Ramadan, fasting, MFP, and you. A guide



  • nidserz
    nidserz Posts: 10 Member
    Ramadan Kareem.

    Thanks for this post. I am really worried about gaining weight during this time. I am afraid the fried foods and the desserts will get to me. I think 1400 calories can be eaten very quickly given the food we have at iftaar. I will workout maybe 45 minute walk/jog before iftaar, break my fast, then after iftaar, do a 30 minute workout dvd. I was hoping to lose 4-5lbs total during the month, but am starting to think that if I don't gain any weight is more realistic and I should maintain.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Ramadan Kareem.

    Thanks for this post. I am really worried about gaining weight during this time. I am afraid the fried foods and the desserts will get to me. I think 1400 calories can be eaten very quickly given the food we have at iftaar. I will workout maybe 45 minute walk/jog before iftaar, break my fast, then after iftaar, do a 30 minute workout dvd. I was hoping to lose 4-5lbs total during the month, but am starting to think that if I don't gain any weight is more realistic and I should maintain.

    I think thats a good goal but remember to try and not get burned out. At the very least if you're eating only 1400 calories, at least try and eat back the calories you're burning via jogging and dvd cardio. I like realistic goals of maintaning during Ramadan myself.
  • radeema
    radeema Posts: 161 Member
    Ramadan Kareem Taunto! I've been wondering how im going to make it work, as its not dusk till 8:30pm here in San francisco, and i can only work out between 5:30-8:30pm. I worry about having enough energy to complete the workout, and also about hydration
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Ramadan Kareem Taunto! I've been wondering how im going to make it work, as its not dusk till 8:30pm here in San francisco, and i can only work out between 5:30-8:30pm. I worry about having enough energy to complete the workout, and also about hydration

    Salam radeema. Yeah it'll be troubling for many with the time but like I said, try to workout as much as possible. You can always just try and do some home workouts between Maghrib and Isha or something. Some folks suggested doing some workouts right before Maghrib. I personally can't do it but something to look into.

    Have a blessed Ramadan :)
  • syedsaad
    syedsaad Posts: 156 Member
    Ramadan starting in two and a half hour so excited to fast tomorrow .... eat well .... i think even if you just pray taraweh tht is a pretty gud exercise :D so enjoy
  • nidserz
    nidserz Posts: 10 Member
    I think thats a good goal but remember to try and not get burned out. At the very least if you're eating only 1400 calories, at least try and eat back the calories you're burning via jogging and dvd cardio. I like realistic goals of maintaning during Ramadan myself.

    Thanks. I am also worried about eating fried foods. Like pakoras are my favorite and I only eat them during Ramadan. I am just new to my lifestyle change so worried it will get me off track. What are your thoughts on that? Also, what do you eat for sehri?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    This year I'm celebrating Ramadan for the first (real*) time. My manager is having a brain tumor removed tomorrow and this is the first time he's missed being able to celebrate Ramadan so I decided to celebrate in his honor. Since my husband and family aren't joining me, I'm not expecting to gain any weight due to a lack of yummy treats :sad:

    This week sunrise in our area is at six am, and sunset is at 9pm - yesterday was our first day. I live on a small farm, and work in the city so I have to milk our goats and feed and water the livestock (and collect eggs etc). I don't seem to mind the food but I sure am missing the water! Between the time I get home from the office, and 9pm time seems to sllllllooooooowwww down and every time I dump a bucket of water into a trough I'm extra thirsty! Last night I was milking our goats and imagined squirting some milk into my mouth. Let me tell you - that has NEVER been a thought before LOL! I know it was the thirst and at least I was able to laugh at myself for even imagining that!:laugh: I made an extra effort to get plenty of water last night and so far today (it's about noon) I'm doing much better! No headache yet today :wink:

    I'm getting up at 5:30 and having a high fiber cereal, goat yogurt, fresh fruit, and green tea for breakfast. This morning we were out of cereal so I had a couple of eggs, spinach and goat cheese instead. At night I'll have a salad with either meat or cheese on it.

    I am so excited to be doing this, I love the idea of setting aside a month to focus on my relationship with God, and to reestablish some basic self control. I may have to stop into the Mideastern deli and pick up a few treats:drinker: (that emoticon is holding up tea in this case!)

