Do you exercise everyday?

I was wondering how often people exercise, I am aiming to do an hour a day without no rest day.
What do you think?


  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    I exercise everyday I try to have a couple of minutes rest between each one that way I can have some water. But you do what you personally feel that you can do and what are capable of don't overdo yourself
  • maca416
    maca416 Posts: 142 Member
    Depends on what you call exercise, I walk evreryday about 6-8 miles 5 of which is one walk so I do this everyday as it is very light exercise but if your doing a more intense workout then rest day would be important. If I do a very long walk which is around 18 miles I would rest the next day just to let my legs recover.
  • noah_mac
    noah_mac Posts: 30 Member
    I try to, if not everyday at least 5 days in the week :smile:
  • mariehbil
    mariehbil Posts: 6 Member
    I try and go to the gym 5 days a week, sometimes 6. I usually skip one weekend day, but try to do something active on that day, anything from hiking to cleaning the house! If your body feels like it needs a rest, do have a day off; I've injured myself in the past and found that pushing too hard really wasn't always worth it.
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member
    not only i exercise everyday, i exercise twice everyday
  • Cutting4life
    Cutting4life Posts: 505 Member
    anywhere from 3 - 6 days listen to ur body
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    one rest day
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    Everyday except weekends.
  • fitnessfortash
    not only i exercise everyday, i exercise twice everyday
    damn D:
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    I do p90x and insanity and I aim for 5-6 days per week. Rest days are important so your body can repair but on my rest days I, not just sitting around. I usually go for a walk or do some extra cleaning.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    For 515 days I have worked out for at least an hour each time. Not one day of rest at all. I'm doing great from it, but then I can't not do it or I'll find a reason not to do it the next day.

    Nothing wrong with doing it daily, as long as you can take it.
    not only i exercise everyday, i exercise twice everyday

    Yep me as well. I do an hour and a half of a cardio workout...then make sure I get my walking in as well. I do the rest of the day walking, and I mean the rest of the when I'm not doing that cardio... I am walking. From the moment I wake.
  • LilithNoor
    LilithNoor Posts: 42
    I walk forty minutes a day, to and from work, plus walking the dog, so technically yes, I exercise every day.

    In terms of work-outs or cardio, I hit the gym two or three times a week, and belly dance two or three times a week as well.
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    when I was getting fit again, I trained every other day, now I do the gym 3 to 4 times a week, the other days I run outdoors or cycle , or if my muscles are too sore I go for long walks 'rest days'.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I do but I have one sometimes two easier days. As well as the physical giving your body time to repair itself it's also a mental thing grinding every day can get a bit demoralising. Also change what you are doing don't get to comfortable your body likes to be stressed. I average around 3 hours most days but what I do varies a lot
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    I exercise at least 6 times a week. 5 of those days im in the gym lifting weights, the other day I'm playing 90 minutes of competitive football/soccer.

    I like to think that's enough :)
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I'm trying 6 days a week. Last week I managed to do that for about 35-45mins a day (cardio & weights)..With a walk here & there.
    This week I only managed 4 out of the 6 days due to being tired/worn out/sore/dealing with kids etc. I think listen to your body is a great piece of advice & don't push yourself too much.
    If you miss a day, aim to add an extra 10-15mins next session. That's my plan.
  • afreelandgti
    I do strength training 3 days a week and cardio on my stationary bike 6 days a week. It all depends on your goals. Listen to your body because weight loss and muscle gain is as much dependant on rest and recovery as it is on exercise and diet.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member
    I was wondering how often people exercise, I am aiming to do an hour a day without no rest day.
    What do you think?

    No, I don't. I run, every other day and may have one weights day in the week.

    Why no rest day? You think your body would not like, just one little rest day? How will it find time to repair itself especially all the little, tiny tears to the muscles it will obtain during training.

    Rest days ARE part of training, unfortunately some people take rest days as a weakness, but they are foolish, don't be foolish.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I walk everyday but do planned exercise at least 5 days a week. Usually alternate gym/running and then have a rest day when I'm tired.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    I've been lifting weights for 3-4 days a week.

    Its been good, and i've seen great progress, but i need to ramp it up as im not really burning the calories or gaining the fitness i would like.

    From tomorrow 7 days, Weights/Cardio, but 2 days of that (Rest days) will be cardio split into 2 x 20min sessions.