what do you think about meat?



  • Wickedfaery73
    Wickedfaery73 Posts: 184 Member
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    ^^^ wrong - eating in a surplus causes weight gain, not just eating meat...

    as for me, as long as it's heart has stopped, it's fair game!!

    The heart being stopped is only a prerequisite for me, if I plan on eating said heart. Granted, I'd prefer not catching a deer hoof to the jaw.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Haven't eaten it (at least not intentionally) since 1974.

    Got fat that way, stayed fat that way, lost weight that way.

    I think eating meat (or not eating meat) is completely irrelevant to weight loss, and that everyone should eat anything legal that s/he finds tasty, nutritious, and satisfying.


    I haven't eaten meat in about 35 yrs

    I was a obese non meat eater

    I am now a thin non meat eater

    Weight loss- calorie deficit
    Maintaining weight- maintenance
    Weight gain- calorie surplus

    If you like meat- then eat it!
    If you don't like it then don't eat it
  • Mateja811
    Mateja811 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a pescatarian and I don't regret it. I feel better and healthier this way. I don't think not eating meat has anything to do with weigh loss. You can still gain weight if you eat unhealthy food.
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    I think it's best to let the animal live and go eat something (not someone) else.
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    I personally would eat much less healthily if I didn't eat meat. Most of the meat I eat is lean (chicken breast, ground turkey, pork tenderloin, etc.) and the protein fills me up. If I didn't eat meat I imagine I'd eat a crapton of carbs and end up ingesting a lot more calories overall.
  • Elaina291
    Elaina291 Posts: 87 Member
    edited June 2016
    Before I had my experience with being vegan, I would have said meat is life, but after my experience, I realize how much meat is not necessary in our day to day nutrition and I honestly could go back to not eating meat at all, but its very expensive because you have to get the proper protein in your diet from other places to compensate and its usually costly.

    Until then I eat meat maybe once or twice a week. Most meats have become disgusting to eat for me and even harder to digest. I usually end up getting acid reflux if I consume even a little bit, so I try to eat it sparingly now.

    And I find its all about portion control and CICO. Whether you consume meat or not has nothing to do with how much weight you lose though I did lose a lot more weight when I went vegan but I think its because I wasn't eating processed anything when I was vegan, not because I wasn't eating meat.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    edited June 2016
    kronin23 wrote: »
    I only eat organic meat, it is more expensive, but better to eat good quality and once a week than bad one every day grown with hormones

    It's not better for you, just costs more. I mean the animal you are eating had hormones anyway.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I LOVE meat. I hate having to limit myself to 4 oz... I could plow through 3 times that easily!
  • JeffreyMGiron
    JeffreyMGiron Posts: 3,582 Member
    I have to have some meat everyday, or i just cant function as a human Being.
  • WayTooHonest
    WayTooHonest Posts: 144 Member
    Love it enough to raise my own. I have black angus cattle, pigs, ducks, and chickens of both the layer & broiler variety. Nothing better than a filet mignon or bacon raised by me.
  • brigg9
    brigg9 Posts: 104 Member
    I easily, on many occasions, eat a pound of meat or more every day while still on a deficit. Blood work and health is perfect.

    As a society we're too removed from where our meat comes from. Anyone that has grown up in a rural community will tell you that life and death is natural, and thus so is cultivating and killing your food to eat it. We've been doing it for thousands upon thousands of years. Sadly, too many people don't even know what a cow, pig or chicken looks like in person, and seeing one in real life is a sight of awe, as if looking at an exotic animal in a zoo.
  • RyanRox80
    RyanRox80 Posts: 136 Member
    I think it is delicious. Most of it anyways.
  • dave_in_ni
    dave_in_ni Posts: 533 Member
    Depends what meat we are talking about. Beef I generally don't eat for the reason being to get lean beef is to expensive so I survive on chicken and turkey which I eat several times per day. Poor I never eat, most is to fatty.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i never think about it at all
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    Mavrick_RN wrote: »
    Vegans always have an ulterior motive for their choice. .


    I don't eat meat and I have no hidden or ulterior motive. I don't care if others eat meat, I just choose not to

  • BuccaneersFan
    BuccaneersFan Posts: 36 Member

    If your friend was eating a lot of high fat meats (certain cuts of steak, high fat hamburger, sausage, pepperoni, salami etc.) and she cut all that out, then I'm sure it is easier for her to keep her weight down because she drastically reduced the amount of calories she was eating and that's as simple as it gets.