How am I NOT losing weight?!



  • charlireah
    charlireah Posts: 100 Member
    The recomp is great advice. I'm setting up with a personal trainer tomorrow. Thank you for your help!
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    charlireah wrote: »
    I just want to lose a couple of pounds and they are not.shifting. I don't know if it's because I'm already quite a healthy weight and very short but it's rather frustrating.

    I've always hovered between 7st 10 and 7st 12 but I'm closer to 7st12 to 8st now and as specific as that sounds, I'd rather be lower than this due to my petite frame.
    I'm 5ft 2, with a BMI of 20 and I am aware that's healthy but I want to look a little leaner for my frame. I'm 24 years old.

    I eat 1500 calories daily, I'm not rigourously strict with it but that's my target. I exercise via fast walking 5 days a week. I eat well. I'm vegetarian so my diet is good and I only drink sparkling water.

    Can someone please explain why I simply cannot shift a few pounds? Thanks.

    This is not a for sure statement, and the two do not always go together. You can way over eat on things in a vegetarian approved diet . . .
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    charlireah wrote: »

    I've been trying to shift these few pounds for 5 years lmao doing everything it says on the chart. Yes I did have IBS which caused me terrible bloating and sweeteners were to blame so cut out all fizzy drinks. I would love to know what I'm doing wrong. If I eat less than 1500 that would be dangerous.

    Also . . .no. IBS may have been irritated by carbonated drinks but how do you just get rid of IBS? Is this not something you will have forever, but you need to manage?

    I have IBS and it's very well managed by not consuming specific foods - for me it's dairy products and highly processed foods with high fat, although when I'm stressed it's pretty much anything lol - but I will have this for the rest of my life. I didn't think IBS was something you only have for a little while :|
  • charlireah
    charlireah Posts: 100 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    charlireah wrote: »

    I've been trying to shift these few pounds for 5 years lmao doing everything it says on the chart. Yes I did have IBS which caused me terrible bloating and sweeteners were to blame so cut out all fizzy drinks. I would love to know what I'm doing wrong. If I eat less than 1500 that would be dangerous.

    Also . . .no. IBS may have been irritated by carbonated drinks but how do you just get rid of IBS? Is this not something you will have forever, but you need to manage?

    I have IBS and it's very well managed by not consuming specific foods - for me it's dairy products and highly processed foods with high fat, although when I'm stressed it's pretty much anything lol - but I will have this for the rest of my life. I didn't think IBS was something you only have for a little while :|

    IBS can be cured by cutting out the right foods. The second I stopped consuming sweeteners it went completely. 70% of people with IBS are intolerant to sweeteners. Have a look, even the doctor told me that. Second I eat sweeteners I get a horrible flare up.

    And my vegetarian diet is very healthy and I definitely don't overeat haha I wish
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    charlireah wrote: »
    charlireah wrote: »
    charlireah wrote: »
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    charlireah wrote: »
    Jams009 wrote: »
    You're eating more than you think.

    I'm really not. I'm very strict.

    But you can't be sure if you're not weighing everything, all the time. I'm sorry if it's disappointing but that is indeed the answer. You sound active, which is great, but fat loss happens with a caloric deficit.

    Take a week and measure everything, even packaged food. I can't tell you how many times I have been surprised when I weigh a packaged item. It's a small example, but just last night I weighed my tortilla from the package. 70g was a serving and the tortilla was 75g. I removed 5g of edge piece before eating it. It takes one minute, and doing this for all packaged food saves me plenty of excess calories. I didn't do the math to figure out how many calories were in that extra 5g but I'm absolutely positive that if all food is off by even a small amount it would add up and could definitely wipe out any small deficit you have.

    This is especially important because you don't have a lot of excess fat, your body needs fewer calories also because of your small frame. Don't get all angry and reject good advise just because you are being shown a mistake! I kind of did the other day, I wanted to give up because someone told me I wasn't losing at the expected rate because my fitbit lies to me. I was irrationally angry, but that person was probably right and now I'm just focusing on the MFP numbers and lowering my exercise estimate because it's seeming to hold me back.

    Give it a try at least, I bet you'll find success in a few weeks.

    I didn't get angry or reject gold advice. I had an eating disorder in the past and absolutely cannot weigh food and risk going back to that state. Thanks for your information however.I will have to increase my exercise and hope this helps.

    To be honest it sounds like you need to speak to someone about your obsession with numbers on the scales as a priority rather than trying to lose weight or anything else.

    I already am. I am receiving minor therapy for the issue but thank you

    And have they supported you being on a calorie counting website or trying to lose weight?

    It really isn't your place to ask that question. I'm not on this forum to be investigated, I'm just asking for advice and have stated that weighing food is not an option due to past issues. I am very aware of what I am doing.

    Which basically means no, they have not supported you on this website or you have not told them.

    There are just so many red flags here.
  • charlireah
    charlireah Posts: 100 Member
    Were you here to give any input or just here to judge? I'm not going to tell a stranger what me and my therapy discuss and no there aren't red flags at all?! I asked for genuine health advice and was HONEST about my past issues. (Big mistake) So anyone who has had a past eating disorder (bearing in mind mine was never diagnosed as anorexia, bullima or othorexia and.considered MILD) isn't allowed to ask for health advice in the future? Mm...Kay
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Most of us find we don't lose weight when we are not truly in a deficit. Sometimes that means it's not consistent enough, like eating too low, then too high, it all averages out to just maintaining. It's easy to not see that the high peak eating days negate those hard deficit days. It's gotta be a nice CONSISTENT slight deficit. When you eat too low, then too high, then low, then high without realizing how high the highs are you will say "But I'm eating less and it's not working!!". It feels like something is wrong with you, but no, in the end none of us has the magic cure for starvation in our magic little bodies... Nope, it's just not a deficit.