Weekly Weigh in Challenge for May



  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Yay glad it worked!!
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    edited May 2016
    Let's help each other through these struggles this week and see a lot less of each other on those scales next week!
    My weekly goal 3 pounds down
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    What about adding up our group target total for this week?!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Hey guys sorry I haven't come on today....it's been a crazy day. I'll come back later on to post a bit more. Have a powerful day everyone!
  • jackinorrie
    jackinorrie Posts: 187 Member
    katie22mfp wrote: »
    Let's help each other through these struggles this week and see a lot less of each other on those scales next week!
    My weekly goal 3 pounds down

    My goal this week is simply to see the scale move down and stay there. It seems whenever I lose a pound or two the scale inevitably jumps back up by two or 3 pounds. I feel like I'm on the same cycle of lose two- gain three- lose two- gain three. I'm ready to get off this merry-go-round…

  • cafisher0404
    cafisher0404 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm joining a little late, but excited to do this for the first time.

    Name: Cathy
    Age: 28

    Starting Weight May 1st: 175.8
    Goal Weight May 29: 169.8

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1: 175.8
    May 8:
    May 15:
    May 22:
    May 29:

    Total LBS lost so far:

    Weekly Goals: workout 30 minutes a day and walk 30 minutes a day on my lunch break

    Struggles: family functions! Birthday party followed by mothers day followed by another birthday party this month

    Successes: a far have worked out every day as planned
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    ok welcome to those who just joined! The more the merrier! You all have great goals for this week and month and I know you will all achieve them. I have a trip coming up to go back home and I would like to be as low as I can go when I get there. Most members in my family are obese and I am hoping that seeing that someone can do it so can they. Of course without me telling them myself. I just want to set the example. So I am hoping that by July 1st I would be down another 20 lbs. That's 15 lbs between now and then which is very ambitious but totally doable. If I don't reach that goal its ok but its what I am aiming for.

    Now since January I have lost 44 lbs and I did this by eating between 1500 - 1800 calories a day (this changes as my weight changes).....working out 4-6 times a week (6 times for the past 3 weeks), drinking 3 liters of water a day. I walk loads each day I try to get 10000 steps a day on my fitbit. I try to plan my meals for the week and I prelog my food each day so I can make sure I don't steer out of my daily plan. sometimes things get added or subtracted from there.

    Some tools I use are hydro coach which reminds me to drink my water and tells me how much I should drink according to my weight.

    I use mapmyfitness for when I go out for walks which tells you how far you walked for how long and approximately how many calories you burned (but its not accurate)

    I use a fitbit to count steps and the fitbit scale for my weigh ins.

    I use the website skinnytaste.com to find healthy recipes which I use daily.

    I hope some of this helps you all and if you have any tools you use to help you in your journey please share. Anything that can help us please share.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    katie22mfp wrote: »
    Let's help each other through these struggles this week and see a lot less of each other on those scales next week!
    My weekly goal 3 pounds down

    My goal this week is simply to see the scale move down and stay there. It seems whenever I lose a pound or two the scale inevitably jumps back up by two or 3 pounds. I feel like I'm on the same cycle of lose two- gain three- lose two- gain three. I'm ready to get off this merry-go-round…

    You've got this! You absolutely can do this. You have it in you just let it out!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    ok welcome to those who just joined! The more the merrier! You all have great goals for this week and month and I know you will all achieve them. I have a trip coming up to go back home and I would like to be as low as I can go when I get there. Most members in my family are obese and I am hoping that seeing that someone can do it so can they. Of course without me telling them myself. I just want to set the example. So I am hoping that by July 1st I would be down another 20 lbs. That's 15 lbs between now and then which is very ambitious but totally doable. If I don't reach that goal its ok but its what I am aiming for.

    Now since January I have lost 44 lbs and I did this by eating between 1500 - 1800 calories a day (this changes as my weight changes).....working out 4-6 times a week (6 times for the past 3 weeks), drinking 3 liters of water a day. I walk loads each day I try to get 10000 steps a day on my fitbit. I try to plan my meals for the week and I prelog my food each day so I can make sure I don't steer out of my daily plan. sometimes things get added or subtracted from there.

    Some tools I use are hydro coach which reminds me to drink my water and tells me how much I should drink according to my weight.

    I use mapmyfitness for when I go out for walks which tells you how far you walked for how long and approximately how many calories you burned (but its not accurate)

    I use a fitbit to count steps and the fitbit scale for my weigh ins.

    I use the website skinnytaste.com to find healthy recipes which I use daily.

