This is going to be very complicated to whoever wants to help me.. :)

shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
edited April 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
*Also, please dont judge me about my eating in the beginning, I was stupid i know this now*

Okay I dont really know where to start. I have been trying to lose weight for like 3 years now. Before these 3 years, I lost weight by restricting my calorie intake (to unhealthy levels) and I was pretty active. I lost weight in 6 months i went to 103 lbs. I was all muscle, my measurements were 32-24-32. Eventually, i lost my period and had to gain weight to get it back.

I started eating really crappy sugary foods and gained it all back and more, got my period back, this was the most saddest moments Ive ever been! The problem: I have NOT BEEN ABLE to lose the weight, even though I eat healthy and am active.

I am active, I walk (sometimes 20 km per day even), I swim, I walk everywhere, sometimes I bike. I never sit at home and do nothing. I always eat healthy, vegetables, fruit, fish, chicken, etc.
Recently, I started to eliminate fruit because I noticed whenever I eat more fruit (yes I know the goods sugars), I crave more and overeat, so I stopped this by eating no fruits. Sometimes I eat a grapefruit. I EAT BARELY ANY CARBS, no wheat, flour, processed foods, sometimes I eat oatmeal or buckwheat...

I think one of my main issues was that when I started losing weight the first time, I stopped eating meat, and never got any protein, so maybe I lost muscle? Only within the past 2 weeks, Ive started to eat meat.

I tried weight training, but I suck at it soo much. I hate lifting weights when I am this weight, because I feel huge and unable to lift. I feel once I get thin and in shape, It would be much easier to work with my body and tone. Right now, I just feel fat.

The weird thing is that I know I have lost weight, since last year and two years, ago, but somehow, i am 145 lbs, which is what I was prior to losing weight last time. So, how could I look and feel like I lost weight, but weigh MORE on the scale? :( My weight on the scale does not budge. One day I stepped on it, it said 145, and the next day it said 150. I am confused constantly. The thing is that i dont look like Im 145 at all, because I have muscle maybe, but when I weighed 135, I think i looked wayy bigger.

Sometimes I feel like my body is working against me, does not want to lose weight, go back to how thin it was before, because before it was very "un-me". I was a normal/chubby kid.

Also, sometimes I feel like I have something physically wrong with my body, like I have too much estrogen, too many hormonal imbalances, maybe with my thyroid? I just don't get it, because what I have been doing these years, I should have lost the weight by now:( At least to a normal 110 lbs. Have I completely messed up my metabolism?

I feel like when I eat normally, the amount that my gf's eat, i gain weight, i instantly see it, feel it etc. So now, I dont know what to do and it is the most frustrating thing I have ever had to go through. Ive never felt like such a failure.

People tell me to eat more times per day, smaller meals but to be honest, I dont feel like i lose weight then! Why should I eat when Im not hungry? Sometimes I dont even know if Im hungry.

Also, please dont say I should be at a certain weight based on my height. I like my weight at 110, and thats what my goal is, so I wont change it:)

Does anyone have any advice? :worried: Helpppppp :no_mouth:


  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    *Sometimes I dont even know if Im hungry.

    Start here.
    Working on body awareness and learning to listen your own body and what it's trying to tell you might be a good place for you to start.

  • AlphaCajun
    AlphaCajun Posts: 290 Member
    Eat less calories than you burn. Log everything, be patient, plain and simple. You haven't messed your metabolism up, you're simply not eating less than you burn.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    I recommend starting to log everything you eat with the help of a scale (that's the important part!) and see how it compares to your maintenance calories. Then you will know what is going on.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    You should start with a reasonable goal of no more than 1 pound loss per week and log your food consistently and accurately.

    Until you have logged accurately for a reasonable period of time, there's not really a reason to start looking for any reasons you aren't losing other than you are eating as much as or more than you are burning.

    Also, you want to reach a weight that is nearly in the underweight category. You are going to have to be very patient and meticulous with your logging in order to get there, and stay there.

    Try reading the links contained here, especially about logging accurately and weight loss not being linear:
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    - how tall are you?
    - what is your age?
    - are you counting calories?
    - are you weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquids foods and logging using good solid nutrition info?
    - how many calories are you eating per day?
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    - how tall are you?
    - what is your age?
    - are you counting calories?
    - are you weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquids foods and logging using good solid nutrition info?
    - how many calories are you eating per day?

