June (2016) Running Challenge



  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    ... a quick 5K through Colonial Williamsburg tonight followed by a delicious craft beer with a friend, who chatted with me about how "you" shouldn't eat back your calories. Gulp. (smile)

  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    So I've read through the posts ... in re: significant others, I will say that, while in theory my husband (#2) is supportive of my running, we occasionally will have a conversation that goes something like this:

    Me: Okay, I'm doing 15 today! I'm planning to go [blah blah about my route], so be sure to let the police know if you don't hear from me by dinner [haha, aren't I funny].
    Jeff: Fifteen miles? I don't know if that's good for your body. Just ... take it easy.
    Me: <Eye roll>

    It does help if your spouse *understands* your need to run. His comments are not intentionally subversive, yet they are demotivating all the same. Well ... they are until I return (quickly) to my reliance on intrinsic motivation when it comes to running. I'm my own fiercest competition.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @whatmerunning what shoes were you wearing? Sorry to hear about the run!
  • DayLi77
    DayLi77 Posts: 655 Member
    Oh man - this is a seriously active group! Glad to know it's ok to not be able to keep up with all the chatter!
    @stoshew71 Thanks!...I think...

    @bradboughner5 I want to echo what others have said: I'm so glad you have discovered running as an outlet. It's got to be one of the few addictions out there that is actually good for you. I'm rooting for you! I've struggled with depression and anxiety for most of my life & I've found regular exercise to be one of the most important things to keep sane. I can tell a huge difference in mood when I'm on a good streak vs. not. I guess that ties in to the family/ running balance thing: you have to take care of yourself so you can be there to take care of your family, and getting enough exercise just has to be a non-negotiable - - on par with eating well & getting enough sleep. I suppose there's a pretty big difference between "getting enough exercise" and "training for an ultra-marathon" though...

    @ceciliaslater I'm glad you made it through your surgery ok. Keeping my fingers crossed for you for a good recovery! And you too, @PoppetsMaster - - hope the knee issue just needs a bit of ibuprofen & ice.

    @moyer566 Congratulations! The pictures are beautiful!

    and @katharmonic (and everyone else who replied to the runny-nose-while-running) - - I'm glad to know it isn't just me! I also carry a pack of kleenex along & have to constantly blow my nose. Clearly I need to learn the art of the snot rocket.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @whatmerunning do those shoes have a drastically different drop than you're used to?
    @juliet3455 I must have missed the post about your injury... Damn that sounds painful! Hope you can get that resolved soon.

    For those with spouses who are concerned about you out running, there are two apps I sometimes use which transmit my location. One is Garmin Connect which a lot of you already have. The other is Glympse. I typically use Glympse. It's really nice during a race so they can see when you're close to the finish (though I think my wife is done with going to my raced) and I also particularly like using them during our brutally cold winter days or if I'm running late at night.

  • DayLi77
    DayLi77 Posts: 655 Member
    Almost forgot: @9voice9 your run report was hilarious! Congratulations on the not quite 10 miles. That's awesome :)
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    5.4 crappy trail miles tonight. I had stomach pain from the beginning, probably from the four oatmeal raisen cookies I ate. First mile was horrible, the rest merely sucky.

    That puts me at 24.2 for the month.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    For those with spouses who are concerned about you out running, there are two apps I sometimes use which transmit my location. One is Garmin Connect which a lot of you already have. The other is Glympse. I typically use Glympse. It's really nice during a race so they can see when you're close to the finish (though I think my wife is done with going to my raced) and I also particularly like using them during our brutally cold winter days or if I'm running late at night.

    This reminds me--I'm on Map My Run (because I am not fast enough nor interesting enough to need anything more than that!) and do live-tracking. My daughter and her school mates will sometimes "watch" me run and occasionally send an encouraging text. It's really sweet and funny.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @7lenny7 - My old trail shoes are Hoka Challengers with a 4mm drop. I had no issues with those. These new Stinsons have a 6mm drop and more cushioning. So they are different. My road shoes are in the 8mm to 10mm drop range so I was willing to give these a try. Bad choice.

    I'm going to require some down time from running. My right foot is super pissy right now. Luckily it might be muscular since I felt no pain there until getting home. I was worried about a stress fracture due to the sharp pain and pain to the touch on tge top of my foot, but no swelling either.

    Yeah, I'm super bummed about it, but I'm looking at some positives from it too. I kept opting for increased mileage as if it's infinite provided modest increases, but there should be some limits based on time and type of effort which can create a mileage ceiling, which I crossed in May. Right now I am probably best around 42 mpw. That affords me enough gas left in the tanks for workout efforts besides just long runs.
  • ryanclifton8321
    ryanclifton8321 Posts: 8 Member


    Trying to get it haha
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @whatmerunning, wow on the the shoes. Good call being cautious. I ditched the padded shoes for some Inov8's. I really like them. Good luck!
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    I'm going to do 13 miles again. It's getting hot here in Missouri and with the warmer weather my gym likes to do more crazy-intense workouts. So depending on how flubbery my legs are feeling afterward I'll try to get a c25k in. It's a slow process :disappointed:

    6/1- .05 miles
    6/2- .25 miles
    6/6- 1.87 miles


  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    For me, 5ks are harder than longer events. They start fast and they end fast and the pain seems to last forever. Every time I attempt to break my PR it's like the 5k takes a little of my soul in return. People underestimate the 5k a lot. It feels like a short race but is long enough that it drains you if you start too fast. Inexperienced people have poor notion of how long a km feels and they probably think it will go fast and they will finish until they get tired.

