Theres ALWAYS chocolate in the office!!!



  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    There's always chocolate in my fridge. I put it there. I hide it in the deli meat drawer or hubs will eat it all.

    Yeah I have to hide my treats too... my husband doesn't understand the word "ration", LOL!
    If I don't hide it, I don't get to eat any of it! #NotCool
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    To clarify, is it employees bringing in the food, or gifts from clients/vendors? Since you're new, I would probably just ask around to find out if this is normal, and ask others what they think of it. I used to work in a small office that would have periods of time with tons of cookies lying around, and none of us were really into it, but no one said anything. We also didn't have a break area, which meant all the food was by the admin's desks and they had people stopping by to get food all day when they were trying to work

    If it seems like others aren't thrilled with it either, and a lot of things are going to waste, maybe it's something you broach with your boss and find someplace to donate some of the food given as vendor gifts. If it's employees, maybe you all enact a change in policy where you limit the amount of treats that comes in. I wouldn't push if everyone else is fine with it, but if the rest of the office doesn't love it either, perhaps it's just a matter of having someone speak up.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I don't work in an office. I always wonder with these posts why people in offices have so much time to eat at work with all these posts about it.

    If you don't want it then don't eat it. Don't bring food. If food is actually rotting maybe complain to management about the waste situation. Or maybe just keep busy doing something more productive and stay away from where tbe food is.
  • bradcfairchild
    bradcfairchild Posts: 74 Member
    I wish I had part of your will power to say no to the treats, not fruit though. I give in to treats, probably, a bit too often. I have a problem with is with diets that cut out 100% of anything. I'm sure it needs to happen sometimes, but is is sustainable. After it's over, what then? The knack here is to find a balance where we can get along with our self and the other people who are in the office. I know it can be a trick sometimes. Asking sincere question to the other in the office to learn about them usually works. I agree with some of the other comments that figuring out what's bugging you about the free treats and what you can personally do about it might be a good thing.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    It's National Hospital Week. Today, they gave us animal crackers and bottled water for afternoon break. I left my animal crackers on the table. There's something like this every day. One day it's salad lunch that I will definitely eat. One day it's breakfast. I will eat their fruit and yogurt instead of my own, they can keep the waffles. Another day it's ice cream, which I will fit into my calories because leg day is real. Friday they are feeding us BBQ for lunch. I'll eat that with no bun and fit it in my plan because they gave me notice.

    Food happens. It's planning it in that matters.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    They are not foods, they are products.

  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,723 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    Just think about the fact that yo are going to be losing weight while they are gaining weight. That's a plus, and it makes you look good as well.

    Others are going to gain weight because there's food in the office?

    How is...

    I mean, why would...



    But that's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

    Shhhhhh, @jofjltncb6, it's ok. They're young and don't know any better.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,723 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I guess I'm different. I like free food... or "products"

    i like free food....a little bit too much. :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    If someone new to my office was busy trying to make comments or modify the food perks we get because of his or her own sense of what "healthy" might be they would get the short end of opprobrium.

    Don't eat it and mind your beeswax.


    I recall having a woman in our office a few years ago that was getting 'healthy' and always managed to give everyone a little sneer of superiority and disapproval whenever we would partake in the office treats that were available from time-to-time.

    When it was my turn to be the one turning down the treats because they just weren't worth the caloric bang, I always reminded myself not to be her.

    Don't be her.

    Eyes on your own plate.

    Reminds me of when I was working on a case a while back and another of the lawyers on the case got really into Atkins for a while. When we'd meet over lunch he'd go on and on about carbs and everyone else would kind of roll their eyes but not say anything. The funniest was during a lunch break from a deposition we were all eating with the deponent (co-defendant of his client, not even his client) and the deponent ate a sandwich and then afterwards grabbed a cookie, which was just about as much as this guy could bear, and he spoke up: "No cookie! Too many carbs! You will crash!" The deponent (not as familiar with the diet talk as the rest of us and rather shocked) just looked at him and everyone else started laughing and said to eat what he wanted, of course.

    The cookie was consumed, and yet the deponent managed to remain sharp.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I think being new in the office you should probably keep your head down for a bit. When you know them better you could probably broach the subject better without coming across uppity or condescending. Right now you guys might not know each other well and saying something might irritate others or give them a less than stellar opinion of you and that just makes for a crappy work enviroment.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    We have a lot of junk in my office too - granola bars, fruit bars, breakfast bars, crackers, all sorts of candy.... Even fruit, sometimes yogurt. Whatever the office manager fancies when she's shopping. Pizza party at least once a month. That doesn't even include anything a worker brings in to share. Today someone brought donuts. I usually bring leftover cupcakes from my kids birthday parties.

    It doesn't bother me. I just fit what I want. I too love free food :)
  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    I am alone in the office for the most part so I can easily control what's what. However, there is one time of year when our organization has the World's Finest Chocolates fundraiser with cases of candy stacked in the office. Nothing like the smell of chocolate and cardboard (from the carrying cases). However, I have a self-imposed rule. If one of the kids in the organization asks me if I want to buy a candy bar, I will do it and eat it and make sure it fits in my eating plan. However, for the past 3 years, not a single kid has asked me! And no way am I going to open up a case just to get a candy bar ... Will power is what it is all about.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Sounds like my kinda office!

  • RredSonja
    RredSonja Posts: 307 Member
    They are not foods, they are products.

    Love that so much.

    My office has this happen occasionally - if something is around for a day, and everyone has had their opportunity...I toss it. I find often people are bringing in non-food edible items because they don't want them in their house or the items are approaching the "best used by" date. I guess it's a way to unload unwanted stuff on their unsuspecting co-workers. So far nobody has complained when the junk food disappears.

    I would totally grab that free fruit, every day, especially if it's going to waste! Give it to the homeless you see on the way to and from work, or get an Oriole bird feeder if you live in Oriole habitat. They love fruit.
  • RachNRoll
    RachNRoll Posts: 192 Member
    I feel you. In my office there's always dessert on Fridays (cake with ice cream, creme brulèe, apple crumble) plus one of our clients is a chocolate distributer, so there's always delicious chocolate around.

    But I resist 99.9% of the times (let's say I have cake once every two months), and what motivates me is the fact that I know how much weight I gained by savagely eating all these treats for the past 8 months before starting my cut, and how nicely my clothes are fitting me now that I don't give in to the sweets (and I do have a sweet tooth).

    I do have sweet treats here and there, just not at work. It's a matter of principle and rule that I created in my brain, this way is much easier for me to resist.

    You could also bake an alternative healthy cake/brownie/cookie and eat it while others eat other things, this way you don't feel excluded :)