Theres ALWAYS chocolate in the office!!!



  • rakowskidp
    rakowskidp Posts: 231 Member
    What works for me is every time I really want something I log on to MFP and check the calories - For me the urge is gone then.
    This, definitely!
  • Katie662016
    Katie662016 Posts: 5 Member
    Just think about the fact that yo are going to be losing weight while they are gaining weight. That's a plus, and it makes you look good as well.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Got nothing for you. That super sucks.
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    There's always food in my office too... I just ignore it. I have my own stash of goodies, if I absolutely feel like I want to indulge I eat those...very rarely happens though. I find the longer I do this the easier it is to resist temptation plus I allow myself treats, weighed and planned, into my day EVERY day so I never feel deprived enough to be tempted.
  • EmilyShearon
    EmilyShearon Posts: 1 Member
    My company had a mouse problem and cracked down on cakes and sweets and food (products :) being left out in the open. Not sure how this helps you, so just an observation. :)
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    My company had a mouse problem and cracked down on cakes and sweets and food (products :) being left out in the open. Not sure how this helps you, so just an observation. :)

    That's the solution...bring a mouse into work and realize it near the sweets table... they'll never bring sweets again! LOL!

  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    My company had a mouse problem and cracked down on cakes and sweets and food (products :) being left out in the open. Not sure how this helps you, so just an observation. :)

    That's the solution...bring a mouse into work and realize it near the sweets table... they'll never bring sweets again! LOL!

    Only if no mice are harmed in the execution of this diabolical plan. Then I approve with extreme prejudice and administrative glee. :smile:
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I never understood posts like these. Just don't eat it. When I worked in an office I had no problem saying no to the cakes, cookies, pizza etc. that would be readily available. If there was a pizza party I'd bring my salad. Birthday? I'd politely decline a slice of cake. It's not that difficult and after a while people stopped bothering me with their food because they knew I wasn't going to eat it.
    Some people have a really hard time saying no to these things. Either they feel like socially they need to or they feel left out if they don't. There are lots of reasons why they feel tempted by these things. It's awesome that you have that control, but a lot of people don't.

    That's their problem, not the office problem.

    The office does not owe them a thing, its on you the person to learn self control.

  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    My company had a mouse problem and cracked down on cakes and sweets and food (products :) being left out in the open. Not sure how this helps you, so just an observation. :)

    That's the solution...bring a mouse into work and realize it near the sweets table... they'll never bring sweets again! LOL!

    Ladies and Gentlemen we have found the solution!!!! Bring out the mice!!!!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    There are always chocolates and other snacks in my office too. But they aren't mine.

    Most are the Social Club's food and if I want some, I have to pay for it ... so it is easy to ignore.

    And if there is one of those "free food in the kitchen" emails ... I am not a circling ravenous vulture.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I never understood posts like these. Just don't eat it. When I worked in an office I had no problem saying no to the cakes, cookies, pizza etc. that would be readily available. If there was a pizza party I'd bring my salad. Birthday? I'd politely decline a slice of cake. It's not that difficult and after a while people stopped bothering me with their food because they knew I wasn't going to eat it.

    I agree. While I understand having weaknesses towards certain foods it's all about either just saying no to it and sticking to your plan or having a little of something and tracking it and moving on. But stressing over it doesn't help you any.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    cbelc2 wrote: »
    Could you have a discussion with the source of this policy? Do others feel the same way?

    I do wonder this! I'm relatively new so not sure yet, its been a bit of an eye opener! No one really talks about it, it would make much more sense if these things were to be spaced out or atleast balanced with the fruit thats kindly provided for free.

    You know now you say it, I wonder why its so difficult to bring up? No on talks about the fact that food gets throw away routinely!

    Before you go around trying to change things, who exactly is bringing in the food? At my last job we had clients that would bring in food. It would have been very rude to tell them to stop or not accept it. The best we could do would be to tell them we had a lot of people that brought us food and a lot of it went to waste. This stopped some people but others still continued and we continued to accept it.

    At my job now, my coworkers bring in the sweets. I'm not about to tell them they can't bring goodies in for the office just because I chose not to eat them. If they are particularly tempting, I will ask them not to leave them by my desk (the office "goodie table" is right next to my desk). Other than that, I don't care what they eat.

    If management is providing the sweets, I wouldn't say anything. Again, you may not want them but your coworkers might. Even if you talk to your coworkers, they may be too shy or embarrassed to tell you yes, they do in fact enjoy eating a nice big slice of cake for breakfast every day instead of fruit. If your bosses are providing something they feel is a moral booster for the majority of the office, you could be insulting them by saying you personally think it's wasteful. Just my opinion.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    cbelc2 wrote: »
    Could you have a discussion with the source of this policy? Do others feel the same way?

    I do wonder this! I'm relatively new so not sure yet, its been a bit of an eye opener! No one really talks about it, it would make much more sense if these things were to be spaced out or atleast balanced with the fruit thats kindly provided for free.

    You know now you say it, I wonder why its so difficult to bring up? No on talks about the fact that food gets throw away routinely!

    Is it really a "policy"? Or is it just that people you do business with send gifts (which IME are often food-related), and people bring treats for the office? That's what it is where I work, especially around holidays, and with the added wrinkle that one co-worker has a family bakery/catering business on the side and likes to try out items with us (and no, these are not "products," they are food).

    I typically don't eat this stuff, but it's just something you have to learn to deal with, IME, and if my co-workers like it (which many do--I used to--and many of the people who like it aren't at all overweight), it seems not my place to try to interfere (especially since I don't get what the alternative would be -- refuse ungraciously as an office to accept gifts? not happening; toss things rather than set them out in the kitchen?; tell employees they may not bring food for the office? -- all ugh, in my mind).
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    How do you deal with it? Understand that NO ONE is responsible for making your decisions, except for you. no one "Makes you" feel or do something you don't want to do... NO ONE is going to grab you and take those treats and force you to eat them. YOU either want more for yourself than what eating those snacks represent... OR your still on the fence and believe that your fate and feelings are the prerogative of your friends, family and co-workers... Your struggle is within you... NOTHING out here can save you from yourself.. YOU have to develop your own resolve and either learn to live with the guilt of failing yourself OR learn how good it feels to be the master of your own destiny.
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    oocdc2 wrote: »
    My company had a mouse problem and cracked down on cakes and sweets and food (products :) being left out in the open. Not sure how this helps you, so just an observation. :)

    That's the solution...bring a mouse into work and realize it near the sweets table... they'll never bring sweets again! LOL!

    Only if no mice are harmed in the execution of this diabolical plan. Then I approve with extreme prejudice and administrative glee. :smile:

    Yeah I thought about that actually... I hope nobody actually does anything to the poor little mouse... :'(
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    There's always chocolate in my fridge. I put it there. I hide it in the deli meat drawer or hubs will eat it all.