T25 Do it with me!



  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    That's great everyone! I used yesterday as a rest day, so I do Speed 1.0 today! It was super tough last week so I hope it's a bit better today :)
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Looks like today is gonna be a rest day for me. I will make sure I get in today's workout either tomorrow or some point this weekend.
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    Did Speed 1.0 yesterday and just finished Cardio. I made myself do it as soon as I got home, even though I didn't want to! I am definitely seeing improvements already, so that's great.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I survived lol! I just did Thursday's workout - Cardio, and then Friday's double duty - Lower Focus & Ab Intervals. Week 2 done!! Hopefully I'll try to weigh in and take measurements either tomorrow or Sunday.

    Even though I didn't do T25 yesterday, I went to a barre class so my legs really hurt today.

    And I know most people say Total Body Circuit is the hardest, but MAN the Cardio workout is still absolutely kicking my butt! It's my least favorite workout hands down. My calf muscles and bottom of my feet hurt like crazy while doing this one. It's the same kind of pain I get when attempting to run, lol it's the reason why I have a hard time running consistently these days. I waver on the running, but I'm determined to push through and stick with T25.
  • missm2
    missm2 Posts: 608 Member
    I've got a T25 group if any of you would like to join . It's a small group but we are looking for new enthusiastic people to join. Just press the link below ... hope to see you there :D
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    OK I officially started T25 on 3/28 and will be starting on week 3 tomorrow. Here is my progress so far after 2 weeks (and no I'm not following the diet, just counting calories):

    Weight: -0.5 lbs
    Waist: -0.2 in
    Hips: -0.2 in
    Underboob: -1.0 in
    Thigh: no change
    Chest: -0.5 in

    I'm not really good at taking measurements, never sure I'm measuring in the exact same spot so I also am trying to track based on the fit of my clothes. Based on the fit I can tell things are fitting better, and I can fit a lot more stuff that I couldn't a few weeks ago. So feeling good about progress even though based on the numbers it doesn't seem like much is happening right now.

    Based on reviews for the program I've read, most people don't seem to see much either until the 3rd week. So here's to hoping things start to move by the end of the week.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    I didn't get my doubles in because I spent the last two days landscaping my front yard! Will get right back to it tomorrow. I have lost 3 lbs so far and can tell inches have been lost too! I forgot to take measurements when I started but I really need to do that because I can tell my clothes are starting to fit better!

    Anxious to get back to it tomorrow. Two weeks in and I am already feeling better!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Week 3, Day 1 - Total Body Circuit done.

    It was really really rough today! My legs are sore. Gonna head to BodyPump and a little later, and then stay for as much Zumba as my legs will allow.
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    edited April 2016
    motivatedsister, I am right with you! Today's Total Body Circuit was rough for me too because of my legs being so sore! I did my couch to 5k run prior! But it's done
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Speed 1.0 done yesterday. It's supposed to be getting easier right? Lol

    I think maybe I'm struggling a little bit since I'm doing T25 in addition to my usual workouts, so my body is sore. I definitely think I need to stretch way more, my legs (quads, hamstrings, calf muscles) are super tight. I'm not tired endurance wise, but having a hard time doing everything full out because my legs are sore.

    I've got Lower Focus today and I'll probably still go to my usual Body Pump class, but if my legs aren't feeling looser I will probably skip Zumba today.
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    I know what you mean! I'm often doing Couch to 5K and other workouts with it, so I am often sore/tired. I did Speed 1.0 yesterday! It's getting a bit easier for me to keep up, which is good!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Cardio done! I absolutely hate the Cardio workout...it is the worse for me out of Alpha.

    My body is still sore, I'm contemplating maybe taking a couple of rest days (or maybe just yoga or pilates next few days) so that my body can recover. If I don't do tomorrow's double duty I will just have to double up somewhere so that I catch up and stay on track. I really want to finish the program as close to how the calendar is laid out.

    I'm also gonna go back to taking my vitamin pack probably on Monday. I can really tell the difference from not taking it for awhile! I was pregnant earlier this year, so I stopped taking all supplements except prenatal vitamins. I had a miscarriage very early on, but didn't resume taking anything. Just wanted to give my body a chance to recover from all of that naturally...and recently got the okay from the doc that I could continue with the vitamin pack if I wanted to.

  • sarahstoit
    sarahstoit Posts: 6 Member
    I just did Aplha Cardio today, getting back into the T25 routine.

    After starting grad school the lowest weight of my adult life (thanks to to T25) and finishing school the heaviest of my adult life (thanks to years of stress, eating crappy, and giving myself excuses not to exercise), I decided I need to redo T25. Thus, I begin Day 1 of my 12 week journey through Alpha to Gamma.

    I look forward to the support and encouragement from this group. Cheers to getting in shape!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Good luck!
  • AliciaComerford
    AliciaComerford Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on again, off again with T25. I plan to start again on Monday. I have to do modifications for most of the jumping moves, due to back problems, but I need motivation to actually stick with it for a whole cycle...
  • vvickirob
    vvickirob Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting today. This will be my second round. I lost over 20lbs the first time and have gained bAck 15lbs. I am ready to go.
  • cynbet69
    cynbet69 Posts: 615 Member
    I'm looking for a group of people to do T25 with me! If you're tired of being overweight and you're ready to do something about it message me. I need motivation too, so it would be great to have a network of support. No more excuses, no more I'll do it tomorrow. Start now with me
    Hi let me know when you start it again I just got my t25 n CIZE I would love to do this with other people to
  • JiJiGrace
    JiJiGrace Posts: 3 Member
    I just finished alpha doing another round of alpha before I do beta starting next Monday :) add me
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    @JiJiGrace did you get good results?

    I pretty much had the weekend off, I had lots going on and then my body has just been super sore so I took it easy. I weighed in yesterday and down 2.5 lbs! I didn't have a chance to measure, but I was finally able to wear this nightie I bought from Victoria Secret that had been too tight...so I know I must have lost some inches somewhere.

    I've got to make up my double duty from Friday at some point this week....but starting on week 4 of Alpha. Weather might get bad so I might end up staying in and just doing T25 versus doing T25 then heading to gym.

    Good luck to those just starting!
  • cynbet69
    cynbet69 Posts: 615 Member
    I have been on again, off again with T25. I plan to start again on Monday. I have to do modifications for most of the jumping moves, due to back problems, but I need motivation to actually stick with it for a whole cycle...

    Hi are you starting to day i would do this with you whos in on doing t25 starting s today 4-18