10 weeks - 1500 calories - no change :(



  • CalorieCountChocula
    CalorieCountChocula Posts: 239 Member
    debrag12 wrote: »
    If counting calories were so easy, companies like Nutri Systems would not exist.

    Oh yes the lazy ones

    I get the sentiment but it's not always just lazy to find an easier way to take on a problem. That's why peppy phrases like "work smarter not harder" exist. There's nothing wrong with wanting to bulldoze your way through an obstacle of that's your thing but that doesn't make you any better than the person that just walks around the obstacle instead. Same problem. Different solution. Same result.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I am not trying to derail the thread. I was using Coke as an example. Another example is yes, a donut. 300 to 400 calories and you are are done in four bites, with zero satiety. Trying to lose weight? Don't eat donuts.

    Ummm sorry. I'm down 90 pounds and I've eaten plenty of donuts and m&ms and cookies. Daily. More than daily. I also eat lots of healthy things and proteins but you absolutely can lose weight AND be healthy while eating donuts. I'm in maintenance and in awesome shape.