6-week Kettlebell Challenge (7/1/10 to 8/12/10)

inguvap Posts: 85 Member
I want to start a kettlebell workout challenge for 6-weeks. I workout at a gym and I have the access to kettlebells there but the lowest wt available is 8kg. I will be working out 3 times a week (M,W,F) and will be posting my workouts here. In addition to this, I will continue with my walk/elliptical workouts 5 to 6 days a week.

I have a couple of DVDs at home (Gin Miller and Amy Bento) and a 10lb KB so in case I can’t make it to the gym, I can pop in the DVD and workout at home.

According to what I have been reading on various websites including BodyBuilding.com, 6 weeks of hard work with KBs can transform the body.

I am dying to work my ab muscles and tighten up my arms and this seems to be a perfect way. Any takers? Also weekly or biweekly check-ins are welcome.

My goal is to lose 5-8 lbs by the end of 6 weeks. I am not counting the body fat as I am not sure how accurate these body fat monitors are so I choose to go by body weight/dress size.

Any takers?


  • sagithia
    sagithia Posts: 135 Member
    I am sooo in! Are we starting today?? I have the dvds at home and 5lb kettlebells. I will start doing them every other day so 3 times a week and incorporate other cardio the remainder of the days!
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    I've been doing kettlebell workouts at home for a couple weeks now and like how they get my heart rate up but are working my muscles too. I started with a 8 pound kettlebell and am still using that one. Mine came with a Danskin DVD that was about 45 minutes long and i did that to start with and I just did a new one this morning called Power Body Kettlebell Bootcamp with Angie Miller....it was pretty good and had some new moves so I think i'll stick with that one for awhile. I plan on doing kettlebell routines 3-4 times a week. Also running (steady runs or HIIT) for the other days.

    So obviously.....I'M IN :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I love kettlebell workouts so I am definitely in!
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    I'M IN!!!! AND VERY EXCITED!!!!!!!!! I have an 8 and 10lb KB at home with a Gin Miller DVD and just got a new DVD I haven't tried yet. Great challenge! Thanks for posting! I needed something to jumpstart me into working out again (I've taken a week's hiatus due to laziness). Doing my new DVD w/ the 8lb tonight. Will check-in tomorrow.
  • demiahbryant
    demiahbryant Posts: 12 Member
    I'm willing to join in as well - I have access to kettlebells at the gym at my job, and the challenge would get my butt back in gear for my Monday KB class. I presume the challenge begins 7/1?
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I want to start a kettlebell workout challenge for 6-weeks. I workout at a gym and I have the access to kettlebells there but the lowest wt available is 8kg. I will be working out 3 times a week (M,W,F) and will be posting my workouts here. In addition to this, I will continue with my walk/elliptical workouts 5 to 6 days a week.

    I have a couple of DVDs at home (Gin Miller and Amy Bento) and a 10lb KB so in case I can’t make it to the gym, I can pop in the DVD and workout at home.

    According to what I have been reading on various websites including BodyBuilding.com, 6 weeks of hard work with KBs can transform the body.

    I am dying to work my ab muscles and tighten up my arms and this seems to be a perfect way. Any takers? Also weekly or biweekly check-ins are welcome.

    My goal is to lose 5-8 lbs by the end of 6 weeks. I am not counting the body fat as I am not sure how accurate these body fat monitors are so I choose to go by body weight/dress size.

    Any takers?

    I have a 10 lb kettlebell that came with a DvD (danskin). I just did it last night, but haven't been consistant. I also use the elliptical & walking as my major form of cardio workouts. I've been wishing that my gym would start a Kettle Bell workout because of all the good things I hear about it. My arms and legs (thighs) are my problem areas I would love to "tighten" up.

    Thanks for creating this challenge. :flowerforyou: I'm totally IN :bigsmile:

    BTW, How many lbs. is 8 kg.? :embarassed:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I just remembered I'm having "woman surgery" on July 16th. I'm not to do any strenuous exercise 4 - 6 weeks after. However, I will definately be walking as my form of exercise. I have a habit.... cardio :laugh:
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Sagithia, you can start today. I have been working out with KBs for 10 days now EOD and it's kicking my butt.
    spicy618, Sarah, demiahbryant , mdpeck ... welcome to the challange.

  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I'm in too! I have a 5lb and a 10lb, the Gin Miller workout and the Firm's workout for KB. I've been doing the KB at least 2 times a week for a while (about a month maybe?), but I'll step it up for our challenge here. I also currently do belly dance workouts, Laila Ali Knockout boxing workout and a Mitch Gaylord 10 minute core melt thing with a weighted ball.

    I've been looking for other KB DVD's - been eyeing the Bento one ... any other suggestions?
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Since I can not use the dvds in the gym, this is what I have been doing so far...

    Warm up: 5 to 8 min walk/jog
    2 rounds of body wt squats(30 to 50), pushups (10 to 15) and pullups (I do assisted 10/12) – 5 to 6 minutes

    1st circuit
    1) double swings 20 to 25
    2) Single Arm Cleans 8 to 10
    3) Single arm Snatches 5 to 6
    4) Pass around – 25
    Take a water break (no more than 45 sec) and repeat 2 or 3 more times (time – 8 to 11 minutes)

    2nd circuit
    1) Plie Squats with KB (30 to 50)
    2) Single Leg Dead Lifts (15 to 20 on each leg)
    3) Reverse Lunge with Twist or Walking Lunge with Twist with KB (12 to 15 each leg)

    Take a water break and repeat 2 more times – 10 to 12 minutes
    3rd Circuit
    1) Rows Single or double armed (12 to 15)
    2) KB crunches (8 to 12)
    3) Russian Twist (8 – 10)

    Take a water break and repeat 2 more times. (7 to 10 minutes)

    I am out of the gym in 60 minutes. I was sore beyond my imagination the first time I did this but slowly I am getting better. I have been using the 8kg bell have done this workout 5 times. I can already see changes in my arms.