    Im 5'4, 25 years old
    I am counting calories but not every day. I range from 1000-2000. I burn a lot also during the day. But, even though sometimes I dont LOG everything and count everything in detail, I still lock it in my head for that day, and remember it, its like a mind food logger. I dont know how to explain it but I never eat crazy amounts or unhealthy amounts.
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    - how tall are you?
    - what is your age?
    - are you counting calories?
    - are you weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquids foods and logging using good solid nutrition info?
    - how many calories are you eating per day?

    I also drink warm water with lemon in the morning, with ginger sometimes. I drink tea constantly (no sugar no milk or cream). Green teas and pepermint teas usually AND i drink 10-20 cups of water per day. So, its not water retention i don't think :(
  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    You dont think you look like you weigh 145pds as you think you look smaller than that, but your goal is 110 pounds because you like your weight at 110pds. I am not saying you should be a certain weight for your height, you are currently at the top of your BMI range and I totally get that you want to move down (past low though) to get the body you want. I am saying you may need to look at your goal in a different way. Is it a particular look/size you are after or are you determined to see 110 on the scale? Someone who is as active as you and presumably has great muscle tone (lots of lean muscle mass) might not be able to get down to 110.
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    You dont think you look like you weigh 145pds as you think you look smaller than that, but your goal is 110 pounds because you like your weight at 110pds. I am not saying you should be a certain weight for your height, you are currently at the top of your BMI range and I totally get that you want to move down (past low though) to get the body you want. I am saying you may need to look at your goal in a different way. Is it a particular look/size you are after or are you determined to see 110 on the scale? Someone who is as active as you and presumably has great muscle tone (lots of lean muscle mass) might not be able to get down to 110.

    I was about 103-110 lbs before, but I may have lost some muscle mass. So its completely possible i think, its just that my body does not want to work with me!!!Lol
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    - how tall are you?
    - what is your age?
    - are you counting calories?
    - are you weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquids foods and logging using good solid nutrition info?
    - how many calories are you eating per day?

    Im 5'4, 25 years old
    I am counting calories but not every day. I range from 1000-2000. I burn a lot also during the day. But, even though sometimes I dont LOG everything and count everything in detail, I still lock it in my head for that day, and remember it, its like a mind food logger. I dont know how to explain it but I never eat crazy amounts or unhealthy amounts.
    jemhh wrote: »
    - how tall are you?
    - what is your age?
    - are you counting calories?
    - are you weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquids foods and logging using good solid nutrition info?
    - how many calories are you eating per day?

    I also drink warm water with lemon in the morning, with ginger sometimes. I drink tea constantly (no sugar no milk or cream). Green teas and pepermint teas usually AND i drink 10-20 cups of water per day. So, its not water retention i don't think :(

    the bolded is the issue. If you aren't logging properly, you are likely eating more than you thinkS

    Warm water with lemon is okay if you like it, but will do NOTHING for weight loss. Why so much water?
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    - how tall are you?
    - what is your age?
    - are you counting calories?
    - are you weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquids foods and logging using good solid nutrition info?
    - how many calories are you eating per day?

    Im 5'4, 25 years old
    I am counting calories but not every day. I range from 1000-2000. I burn a lot also during the day. But, even though sometimes I dont LOG everything and count everything in detail, I still lock it in my head for that day, and remember it, its like a mind food logger. I dont know how to explain it but I never eat crazy amounts or unhealthy amounts.
    jemhh wrote: »
    - how tall are you?
    - what is your age?
    - are you counting calories?
    - are you weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquids foods and logging using good solid nutrition info?
    - how many calories are you eating per day?

    I also drink warm water with lemon in the morning, with ginger sometimes. I drink tea constantly (no sugar no milk or cream). Green teas and pepermint teas usually AND i drink 10-20 cups of water per day. So, its not water retention i don't think :(

    the bolded is the issue. If you aren't logging properly, you are likely eating more than you thinkS

    Warm water with lemon is okay if you like it, but will do NOTHING for weight loss. Why so much water?

    i drink a lot of water because drinking water is good for health in every possible way, including weight loss actually (supposedly). Plus, I hate feeling bloated. Anyways, me drinking water has obv nothing to do with me not losing weight. Maybe youre right, maybe im eating more than I think, but I highly doubt it, because I don't eat high calorie foods in the first place. I will try to log more accurately i guess:)
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    - how tall are you?
    - what is your age?
    - are you counting calories?
    - are you weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquids foods and logging using good solid nutrition info?
    - how many calories are you eating per day?

