I am going to GIVE UP like everyone else says



  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Are you serious??? Really??

    You obviously have control as you have lost a phenomenal amount of weight - if you want to give up go ahead, but one small indulgence does not undo 14 months of hard work. I have a treat almost every day and I am still losing weight and inches. I think you are focussing too much on good and bad foods and having to stick to certain amount of calories - that’s not human or sustainable in the long term.

    Life is what you make it, do you want to be a quitter? :sad:
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Seriously ?
    Is this supposed to be an "give me attention" post?

    If you are honestly that upset over a few calories and m&ms - getting fit is not the only concern here.

    Maybe I am being a meanie and a bad guy. but seriously??? SERIOUSLY?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    for sure someone is taking the mickey here!
  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    Don't give up. We all need to indulge once in a while. I have days EVERY week that I go over my calorie goal.....every day is a new beginning . There are times I go over by 10 calories and times when it's 500.....and times when I am under. Don't compare yourself to what others are logging in or it will drive you crazy!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    No way this is for real.
  • pattyhild
    pattyhild Posts: 32 Member
    Clearly a level. GTFOH.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Yup, you screwed it up. I'd give up too. Go get yourself an entire cheesecake, eat half and rub the rest of it on your *kitten*. That's where its going to end up anyway.
  • dimples1059
    dimples1059 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't give up. Keep at it. We are not perfect. We all make mistakes sometimes. I think you are too hard on yourself. At least you only have two puonds to go. I've been trying for years and I've lost close to 20lbs but I need to lose 10 more. Look at it as a journey. I hope this helps. Hang in there. Life is full of set backs. Its how you handle them that matters.:flowerforyou:
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I feel like a total failure. I think i may just give up. I have had so much success overall but i just can't do it anymore. I had a M&M Halloween pack. I was doing so good!!! I avoided candy for like 14 months i think. I just feel like i should quit. I was unable to resist and for the first time i went over my 1200 calorie goal. I look at myself and i see a weakling. Someone that has no self-control anymore. Someone that will never make my goal weight. I only had 2 pounds to go but now who knows. After my failure today i just don't think i will ever make it. Not anymore. I just wish i had more self-control.

    I see all these guys that are big like me staying within their goals each day and now i feel like an outsider. Seeing that number be red really hurts at my core. I was hoping i would be strong enough to do this but know i just don't know. Most days i don't even know what to eat to get to my 1200 calorie limit but today i was over by 36. I am such a complete failure.


    you ate a whole bag of MM's and you were only 36 calories over your goal for the day? Ummm is that all you ate?

    You don't know what to eat to get to 1200? I have 1200 for dinner sometimes. How about a steak and some roasted potatoes...

    two things here..

    1. This is a BS troll thread
    2. you have an eating disorder and should seek help...

    thats all I got...

    I had the same thoughts. He also claims he's only two pounds from his goal weight. This seems like either a manufactured meltdown or the writer has serious problems.
  • TonicSapphire
    The OP joined in March 2013.
    He has 916 posts.
    After reading and posting on average 8 posts a day, you would think he knows better than this.
    I call this a joke on us.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Really? I have a piece of dark chocolate every day.
    Why would you even consider throwing away what you have done over such a trivial amount of calories? It is nothing and will not make a bit of difference. Continue on and allow yourself to be human. You need to consider what you eat as a sustainable life style in order to keep going forward. It certainly is not worth beating yourself up over. It happens to most of us.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
  • nks798
    nks798 Posts: 71 Member
    It's ok to have a cheat day/treat once in a while. At least for me, if I don't.. I will binge and do worse. Don't beat yourself up for it, we're human and it'll happen. You've done so well, to me.. you're a winner. So keep your head up and continue your journey!
  • mustang289
    mustang289 Posts: 299 Member
    I feel like a total failure. I think i may just give up. I have had so much success overall but i just can't do it anymore. I had a M&M Halloween pack. I was doing so good!!! I avoided candy for like 14 months i think. I just feel like i should quit. I was unable to resist and for the first time i went over my 1200 calorie goal. I look at myself and i see a weakling. Someone that has no self-control anymore. Someone that will never make my goal weight. I only had 2 pounds to go but now who knows. After my failure today i just don't think i will ever make it. Not anymore. I just wish i had more self-control.

    I see all these guys that are big like me staying within their goals each day and now i feel like an outsider. Seeing that number be red really hurts at my core. I was hoping i would be strong enough to do this but know i just don't know. Most days i don't even know what to eat to get to my 1200 calorie limit but today i was over by 36. I am such a complete failure.

    Go take a BIG dump. You'll lose the 2 pounds and burn at least 36 calories in the process
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
  • cnr0905
    cnr0905 Posts: 167 Member
    hahaha, yeah thats a diet killer there eating a couple M&Ms. WOW!!! and i agree, you should totally hang it up. QUIT NOW!!
  • Corinne_Howland
    Corinne_Howland Posts: 158 Member
    I think you're on to something!!!! My exact thought when I read this. Most of us actually struggle with the every day stuff. We fall off, get back on. This seems extreme self pity.
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    ^ yep...quit now before its to late.
    I feel like a total failure. I think i may just give up. I have had so much success overall but i just can't do it anymore. I had a M&M Halloween pack. I was doing so good!!! I avoided candy for like 14 months i think. I just feel like i should quit. I was unable to resist and for the first time i went over my 1200 calorie goal. I look at myself and i see a weakling. Someone that has no self-control anymore. Someone that will never make my goal weight. I only had 2 pounds to go but now who knows. After my failure today i just don't think i will ever make it. Not anymore. I just wish i had more self-control.

    I see all these guys that are big like me staying within their goals each day and now i feel like an outsider. Seeing that number be red really hurts at my core. I was hoping i would be strong enough to do this but know i just don't know. Most days i don't even know what to eat to get to my 1200 calorie limit but today i was over by 36. I am such a complete failure.


    you ate a whole bag of MM's and you were only 36 calories over your goal for the day? Ummm is that all you ate?

    You don't know what to eat to get to 1200? I have 1200 for dinner sometimes. How about a steak and some roasted potatoes...

    two things here..

    1. This is a BS troll thread
    2. you have an eating disorder and should seek help...

    thats all I got...
  • cnr0905
    cnr0905 Posts: 167 Member
    and another thing, i lost more respect for the people on here that took this post serious, cmon people.....lighten up!!
  • GillAshy
    GillAshy Posts: 4 Member
    Come On, I've been 1,000 cals over my limit before on one day, and STILL lost weight in the week... I've only been on here for just over 2 weeks, and I eat chocolate everyday... my cal limit is 1400, but I don't sweat it when I go over, I just think I'll do better the next day and always do...
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