    In a week, I will be changing the routine (or may be just reps) and I will post the details then.

  • nuttyrubs
    nuttyrubs Posts: 95
    can we use dumbbells instead?
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Padma, that sounds like a killer workout! :smile: I don't belong to a gym so I'll be working out at home. I've considered just doing my own routine as opposed to following a DVD. Maybe I'll use yours as a model.

    This is going to be great :bigsmile:
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    nuttyrubs, you can use dumbells too but I am not sure how you can do swings with them though. I suggest you google for more info. You can do squats, dead lifts, lunge twists, russian twists with the dbs. Also, you can do cleans and snatches but the dbs have to be heavy enough to get the ideal burn. Again, be careful and research as much as possible before using dbs instead of KBs but it is certainly doable.
  • Jennie76
    Jennie76 Posts: 1
    I want to join! I have a 10 lb. KB and a video that's sort of been sitting around and not gettin' used. So, thanks for the invite to join in and get moving!
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    Since I can not use the dvds in the gym, this is what I have been doing so far...

    Warm up: 5 to 8 min walk/jog
    2 rounds of body wt squats(30 to 50), pushups (10 to 15) and pullups (I do assisted 10/12) – 5 to 6 minutes

    1st circuit
    1) double swings 20 to 25
    2) Single Arm Cleans 8 to 10
    3) Single arm Snatches 5 to 6
    4) Pass around – 25
    Take a water break (no more than 45 sec) and repeat 2 or 3 more times (time – 8 to 11 minutes)

    2nd circuit
    1) Plie Squats with KB (30 to 50)
    2) Single Leg Dead Lifts (15 to 20 on each leg)
    3) Reverse Lunge with Twist or Walking Lunge with Twist with KB (12 to 15 each leg)

    Take a water break and repeat 2 more times – 10 to 12 minutes
    3rd Circuit
    1) Rows Single or double armed (12 to 15)
    2) KB crunches (8 to 12)
    3) Russian Twist (8 – 10)

    Take a water break and repeat 2 more times. (7 to 10 minutes)

    I am out of the gym in 60 minutes. I was sore beyond my imagination the first time I did this but slowly I am getting better. I have been using the 8kg bell have done this workout 5 times. I can already see changes in my arms.

    In a week, I will be changing the routine (or may be just reps) and I will post the details then.


    Thanks for this routine!! I may use this instead of a DVD some days :)
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    HI everyone

    I guess i found you just in time :)

    Today i have purchased my KB- 10lbs and it came with a DVD- i did it today for the first time and i like the way it brings the HR up in" no time " I have lots of problem zones- mostly legs /butt etc... so i hope this will help in " slimming " those areas down.

    I'm in- thank you for posting this, i hope you guys will be active here and post often, i need all the motivation i can get
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    So as i said before, i've been doing kettlebell's for a couple weeks and it's going great. I love the workouts.

    So....yesterday I started a new dvd routine.....Powerbody Kettlebell Bootcamp DVD with Angie Miller. I liked it, wasn't sure if i loved it.

    I woke up this morning....and boy is my butt and hamstrings sore haha. Usually my protein powder I use after i workout tends to keep soreness away, but even with that I'm sore. I don't know about all of you, but I like the feeling of being sore. Reminds me that the workout is working :)

    I'm taking a day off inbetween my kettlebell workouts, so this morning I just did brisk walking for about 75 minutes.

    P.S. I know technically I started this challenge early haha sorry!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning all!

    I know the challenge hasn't officially begun, but I had already done my Danskin Kettle Bell Dvd on Monday... My back felt really sore yesterday but not my legs. I did the elliptical instead yesterday cause I didn't want to hurt anything.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this expected for the first few times? I have pretty strong legs so not feeling much soreness there. I looked in the mirror as I did my workout and thought I was doing it correctly. Am I supposed to keep a flat back while doing the squat, thrust move?

    Any advice appreciated :flowerforyou:
  • flwyland
    flwyland Posts: 142
    This sounds like just what I need! I bought a 10lb kettlebell with a DVD last week and haven't had time to try the workout yet. By joining this challenge I'll have to get it into the player. :embarassed: I'll start tomorrow, and next week I'll aim for M/W/F.
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    Morning all!

    I know the challenge hasn't officially begun, but I had already done my Danskin Kettle Bell Dvd on Monday... My back felt really sore yesterday but not my legs. I did the elliptical instead yesterday cause I didn't want to hurt anything.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this expected for the first few times? I have pretty strong legs so not feeling much soreness there. I looked in the mirror as I did my workout and thought I was doing it correctly. Am I supposed to keep a flat back while doing the squat, thrust move?

    Any advice appreciated :flowerforyou:

    The first time I did the workout I occasionally felt it in my back, but never got sore there. What I did specifically to make sure I wasn't putting stress on my back, especially on the swings...was too keep my core tight and when you swing up your arms and thrust your hips forward don't curve your back. Sometimes when I would bring my arms up above my head when doing the swing I would go too far and end up curving my back and that's when I could feel the stress.

    I no longer have had any issues with my back or feeling it there. That's all I got for advice haha hopefully it helps :)