Embarassing Moments with Children

celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
Who has had one? Last weekend my girls and I went shopping. They went to a sports store to look at soccer cleats. I strolled to VS to pick out some lingerie! Unbeknownst to me, my youngest daughter who is the tomboy of all tomboys wanted to know why I would want to wear 'that stuff' !

I know I turned red and stumbled around in a pathetically adult attempt to shift the conversation. I thought I was successful and that she had forgotten all about it. However, she just called me at work and going totally off topic brought it up again. Very random and I don't have any idea why but now I'm entering a realm previously not experienced.

So, I wonder to myself....who else has had to do any explaining to their kids?


  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    No body has had any embarrass moments with their kids? Wow, y'all are awesome!
  • Andimadx
    Andimadx Posts: 51 Member
    I had one today.
    I came home from running an errand while my brother watched my son and my sons cousins.
    As soon as I came home I heard all the kids giggling. Turns out my 8 year old son raided my panty drawer and was showing his cousins my bra and panties and threw them around in the living room....
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I had a particular bra that was black lace over a nude material. My daughter walked in the room and told me my bra was gross because it looked like it was just lace.

    When my son was about 2 years old he had toddled into my closet. I thought he was just playing hide and seek so I went to go find him. When I opened the door I found him trying to put on one of my bras. I, of course, laughed and he was so startled and I think embarrassed that he screamed and ran to the back of the closet and hid in the corner. He's seven now and hates when I tell that story.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I had one today.
    I came home from running an errand while my brother watched my son and my sons cousins.
    As soon as I came home I heard all the kids giggling. Turns out my 8 year old son raided my panty drawer and was showing his cousins my bra and panties and threw them around in the living room....

    Oh my...that is funny. Similar to something that happened between me and my brother and his friends when we were kids. I was mortified and remember running 'tattling' to my mom, LOL!
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I had a particular bra that was black lace over a nude material. My daughter walked in the room and told me my bra was gross because it looked like it was just lace.

    When my son was about 2 years old he had toddled into my closet. I thought he was just playing hide and seek so I went to go find him. When I opened the door I found him trying to put on one of my bras. I, of course, laughed and he was so startled and I think embarrassed that he screamed and ran to the back of the closet and hid in the corner. He's seven now and hates when I tell that story.

    It sounds as if you handled both really well! I'm thinking of avoiding home, LOL!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    When my oldest son was just about 3 years old We were out to dinner and enjoying ourselves. As we got up to leave we walked by a table of older, silver haired ladies who were obviously meeting for some type of church group luncheon. So as my son walks by he looks at one nice lady who says, "hello there young man". My son loudly responds, "Men have penis's and women have vaginas!" I just felt my heart drop. But the older lady, without missing a beat, says, "well thank you son, I had almost forgot about those." And the other ladies just burst out laughing.

    I was embarasssed. but it was wonderful to see how proud my son was he knew the difference. lol.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    Yep...my five year old spelling out the word S.E.X. in public....loud.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    just remember, the best thing about kids... is making them! :) JK
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Mine doesn't have to do with underwear, but once I was at the grocery store with my son, he was probably about 4. We were standing in the checkout line, and he was pointing out colors "that sign is red, and the floor is grey..." etc. Then he pointed to his arm and said "Mommy I'm beige!"--because normal 4 year olds refer to skin tone as "beige"---then pointed at my arm and said "and you're brown" and then I realized the woman in line in front of us was African American and I prayed to God he wouldn't make it awkward...

    But he was 4, so of course he did. "And she's REALLY dark brown!"--full child voice volume (which is louder than normal adult voice full volume), pointing directly at her. The woman laughed kind of uncomfortably, and all I could think was thank God he was being literal with the colors and didn't shout "and she's black!"