    Thanks for this post! I'm going to pick up some fresh fruit and make up a fruit salad tonight!

    Ramadan Kareem!

    *After 9/11 I fasted food only during Ramadan as a show of support for my Muslim coworkers. I still drank water during the day as a compromise with my husband so it didn't really count!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I think thats a good goal but remember to try and not get burned out. At the very least if you're eating only 1400 calories, at least try and eat back the calories you're burning via jogging and dvd cardio. I like realistic goals of maintaning during Ramadan myself.

    Thanks. I am also worried about eating fried foods. Like pakoras are my favorite and I only eat them during Ramadan. I am just new to my lifestyle change so worried it will get me off track. What are your thoughts on that? Also, what do you eat for sehri?

    I just chowed down 3 potato pakoras. Its good stuff. I see that you're fairly new to MFP. Eventually you should checkout and eat according to your macros needs (which will depend on what kind of body you seek. I will provide the link to read on that in the end). But for now, just stay under the calories. It doesn't matter how you get those calories. Obviously, if you eat more veggies, fruits, lean meats etc you will be able to get more amount for your calories versus just chips and dips and pakoras and samosas etc but as long as you're feeling full, eat the pakoras. I typically try to keep a balance of 80/20 (80% "healthy" lean meats and veggies etc and 20% junk foods like pakoras and ice cream etc). Hope this helps. And heres a link for macros:

  • rebecca_c
    rebecca_c Posts: 12
    Thanks for this post, very helpful ^_^ ramadan mubarak!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Last challenge is “I cannot workout during Ramadan”. In Saudi Arabia, Fast is from around 4 AM to 7 PM. This gives you plenty of time between Maghrib and Isha to workout. I personally workout after 9 PM anyways so I don’t see the schedule changing much for me. Try to workout as much as possible.

    ...in the Northern regions the night is very short during this time of the year. Iftaar at almost at 11 pm and suhoor at 2 am. Fitting in exercise is quite a challenge with this schedule. But we're doing it alhamdulillaah. Lack of sleep is the biggest problem with these times.

    Ramadaan mubaarak!

    I actually was reading that. In norway Maghrib is at 10:30ish PM and fajr is at 1:30 AM. So yeah, unles you wanna workout during the fast this would be rough.
  • Widadita
    Widadita Posts: 176 Member
    Hi Taunto, thanks for this article. I enjoyed reading it. Yesterday was the first day of fasting and I could hardly eat 2 meals. I never eat souhour, never have and probably never will. I go to sleep around midnight and don't wake up until 8:30 am. Yesterday I felt like my stomach was gonna explode, not because of food, but because of water. And I only drank 2 liters which is half of what I usually drink, during normal days.
    According to MFP I eat only 700 calories, and I can't eat anymore because I feel completely full. and I do workout, HIIT during only 20 minutes (40 minutes during normal days)
    I know I won't be losing much if not nothing this month, because my body will probably go into starvation mode and won't burn anything.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Ramadan Kareem. Yesterday was the first day for us (I know some cities/countries started the day before). Anyway, I learned a lesson yesterday. I have to slow the heck down when i'm eating because after I ate, I was miserable. I didn't necessarily eat a lot, but I ate fast and I was stuffed and wanted to just fall over and have someone wheel me out of the house.

    Tonight, I will be more aware and do better.

    How are you all doing?

    Edited to add: I learn this dang lesson every year too!
  • nidserz
    nidserz Posts: 10 Member
    ^^ I think that is a lesson for me too.
    I have fasted 2 days, and first day I felt like crap but I managed to work out at 1.30am... don't ask.
    So today I ate less, but not very healthy foods, and felt like crap. So I think I will revert back my diet to eat healthier. However, the workout... is there any harm in working out around 1.30am or 2? I feel that is when I feel I have digested enough to workout without feeling ill... my workout is JM 30 Day Shred. I have odd timings, I stay up and eat and pray fajr and then go to bed.

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    . However, the workout... is there any harm in working out around 1.30am or 2? I feel that is when I feel I have digested enough to workout without feeling ill... my workout is JM 30 Day Shred. I have odd timings, I stay up and eat and pray fajr and then go to bed.

