So you just woke up one day and...

So all you successful people just woke up one day, started eating less and working out, and never stopped? I go on again and off again, never manage to lose any weight, and it's extremely discouraging. I've always been big, but then one day my thyroid was like "bye Felicia" and it was like I woke up HUGE. I managed to log every day for over a month. Lost barely 5 lbs... And then, just like all the other times I've tried in my life, I stopped. How do you just wake up one day and change everything forever?


  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    Self Discipline.
    Self Control

    Its all about your mindset.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Five pounds in a month is a great loss, at a bit over a pound a week.

    I told myself that it was going to take a long time. I figured eighteen months to my goal at the time. In reality, I've been at this since January 2014 and have been off track for the past 8-9 months, so I'm only now buckling down. But I've learned what works for me (moderation) and what doesn't (restriction).

    Have you read this thread?
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    I woke up in 1988 7lbs overweight
    Then yoyoed for 28 years :(
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    If you want to achieve your goals, you just do it. You have to want to achieve weight loss more than you want to consume in excess.

    There is no magic pill or fairy dust that will make it happen.

    It's a long arduous road of hard work and dedication, which is however slightly tempered by the fact that it is a very simple process of consuming less calories than you expend over a sustained period of time.
  • DonaldBlinks
    DonaldBlinks Posts: 55 Member
    edited March 2016
    I was a yo-yo dieter for five years but I know this time it's for good. I went to the doctor for the first time in years and my bloodwork was a little alarming. Everything was 'borderline'. And my son is getting to an age where he wants me to go outside and run around with him all the time and I couldn't do it. It just clicked. I'm down 41 lbs and have 49 to go to get into a healthy weight range.

    There was a shift for me where it wasn't about my appearance anymore (whereas in the past I was mainly concerned with looking good and fitting into smaller sizes). Looking thinner is just a side effect for me now. I want to be healthy for my family.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    No, there have been times where I took a week or 2 off. There have been days where I ate like a horse, way over my calorie goal. There have been days where I just didn't feel like working out and there have been days where I didn't work out at all. When I have those types of days, I just roll with it for a day or 2 but then I always go right back to my routine. Losing weight isn't about being perfect every day, you're going to have bad days and even bad weeks but you just don't stop.

  • JenniferLynWhatx
    JenniferLynWhatx Posts: 141 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Five pounds in a month is a great loss, at a bit over a pound a week.

    I told myself that it was going to take a long time. I figured eighteen months to my goal at the time. In reality, I've been at this since January 2014 and have been off track for the past 8-9 months, so I'm only now buckling down. But I've learned what works for me (moderation) and what doesn't (restriction).

    Have you read this thread?

    None of that is new information for me... Honestly I don't think there is any "new" information. 5lbs a month isn't enough for someone at my size.

    I obviously just don't care enough about myself to do better.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Yep, just woke up one day and something had clicked, it was time. I stuck to a strict schedule for a couple of months religiously by which time it became habit and it's just a natural part of my life now.

    And 5lbs a month is perfect, I've never lost more than that. It may take longer than you'd like but nearly a year later I'm 44lbs down and counting, it all adds up. The time will pass anyway so I may as well just try to be as consistent as possible and see where I end up. So far so good.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member

    I took a good look at the fact that I was eating like a moron and stopped doing that--ate less junk and normal portion sizes. Wrote down my food but didn't weigh/measure/calorie count. After a month I started taking walks for exercise a few times a week. A month later I added some bodyweight exercise and started C25k. A month later, when I had stalled for several weeks, I started calorie counting.

    I don't recommend changing everything at once. Too many people cut their calories way low, crank their activity up high, and then burn out after a month. They'd be better off taking baby steps.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Five pounds in a month is a great loss, at a bit over a pound a week.

    I told myself that it was going to take a long time. I figured eighteen months to my goal at the time. In reality, I've been at this since January 2014 and have been off track for the past 8-9 months, so I'm only now buckling down. But I've learned what works for me (moderation) and what doesn't (restriction).

    Have you read this thread?