    Another time, more recently, he loudly asked if a woman at the store had a baby in her bell because it was really big. She was clearly not pregnant, but very overweight, and she definitely heard him. Cue me quickly ushering him across the store as I gave him the "we keep those things to ourselves and use inside voices" speech while the lady gave me the stank eye. Thanks, kid.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Riding the bus with my 5 year old, we sit down on the seat and she promptly announces in a very loud voice
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Mine's only two at the moment, so we have yet to reach the embarrassed-in-public stage. Given his "spirited" nature, though, it's only a matter of time. Hoping to see some funny stories here, though, to give me an idea of what I'm in for!
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Most embarrassing moment I've had as a father ... when my daughter wasn't even two yet she walked into the bathroom while I was toweling off. I told her to leave of course so she did no words out of her mouth. About two weeks later we're at Church of all places and my wife is talking with a group of ladies and my daughter decides now is the time to chime in that she saw me naked and decided to say I was rather well large. I became very popular at Church and was mortified at the same time so much so I ended up no longer attending services there lol.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Most embarrassing moment I've had as a father ... when my daughter wasn't even two yet she walked into the bathroom while I was toweling off. I told her to leave of course so she did no words out of her mouth. About two weeks later we're at Church of all places and my wife is talking with a group of ladies and my daughter decides now is the time to chime in that she saw me naked and decided to say I was rather well large. I became very popular at Church and was mortified at the same time so much so I ended up no longer attending services there lol.

    Oh, Lawd! I'd die.
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    When my nephew was 2 or so, he was fascinated with boobs. If you held him he would put his hand down your shirt and just rub them or leave his hand in the cleavage. I was at Walmart and he was in the front of the cart and I was unloading it. I turned around because I heard a lady speaking to him and there was his hand down her shirt. I was so embarrassed. I apologized and she said no biggie as her son was the same way. He is now 19 and still turns red when I tell the story. I told him I will be making the speech when he gets married...lol
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I'm thrilled it is not just me having to endure this painful passage in parenthood...
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Most embarrassing moment I've had as a father ... when my daughter wasn't even two yet she walked into the bathroom while I was toweling off. I told her to leave of course so she did no words out of her mouth. About two weeks later we're at Church of all places and my wife is talking with a group of ladies and my daughter decides now is the time to chime in that she saw me naked and decided to say I was rather well large. I became very popular at Church and was mortified at the same time so much so I ended up no longer attending services there lol.

    Oh, Lawd! I'd die.

    Brother you have NO clue how bad it was. My wife would still go and give me so much flak! "The ladies are wondering why you aren't there any more? Seems you have a few fans now" OIEE!
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Most embarrassing moment I've had as a father ... when my daughter wasn't even two yet she walked into the bathroom while I was toweling off. I told her to leave of course so she did no words out of her mouth. About two weeks later we're at Church of all places and my wife is talking with a group of ladies and my daughter decides now is the time to chime in that she saw me naked and decided to say I was rather well large. I became very popular at Church and was mortified at the same time so much so I ended up no longer attending services there lol.

    Oh, Lawd! I'd die.

    Brother you have NO clue how bad it was. My wife would still go and give me so much flak! "The ladies are wondering why you aren't there any more? Seems you have a few fans now" OIEE!

    You should have owned it! Bought a shirt that said "Large and In Charge" and flaunted it every Sunday! Seriously, though, I would have wanted to puddle-ize on the spot. Hysterical!
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Most embarrassing moment I've had as a father ... when my daughter wasn't even two yet she walked into the bathroom while I was toweling off. I told her to leave of course so she did no words out of her mouth. About two weeks later we're at Church of all places and my wife is talking with a group of ladies and my daughter decides now is the time to chime in that she saw me naked and decided to say I was rather well large. I became very popular at Church and was mortified at the same time so much so I ended up no longer attending services there lol.

    Oh, Lawd! I'd die.

    Brother you have NO clue how bad it was. My wife would still go and give me so much flak! "The ladies are wondering why you aren't there any more? Seems you have a few fans now" OIEE!

    You should have owned it! Bought a shirt that said "Large and In Charge" and flaunted it every Sunday! Seriously, though, I would have wanted to puddle-ize on the spot. Hysterical!

    HAHAHA! Right! I should have done that but when the minister is with in ear shot and looks at ya! *Emote suicide*
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I'm sure there must be something..but I can't recall anything like what you're talking about, but then my son is 22 now so my memory of his tender years are long gone. :smile:

    He did embarrass us at every stop along the way moving from one coast to the other...if that's any consolation. He was 3 and in the middle of being potty trained. Not a good time. He also had a nasty cold....need I go on? I think he threw a tantrum at each place we stopped to eat, sneezed on the table - yup, nice big, yucky all over the table, dumped his drink, ....
  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    i've had so many that swear to god, NOTHING embarrasses me any more. my son from 2-6 was omg Off.The.Hook.