Do you exercise everyday?



  • IIFerdi
    IIFerdi Posts: 47 Member
    I Have a 4 day cycle
    day 1 : recovery. No intens workouts. I usually do my warm-up and stretching/yoga. I intend to pick up some running also on that day but I haven't yet.
    Day 2: is low intensity. I do my warm-up , some light exercises. watch my HR so it doesn't go to high. After that I do a comlete Yoga session
    Day 3 is moderate intensity. Warm-up , I exercise. Look up the limit and stay on it the entire time. afterwards small yoga sessions. To relieve my muscles from any tensions so my body relaxes

    Day 4: high intensity. Warm -up. I exercise and push myself hard. As hard as I can while keeping good form and no real discomforts or pains. afterwards a small yoga session to relax my body.

    Rest days are important. If you don't let your body repair itself you will only harm yourself. Some may recover faster then others tho.
    Warm ups and cool downs are always good. I only started recently with a good warm up and cool down. and works great.

    A warm up aint the same as swinging your arms around and then just start exercising.

    and far most just listen to your body. as soon it starts to hurt or give you discomfort you should listen to it and give it some rest before you start again.

    I always rate my workouts with RPE(effort) , RPD(discomfort) and RPT (form)
    I keep RPD 3 or lower. 10 is pissing my paints because of the pain i am in.
    it's a good way to keep track of your workouts and see your progress next to writing down the number of reps you do.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    5-7 days a week at the gym, about one hour of elliptical daily and about 20-30 minutes of weights every other day (times vary, depending on when i get to the gym). sometimes i'll add the pool (about once a week).

    On my off days - i will walk, do house work, etc.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    I cant seem to motivate myself at the gym so I do a lot of walking about 25 miles per week, which is a lot for me x
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Whenever i have the time, which unfortunately is not every day.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Whenever i can! Which unfortunately is not every day.

    I really enjoy going to the gym and exercising (though its early days yet) but i tend to do a bit where i can, so a 20mins or 40mins zumba class at home if i can't get out to the gym that day, or an hour at the gym is good.

    I try and do at least two proper classes a week, usually Zumba on either Thursday nights and Tuesday mornings or Thursday nights and Saturday mornings, depending on what sort of shifts i am doing.

    I didn't do anything yesterday but i did work all day, starting at 7am and finishing at 10pm with a break inbetween that i revised in!

    Hubby wants to go out for a run tonight so i think i will use the time to stay here and do Zumba while he is out.

    I think for me its finding ways to fit everything in around everything else and if that means one week its 5 days and others its only 3 then thats good for me.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    I have lifted heavy for 9 of the past 10 days and my body is begging for a couple of days off. Joints are sore and stiff. Not moving as fast as I should. So it's time for a 2 day break. I did this on purpose to see if it was a good thing and it's not. Going back to 2-3 rest days / week. At 47, I think beating myself up is not smart in the long run. I will say that while losing 70 lbs, I saw my best losses while working out less or not at all.
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 632 Member
    I usually exercise (ashtanga yoga or running) every day, 9-10 times a week anyway so depending on how many doubles I do I might have a rest day.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I was wondering how often people exercise, I am aiming to do an hour a day without no rest day.
    What do you think?

    The need for rest/recovery days is dictated largely by the type and intensity of exercise you're doing.

    Running and weightlifting both require recovery days to allow tissue to heal / adapt. Non-impact activities such as swimming, walking, biking etc can be done 7 days a week by most people without worrying about injury (having said that if you were biking competitively you would have rest days in your training schedule).

    Personally I do something every day (with the occasional full rest day) often twice a day (eg run in the morning, weights after work) but I alternate impact and non-impact days and will normally have one day a week that is low impact as a recovery day (eg: yesterday was rowing and walking)
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    other then work which is usually 9-10hrs M-F sitting on a forklift driving fast non stop.
    i do 60-90mins a day 5-6 days a week at the gym after work during the week and in the morning on weekends.

