People are strange.



  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I work at Best Buy (a huge electronics store, for those who don't know), and we get this phone call at least twice a day..
    "Thank you for calling Best Buy, this is _______, how can I help you?"
    "Yeah, can you transfer me to the electronics department?"
    "Is there a certain department you're looking for?"
    "Yeah, the electronics one."

    One day I had a customer come in and ask if we sold mattresses.

    And this one is my parents, but still funny/strange nonetheless. When we lived in Ohio the people above us would always have band practice till around 2am on the weekends. Since my dad was a youth pastor, we'd have to get up early every Sunday to make it to our 9am youth service..anyway, one night my parents had gotten sick of it, and after weeks of asking them to keep it down, they decided to take matters into their own hands. They got up at about 6am one Saturday morning after said neighbors threw a party and proceeded to turn up some gospel music at full volume, vacuum the ceilings, and yell as loud as they could to one another. Lol

    LOL, sweet payback:).
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I love when the electric goes off at our store & people still expect us to ring them up on electronic registers.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Well, one day I was driving to work. We live on the North shore of a lake with just one road that goes around, so it can get busy. So here I am on my way to work when I see these people pushing a stroller, just one of those umbrella strollers, so I slow down because, hey that's the polite thing to do. La la la la here I am passing them and I glance over to see the "baby" and it's the BIGGEST cat I have EHHVVEERR seen! I mean like 20lbs! And it's all strapped in and sitting just like any baby would be in a stroller.

    Obviously the freaking cat weighs 20 lbs because they never let it WALK. :laugh:
    People are insane.