    None of that is new information for me... Honestly I don't think there is any "new" information. 5lbs a month isn't enough for someone at my size.

    I obviously just don't care enough about myself to do better.

    Well, that's a negative attitude. You should be proud of ANY progress you've made.

  • BryonySigrun
    BryonySigrun Posts: 20 Member
    Mindset and commitment. It's not always easy but it is so worth it! Having great support is key as well. Everyone I have met on here has been wonderful! Add me if you would like :smile:
  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    This is my third stint at doing this , but this time it all clicked into place. I was too obsessed with changing up too many things , that it became restrictive and boring and I gave up too quick.
    Now older and wiser I have realised I can still eat the same things just not the same amounts. As I get further in to this journey I'm looking more into nutrition and making better choices without having to deny myself treats.
    I also walk more and earn extra calories through exercise.
    Take baby steps, and just take each day as it comes, if you mess up just start again at the next meal.
    You have to motivate yourself , you have to push yourself , there are no quick fixes
    And btw 5lbs loss in a month is great , my first month I lost 8 then the following month 6 .
    Weight loss is slow but completely achievable, you just have to want it enough to keep pushing on day after day.

    Good luck
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So all you successful people just woke up one day, started eating less and working out, and never stopped? I go on again and off again, never manage to lose any weight, and it's extremely discouraging. I've always been big, but then one day my thyroid was like "bye Felicia" and it was like I woke up HUGE. I managed to log every day for over a month. Lost barely 5 lbs... And then, just like all the other times I've tried in my life, I stopped. How do you just wake up one day and change everything forever?

    Sort of

    I yo yo'd for 3 years at first.

    Starting logging here and doing circuit training and wasn't losing as fast as I should have been
    Started using a food scale fixed that...

    Started lifting
    Hit GW of 165...chose to drop another 10...did that...chose to drop another 10...did that

    Started walking more, kept lifting, started running, kept lifting

    Hit maintenance and gave myself 10lbs (5 either way) and have pretty much been there for a while.

    So I don't eat less now (well I do atm at I was travelling a lot last month) but once you are happy with your weight you get to eat more food..

    And exercise isn't a requirement but allows for more food which is a good thing.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Five pounds in a month is a great loss, at a bit over a pound a week.

    I told myself that it was going to take a long time. I figured eighteen months to my goal at the time. In reality, I've been at this since January 2014 and have been off track for the past 8-9 months, so I'm only now buckling down. But I've learned what works for me (moderation) and what doesn't (restriction).

    Have you read this thread?

    None of that is new information for me... Honestly I don't think there is any "new" information. 5lbs a month isn't enough for someone at my size.

    I obviously just don't care enough about myself to do better.

    Well, that's a negative attitude. You should be proud of ANY progress you've made.

    Negative and a bit dramatic.

    Do you want help or do you just wanna whine about any info presented to you. If you KNOW this stuff already then just put it in application. If you want to lose weight you have to put in actual real effort. 5 lbs in a month is good for ANYONE, doesn't matter what size you are. Weight loss isn't a linear thing. Use a food scale and be honest about what you're putting in your mouth. Move more eat less. or even just eat less, you don't even have to move if you don't want to. There's obviously something that you aren't doing quite right.

    Quit the woe is me attitude and maybe you'll get somewhere.
  • Charlot4444
    Charlot4444 Posts: 170 Member

    That no one but me can make the changes I need.. (Whether I need testing from doctors for thyroid pcos etc, or just eat less move more)

    It's all on me. And I deserve this so I'll do it.

    Along with lots of great advice above me.
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    Afraid to say, that I just did exactly that :)

    Woke up one morning and decided that day was the day to change my lifestyle. Found MFP after a couple of weeks and have been logging consistently since then (I'm now on day 211). And I kept with it, even through Christmas and birthdays, weeks of no weight loss, injury, frustration and other barriers.

    It's now become such a habit that I feel cheated if I don't get to go out for a daily walk (I walk a minimum of six miles a day, usually more - I think that when I totted it up last, I'd walked nearly 400 miles in four months).