    Can you still get about 7 or 8 hours of sleep around your workout time? Lack of sleep slows down your metabolism and will really hurt your weight loss plan. I'm able to fall asleep very easily (too easily) so I would be able to exercise and then go back to sleep... Reading that you're doing it makes me feel like I should try! I have an old elliptical machine in the garage I could use to get in a 20 minute cardio which would have to be better than nothing. Plus if I shower after then go back to bed I can just go right back to sleep and skip my morning shower.

    As a non-Muslim, can someone tell me why some of my coworkers start their fast a few hours earlier than others here in the office? We're all in the same light locations but at least one of the girls said she and her husband start their fast around 4:20AM while sunrise isn't until 6AM?

  • asola80
    asola80 Posts: 6 Member
    thanx for the great post ! Ramdan Mubarak :-)
  • Siniharmaa
    Siniharmaa Posts: 6 Member
    As a non-Muslim, can someone tell me why some of my coworkers start their fast a few hours earlier than others here in the office? We're all in the same light locations but at least one of the girls said she and her husband start their fast around 4:20AM while sunrise isn't until 6AM?


    Fast starts at dawn, not at sunrise. Maybe that explains it?
  • Lulla_dxb
    Lulla_dxb Posts: 22
    Last year I ate SO MUCH and so fast for iftar it was crazy! This year I've been exercising just before iftar, eating a light meal for iftar and I feel so much better than last year!

    I'm ashamed to say this but last year I only managed one taraweeh prayer because I felt so sick and heavy. This year I've been to all taraweeh prayers and just feel so much better.

    Does anyone else get a little moody during the day? I have been lately with the lack of food, but trying to keep positive!
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Ramadan Kareem, everyone :-)

    I'm not muslim, but I have always wondered about the sunrise to sunset rule, particularly in Northern countries like the UK, or, even worse, Alaska, where you might find yourself facing Ramadan at a time of year where the sun never sets? Surely that rule was set in a country much closer to the equator, where you would not face such extremely long days as one would in a Northern summer. Conversely, if you were very far south this month, you could find yourself in the enviable position of not having to fast at all for Ramadan lol (though I understand that there is a minimum fast period prescribed by Islamic law).

    I've always wondered why the hours weren't prescribed as to those applicable at, say, Meccah, for that particular lunar month, then everyone is following the same fast.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    As a non-Muslim, can someone tell me why some of my coworkers start their fast a few hours earlier than others here in the office? We're all in the same light locations but at least one of the girls said she and her husband start their fast around 4:20AM while sunrise isn't until 6AM?


    Fast starts at dawn, not at sunrise. Maybe that explains it?

    Oh. I had to take a few minutes after reading this and try not to cry! Isn't that pathetic of me? I thought I was doing so well and here I've been shortening my fast by over an hour! Now that I know, I'll get it right going forward. I've made a few mistakes so far! The first day of Ramadan I took a prescription medication I normally take throughout the day. Once I realized that counted as breaking my fast I resolved to go without the medication this month (it's not critical), then on Wednesday I was mixing up fresh goat cheese with a little salt, and it was only after I was remarking on how wonderful it tasted that I realized what I'd done.

    Aside from my major errors, I feel like I'm starting to get into the swing of it! the first couple days I'd fall asleep while milking in the evening (around sunset) but I've been much better since then! The weekend was hard because I wasn't around any Muslims and my Jewish/Christian family didn't get why I was doing this. They appreciate Ramadan, and why it's celebrated, but they didn't think I needed to actually celebrate it.

    thanks for letting me know! And I'm not rolling my eyes when I say that! :bigsmile:
  • Siniharmaa
    Siniharmaa Posts: 6 Member
    then on Wednesday I was mixing up fresh goat cheese with a little salt, and it was only after I was remarking on how wonderful it tasted that I realized what I'd done.

    Actually, if you eat by mistake (truly forgetting that you are fasting), you haven't broken your fast. "Whoever forgets that he is fasting and then eats or drinks, let him complete his fast, for verily, it was Allah who gave him to eat and drink" (Bukhari and Muslim) Of course, this isn't meant to be abused :).

    So actually no major errors in reality :).