    I hope some of this helps you all and if you have any tools you use to help you in your journey please share. Anything that can help us please share.

    oops I meant I want to be down below 280 lbs not be down another 20 lbs. I need to be down another 15 to be under 280. sorry I type faster than I think.
  • cafisher0404
    cafisher0404 Posts: 77 Member
    I just recently discovered the skinny taste site and love it! I like the suggestion of the water tracking and am going to check it out. Good luck to you guys!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Oh it's my absolute favorite. And it's easy to log here in MFP. Almost all her recipes are on here!
  • shiinababiie
    shiinababiie Posts: 6 Member

    Starting Weight May 1st:167
    Goal Weight May 29:160

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1:167
    May 8:
    May 15:
    May 22:
    May 29:

    Total LBS lost so far:

    Weekly Goals:not to eat junk food

    Struggles:staying away from chocolate and eating dinner

    Successes:sticking to my workouts... Even getting two workouts in a day
  • cafisher0404
    cafisher0404 Posts: 77 Member
    way to go on the two workouts!
  • rollinskae
    rollinskae Posts: 39 Member
    *** I have to weigh myself when I get home from work / after I sleep... so I'll add my weight them.... ***

    Name: Hawaiian Island
    Age: 42

    Starting Weight May 1st:
    Goal Weight May 29:

    Weigh In Week:
    May 1:
    May 8:
    May 15:
    May 22:
    May 29:

    Total LBS lost so far:

    Weekly Goals:
    Work out at least 2 x
    Drink more water
    Eat more frequent, smaller meals

    Working graveyard!

    Successes: *** I'll let you know when I have them!! ***

    I work 12-hour graveyard shifts 3 nights a week with no option to sleep, so I totally know the struggle! I plan out my snacks the morning of because if I don't, I will totally walk to a convenience store on my break and get junk food. Good luck on your shifts!
  • cafisher0404
    cafisher0404 Posts: 77 Member
    how's everyone doing so far?
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member
    Hi everyone, would love to join this!
    Will have to weigh in the am and will do weekly after that. Off and on MFP for at least 3 yrs now and always do better when on ( no brainer lol)
    May 8
    May 15
    May 22
    May 29

    Challenges - Salty late night snacking,
    Feeling too lazy/tired to exercise, foot pain and apple shape

    Successes - Enjoy outdoors, biking, kayak, golf, walking. Can DO IT when I get motivated.

    Goals - Log daily, weigh weekly, exercise 5xweek either T25, walks etc and start tomorrow.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    how's everyone doing so far?

    I'm doing great really keeping motivated I'm on top of my workout and nutrition. I do hope for a change in the scale this week cause it's been a strong one. But...in know that when changes are made in nutrition and excersize the scale may stay the same or even have a little jump. It's happened to me before. Fingers crossed not this time. And if it does its ok.

    How are you doing?
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Hi everyone, would love to join this!
    Will have to weigh in the am and will do weekly after that. Off and on MFP for at least 3 yrs now and always do better when on ( no brainer lol)
    May 8
    May 15
    May 22
    May 29

    Challenges - Salty late night snacking,
    Feeling too lazy/tired to exercise, foot pain and apple shape

    Successes - Enjoy outdoors, biking, kayak, golf, walking. Can DO IT when I get motivated.

    Goals - Log daily, weigh weekly, exercise 5xweek either T25, walks etc and start tomorrow.

    Welcome. Glad you've joined us we are all here to support each other thru our hardships and praise each other in our successes.

    Something that helped me with late night snacking was not having it around. Don't buy it. Fill up with healthy snacks. Another thing I do is straight after dinner I rush my teeth. Once I do that it's like my mind knows I'm jot eating anymore. I want to keep the fresh breath before bed.
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member
    Hi everyone, would love to join this!
    Will have to weigh in the am and will do weekly after that. Off and on MFP for at least 3 yrs now and always do better when on ( no brainer lol)
    SW 198
    GW 188
    May 8
    May 15
    May 22
    May 29

    Challenges - Salty late night snacking,
    Feeling too lazy/tired to exercise, foot pain and apple shape

    Successes - Enjoy outdoors, biking, kayak, golf, walking. Can DO IT when I get motivated.

    Goals - Log daily, weigh weekly, exercise 5xweek either T25, walks etc and start tomorrow.
  • cafisher0404
    cafisher0404 Posts: 77 Member
    how's everyone doing so far?

    I'm doing great really keeping motivated I'm on top of my workout and nutrition. I do hope for a change in the scale this week cause it's been a strong one. But...in know that when changes are made in nutrition and excersize the scale may stay the same or even have a little jump. It's happened to me before. Fingers crossed not this time. And if it does its ok.

    How are you doing?

    Great job! For the most part good, today will be the challenge with a work potluck and cinco de mayo dinner tonight with the family, but I have budgeted it out, as long as I stick with it I should be good :)