    I totally agree. That's the main reason I haven't really ran 5K's yet. My focus is on longer distances right now because I am better at going slower but a lot longer.

    Great report!

    Haha, it's funny how parkrun / 5 km was my long run 9 months ago, and now it's a short sharp burst, hard enough to bust my guts. :smiley:

    Gotta keep reaching for those PBs!

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Supportive spouses? My almost-25 year marriage with dear hubby has him saying "Well done" when I tell him about my run and then rolling his eyes. :smiley: I've been known to get obsessed about things and then drop them in the past, so I take that as a win, and a warning to hold tight to what I hold so dear these days.

    @moyer566 Beautiful pics. Nice touch with the boots!

    @PoppetsMaster Hope the injury is just a minor glitch in your amazing machine.

    @caitlinrn83 I'm cheering you on!

    @katharmonic I run with 3 tissues in my pocket when I can, and I recently started running with a "sweat" band.

    1 June – 10 km with friends for Global Running Day
    3 June – 10 km
    4 June – 5 km parkrun
    5 June – 18 km – furthest distance yet!
    7 June – 7 km

    Goal: 150 km (93 miles)
    Total: 50 km (31 miles)

    June 11-12: Serra Terror 80 km trail walk relay. Getting close! Could be cold and a bit wet the first day.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Supportive spouses? Um, I also ice hike, climb, bike and do adventure races. A two week trip on a frozen river in India without telecoms (an area where sat phones are illegal). A week long bike ride without electronics. Tough Mudders in UK and Chicago. Climbing in Italy.

    I get/got grief. Even divorced, I still get grief. :tongue: But my parents, partners and kids usually understand and I can get them to join in, sometimes. The art is letting them know when and what my commitments are, addressing their needs and knowing when I'm willing to compromise. I've learned that bringing people along to some level of crazy can be good or miserable and try to know when not to push. Try. Sometimes that fails.

    But the grief of being active? I shrug my shoulders. C'est come ça.
    (Rarely, I've let a bike ride or something get in the way of a commitment. I was wrong, I apologise.)

    Usually I explain way in advance what I'm planning and what it will take. For example, I'm hoping to complete an 88km ultra next year in Vermont (on top of ... other stuff :tongue:). Everyone now knows this is my new goal - I share my training plan (literally showing a printed page of my plan) which includes hours out per week - I recruit participants in my training, if they want to join, and adjust to make them welcome (run loops with my 13 year old - or she'll bike behind me on a run).

    I do a lot of cooking in my life - being active is kind of the same thing. I don't need permission to cook or it isn't a conflict if I need to go shopping. This is the way of things. C'est come ça.
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    June 1     5.1      5.1  
    June 2     5.6     10.7  
    June 4     5.8     16.5 
    June 5     4.2     20.7 
    June 7     4.2     24.9 

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    re: running and relationships. Running definitely can put a strain on a relationship. I've only been running two years and although my husband supports it, (like @4leighbee said) he thinks I over do it. It usually doesn't impact our time together because he's not up at 4:30 when I run. Although I do have to go to bed earlier than I used to but he's okay with that - he's tired too! I am a little worried about when we go on vacation in a few weeks. I will want to run, but that will take a couple hours away each day. But, he has learned I get very grouchy if I can't do some type of exercise, so hopefully it will work out.

    That being said .... grrrrrrrrr .... stupid tropical storm in Orlando. Yesterday it wasn't raining in the morning but I had only had 4 hours sleep due weather delaying the flight of my MIL. So I didn't run. I was excited to run today no matter what. I was awoken by thunder and pouring rain. I thought I'd wait a little bit and see if it was just a band that would pass by, but no, it stayed and got worse. At least I have strength training this afternoon.

    6/1 - 22 miles cycling
    6/2 - 5 miles + strength training
    6/3 -rest and recovery day
    6/4 - 34 miles cycling
    6/5 - 42 miles cycling
    6/6 - rest day (due to lack of sleep)
    6/7 - strength training (tropical storm rest day)

  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    edited June 2016
    I know PB stands for Personal Best, but I always read Peanut Butter. My first read-throughs can be pretty funny. :p
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    6/1: 5 miles
    6/2: 6.4 miles
    6/3: Rest
    6/4: Lazy
    6/5: 9 miles
    6/6: 5 miles
    6/7: 4 miles

    My running buddy is back! She was on vacation in England and then at a conference in Germany, so we got all caught up during our morning run. And then we had 7:30 am popsicles because it was 70F and 90% humidity when we went out to run and UGH SUMMER GO AWAY ALREADY. (Though this weather HAS been pretty darn nice for sitting outside and reading, I will say.)

    Pizza party tonight with my Oiselle teammates... our brave and fearless leader is leaving NJ to move to Arkansas :'( Sad, sad day!


    Upcoming Races:
    6/11: Pacers Princeton Halfway Half (Princeton, NJ)
    7/4: A 4th of July race somewhere!
    9/11: Lehigh Valley Via Marathon (Allentown, PA)
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Philly, PA)