    I need atleast 1 rest day a week or i get depleted and too achy specially in the knees and feet and the bursitis in my hips that flares up periodically.

    and as have gotten 20Kgs lighter then i started and it's harder to burn the same calories i don't always go as hard as i did just a month ago and b4. plus i've increased my time doing weights and core workouts in addition to the usual cardio i was doing more of consisting of 5-7miles on the bike and 30-40mins of cross training, walking jogging and rowing

    Next week i am on leave from work for the week so i may well end up going twice a day to catch up lost time when i can't get to the gym or am too tired after work.
  • worldsbestauntie
    worldsbestauntie Posts: 280 Member
    It varies for me. There are weeks I take no days of rest, and there are weeks I do. Yesterday I didn't do my fitness workout, but I did get in a lot of walking. This week by default I will have at least three days of rest. I leave Wednesday on a short vacation (I hope to have time to do it in the morning) and will have no way to do it the rest of the week.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    could note too i found on the rest days is the days when i lose the most weight whether it be fat or water and the times i've had 2 days off in a row (due to unforseen circumstances) it's much easier to go even harder when i get back into it..

    Rest days are purely upto you, but the body needs time to heal the wear and tear on the body which occurs 24-48hrs after an intense session whether it be weights, cardio or whatever it all takes a toll.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    i try to burn around 1000 cals 6 days a week on exercise and sunday is rest day with a nice relaxing 60 min walk with the dogs
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I was wondering how often people exercise, I am aiming to do an hour a day without no rest day.
    What do you think?

    The need for rest/recovery days is dictated largely by the type and intensity of exercise you're doing.

    Running and weightlifting both require recovery days to allow tissue to heal / adapt. Non-impact activities such as swimming, walking, biking etc can be done 7 days a week by most people without worrying about injury (having said that if you were biking competitively you would have rest days in your training schedule).

    Personally I do something every day (with the occasional full rest day) often twice a day (eg run in the morning, weights after work) but I alternate impact and non-impact days and will normally have one day a week that is low impact as a recovery day (eg: yesterday was rowing and walking)

    Before winter set in I'd run daily. 10km (6mi) a day with no rest days. Also Nothing I do is non-impact & I'm still going over 500 days straight no rest.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I was wondering how often people exercise, I am aiming to do an hour a day without no rest day.
    What do you think?

    The need for rest/recovery days is dictated largely by the type and intensity of exercise you're doing.

    Running and weightlifting both require recovery days to allow tissue to heal / adapt. Non-impact activities such as swimming, walking, biking etc can be done 7 days a week by most people without worrying about injury (having said that if you were biking competitively you would have rest days in your training schedule).

    Personally I do something every day (with the occasional full rest day) often twice a day (eg run in the morning, weights after work) but I alternate impact and non-impact days and will normally have one day a week that is low impact as a recovery day (eg: yesterday was rowing and walking)

    Before winter set in I'd run daily. 10km (6mi) a day with no rest days. Also Nothing I do is non-impact & I'm still going over 500 days straight no rest.

    That would make you one of the lucky ones........

    I am also aware of runners who have gone 40 years or more without missing a day. I also know a couple of 80 year old smokers who don't have lung cancer or emphysema. Does that make either a good idea for everyone else?
  • fitnessfortash
    I think i might have a rest day then :)
  • Nickle526
    Nickle526 Posts: 239 Member
    I try and do an hour of cardio every day. The major reason I don't take rest days is that I use exercise to manage symptoms from Tourette's Syndrome. Cardio is my "preventative" treatment and squats are my "immediate" treatment. This combo provides me with pretty decent relief, and is allowing me to live med-free. Recently, I started a 30 day squat challenge, and have noticed an even bigger improvement in symptom control.

    That being said, sometimes I get on the pitty pot, and don't work out. I pay for it later though. I feel lucky in a way, I don't think I would work out as much if it wasn't for Tourette's.
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    twice a day 5x per week, once the other 2
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I try and do an hour of cardio every day. The major reason I don't take rest days is that I use exercise to manage symptoms from Tourette's Syndrome. Cardio is my "preventative" treatment and squats are my "immediate" treatment. This combo provides me with pretty decent relief, and is allowing me to live med-free. Recently, I started a 30 day squat challenge, and have noticed an even bigger improvement in symptom control.

    That being said, sometimes I get on the pitty pot, and don't work out. I pay for it later though. I feel lucky in a way, I don't think I would work out as much if it wasn't for Tourette's.

  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    No, I have other interest and my family. On of the things I determined when I changed the way that I eat and live, was I wouldn't start anything that I knew I would not be able to sustain. I can't workout everyday, it's not sustainable. This a marathon, not a sprint.