Can't seem to lose weight



  • Acxa
    Acxa Posts: 22 Member
    edited June 2016
    i completely understand, dont take me wrong. and I've been doing this for more than a 5 months, maybe i am over eating, like i said i will log everything and scale everything i eat tomorrow, but its a weekend so i will probably under-eat but for a Monday that will be my regular day.
    I used to log everything i ate but i never reached the 1,200 cal, my usual would be 700-900 but i guess that's because i never used a scale then (i'd estimate it by cup sizes).
  • shortcdngirl
    shortcdngirl Posts: 56 Member
    These last three weeks I stopped weighing my foods. guess what. I gained a pound. Best assured that today after grocery shopping I prepped and weighed all my food for this coming week. Gaining a pound was enough for me to understand I have to weigh my foods.

    Such great advice on this thread. Please consider it.
  • Acxa
    Acxa Posts: 22 Member
    Pretty sure OP is a troll? People giving her tons of common sense advice and all their responses are confrontational or dismissive. If you're not losing weight, you're eating too much. If you're always hungry, stop drinking smoothies and have something more satiating.

    i dont always drink a smoothie, that would be only 1-2 times per week and the smoothie is the only thing that would fill me up. also dont be so ignorant if you read the previous posts i just posted you'd see that im willing to scale my food
  • shortcdngirl
    shortcdngirl Posts: 56 Member
    To the op. Do you drink coffee tea soda etc. Along those lines
  • Acxa
    Acxa Posts: 22 Member
    edited June 2016
    To the op. Do you drink coffee tea soda etc. Along those lines

    i would drink green tea, but not everyday. and the only other drink would be just water
  • Acxa
    Acxa Posts: 22 Member
    ammo7 wrote: »
    OP, I'm glad you will weigh your food tomorrow - it can be interesting to see how we can easily view something as "not much" but actually it contains quite a lot of calories.

    To get an objective view of what you've been eating, it would be interesting for you to choose your portions before weighing them tomorrow. Usually, I would tare the scale with my bowl on it, then add the number of grams of food that I wanted. However, it would be cool if you tared the scale with your bowl on it, removed the bowl and added the amount of food that looks good to you, and then put it back on the scale to find out how much it weighs. Just interesting to not let the scale influence you tomorrow, to get a good idea of what you've been eating.

    Yes that's how i will do it, i will weight my food as i would eat it daily. just that tomorrow is a weekend so i'm likely just to eat 2 meals because i'm not working so i dont feel as hungry as i would when i actually am working
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    aocix wrote: »
    i completely understand, dont take me wrong. and I've been doing this for more than a 5 months, maybe i am over eating, like i said i will log everything and scale everything i eat tomorrow, but its a weekend so i will probably under-eat but for a Monday that will be my regular day.
    I used to log everything i ate but i never reached the 1,200 cal, my usual would be 700-900 but i guess that's because i never used a scale then (i'd estimate it by cup sizes).

    Ive been at this almost 2 years. I dont think I will give up weighing my foods ever because while sometimes I can eyeball a portion and it can be correct its not correct a lot of other times lol and with only 15-24 lbs left to lose I have to be as accurate as I can be although lately Im eating closer to maintenance as I have been having a rough week.weight loss takes time and hard work but its worth it. you will get there and since you are willing to weigh stuff makes it that much better. Im willing to bet you will be like" holy cow". some packaged foods from time to time may be what the package states but often its not. you learn as you go :)
  • Etsar73
    Etsar73 Posts: 260 Member
    Fantastic that you are going to use a scale. I love my scale and have been using it since day one. You get used to it pretty quickly. I just got back from the supermarket and checked out plain oats while l was there.... 125 calories for 33 grams!
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    OP and everyone, I really appreciate this thread. I have not been measuring and weighing my food (although I have a food scale)... Somehow I've managed to lose 37 lbs but I've been stuck at a plateau for the past 2 months. Sitting here wondering what I'm doing wrong, I can safely assume it has everything to do with my portions. I barely weigh my food but seeing this thread makes me want to reevaluate that. I don't always portion out my food and I definitely do eyeball everything. However, I'm really starting to get the feeling that if I don't make this change soon, I'll always stay within the weight range I've been for the past 2 months.

    I haven't really stressed about the numbers on the scale because clothes are fitting loosely despite the lack of movement on the scale, but I'd like to reach my goals one day. I'll continue to follow this thread to see how the OP makes out on the weighing of food tomorrow. I'm very interested in seeing how this all turns out.

    Don't follow, just get a food scale. Mind blown! Watch this!
  • baciodolce18
    baciodolce18 Posts: 113 Member
    I have to echo other sentiments though about your lack of protein and fat contributing to you being hungry. Get your calories in a deficit and figure out how to add some fats and proteins and you won't feel so hungry even in a deficit.

    (Hopefully. Ideally. In a perfect world. But most likely.)
  • boomboom70
    boomboom70 Posts: 13 Member
    OP I was the same as you (although not quite as obstinate ;-)).

    I really thought I had my portions down. I started weighing and I was wrong! Like you my breakfast of Greek yogurt and cereal was not huge at ALL but when I actually weighed it it was twice what I should eat! I am now used to the new smaller - well right-sized - portions and have finally had a 2lbs loss.

    1000 cals a day is nothing! There is no way you are eating that few calories going by your daily spread. But anyway see how you go with weighing, I will be interested to see your findings.
  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 402 Member
    Just for comparison, OP, I am also 5 foot 5 and moderately active (walking 10,000 steps on average every day, no other exercise), and I've been losing weight exactly as predicted by MFP - 1 pound per week on 1,500 calories per day and 1/2 pound per week on 1,700 calories per day. I weigh absolutely everything I can.
  • Peregrymj
    Peregrymj Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2016
    Ditto on trying to get some protein and fat in that diet. Can you do eggs?
    Do you know what's exactly causing your stomach problems? Like, just had a friend learn she was allergic to corn, which is in everything. Knowing would help expand your diet because currently it seems kind of limiting and if it's not filling you up properly or losing you weight might be time to experiment in the kitchen.