    Im 5'4, 25 years old
    I am counting calories but not every day. I range from 1000-2000. I burn a lot also during the day. But, even though sometimes I dont LOG everything and count everything in detail, I still lock it in my head for that day, and remember it, its like a mind food logger. I dont know how to explain it but I never eat crazy amounts or unhealthy amounts.
    jemhh wrote: »
    - how tall are you?
    - what is your age?
    - are you counting calories?
    - are you weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquids foods and logging using good solid nutrition info?
    - how many calories are you eating per day?

    I also drink warm water with lemon in the morning, with ginger sometimes. I drink tea constantly (no sugar no milk or cream). Green teas and pepermint teas usually AND i drink 10-20 cups of water per day. So, its not water retention i don't think :(

    the bolded is the issue. If you aren't logging properly, you are likely eating more than you thinkS

    Warm water with lemon is okay if you like it, but will do NOTHING for weight loss. Why so much water?

    i drink a lot of water because drinking water is good for health in every possible way, including weight loss actually (supposedly). Plus, I hate feeling bloated. Anyways, me drinking water has obv nothing to do with me not losing weight. Maybe youre right, maybe im eating more than I think, but I highly doubt it, because I don't eat high calorie foods in the first place. I will try to log more accurately i guess:)

    It has been my experience that logging accurately is important. Using a kitchen scale and measuring everything to the gram, not ounce (including anything that is a "single item serving size," such as a slice of bread, etc. can be very eye-opening, since they are usually off by enough to make a difference.) Low-calorie food adds up, too, even over the course of a single day, which is why so many people on MFP swear by it.

    There are also people who manage without weighing and logging, but if you are not getting results, then this is, by far, the most likely culprit. And try not to worry so much, stress and anxiety can affect you in so many ways. Try to get enough sleep, too, and don't worry, it is highly unlikely that you've messed up your metabolism.

    Weighing/logging all food consistently + activity, stay the course, the weight will come off with time.
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    Trying to troubleshoot an issue without having all the facts is never going to work. Pick a reasonable rate of loss, say 1 pound per week. Log accurately for 3 months. Commit to it. For 12 weeks, weigh your food, use accurate database entries, and above all, stick with it. I guarantee you will lose weight. If you haven't lost around the weight you expected at the end of that time period, adjust your calories up (if you lost more than about a pound per week) or down (if you've lost less than about a pound per week).

    Forget about mind-logging. That's not a thing.

    ETA: I should add that some people are able to properly track their calories without logging, but that's not in your skill set based on your post. An added benefit to consistent logging is that you could learn to do it properly!

    I am actually very good at counting calories, I don't ever have to look up the food in order to know. Based on the foods I usually eat, I always know the amount of calories to the amount Im eating. So, I would say that it is in my skill set, I have been doing it for about 3 years. But, maybe you are right, maybe I am not accurate ENOUGH :open_mouth:
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    justrollme wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    - how tall are you?
    - what is your age?
    - are you counting calories?
    - are you weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquids foods and logging using good solid nutrition info?
    - how many calories are you eating per day?

    Im 5'4, 25 years old
    I am counting calories but not every day. I range from 1000-2000. I burn a lot also during the day. But, even though sometimes I dont LOG everything and count everything in detail, I still lock it in my head for that day, and remember it, its like a mind food logger. I dont know how to explain it but I never eat crazy amounts or unhealthy amounts.
    jemhh wrote: »
    - how tall are you?
    - what is your age?
    - are you counting calories?
    - are you weighing your solid foods and measuring your liquids foods and logging using good solid nutrition info?
    - how many calories are you eating per day?

    I also drink warm water with lemon in the morning, with ginger sometimes. I drink tea constantly (no sugar no milk or cream). Green teas and pepermint teas usually AND i drink 10-20 cups of water per day. So, its not water retention i don't think :(

    the bolded is the issue. If you aren't logging properly, you are likely eating more than you thinkS

    Warm water with lemon is okay if you like it, but will do NOTHING for weight loss. Why so much water?

    i drink a lot of water because drinking water is good for health in every possible way, including weight loss actually (supposedly). Plus, I hate feeling bloated. Anyways, me drinking water has obv nothing to do with me not losing weight. Maybe youre right, maybe im eating more than I think, but I highly doubt it, because I don't eat high calorie foods in the first place. I will try to log more accurately i guess:)

    It has been my experience that logging accurately is important. Using a kitchen scale and measuring everything to the gram, not ounce (including anything that is a "single item serving size," such as a slice of bread, etc. can be very eye-opening, since they are usually off by enough to make a difference.) Low-calorie food adds up, too, even over the course of a single day, which is why so many people on MFP swear by it.

