Do you "hide" your dieting in public/with friends?



  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I'm super guilty of this. I used to avoid going out, and I realized that was unhealthy. So, my fiance and I compromised and I usually eat something filling before I go, and once I'm there I'm happy ordering a salad or something small.
  • AJinBirmingham
    Nope. I'm surrounded by "feeders," family and friends, including my other half, who think I'd look BETTER a few pounds heavier, but most of them have given up on trying to get me to eat more.

    I'm 5'5'' and a very healthy (gym rat) 128lbs, so they can all go bounce, which I tell them . . . nicely. Like Roadhouse Patrick Swayze, I'm always nice . . . until it's time to not be nice:

    FAT AUNTIE's 5th ATTEMPT AT FEEDING: Aren't you going to enjoy even one slice of pie?
    ME: No, you go ahead. I'm enjoying being a size 4.

    (I was nice the first four times.)
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I tend to keep my perspective on food and dieting private in most situations and I still get comments when I munch on carrots instead of chips. I still get comments when I eat one cookie instead of ten.

    My response is usually " I don't eat meat and I absolutely love these carrots, the crunch is awesome" or " man, these are super fresh strawberries, I am totally addicted" therefore it doesn't sound like I am sacrificing. If people question my food I also tend to go with the "I am training" response. People see dedication then, not sacrifice

    When people say things like "eat a cookie lady you are skinny enough" or " omg are you anorexic that you won't eat the cake" in front of my beautiful daughters then all bets are off at how I will respond...I am very careful to eat right and have the treats I WANT...I will not be forced fed to make you happy...but if you say nasty things to me about my diet in front of my kids you will be dressed down publically.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Nope, I'm not ON a diet.

    If I am out, I am ordering food like everyone else. If there is nothing healthy I'll eat a reasonable portion of whatever there is. I log everything and IF I knew before hand then I will normally have eaten a little less during the rest of my day or gone for a walk to bank some extra calories. If it was a 'surprise' and I can't get in a little extra activity then I will log the meal and move on with my life the next day..

    Honestly, life happens... I am not about to stop enjoying life, birthdays, surprise dinners, events and all that other stuff because I am losing weight. One day of eating bad food isn't going to ruin my life, or cause me to gain back all the weight that I have lost (or even 1 pound of it).

    As long as you aren't going overboard every day it's not a big deal to have ONE big meal occasionally. If you don't want to eat the treats that people bring just say 'no' - I don't feel the need to provide an excuse to people about why I don't feel like having whatever it is at the time. Everyone around me knows I'm losing weight - they all have eyes but most of them don't notice what I eat because I eat exactly what they eat - just less of it ;)
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    I refuse to tell anyone IRL when I'm cutting. No one wants to hear about anyone else's diet and everyone wants to simply enjoy a good time around food.

    OR they all have tips about what they heard Dr. Oz say... and they have a friend who swears by green coffee pills... Who needs to have that conversation in real life?

    All of this.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    If you don't want to listen to the nonsense you could always just say you've been having some sort of digestive health issue- acid reflux or something like that. For some reason people are more able to MYOB with those things than a simple I watch what I eat.

    ^^^^ this....if you say...oh my I am just getting over diarrhea and I brought food that won't upset my tummy people will back away quickly...diarrhea is the one word that essentially says "MYOB"
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    I don't hide it, and at the same time I don't advertise it. As well, pending on where you are with your goals, a slight variance won't matter. If anyone ever questions you though, be honest. "I feel better when I eat this way." And it is true. I feel better when I eat salmon and asparagus than I do when I eat pizza.
  • erinnpinky
    erinnpinky Posts: 80 Member
    Hi all! A couple of quick thoughts (just had a coffee) so am feeling energized to respond.

    Is it a DIET or is it just your way of "clean eating" or "healthy living for life".

    I have been at my goal weight for 2 years now and people still ask me, when are you going to stop dieting. I keep trying to tell them that I was never on a diet and that this is my new way of living for the rest of my life.

    I have a busy job where I am constantly going to catered meetings and organized dinners. I started bringing my own food to the catered lunch meetings and after taking some flack for it for a couple of weeks, nobody says anything anymore as they have come to realize that it wasn't just a fad and I'm not going to not eat or eat food that is fatty, or in most cases just plain boring catered food!

    I am going to a BBQ tomorrow night where I will be bringing my own salad as I don't want burgers and buns and hotdogs. As long as I am bringing my own food and not complaining about what others serve I still don't understand why everyone has to comment and make me feel bad for bringing my own food. I have had serious conversations with close friends about saying I have a sever allergy to certain foods as then it wouldn't be an issue. If I say I am training for a half marathon or something then the comments go away. Its a strange world out there.......

    Keep up the good work and do what works best for you. Everything in moderation and once and awhile you just have to go with the flow and eat whats around you; however, I do support that if you can choose what you want to eat then go for it!

    I also have a section on my blog called "good intentions", which is my humorous attempts to eat healthy at restaurants. If you want to read some of those they are on this page:

    Everyone have a wonderful day!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    People hide what they are ashamed of or what they don't want confrontation with.

    IMO, you don't need to diet to lose weight. You just need to ensure you get in your correct macro/micro nutrients and be in moderate calorie deficit.

    Nothing to hide if done that way.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition