help please



  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    Ive called the police multiple times. Look im already beating myself to death over this . No I didnt just let this go for a year. Things are just escalating out of control and I need help.

    Did he take your child without his permission?
    Who has custody?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Ive called the police multiple times. Look im already beating myself to death over this . No I didnt just let this go for a year. Things are just escalating out of control and I need help.

    Well, everyone above has given the best advice anyone can give. Not sure what else you were looking for.
  • SANDRA_F26
    SANDRA_F26 Posts: 180
    Thank you some of you have been helpful. Just looking for advise on different channels to try. Im tryping in a hurry I know my spelling hasnt been very great. Im also going to seek out cancelling for this. Im 7 months pregnant and This really has me questioning everything about myself Mentally physically spiritually. Was I a horrible mother but didnt realize it? I fed bathed loved my child with all my heart. I worked hard to support him I sacrificed everything with no regret becuase he deserved it and I love him. I loved his father to he was my first love. Mayb I deserve this. May I dont know what to think
  • SANDRA_F26
    SANDRA_F26 Posts: 180
    THe advise about trying a law school is money thank you !
  • SANDRA_F26
    SANDRA_F26 Posts: 180
    custody with no parenting plan is 50/50. another thing I worried about is getting my boy back with out messing his head up. He is Slightly Autistic. I worry about his mental health in all this.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    can you please answer all my questions?
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Thank you some of you have been helpful. Just looking for advise on different channels to try. Im tryping in a hurry I know my spelling hasnt been very great. Im also going to seek out cancelling for this. Im 7 months pregnant and This really has me questioning everything about myself Mentally physically spiritually. Was I a horrible mother but didnt realize it? I fed bathed loved my child with all my heart. I worked hard to support him I sacrificed everything with no regret becuase he deserved it and I love him. I loved his father to he was my first love. Mayb I deserve this. May I dont know what to think

    so you were involved with another man and didn't want your son to come between your relationship? so it was ok that the father took the child. this is what it sounds like to me
    is this pregnancy from a different man?
    why are you speaking of your son in past tense? your saying you loved him?
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    theres DEF something more to this story.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    I'm scared to ask (because you sound like you're lying, leaving out a lot of legal detail, or severely mentally challenged yourself), but if it was that easy for your ex to take legal custody why didn't you do the exact same thing and just pick the kid up at school one day?
  • SANDRA_F26
    SANDRA_F26 Posts: 180
    There is more to it but it take 20 mins to put it all down. I allowed my son to go with his dad for a summer visit with the understanding he was to bring him back in auguest 2012. next thing I know im getting calls demanding me to drop child support and when they started getting nasty about it I called the police the police call him they say he told them he was bringing him back. next thing I know Im getting served papers by a sherrif that he is going for fuill custody I filed a dispute filed my own parenting plan and im getting nowhere. now my child is telling me he doesnt want me and does not want to go home to me and im flippen devestated. Ive applied thru legal serivces and got turned down. I keep trying to get help from the law library theyve been the only who have helped me. I try going over there and I cant get near him.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    how about you go f your self mmmm k get off my post thanks

    who was that directed to?

    assuming its the poster suggesting that maybe you have some mental issues yourself.
    you can see where that *may* have come from, right?
    you drop this vague story about your ex basically kidnapping your kid a year ago, with no details, and things that just dont add up.

    so your kid doesnt wanna live with you. as heartbreaking as that is, it's certainly something you have to consider.
    how old is the child?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    How old is your child?
  • delaniecastillo
    There is more to it but it take 20 mins to put it all down. I allowed my son to go with his dad for a summer visit with the understanding he was to bring him back in auguest 2012. next thing I know im getting calls demanding me to drop child support and when they started getting nasty about it I called the police the police call him they say he told them he was bringing him back. next thing I know Im getting served papers by a sherrif that he is going for fuill custody I filed a dispute filed my own parenting plan and im getting nowhere. now my child is telling me he doesnt want me and does not want to go home to me and im flippen devestated. Ive applied thru legal serivces and got turned down. I keep trying to get help from the law library theyve been the only who have helped me. I try going over there and I cant get near him.