    There are also people who manage without weighing and logging, but if you are not getting results, then this is, by far, the most likely culprit. And try not to worry so much, stress and anxiety can affect you in so many ways. Try to get enough sleep, too, and don't worry, it is highly unlikely that you've messed up your metabolism.

    Weighing/logging all food consistently + activity, stay the course, the weight will come off with time.

    I think the main thing is what you said...that I am not counting accurately.. :open_mouth: Oyyy
  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    It's not complicated at all. You are eating more than you think. Get a food scale and log everything to the gram. Log every bite. Every single MnM, breath mint, splash of milk in your coffee. If you're not weighing and logging, you don't know.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Trying to troubleshoot an issue without having all the facts is never going to work. Pick a reasonable rate of loss, say 1 pound per week. Log accurately for 3 months. Commit to it. For 12 weeks, weigh your food, use accurate database entries, and above all, stick with it. I guarantee you will lose weight. If you haven't lost around the weight you expected at the end of that time period, adjust your calories up (if you lost more than about a pound per week) or down (if you've lost less than about a pound per week).

    Forget about mind-logging. That's not a thing.

    ETA: I should add that some people are able to properly track their calories without logging, but that's not in your skill set based on your post. An added benefit to consistent logging is that you could learn to do it properly!

    I am actually very good at counting calories, I don't ever have to look up the food in order to know. Based on the foods I usually eat, I always know the amount of calories to the amount Im eating. So, I would say that it is in my skill set, I have been doing it for about 3 years. But, maybe you are right, maybe I am not accurate ENOUGH :open_mouth:

    But if you were accurately guessing your calories, you would be losing weight.

    I hope this doesn't sound harsh, because I don't mean it that way, but this is complicated because you are making it complicated! The diet industry has done an awesome job of convincing people there are all these complicated tips and techniques needed to lose weight, but it's really not true.

    My advice would be to strip away all the confusing details and start with the basics:
    1. Set your goal to 1 lb per week.
    2. Eat the calories MFP gives you.
    3. Use a food scale as often as possible, and log EVERYTHING consistently and accurately.
    4. Do whatever exercise you want, whenever you want.
    5. Do this, just this, for 4 weeks and see what happens.

    You don't HAVE to cut out any foods to lose weight, but if avoiding certain things makes it easier for you, than have at it. After a week, start looking back at your food log and do some studying - On the days you felt good, what types of food did you eat? On days you struggled to stay under your calories, what foods did you eat there? Where are you wasting calories? Over time, you will figure out what foods work for you, because it's different for everyone.

    Ultimately, calories determine weight loss or gain. Finding the way you can eat foods you like, feel satisfied, and hit the right calorie number will serve you well. Good luck!
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    Trying to troubleshoot an issue without having all the facts is never going to work. Pick a reasonable rate of loss, say 1 pound per week. Log accurately for 3 months. Commit to it. For 12 weeks, weigh your food, use accurate database entries, and above all, stick with it. I guarantee you will lose weight. If you haven't lost around the weight you expected at the end of that time period, adjust your calories up (if you lost more than about a pound per week) or down (if you've lost less than about a pound per week).

    Forget about mind-logging. That's not a thing.

    ETA: I should add that some people are able to properly track their calories without logging, but that's not in your skill set based on your post. An added benefit to consistent logging is that you could learn to do it properly!

    I am actually very good at counting calories, I don't ever have to look up the food in order to know. Based on the foods I usually eat, I always know the amount of calories to the amount Im eating. So, I would say that it is in my skill set, I have been doing it for about 3 years. But, maybe you are right, maybe I am not accurate ENOUGH :open_mouth:

    If you can't keep to your calorie goal accurately without logging, then no, it isn't in your skill set. Are you weighing your food? If you're not, then (and I'm not being disrespectful here), you are wrong about how much you are eating. This is backed up by the fact that you've been trying to lose weight for 3 years with no progress to show for it.

    Look at it this way: You've been doing it your way for 156 weeks and gotten nowhere. What do you have to lose by logging everything for 12 weeks? It's so little time in comparison and might completely change your results.

    Yes you're completely right. Thank you!