Ladies 50+ pounds to lose



  • cleothrashya
    cleothrashya Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! Im so glad to see a group of ladies here to support each other....I would love to join in on that :)
    Im currently at 205 and want to see start with .
    Im here a lot during the day so would like to connect with you guys....feel free to add me too.
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    I would like to be added as a friend!
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    People! Please add me as a friend! I will be supportive and helpful !❤️
  • crimsonlady2014
    crimsonlady2014 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in! I've been up and down over the last couple of years. I'm 215 and want to get down to 165. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • audrabellethelion
    audrabellethelion Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm restarting my journey (again for the millionth time) but nonetheless, because I have 55 pounds to lose to be accepted into the Air Force for basic training. At 5'8" I'm currently 215lbs, but I need to be at 165lbs. I would love to have some friends to help me be accountable! If you wonderful ladies wouldn't mind, please add me that way we can keep each other accountable! Thank You!
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    Hi everyone. I am 34 and started out at 200. I've lost 37 pounds so far and my goal is 135 or under. Junk food is a huge downfall for me. So I try my best not to keep in the house. I gained most of my weight from back to back pregnancies last year. I am hoping by the end of this year or by Thanksgiving, I will be at goal. I could use friends, as I have none! I've just been using MFP to track myself mostly and have recently ventured into the forums.
  • blbroome1
    blbroome1 Posts: 2 Member
    Gulping as I admit this....I started my journey back at the end of 2011, weighed in at almost 400 lbs...was sick, tired, and felt I could hardly move some days--didn't let it stop me for working, and trying to live a somewhat secluded life--I had bariatric surgery and lost 165 lbs in around a year. Then I plateaued and nothing seemed to break it, I held between 220-230 up until this last year, and I have gotten complacent with my sugar and carb intake. I am up to 267 (the gulp, as I admit that in writing). My first goal is to get to 199. Trying to hold myself accountable and focus on the end result. Any support and tips you want to toss my way, feel free! I am not going back to insulin dependency or worse!
  • dominiquepadilla
    dominiquepadilla Posts: 1 Member
    hello everyone!!! I'm 5'5 my weight has gone up and down after having two babies back to back I started out at 282 I am currently 273 and hope to drop down to 200 for my first goal then back down to my original weight 160!!! very encouraging to see others on their journeys!!! :D
  • jaxbella14
    jaxbella14 Posts: 40 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi all - I'm happy to join in as well. I'm taking my increments in 10 pounds at a time. I'm hoping to find that more realistic for myself. I started on March 23 and have only lost 3 pounds but 7 more and I will have my first 10 of 50 off. I did WW in the past and lost 57 pounds - gained back 44 of those so decided to give this a try. So nice to meet you all!

    BTW - how do you add someone?
  • MegSchuy16
    MegSchuy16 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm 26, 5'6", and have about 59lbs yet to lose! Just started about a month ago and I've lost 7.5lbs already!

    Feel free to add me! That goes for anyone! Open diary and I'm on here daily.

    SW 216.4lbs
    CW 208.9lbs
    GW 150lbs
  • caileag26
    caileag26 Posts: 29 Member
    I only have one friend and think I may be the official MFP threadkiller..... But I really would like more friends, I don't talk much but I log daily.
  • maidengirl_
    maidengirl_ Posts: 283 Member
    Feel free to add me. My goal is to lose 60 pounds total. I'm already down 23 lbs :) and I'm daily active.
  • SarahCleland
    SarahCleland Posts: 1 Member
    Hi folks, I'm Sarah, I want to lose around 60lbs. I'm going to do it this time and need some encouragement, please add me xx
  • Cez_Z
    Cez_Z Posts: 13 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm in the same boat, need to lose about 50 lb and some checking in/motivation/advices would be great... I can also share my own experience and knowledge about past weight loss journeys.... feel free to ad me!
  • Do3w7
    Do3w7 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone I have 50 plus to loose. Any support is appreciated .I am trying to look at a goal of five lbs and then the next 5lb goal. Thinking the total I need to loose seems to overwhelming so baby step....
  • 123heatherann123
    123heatherann123 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I lost about 60 pounds a few years ago and kept it off for 3 years. Then situations in my life changed and I gained it all back for the last 2 years. I have a closet full of close and can't wear them. I am going to lose it again, the sooner the better. I weigh almost 240 pounds and I am 5' 3" and I would like to get down to 150.
  • terra32907
    terra32907 Posts: 33 Member
    Trying to lose about 100 lbs which seems daunting. Have been here before though and lost 60 lbs then. I try to be active on here and a good cheering section. Would really love some friends with open food diaries...I get bored with my meals pretty quick so I like the inspiration.
  • lls5111
    lls5111 Posts: 16 Member
    rola27 wrote: »
    jgundz wrote: »
    I'd love more active people in my feed to keep me motivated to be active too!! Feel free to add me!

    I'm 5'7" and weigh 195lbs, looking to get to 145lbs!

    Hello can u adde me cz i dont know how thx

    On the Web - Username or Email address

    Log into your account on our website at Mobile app users should log in using the same username and password they use in the app.
    Click the "Community" tab, then click "Find Member." Fill in the "Username or Email" field and click "Search." You will be taken to the member's profile page, where you can click "Add as Friend" to send a friend request.:)

    Awesome! Thx for the info!
  • sprocketti
    sprocketti Posts: 3 Member
    I'm currently 176 looking to be 115 again which I was two years ago. Any friends would be great.
  • valerieblaydes
    valerieblaydes Posts: 158 Member
    Hi! I'm new to My Fitness Pal but used it four years ago as Daily Burn. I've slipped off the wagon and gained a lot of weight since then. I'm six feet tall, and I started out at 247 without noticing there was a community tab in my app. I'm now 241.6 and shooting for 165 at 2 lbs. a week. That's 183 cm tall, 112 kilo start weight, currently 109.5 kilo, aiming for 74.8 at not quite a kilo a week.

    I have struggled with my weight all my life, and with PCOS and insulin resistance. In my adult life I've managed to lose 70 lbs, 80 lbs, 60 lbs, 55 lbs. Each time I catch myself a little sooner before I gain it all back--my heaviest point was at age 21 and I'm 40 now. I've never reached my goal of 165 lbs./74.8 kilo but have a closet full of barely worn clothes that fit me at 185 lbs./84 kilo. Every time I get to that place, I feel great and buy new clothes, and I maintain fairly well until the next major life change--relationship, divorce, job change, move to new state...

    It's always helped me to have friends on the journey. Maybe it can help me beyond my goal, once I reach it, to maintain. I'm hoping a few of you might want to be my friends here. I starred the conversation but it's the first one I've read :) Hit me up and I'll share whatever's in my profile.