    Is this your first child that he has? I understand you are currently pregnant but do you have other children that he might say that you are not doing enough? My only thing is if the child has a disability, where will he get the best care? Also, usually dads do not get custody unless they can show pretty good evidence of you being an unfit mother or you sign away your rights. Have you done anything (drugs, illegal stuff) that he may have over you that he could most likely win?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    There is more to it but it take 20 mins to put it all down. I allowed my son to go with his dad for a summer visit with the understanding he was to bring him back in auguest 2012. next thing I know im getting calls demanding me to drop child support and when they started getting nasty about it I called the police the police call him they say he told them he was bringing him back. next thing I know Im getting served papers by a sherrif that he is going for fuill custody I filed a dispute filed my own parenting plan and im getting nowhere. now my child is telling me he doesnt want me and does not want to go home to me and im flippen devestated. Ive applied thru legal serivces and got turned down. I keep trying to get help from the law library theyve been the only who have helped me. I try going over there and I cant get near him.
    Why doesn't he want to go home with you? And if you currently have custody of him (since it won't be processed until after you go to court or whatever), why can't you just go get him now? Can't be of much help since things are so vague.
  • delaniecastillo
    There is more to it but it take 20 mins to put it all down. I allowed my son to go with his dad for a summer visit with the understanding he was to bring him back in auguest 2012. next thing I know im getting calls demanding me to drop child support and when they started getting nasty about it I called the police the police call him they say he told them he was bringing him back. next thing I know Im getting served papers by a sherrif that he is going for fuill custody I filed a dispute filed my own parenting plan and im getting nowhere. now my child is telling me he doesnt want me and does not want to go home to me and im flippen devestated. Ive applied thru legal serivces and got turned down. I keep trying to get help from the law library theyve been the only who have helped me. I try going over there and I cant get near him.
    Why doesn't he want to go home with you? And if you currently have custody of him (since it won't be processed until after you go to court or whatever), why can't you just go get him now? Can't be of much help since things are so vague.

    I imagine he doesn't want to go home after being a year with his dad. No matter what circumstance, usually they will rather just stay. And yes, it is so vague. Too many holes trying to figure out the whole story.
  • SANDRA_F26
    SANDRA_F26 Posts: 180
    I was only talking in past tense becuase I was trying to explain my side of what was happening when I had him I still love him I love him so much it hurts. And my son is more important then any relationship id get rid of the man before i got rid of my kid. I just made a mistake and im paying for it. I guess I was hoping to get a little support mayb from someone here whos gone thru something similar. but all im getting for the most part is gee your a freaking lying dumba$$ And Im sorry if somehow I gave anyonre that impression. and They have my son home schooled so there is no way to just pick him up from school. Its like the boy is on lock down.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I was only talking in past tense becuase I was trying to explain my side of what was happening when I had him I still love him I love him so much it hurts. And my son is more important then any relationship id get rid of the man before i got rid of my kid. I just made a mistake and im paying for it. I guess I was hoping to get a little support mayb from someone here whos gone thru something similar. but all im getting for the most part is gee your a freaking lying dumba$$ And Im sorry if somehow I gave anyonre that impression. and They have my son home schooled so there is no way to just pick him up from school. Its like the boy is on lock down.
    I didn't say any of that. What mistake?
  • delaniecastillo
    I was only talking in past tense becuase I was trying to explain my side of what was happening when I had him I still love him I love him so much it hurts. And my son is more important then any relationship id get rid of the man before i got rid of my kid. I just made a mistake and im paying for it. I guess I was hoping to get a little support mayb from someone here whos gone thru something similar. but all im getting for the most part is gee your a freaking lying dumba$$ And Im sorry if somehow I gave anyonre that impression. and They have my son home schooled so there is no way to just pick him up from school. Its like the boy is on lock down.

    No one is calling you a dumba** or saying you don't love your kid but you really aren't making much sense regarding the story.
    I think most are trying to help but there isn't enough info. Is there anything in your past that your ex has on you to possibly get full custody? If not, then you should be golden. Let him take you to court and let the judge decide.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    he is probably home schooled because he is Autistic not because he is on lock down.
    you said in the first post he was only sposed to go for a few days, then it turned into an entire summer.

    you said you notified authorities and the courts and nothing is happening, they are taking the side of the father, its clear
    sounds like you speak to the father if you have all this information about the childs schooling and the fact he doesn't want to return to your care

    the child isn't going to want to come back to your home willingly if he has developmental disability, he doesn't understand whats going on. leave him with his father if that is where is getting the best care, and seek out a mediator