast them inthe oven on Sunday with a little olive oil drizzled on top and I'm set for the week- great in omlettes too.

    Another craving killer- a bit of fresh mozzarella and basil atop a Triscuit- sometimes with a thin tomato slice- drizzle a balsamic glaze on top and devour. It's not that low cal but it beats pizza or chips.

    Love peoples ideas!

  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    DeadLift5 wrote: »
    Apple slices with a tbsp of natty peanut butter and alot of water is effective for me. And I can turn into quite the cookie monster....and by cookie I actually mean all food within the universe.

    Thanks, love peanut butter too. I have to watch it sometimes.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member

    I usually get that munchy feeling at work when I haven't been away from my desk for a while, so sometimes a lap round the building sorts me out.
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 419 Member
    Gerber baby puffs. The vanilla ones are my favorite. You get 60 puffs for 25 calories. And if you eat the whole container, it's only 150 calories. I get that 'stuff my face feeling' without all the calories. For the past 6 months I've been eating horribly at night (500 to 100 calories just at night) and I've put on 25 pounds. So the puffs are really helping so I don't eat the whole kitchen.
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    I brush my teeth. Having my mouth all minty and fresh kills any desire to eat something.
  • clhoward6
    clhoward6 Posts: 53 Member
    I make a hot drink and watch something engrossing on TV, or if I've caught up on everything I will get out a film I love and watch that. It takes my mind off food. It won't work for those who are used to munching while watching TV.
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    I love these ideas Thanks! :)
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    Options- hot chocolate drink for 40 cals. Delicious! Otherwise a couple of squares of dark chocolate if I really need the choccie hit. If it's something savoury I'm craving I find it harder but will sometimes have one piece of toast!
  • ashleyjongepier
    ashleyjongepier Posts: 130 Member
    carrots! I get so damn board eating them that I find I dont want much else
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    carrots! I get so damn board eating them that I find I dont want much else

    Haha! Good point
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    A jello sundae. Sugar free jello, banana slices and 4 TBSPS of sugar free cool good! Pineapple chunks too if I have enough calories. :p
  • justjennnnn
    justjennnnn Posts: 33 Member
    Definitely popcorn and rice cakes! It's all about the act of chewing!
  • rpachigo
    rpachigo Posts: 96 Member

    momo_t90 wrote: »
    momo_t90 wrote: »
    What if you've got a serious sweet tooth? Right now I want chocolate chip cookies so bad, I could hop into my car and go to the grocery store and it's 10:40pm. It's like nothing else will do. I need chocolate!

    OK I've got you...I used to make, and I'll be doing it again...chocolate almond milk chia seed pudding. Literally soak a few Tbs of chia seeds in a cup of chocolate almond milk for a couple hours and enjoy....all protein, bit of carbs and 100 calories but so much better than a pig out chocolate fest! Try it and let me know....oh! And you will be So full!:)

    Thanks! I'll definitely try this!

    Slight variation. Use regular almond milk with 1 tbsp cashews/ almonds and a tsp coconut sugar and spronkled cinammon and cardamom
  • Buildingit3157
    Buildingit3157 Posts: 145 Member
    Some snacks my husband and/or I have in the evening include -

    - Greek yogurt of some kind (100-200 calories)
    - half an Apple each with 1 oz good cheese (160 calories)
    - cut up red bell pepper or a handful of mini sweet peppers (50 calories)
    - small amount of dark chocolate (80 calories)
    - piece of fruit like mango, peach, plum, nectarines, orange etc (60-120 calories)
    - hard boiled egg (70 calories)
    - ONE homemade cookie, scone, muffin etc (120-180 calories)
    - deli turkey with a slice of cheese (150 calories)
    - hot tea! Throughout the day for me :)

    These are all great ideas! I miss mango, thanks a bunch