    But I have to agree with the comment about mindset - that day I woke up, I knew that I was going to get rid of all my excess weight. I'm nowhere near goal yet but slowly and surely I'm getting there. I estimate it will take another twelve months and I am more than prepared for that. The motivation and determination to achieve come from within. I remember times in my life whereby I thought that I wanted to lose weight but, thinking back on it, I wasn't ready to make the change. This time I am.

    That besides, losing 5lbs in a month is pretty good going - I've had some months where I've hardly lost a thing but you just have to keep going with it.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Five pounds in a month is a great loss, at a bit over a pound a week.

    I told myself that it was going to take a long time. I figured eighteen months to my goal at the time. In reality, I've been at this since January 2014 and have been off track for the past 8-9 months, so I'm only now buckling down. But I've learned what works for me (moderation) and what doesn't (restriction).

    Have you read this thread?

    None of that is new information for me... Honestly I don't think there is any "new" information. 5lbs a month isn't enough for someone at my size.

    I obviously just don't care enough about myself to do better.

    Five pounds a month is great. You can lose five pounds a month and be 60 pounds lighter by this time next year. Or you can choose not to do anything and be as heavy as you are right now, but a year older with skin that has been stretched out for a year longer and has lost a bit more elasticity, meaning that if you do eventually lose the weight its ability to shrink back is likely to be a bit more diminished.
  • haviegirl
    haviegirl Posts: 230 Member
    When I set my mind to something, I never give up.

    I agree with iecreamhead--it's a mindset of determination, tenacity, and self discipline. I keep being rewarded for my hard work, so I stay motivated.

    I want to be a fit athlete. So I'm behaving like one in training. I want to be slim and sexy. So I'm doing the work to get there. I want to be healthy as I age. So I'm improving my physical health with actions I take every single day.

    Wishing gets you nowhere. Action can get you almost anywhere.

    My turning point was attending a party with my husband's coworkers and spouses. I felt fat and unattractive, and I'd had ENOUGH.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I didn't wake up one morning and decide to do this. It was at about 12:30 PM in the afternoon at work. Eating a giant lunch, working, mindlessly shoving food into my face, multi-tasking. Somewhere in the back of my mind I assumed that my lunch choice for that day was healthy. A co-worker walked by with the same kind of lunch and said "Oh yeah, I love this kind of food too, but to bad it's so fattening and unhealthy". I stopped what I was doing and I Googled the type of food I was eating. When I actually started reading nutritional values for the first time I realized how wrong I was about my food choice, and how ignorant I was about the information. I began to think about all of my other choices and that was it. I threw my lunch away and did some basic 'getting started' research for the rest of the day. The very next day I started my journey and I never looked back. To keep my motivation I continue to do research and stay up on the latest trends in healthcare and all things nutrition and exercise. I also change my routines (food and exercise) about every 30 days. I seek out and try new products. I research supplements. I enrolled in a program and just earned my nutritionist license, now working on a license for holistic nutrition consulting. It doesn't matter what you know or what you don't know. It doesn't matter how you feel or don't feel. It comes down to your level of readiness to change. If you're truly ready, you'll change. If you have doubts, nothing and no one in the world can make you ready.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Five pounds in a month is a great loss, at a bit over a pound a week.

    I told myself that it was going to take a long time. I figured eighteen months to my goal at the time. In reality, I've been at this since January 2014 and have been off track for the past 8-9 months, so I'm only now buckling down. But I've learned what works for me (moderation) and what doesn't (restriction).

    Have you read this thread?

    None of that is new information for me... Honestly I don't think there is any "new" information. 5lbs a month isn't enough for someone at my size.

    I obviously just don't care enough about myself to do better.

    and what size is that?

    As for your attitude okay so set yourself up for failure one more time and see if that makes it better?

    It took me almost 2 years to lose 60lbs wasn't just waking up one day and changing everything it was baby steps for 2 I am a size 4 when I never thought I would be smaller than a size 12...

    smh...I don't have a lot of tolerance for this type of attitude suck it up either want it or you don't.