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  • projectsix
    projectsix Posts: 5,088 Member
    Softball game for the kiddo if it don't rain and more NFL draft picks

    Sounds action packed! It's really nice here today and the weather is supposed to hold so probably take the kids out and do something, just not sure what yet.

    It is cloudy like it could rain soon. We are supposed to get some nasty thunderstorms this weekend. Which will make any outside activities hard to do. Well you enjoy your weekend with your kids.


    Your weather sounds intense, where abouts are you?!

    Ohio (Our motto, "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change")

    And yourself?

    I actually live on an island and with the wind currents its next to impossible to predict our weather and it's constantly changing. You can barely rely on a 24 hour never mind a 7 day!

    I'm on the West Coast of BC, Canadaville.
  • littlewolf3785
    littlewolf3785 Posts: 2,592 Member
    What have I missed? Creme?

    Crème in donuts!! Lots of crème :D
  • shortgirlsneedlovetoo
    shortgirlsneedlovetoo Posts: 4,592 Member
    gianna42 wrote: »
    I'm wedding dress shopping tomorrow with my future daughter in law. So excited

    That is exciting - have a great time. When is the wedding?

    I have my sons' tennis match tonight, a concert, and then soccer and a dinner fundraiser on Sunday - tomorrow is FREE and I can't wait, even if it's supposed maybe rain.

    Next April. She has a year but is so excited that she's already in full planning mode.

    You have a busy weekend. Enjoy
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    What have I missed? Creme?

    yes. seems women like it. this was news to me :)
  • projectsix
    projectsix Posts: 5,088 Member
    How have you been peachy?
  • shortgirlsneedlovetoo
    shortgirlsneedlovetoo Posts: 4,592 Member
    How have you been peachy?

    I'm great thanks. You got the blender ready for the weekend @happilybrad
  • projectsix
    projectsix Posts: 5,088 Member
    How have you been peachy?

    I'm great thanks. You got the blender ready for the weekend @happilybrad

    That's actually so funny you ask, I thought about running to Costco to grab a 2KG bag of strawberries and a two six of white rum tonight!
  • shortgirlsneedlovetoo
    shortgirlsneedlovetoo Posts: 4,592 Member
    How have you been peachy?

    I'm great thanks. You got the blender ready for the weekend @happilybrad

    That's actually so funny you ask, I thought about running to Costco to grab a 2KG bag of strawberries and a two six of white rum tonight!

    Jump in, I'll drive
  • projectsix
    projectsix Posts: 5,088 Member
    How have you been peachy?

    I'm great thanks. You got the blender ready for the weekend @happilybrad

    That's actually so funny you ask, I thought about running to Costco to grab a 2KG bag of strawberries and a two six of white rum tonight!

    Jump in, I'll drive

    Sure sounds like.. wait a second, are you trying to get me drunk?
  • shortgirlsneedlovetoo
    shortgirlsneedlovetoo Posts: 4,592 Member
    How have you been peachy?

    I'm great thanks. You got the blender ready for the weekend @happilybrad

    That's actually so funny you ask, I thought about running to Costco to grab a 2KG bag of strawberries and a two six of white rum tonight!

    Jump in, I'll drive

    Sure sounds like.. wait a second, are you trying to get me drunk?

    Ummmm no! I'd never do such a thing. I'm using you... you know for your amazing daiquiri making skills
  • projectsix
    projectsix Posts: 5,088 Member
    How have you been peachy?

    I'm great thanks. You got the blender ready for the weekend @happilybrad

    That's actually so funny you ask, I thought about running to Costco to grab a 2KG bag of strawberries and a two six of white rum tonight!

    Jump in, I'll drive

    Sure sounds like.. wait a second, are you trying to get me drunk?

    Ummmm no! I'd never do such a thing. I'm using you... you know for your amazing daiquiri making skills

    Well that's disa.. ERRRR, okay.

    Although I feel like you're using me also for my Costco card!!
  • shortgirlsneedlovetoo
    shortgirlsneedlovetoo Posts: 4,592 Member
    How have you been peachy?

    I'm great thanks. You got the blender ready for the weekend @happilybrad

    That's actually so funny you ask, I thought about running to Costco to grab a 2KG bag of strawberries and a two six of white rum tonight!

    Jump in, I'll drive

    Sure sounds like.. wait a second, are you trying to get me drunk?

    Ummmm no! I'd never do such a thing. I'm using you... you know for your amazing daiquiri making skills

    Well that's disa.. ERRRR, okay.

    Although I feel like you're using me also for my Costco card!!

    Busted! You know me too well.
    Hi my name is Lynn and I have a shopping addiction.
  • JenJenakaJJ
    JenJenakaJJ Posts: 105 Member
    Omg I miss this place-work is ridiculous and has been for months. I long for the days when it was a bit slower. I need a vacation :(
  • littlewolf3785
    littlewolf3785 Posts: 2,592 Member
    Round 2 & 3 of Draft picks almost done for the night. It has rained pretty hard all evening with more rain to come so all recreations sports for tomorrow got cancelled. Now all I have to do is get my hair done and then on to cleaning house after tomorrow. Have a good night all.
  • littlewolf3785
    littlewolf3785 Posts: 2,592 Member
    Good morning weekenders. Have a great day. A little on the wet side here.
  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    Dead on mfp tonight!
  • GymRatSF
    GymRatSF Posts: 8,903 Member
    Yes it is dead and I'm bored as the weather sucks here
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    We got snow!
  • GymRatSF
    GymRatSF Posts: 8,903 Member
    Snow...yuck! No thanks! I'll keep my rain.
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    It's raining now melting all the snow, but wet cold and gloomy :confounded: